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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53072623 No.53072623 [Reply] [Original]

No one on 4chan biz helps anymore.

Where do you guys go for info?

>> No.53072628

It's temporarily over for /biz/, you'll only find bagholders trying to shill their -95% bags here

>> No.53072646

this. there's like 3 genuine shitposters and the rest are just Asians shilling their worthless bags. if you see a shill post tell the Asians posting it to hang themselves

>> No.53072655

We told you to sell.

>> No.53072664
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what help do you need?

t. only real /biz/ poster left

>> No.53072671

If you are looking for the next good crypto, don't bother, there is not going to be any for a long time.

>> No.53072672

It's a trick of the rich - they'll tell you "you can do it too" but they'll deliberately mislead you off a cliff with "good advice" that's actually the worst advice you can follow. In other words, that's how the rich kill off their competition so they can keep the profits for themselves - they'll never reveal their secret sauce, and before y'all say "there's no SUch THing as a secret sAUUCEE!!! I WORKED HARD FOR MY MONEY" - all I have to say is that yes, there's a secret sauce to most extreme wealth building, it's just that the rich will do everything they can to hide it from you on purpose.

>> No.53072721

Why do you mean we don't help anymore? We've been telling you for months that Bitcoin will dump do $8k in 2023, all you have to do is sell everything, and wait until Mr. Jerome is finished nuking the markets (2024) so you can buy back in

>> No.53072767

Wtf are we really going that low?

>> No.53072951

I prefer this to nonstop bull market disinfo, 'officially FOMOing into' and shill threads 24/7. Compared to that, this is peaceful.

>> No.53073071

I guess. I've fallen victim to the permabull
I just bought back too soon

>> No.53073092

You are going to be priced out

>> No.53073124

Problem is this is a great time to shill or show off defensive strategies, even shitty "tea-leaf reading" nonsense like technical analysis. Instead, aside from the usual generals full of tripfags, we get the current catalog of off-topic nonsense and cope.

>> No.53073132

The truth is most people are NPCs and that includes rich people.

>> No.53073139

It comes to me in a dream.

>> No.53073187

I read up on zerohedge market articles, get some paid analyst takes, look to pozner or hayes for analysis.

Mostly focus on macro. That's what matters right now. Hard to justify buying crypto when Google and Amazon are down over 50%

>> No.53073297

Based lunc chads schizophrenics ftw. No mids.

>> No.53073313

CMMG and PMG are where you should be looking for help retard.

>> No.53073654

Hello sir do you acquire assisting?

>> No.53073736

Dude rocks lmao
Be rich when you're 60 lmao

>> No.53073744


>> No.53073766

This book thread is pretty cool >>53071716

>> No.53074209

How or where do I meet marriageable women, financially speaking?

>> No.53074354

A college campus or a city surrounding one

>> No.53074618

There are threads with days old on /biz/. Come back once everything is pumping again and retards come here in hordes because of FOMO.

>> No.53074868
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Been this way for a while. I've seen so many hel threads derailed bc faggots will insult people and stroke their chink cocks instead of providing info.

>> No.53074885


>> No.53074900

>I need advice!
>noooooooo thats not the advice I want to hear! You were suppose to give me advice that made me rich over night!

>> No.53074964

/smg/ is helpful. You don't get any help with crypto because there is no help for crypto. How much further does it have to dump before you finally realize that it's over?

>> No.53075067

I think that's true, at least partially if we consider the Musk's revealed messages he got.

>> No.53075094

every time I open up smg they are talking about inane bullshit like pets and marvel movies

>> No.53075102

Does that mean shills are trying to keep us away from buying?

>> No.53075141

>Pozner and Hayes
Gief first names

>> No.53075159

DYOR. By the way, I have only had sex with prostitutes.

>> No.53075210

/biz/ is dead and jannies killed it

>> No.53075231

Is it finally over for the sixth time?

>> No.53075264

We all left /biz/ to go to Reddit. We do frequent this site every now and then but most discussions have been moved over to that platform.

>> No.53075386

yes go to tradingview and draw the long term support meme line
but do note that if we get another 2000 or 2008 style shitfest in the regular market we might undershoot this support for a bit
now normally you could say yes looking at all crypto indicators itself this might be a good place to buy in, but macro will kill any attempt to rally until jerome is done strangling the market

/biz/ was too good so they killed it
it starts with the compromised jannies that delete real anon posts and all fun and yet allow endless bot spamming
after that it was unsalvageable
its a pretty hard problem any investing community would need some form of janny to stop jeet spamming, but these jannies themselves would be bribed by scams to shill their scam
the money in crypto is now so large is almost impossible to find uncorruptable jannies
you would need really made it people but why would they janny a mongolian horse etching forum, they just retreat to their own personal discords or telegrams that only allow other similar people
sorry op but now its impossible to find good education of crypto in the open internet, if you arent in some form of exclusionary ingroup its over for you

or you know instead of whining you can get gud and do your own research and draw your own conclusions