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53073002 No.53073002 [Reply] [Original]

My whole self esteem is based on numbers in my bank account and number of women that I fucked. Does this happen for you are you are well mentality adjusted human being?

>> No.53073015

>number of women that I fucked
how many?

>> No.53073031

It should be those 2 things plus your weightlifting progress

>> No.53073047

This but also body fat percentage

>> No.53073049

13. I'm 27. Was in long term relationship till 25 with one woman and 12 girls that I slept happened in last 2 years

>> No.53073059

>Does this happen for you
That is why a became a coomer. I try changing it by cutting of bad habits and regulating my brain chemistry more. Start with doing cardio

>> No.53073070

I bench 110kg after 7 years of lifting and and now when I'm near 30 considering doing steroids because I have shitty genetics

>> No.53073083

You’re wasting your time, I’m your age, my body count is higher than 30, and for me at least the higher it got the more it seemed vapid and pointless.
Sex with a grill you actually care about > the novelty of chasing ass
But I can understand why you’d want to experiment if you’ve only slept with 1 up to 25

>> No.53073111
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generally agree but a couple factors are missing
self esteem is a complex formula which has the following parameters
>numbers in bank
>women fucked
>arm size
>amount of cocaine snorted in the last hour

>> No.53073262

>sex maxing just to increase your chances of getting permanent stds
yeah nah, my self esteem is based purely on my physical health and financial status

>> No.53073320
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>valuing the number of whores you fucked and not the number of actual meaningful relationships with positive memories you had

>> No.53073365

How so many wtf explain how you meet them?

>> No.53073396
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it is possible being a poor, sexless, too fat/skinny and have a genuine real no larping cope, high self-esteem?

i mean. i know people, but they are oldfarts who have already lived almost everything that life offers

>> No.53073402

Be happy for that, as you get older you'll realize nothing matters, people are retarded, self-esteem is just a jewish invention and the abyss will swallow you whole like a drunken chinese masseusse on new year's eve

>> No.53073417

I've only had sex once when I was 23.
I am now 28
I hate this

>> No.53075101
File: 76 KB, 600x750, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes explain to us

>> No.53075125

You are a nigger

>> No.53075150

based soraya poster

>> No.53075197
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I've only made love with one girl. She's only made love with me. I intend to keep it that way.

>> No.53075202


Not OP but I have the same experience as him. Dating apps worked for me. It's literally like a game, you get better at it.

>> No.53075549

#1 should be your internal physical health.
Does having sex kill the hookworms living in your intestines? No.
Does lifting weights purge your body of mercury? No.
Does a bank account save you from contact with xenoestrogens? No.

>> No.53075571
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What the fuck is self-esteem?? I havent heard of that shit since my guidance counselor visited in high school

>> No.53075596

happens to everyone whether they admit it to themselves or not.

either you got laid in high school and kept that ball rolling or you didn't and now you will be poor and unsuccessful for life. because we're animals motivated by whether or not we can get our dicks touched in exchange for making an effort. take enormous superhuman exercise of willpower to make something of yourself without anyone touching your dick

>> No.53075620

I don't think its much. And it doesn't mean all of them were high quality. I fucked one 47 yo cougar and another 37 but also 17, 19 and 23 yo virgins. Most of them I meet while travelling abroad. They were either European or middle Eastern or orient students in Europe. My theory is that women care about status and if I travel abroad they can't catch on all cultural clues and tell that I'm autist loser plus they are more willing to do it with a guy outside of their environment that nobody knows and will disappear so nobody would know they are sluts

>> No.53075640

>either you got laid in high school and kept that ball rolling or you didn't
just to clarify this is because women can't feel attraction for guys who are inexperienced. so if you don't get enough experience at a young age it eventually becomes too late. if you can't get laid in high school you're now an incel for life and motivation to succeed will be nearly impossible

>> No.53075656


I couldn't care less.

>> No.53075666


>> No.53075682

Should add that I was virgin until 21

>> No.53075714
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kek im up to around 50, fag. no, i dont have advice, im literally 6' 1" and good-looking. sorry

git guud

>> No.53075800

i'm getting toward 40 and thinking of having sex for the first time maybe

for me it's the quality that counts

>> No.53075815


Okay Satan.

>> No.53075847

no woman wants a man with zero experience at 40, for her it would be like dating a child or babysitting. and they can smell virginity like how a dog can smell fear

>> No.53076066

It's not a problem bro that's what hookers are for and a young hooker will like it

>> No.53076089

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53076659

No, because for a well adjusted human being, it's assumed they'll attain these goals so they don't even need to think about it.