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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 1178x862, In CryptoBro we trust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5307309 No.5307309 [Reply] [Original]

Good afternoon /biz/. Two days ago, at a little over 18k per coin, I warned all of you that bitcoin would take a huge downturn and that you should move your money into tethers and other coins. Pic related.

Those who listened saved themselves tons of money. The dumbass trolls and naysayers posting nonsense lost money.

If i get 25 replies saying "In CryptoBro We Trust", I'll give you my next solid tip to make and/or save you tons of cryptobucks.

Also, feel free to ask questions in you're new to cryto.

>> No.5307407


>> No.5307427
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>lose a good chunk of value
>up 95% this month

>> No.5307494
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I believe in you, amigo. What do you think about the recent news that the US government plans to tax trades starting next year, will this lead to lots of people leaving the market, never to return? Or will it just reduce daytrading and increase the amount of long term holders in the market?

In CryptoBro We Trust.

>> No.5307502
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In CryptoBro We Trust
Switch all to dragon then forget about crypto for several months, yay or nay?

>> No.5307512

In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5307540

"In CryptoBro We Trust"

I'm all ears CryptoBro

>> No.5307565
File: 30 KB, 600x399, dpsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In CryptoBro We Trust -

- as much as I trust anyone here.

>> No.5307584

Fuck off Pajeet.. go edge your dick somewhere else.

>> No.5307620

Statistics and TA doesn't work on crypto. You have to either use insider info, just luck, patience, or qualitative information sources.

Suck adic bru


>> No.5307650

Sage goes in all fields

>> No.5307674


you didnt warn me, I didnt see that thread

>> No.5307686
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In CryptoBro We Thrust

>> No.5307692
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fuck off faggot

>> No.5307703

Whatever helps you sleep at night gentlemen. There were naysayers in the last thread too who didn't heed my advice. All will learn in time.

Also 5/25.

>> No.5307705


>> No.5307773


>> No.5307796

>Move your money into tethers
Surely nobody is stupid enough to take this advice

>> No.5307814
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>> No.5307825

Is BCH going to ever fucking pump when coinbase unlocks the ability to buy?

>> No.5307856
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..In CryptoBro We Trust?

>> No.5307900
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>> No.5307932

Wait are we supposed to buy wetrust?

>> No.5307937

Is this a good time to buy?

Anyway, In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5307967
File: 1000 KB, 2406x1456, Buy DragonChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There does seem to be people who are genuinely interested in the advice i'm going to give. Thank you all who participated. Anyway, I'll begin.

Yes, DRGN is a long term hold until September 2018 at least. Check this picture out with some info that I've highlighted that makes it a solid hold. Be extremely careful though buying off of EtherDelta at the moment. They just got hacked and it may not be safe to use their exchange.


>Implying that tethers is a permanent hold of your money and not used to hold value while the market corrects.

I did smirk a bit at that. Pretty funny.

>> No.5307988
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In cryptobro we trust!

>> No.5308030

In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5308034

Need a serious fucking advice.
I have predicted all of this and moved my money out. But it was too soon: I could have doubled/tripled all my savings with aggressive trading and following uptrends (LINK, TRX, OMG, NEO, ETH etc, etc, I was a holder, but could have gained much more).
The real reason I did this: I was afraid of Tether collapsing and exchanges closing. I used Bitfinex and Binance as my primary platforms.
So should I go back in now? Even in a bear market I can make money (I think).

TL;DR: should I put my money in crypto or wait for 1 month?

>> No.5308038

its still up over 6k since the month started.

This is a healthy correction before it crosses 20k in a week or two. Zoom out.

>> No.5308067

Not yet, no. The market is still bleeding and when things start going red, people start to panic because many individuals in this game are new and freak out over small movements. I don't believe we've hit the bottom of this correction yet.

>> No.5308072

In cryptobro we trust

Always like different opinions

>> No.5308088

in cryptobro we trust

should I get XLM or XRP?

>> No.5308091

In cryptobro we trust

>> No.5308112
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>implying your silly tethers aren't going to be absolutely worthless exactly during such a moment

>> No.5308116
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What do you think about link?

>> No.5308204
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complete noob here, just bough xrp. did i fuck up?

>> No.5308266

I'm aware that we're up a ton and that this is a correction. I saw it coming a few days ago and tried to let my fellow /biz/nessmen know.

