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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53070059 No.53070059 [Reply] [Original]

LINK buy price
BTC price at the time
ETH price at the time

LINK current price
>$5.55 (50x)
BTC current price
>$16k (2x)
ETH current price
>1.1k (0x)

how does this make you feel?

>> No.53070077

now, do a fair comparison of ATL vs. current price you retarded ape.

>> No.53070112

no, keep holding eth for 5 years for no gains tho

>> No.53070168

this is why everybody hates you, even with the horrible price action you're neing smug against who? the two literal best coins in crypto. I hope you never make it.

>> No.53070202

I hate ETH but I love Star Wars and Funko Pops... wtf?

>> No.53070206

LINK buy price
i agree with this, all the bagholders need to suffer

>> No.53070212

>new 3 year old low
>hodddlllll the line marinesss, we're STILL up from ICO!!!!!
>how does that make you FEEL, fudsisters???11

>> No.53070387

>holds eth for 0 gains
>holds btc for a measly 2x and falling

seethe, cope, dilate.

>> No.53070552
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what a goof

>> No.53070566

Classic truth always makes them seethe. They can't face cold, hard facts and instead just lie.
Wagmi soon. Never selling.

>> No.53070575
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>against who?
Jeez, I wonder why anon


>> No.53070580

>best coin
lol its objectively one of the worst theres no purpose to it now avax exists. link and avax are the only two things worth buying

>> No.53070587

I remember when LINK was ~ $0.1. I remember well because I bought REQ at the time. Nothing came of it, feel free to laugh. But I loosely followed LINK for some time and it's completely obvious that it did well because /biz/ chose to shill a low-cap coin. If you're a late buyer just know you're going to be a bagholder for the rest of your time.

>> No.53070664

Why would you even use ATL as an argument?
It can just as easily be used as a pro or a con argument, it means basically nothing

>> No.53070731

oof, it's that low already?

>> No.53070802

Because OP was dishonest in his comparison. He was comparing LINK's ATL with some random price for BTC and ETH.

>> No.53070830
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>> No.53070920

no I'm comparing time frames. Same as you trannies do when you compare link's ath with random time frames.

If you've held eth for 5 years you've literally lost money if you consider inflation, let that sink in for a moment

>> No.53070928

Fuck you.

>> No.53070941

the same thing applies to LINK, way to destroy your own argument

>> No.53070966
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>cherrypicked dates
Link got ouperformed by EVERYTHING you dumb nigger.

Solana, AVAX, Cardano, Dogecoin, Shibainu, HEX…you fucking name it

>> No.53070968

my argument is if you held link since it's inception like most people on /biz/ you are massively up which makes you trannies seethe.

how am I supposed to hold link before it's created, makes no sense anon. don't be mad because I've bet on the winning horse and you didn't.

>> No.53070972

Seething trannies
It's a valid comparison because LINK didn't exist when btc and eth came out so you cant measure its success beyond the timeframe of it existing
You're a disingenuous niggertranny

>> No.53070982

measuring performance from LINK's top is also valid you mongoloids

>> No.53070988

>Link got ouperformed by EVERYTHING

no as you can see from the op it massively overperformed against btc and eth which are supposedly the biggest and most important coins. why does this fact make you seethe so much? you didn't hold eth for 5 years only to lose against inflation, did you?

>> No.53070994

why would I measure from the top, I didn't buy at the top. what kind of retarded logic is that?

>> No.53070995

plus, your retarded argument completely falls apart when you realize that people who held BTC or ETH or XMR or even XRP are MASSIVELY UP against stinky linky
again, it has STOPPED outperforming these two since august 2020
this logic is akin to XRP holders celebrating their massive 2016 run, today
massive cope

>> No.53070998

because you can determine the relative performance compared to the market since then
are you a genuine fucking retard? again, with your own retarded logic XRP is king it's like 90,000% up from the bottom

>> No.53071025

Why? I didn't buy the top.
Make a comparison with your favorite cherry picked shitcoins (with enough liquidity) from their inception and compare it to now - make it a new thread as well or shut your whore mouth

>> No.53071038
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This movie is about Sergey, his six-sided blue jew token, and his business model and ethical protocols.

>> No.53071046

I don't care about XRP and I've never held it, I only care about LINK.

If we are comparing tops there are way worse coins to consider than LINK btw but you never bring those up because you are a tranny shill.