They both have extreme value because they're actually useful. Split your portfolio up between them. They both focus primarily on making payments and transactions practically free. It's guaranteed that one of them are going to end up being the victor in the transaction and money transfer market. Even if one fails, the one that you put your money into will more than x2 in value thus making back your investment and tons of profit afterwards.

>> No.5308401

are the alts going to correct after this run up?

>> No.5308410

Link has great potential but very high risk, I would put no more than 5-10% of my portfolio into it because it could totally fail, but if it succeeds then the benefits will be nice. The main issue is, if you put too much of your portfolio into it, then in the event of a mild downturn, you'll be stuck holding it waiting for the price to come back up, and if there are juicy opportunities that arise, you'll end up missing them. That's why you see so many people losing their minds about link on this board, they're too heavily invested in it.

>> No.5308412


how am I supposed to move my btc to alts when ALL THE ALTS ARE MOONING WTF

>> No.5308429

Crypto is just a mechanism to transfer wealth from the impatient to the patient

anyone who sells right now is a fool and Ill gladly watch them cry in a year when they are wishing they didnt fall for the fud

>> No.5308450

In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5308490

>In tealeaves we trust

>> No.5308498


in cryptobro we trust.

Whatever your call is I will go all in

>> No.5308503

Thoughts on REQ LINK and NEO?

>> No.5308557

XRP is a good coin, but never put in 100% of your portfolio into any one coin.

By selling bitcoins for tethers and putting them into alts.

It depends on what you hold, but yes, the useful coins will absolutely skyrocket to an insane value in the future.

Tea is generally good for you.

>> No.5308569
File: 19 KB, 236x353, 6ae3d896f37bc331f963553f04bd0d5f--talvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you predicted the inevitable. And now we should bow to you. Just fuck off..

>> No.5308580
File: 38 KB, 399x349, 1498806876824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like the 10th thread this morning with the "I told you bitcoin would dip!!!" "prediction." No shit it was going to dip. Everyone with single digit IQ or higher knew this.

Even worse, not only are you a trip fag, you are secure tripping. No one is going to steal your "identity" sweetie.


>> No.5308587

Imagine predicting that the sun will set in the evening and then acting all smug when it happens.

>> No.5308607

in cryptobro we bust ;---)

>> No.5308640

im 100% into ICX, tell me its a bad idea

>u cant

>> No.5308674

>In CryptoBro We Trust
Show me the money now

>> No.5308681

Never go all in on one coin. Some coins will fail and you don't want to be knocked out of this game. Split your portfolio up between QTUM, NEO, XRP, MCO, DRGN and XLM. They all have an actual use and will rise in the long run.

>coming into a thread and telling someone to fuck off

I haven't looked enough into REQ yet to give you and informed response. NEO will have solid growth because of its fundamentals, as for link, refer to this post. >>5308410

>> No.5308750

Thoughts on OMG?
In crypto bro we trust

>> No.5308754

You are LARPing and have no clue what you are talking about. Prove me wrong.

>> No.5308777

ICX might be solid, but remember that there have been coins that have literally dropped to $0. Why risk being completely and totally knocked out of the game when you can split your portfolio up between useful coins and practically guarantee your solid gains? Good luck to you though.

>> No.5308799


>> No.5308832
File: 22 KB, 580x500, portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Cryptobro We Trust

Care to comment on my portfolio allocation? For reference total value is ~115k

>> No.5308843



>> No.5308869

What coin for u recommand for the long run (Q4 2018)
Looking to invest 200$

>> No.5308921

Just tell it already

>> No.5308930

In Cryptobro we trust.

Any thoughts on PRL?

>> No.5308937


In cryptobro we trust

Where can I trade alts that:
A) won't randomly steal my money
B) report every transaction i do to the IRS
C) does not ask me for my passport and dick pic w/ timestamp to let me trade

>> No.5308952

OMG is a solid play. They're expanding into the IndoChinese market where many of the people there don't have bank accounts but have smartphones and can utilize OMG.

All will become clear when those who follow my advice make gains.

Split between XRP and XLM. Don't be a dumb ass and sell when it doubles or triples. The total potential for these coins is insanely high.

>> No.5308987


>> No.5308996
File: 26 KB, 390x377, IMG_5268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In CryptoBro We Trust

spill it negro

>> No.5309030

>asks for support
>ignores the first question a supporter asks him

thanks a lot, shitbird

>> No.5309048

>Those who listened saved themselves tons of money.

kek, ive doubled up since last week and still climbing. never saw your last post. fuck off tripfag

>> No.5309100

Thoughts on XMR for 2018?

>> No.5309132

That's an extremely solid and disciplined portfolio, nice work!

Check the thread, I've been dropping my tips on what to buy.

I haven't put extreme thought into dodging taxes, and jailtime is more detrimental to any potential capital gains tax one will have to pay. I believe though that you could launder your money through Monero and then put it into a wallet that you have no personal connection to.

>> No.5309134

New to the game, I’m looking to throw down $250. What should I buy?

In Cryptobro we trust!

>> No.5309144

Would you recommend going fully to a position to TETHER right now? Or later today once things move up a bit? Or half and half?

>> No.5309155

im brand new to crypto, thinking of doing an even split of eth/wabi/omg/xlm/xrp

>> No.5309156

ICX. Comfy 50% bros.

>> No.5309193
File: 258 KB, 1920x1080, 3294765-red+dead+redemption+2++official+trailer+#2.mp4.00_00_35_28.still002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Cryptobro We Trust

>> No.5309212

Sorry bro! I overlooked your post. The cryptomarket is fueled by now by full blown greed. People aren't even considering taxes when making their purchases, all they're thinking about are their gains and their yachts. The trading won't slow down.

>> No.5309261


>> No.5309268

in crypto bro we trust

whats the difference between crypto and the dotcom bubble

when's this shit popping?

>> No.5309277

In Cryptobro we trust.
New to cryptos, I have a few in XVG and XRP, but most of my money is on large coins. What do I do to help protect what little bit I have in?

>> No.5309279

refer to >>5308869 >>5308952

It depends on your portfolio. If you're in bitcoin, yes.

>> No.5309323

Mostly alts. They're weathering fine so far. But I fear that when I go to sleep the beast might shake things up again. It's hard to know what to do, Cryptobro!

>> No.5309333

it'll take a while for the legislation to make it through the proper channels anyway, but depending on how heavily they try to tax people it may end up scaring a lot of newcomers out of the game. i think the holidays will still be fueled by greed, but feb-march might see a slow down

>> No.5309369

They are extremely similar. During the dotcom bubble, there were a few solid websites like Amazon and Ebay and a horde of garbage trash sites that didn't actually do anything. After the bubbled popped, all the crap sites went out of business and Amazon/Ebay lost a bunch of value temporarily. The same will likely occur with crypto with the exception of coins like XRP, XLM, OMG, NEO, MCO and a few others that actually have value.

Invest in coins that have actual value and that you understand. Refer to my other posts.

>> No.5309396


Opinions on REQ & FUN?

>> No.5309411

Cryptobro what exchange should I use for alts?

I'd like to use bitfinex but they're not accepting new accounts atm. My options are Bittrex or Poloniex. I already have an account with both.

>> No.5309445

>it'll take a while for the legislation to make it through the proper channels anyway
if it does, but think about it, people will fomo in like crazy to be able to catch the last few untaxed moments of crypto trade, after that, mother bear market for sure, but I'm still not sure if taxing will even become a thing

>> No.5309501
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>moving averages

>> No.5309538
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How do you "bet against" a depth chart?

>> No.5309545

Yeah, that's a definite possibility but if you ask most people what the tax rates are on capital gains and whatnot, most wouldn't even be able to tell you. At least the non-traditional investors.

No opinion on REQ yet. FUN has solid fundamentals but is risky because it involves gambling. Governments could crack down on it at some point.

>> No.5309558
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>> No.5309569

In CryptoBro We Trust

CryptoBro what do you think about SANP or IFXY?

>> No.5309583

Hope you're doing well.

Do you think buying into mining rigs (that pay out in fiat) is a nice hedge?

They pay for themselves in 6-10 months and have a good life cycle. This is after a small management fee and power costs.

>> No.5309594


what do you think about komodo?

tybased bro

>> No.5309596

You don't. If you're trying to make miniscule gains at the possible expense of huge losses, you're going to lose this game in the long run.