The fact is in the 5 years since LINK's inception it's performed incredibly well against BTC and ETH. Even after the bubble pop of 2020 we are still way ahead yet you are still seething. feels good tbqh

>> No.53071064
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Breddy gud fellow oldfag!

>> No.53071077

BTC up ∞% since inception
ETH up 280,000% since inception
XRP up 20,000% since inception
you didn't hold link for 5 years instead of anything else only to lose against inflation, did you?
>inb4 I wasn't in the market then!!
too bad bro, you had 8 years
see what I did there?
>idc about XRP
but you sure do care about ETH since you literally can't stop comparing the relative performance from link ICO
>way worse coins
so what? just because a worst situation exists I'm not allowed to be dissatisfied with link? what kind of retarded logic is this?
>Even after the bubble pop of 2020 we are still way ahead yet you are still seething
ETH, XMR, XRP, ALL have performed better than LINK against both fiat and alts ever since 2020
your pilpul tactics don't work anymore faggot

>> No.53071100

Now do the same for the ones you always compare LINK to like Avax or Sol or whatever shitcoins you nigger retards parrot and cherry pick timeframes with

>> No.53071105

>he thinks link existed when btc, eth or xrp was created

how can you compare prices for something that didn't exist? again you are using your tranny tactics while trying to deflect the fact that LINK is up more than eth and btc since it's inception. I've never lost money since I started holding link but eth holders have, when you consider inflation.

>> No.53071110

Also, I have a LOT of LINK - 14k staked in early access and more to dump on niggers like you when I feel like it. How does that make you feel?

>> No.53071114

what the fuck are you talking about schizo?
I'm literally demolishing your retarded premises and you just keep on pilling with more irrelevant shitcoins
then, if I actually go ahead and do the proper comparison you immediately screech in unison
>who cares about shitcoin x!!!
you brought it up nigger
the problem is that they stopped going up, you braindead moron
>emotional manipulation bullshit

>> No.53071117

holy fuck just buy lpl and stop seething

>> No.53071119

>what the fuck are you talking about schizo?
>I'm literally demolishing your retarded premises and you just keep on pilling with more irrelevant shitcoins
>then, if I actually go ahead and do the proper comparison you immediately screech in unison
>who cares about shitcoin x!!!
>you brought it up nigger
You bought up only things that existed before LINK so now do the rest with your cherry picked shitcoins you degen nigger faggot

>> No.53071120


lmfao no it isn't, are you insane? why does link outperforming the supposed titans of the crypto industry make you seethe so much?

>> No.53071128

you are literally comparing the relative performance of LINK to shit that have been existing way before LINK
can you see the fucking irony here, pilpul kike?
lmfao, every fucking shitcoin is up, and actually, much better than link
go die in a fire you lying nigger kike

>> No.53071136

>10 esl posts by this ID

LOL post your low iq brown hands , pathetic no life loser

>> No.53071140

LPL is the new LINK its like LINK but 100% no drama

>> No.53071154

I guess I got the answer to my question, LINK being up 50x since it's inception makes you tranny faggots mad.

>muh shitcoins outperformed LINK

irrelevant, nobody cares about your low volume vc pump&dumps

>> No.53071168

So can you come up with anything that existed after LINK and did better in relation to ETH or BTC

>> No.53071183

stop bumping this fucking linkfuck cultist scumbag's thread up

>> No.53071199

seeting eth holder kekk

>> No.53071200

>muh illiquid shitcoins bruh
>implying link is not an illiquid dead shitcoin
amazing volume on the chart bro, congrats
see you soon at $2

>> No.53071203

Then why are you doing it?

>> No.53071369

Seething retard
Enjoy a nice BUMP

>> No.53071384

right? that's pretty low, it was like 10x at some point

>> No.53071734
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>> No.53071802
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Should have bought dog coins, stinky

>> No.53071878
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>> No.53071930
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do you think he'll make another new years video like last year that pumps the price or is he too lazy for that this time

>> No.53072184

when LINK was $20 in Aug 2020, ETH was like $120. It went up to $4000. LINK topped at $50. ADA, BNB, SOL, DOGE all went up 1000x. LINK pulled off a 3x at best.

Cucks, the lot of you

>> No.53072201
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there making fun of us on twitter again bros

>> No.53072204

chips fu?