>> No.5309601

In CryptoBro We Trust In CryptoBro We Trust In CryptoBro We Trust In CryptoBro We Trust In CryptoBro We Trust In CryptoBro We Trust In CryptoBro We Trust In CryptoBro We Trust In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5309619

Go fuck yourself in your fat fucking ass

>> No.5309633

In CryptoBro We Trust

How far do you think BTC will drop and is it worth buying in again when it's low?

>> No.5309662


I agree on the riskiness of FUN, their team was what convinced me to buy.

Where do you think the crypto market will head from here on? BTC is dipping pretty hard, so is BTCC, LTC and Ether. I've been a bit worried this is the beginning of the end.

>> No.5309672

I'll take a look at them and post a thread in the next few days again posting reviews and recommendations

>> No.5309689

There is a thread every day predicting the END. And i am like what end? We had a fucking epic hyper ultra bull run in the last weeks. In don't even need any TAs, just common sense that this will correct.

Your TAs have even worse odds to be right than a random 50:50 factor. But great after 3 weeks and 10000 of TAs predictions. One is right for like a specific time frame.

Rant over but this is getting pathetic...btw lost 20k of my nearly 7 digits portfolio...sick

>> No.5309751

In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5309805

Well, BTC is going to crash at some point with 100% certainty. I read an article that said that only 5% of millennials are invested into cryptocurrencies at the moment and that number is expected to rise to 33% by the end of 2018. There will be an end for sure, but I think we still have a good year or two. If you're worried about losing your money, then cash out 25% of all your gains every time you make them. Or, cash out your initial investment once you've made enough to continue on trading that way you're not emotionally invested in it anymore.

>> No.5309851

Interesting can you find me that article? It's not like the millenials have any srs purchasing power though.

>> No.5309864

Why hate when there are gains to be made off of free advice? All will learn in time.

Binance is pretty good and I use it sometimes.

>> No.5309890

Do you think that a BTC crash would mean an end to all of this, or would people just move over to BTCC/Ether/Altcoins and it'd grow from there?

I rode the LTC wave like a week ago and made a nice $2k profit, reinvest all of it in FUN & REQ. Hoping by Q2 2018 they'll be $3-4 each and I'm out of this bitch forever.

>> No.5310003

True, but most babyboomers and older folks are technologically illiterate and only know how to buy BTC, LTC and ETH on coinbase. While the millenials have less purchasing power, I think they'll actually get invested into the alt market and whatnot in the hopes of hitting it big and not having to work for the rest of their lives.

Refer to my explanation about how this is similar to the dotcom bubble. >>5309369

You should also consider putting some into XRP and XLM because they actually have a use value and will rise quite a bit at some point. Solid plan though.

>> No.5310063

Anyway gents, I've been answering your questions for the past hour and 15 minutes and I need to jet. God speed, Good luck, and I'll talk to you all again soon.

CryptoBro out.

>> No.5310110

I've been telling people for months BTC was going to die and XRP will be going up...


>> No.5310119

In CryptoBro we trust.

Care to share your thoughts on any of the following: BCH, IOTA, NAV, Ark?

>> No.5310225
File: 368 KB, 750x1334, 0BAE6DBD-5540-4D91-AEE3-ACA048B36274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to go broke, cryptobro?

>> No.5310226

>274000 unconfirmed transactions
>BTC price keeps dropping

It's all downhill from here! Corecucks are getting BTFO! I'm glad I was able get out of my BCT/BCH positions two days ago!

>> No.5310419
File: 51 KB, 1023x1023, DCE06B46-5FB6-4698-8B76-D32D20EBBD25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In CryptoBro We Trust.

Honest thoughts on pic related and the bull run it’s been on?
When should I exit?
Exit to what?


>> No.5310495

What you think about waves?

>> No.5310588


If they tax it what's stopping everyone from giving up their citizenship and cashing out in another country? As long as you can get citizenship somewhere else or have some already it's better than giving it to the US government

>> No.5311084

should i hodl litecoin i bought when it was at 375

>> No.5311165

That’s why I buy and sell mine through a certificate listed on an stock exchange. Easier with taxes too.

>> No.5311642

In cryptothe bros we trust

>> No.5311720

broken clock twice a day etc.

>> No.5311731
File: 54 KB, 156x142, yeff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction and retrace is a given. Anyone who has looked at charts for more than 3 days can tell you that. You are not some prophet of profits lol.

>> No.5311753

In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5311777

In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5311788

In Cryptobro We Trust

>> No.5311833

Also, Are you as bullish as I am on ADA in the long-term?

>> No.5311869

Shit that wasn't my post. lel Still take double dubs in a row though.

>> No.5311882

checked ur double dubs

>> No.5311941

>when should I exit
When it's $8

>> No.5311945

mining rig is a gamble on future price. you think you can accumulate X amount of whatever and then whatever hits Y price.

>> No.5312019

In iota I trust!

>> No.5312022

In CryptoBro We Trust

Now, what's the bottom of the current dip for BTC? 90% of my portfolio is in ETH at the moment which is still strong, but I don't know if BTC is going to go back to $20k or if ETH is going over $1k.

I lost out on a ton of gains by having my money in ETH instead of BTC during this last bull run, I don't want to make the mistake twice.

>> No.5312160

Cryptobro, what's your opinion on Cindicator and GIFTO?

In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5312290


>> No.5312345

What you think about WAVES?

In CryptoBro We Trust
B КpиптoБpo Mы Bepим (russian bonus)

>> No.5312509

Wait hold on I don’t get this. What is the advantage of selling BTC into USDT and then buying alts with tethers? What’s the difference assuming you’re doing all this within a negligible timespan?

>> No.5312542
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>I lost out on a ton of gains by having my money in ETH instead of BTC
Are you me?

>> No.5312731

No, the rig mines and pays me in fiat. It uses the algorithms from win-miner

>> No.5312988
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Breaking news...Anon discovers gravity

>> No.5313120

you're alright

>> No.5313819
File: 72 KB, 303x450, fa250860-ab69-4b52-9a56-4f2cef41ae49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had $5k in ETH
>Only had $100 in BTC, XMR, and IOTA each
>I could have 4x but instead I only 2x
>I could have 8x but I only 2x

My suffering is real.

>> No.5314133
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you tell me something about ETH? It seems to be holding better than BTC and not following BTC dips as much as it did before but the growth this month was enormous and I'm afraid there might be some huge correction incoming
So far I only dipped my toe in crypto with small testing-the-waters investment of 2k that I was able to double this past month. I'm about to put all my savings (50k) on one "low risk" coin for short period of time (to pull it back as soon as I'm able to make 5% gains and continue playing with the ~5k I'll hopefully make) and my bets were on ETH so far, but after it got to 800 range I'm not sure what to do anymore. I would appreciate any comments as I can't afford losing this cash and I'd like to stay as safe as possible.

anyways In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5314239

It's always been taxed ya goof

>> No.5314252

meant to say 10% gains obviously, brainfart - sorry for that

>> No.5314282

In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5314345

in cryptobro we trust

>> No.5314359

''In CryptoBro we trust''

>> No.5314379


>> No.5314396

Try $30k in ETH

>> No.5314436

In Cryptobro We Trust

what now...........

>> No.5314454

Do you think BTC will go lower as 13k?

>> No.5314458
File: 161 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171221-095117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptobro how should I split my ETH holdings

>> No.5314595

Thanks again, your posts have helped with a lot my gains.

>> No.5314872

ur about 14 days late.
dont worry i missed out also.
x15 trx
x16 xvg
Why even fucking live now

>> No.5315302

started with .3 currently on .8 after 6 months

fucked up so much should have like 3 btc should i kms?


>> No.5315539

>In CryptoBro We Trust
In CryptoBro We Trust
>In CryptoBro We Trust
In CryptoBro We Trust
>In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5315942

In crytobro we trust

Is bch gonna go back up? Or should I cut my losses and get out

>> No.5316173

I would never put my savings on shitcoins though, I look for something relatively stable for quick 10% gains so I can get out asap and only play with what I earn. Then I can look for the x10 moon missions like the ones you mentioned.

>> No.5316245

wait for literally a day to see how the burger insurgence on coinbase alters the price. the happening which caused the price hike is now actually happening. not yet on eu though.

>> No.5316333

In CryptoBro We Trust

btw can you take a look at maidsafecoin's charts and tell me if you're seeing the same thing as me?

>> No.5316738

In CryptoBro we trust

XVG or XMR? I want to hold one of these long-term, but it's a tough decision.

Also, how safe it is to make small bets only based on depth charts? I've made a few +1% trades over the last few days without putting much thought into it.