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53058372 No.53058372 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of pampering myself with my gains. I started making orgonite and gifted a few piece so far. When money isn't an issue, I buy the highest quality materials. Nano metal is the best material to use because more surface area will yield more energy, and that stuff is expensive. Make orgonite and give it away, no profits.

>> No.53058422

i dont know what orgonite is and i'd like it to stay that way

>> No.53058435

Keep up, brother.
You understood it all!

Gift, gift!

>> No.53058491
File: 191 KB, 1402x580, orgonit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK

>> No.53058734

Most of that shit is a psyops because it has little to no metal in it. There is an operation going on to fool people into making them believe they are buying orgonite but then disappoints them when it doesn't work. The thing is that the fake orgonite sells for like $2 on Alibaba in bulk and yet it costs like $10+ to make one because the resin is expensive. The supplier is losing profits just to feed the psyops.
not me btw

>> No.53058748

Your loss normie.

>> No.53058823
File: 54 KB, 500x500, Orgone+generator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With 5g radio waves becoming a hazard everywhere I've been thinking to get into the orgone generator business. The market is already building up steam. Won't be long till it booms. When everyone catches on to 5g causing mental illness orgone generators will sell like hot cakes.

>> No.53058936

dumbest shit ever. just go into the woods. cant do that? go outside, turn your phone off. retard.
do you know who really likes that stuff? transvestite hippies. buy real crystals, get to know God, and none of this shit will matter.

>> No.53059086

Have sex incel.

>> No.53059495


>> No.53059557
File: 19 KB, 224x224, jesusreich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already fucked your ugly whore of a mother.

>> No.53059890

these are the kind of retards that believe in this stuff.

>> No.53060384



>> No.53060557

>already did nothing besides thoughts and prayers
We know, christcuck, we know.

>> No.53060581

Orgone is literally a Jewish scam: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Reich#Early_life
lol, lmao even...

>> No.53060583

Isn't that illegal?

>> No.53060614

>buy real crystals, get to know God
Nice try, Satan.

>> No.53061096
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>Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of orgonite rocks, do you know what orgonite is? Anybody know what orgonite is? No, not Cenobite, I think they are locked up in a cube. I'm talkin' orgonite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.

>> No.53061201

nice for you fren

>> No.53061214

What if you made an orgonite without resin. Just a quartz crystal but poured liquid copper metal all around it. Wouldn’t this be better then the metal shaving method as it gives more compressive forces and there is more metal for the energy of the crystal to move through?

>> No.53061222

Enjoy getting put on a watch list and getting suicided kek.

>> No.53061240

Yes OP is a dumb fuck that's gonna get his shit pushed in by the fbi at 4am when they bash his door in.

>> No.53061239

I paid 250 for a pyarmid prety cool desu

>> No.53061756

stfu retard

>> No.53062100

So whoever makes these orgonites dies? Tell me more please?

>> No.53062217

ummmmmm..... then you die.....

Better hide my orgonites. FML, suicide aaaaak.

>> No.53062417

A literal suicide stack

>> No.53062461

>pushes this gem bullshit
>confirms he is jewish
alright thanks for making it easy

>> No.53062472

nas coal btw

>> No.53062545

>defeat globohomo by making epoxy molds with metal shavings!

Schizo slacktivism.

>> No.53063179
File: 190 KB, 419x278, wook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm tired of pampering myself with my gains. I started making orgonite and gifted a few piece so far. When money isn't an issue, I buy the highest quality materials. Nano metal is the best material to use because more surface area will yield more energy, and that stuff is expensive. Make orgonite and give it away, no profits.

>> No.53063233

How many do I have to build to get suicided?

I'm hungry... Don't not feed me

>> No.53063377
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 300px-Soyjack-1576137221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm tired of pampering myself with my gains. I started making jenkem and gifted a few samples so far. When money isn't an issue, I buy the highest quality jars. Taco Bell is the best material to use because more braps will yield more highs, and that stuff is expensive. Make Jenkem and give it away, no profits.

>> No.53063897

The idea of orgonite originated from Wilhelm Reich's devices. He layered steel wool with sheep wool. Orgone attracts to organic materials and repels from metals. Combining both in a matrix or layers will chaotically accumulate orgone. Orgonite is just a more powerful method than using wool. You will still need something organic mixed in with the metal. Polyester resin is best because it shrinks when cured which squeezes the quartz, creating a Piezoelectric Effect.

>> No.53064082

Orgonite is for niggers. Shungite is the White man's substance.

>> No.53064405

Orgonite is so 00s
Boomer chemtrails lol

>> No.53065955

Do tell me more...
Why the list? What do they watch? Some rock n metal, or is it kinda like the 'orb;'? As I ponder my orb
I've been waiting to meet these kikes, care to send them by?

>> No.53066098

Hey dude wanna, mail me some?
Please no bomb

>> No.53066956
File: 564 KB, 1131x762, image_2022-12-29_222401593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wus...

>> No.53066978
File: 30 KB, 660x574, hbomyb67ciy31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe this is a thread on 4chan

>> No.53067332

Believe it.

>> No.53067373

just ask yourself the likelihood of any mainstream adoption, if it's even remote then invest a few k into a company involved in the mining or production of the thing.

>> No.53067416

So I had never heard of orgonite before this thread and did some research today. Seems like something is up because the FDA came in and shut Reich down hard, made him destroy all his accumulators, and the dude ended up dying in prison. All that for some pseudoscientific bullshit?
Thank you, I could not find any description of what the layers were actually made of in those accumulators. Why is this information wiped from the internet?

>> No.53067670

>and the dude ended up dying in prison. All that for some pseudoscientific bullshit?
No. The real reason was that he used this pseudoscience circus to perform sexual abuses. He called it 'orgon' because of the word 'orgasm', he was a legendary coomer.

>> No.53067788

yeah, but what is the ACTUAL effect of it? How do you use the "energy" and for what?

>> No.53067845

Orgone is also known as aether, chi, prana, life force, torsion field. When orgonite is around: plants grow faster, food spoils slower, dreams are more vivid, etc.

>> No.53067879


"nano metal" uh you mean dissolving some aluminum foil in acid, your lack of very basic materials knowledge makes sense, seeing as you think orgonite actually helps.

then again placebo IS very powerful...

>> No.53067882

Imagine being the jannie who swept all the good of topic thread only to leave this one in tact. Remember you do it for free jan jan

>> No.53068220

>ood spoils slower, dreams are more vivid, etc.
FDA gonna get a fat fucking dick soon, that's forsure. Those kik's writing is on the wall...

I vote for GAS this ttime forreal.

>> No.53068367
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>> No.53068396
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to put orgones below my distilled water, supposedly it changes the water molecule into sacred geometric crystalline structure and this makes you incredibly healthy, it makes me smart and beautiful

>> No.53068427

Not just water. Put them around the la casa.

>> No.53068447

Trads are naturally that way, then you add some cymatics in ur water n poof, beauty foreer more. Gotcha.

>> No.53068450
File: 871 KB, 2218x2574, IMG-1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer crystals for that, i sleep with rose quartz and amethyst
water is because it literally in direct contact with your inner organs when you drink it

>> No.53068461
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Sounds amazing.

>> No.53068469
File: 2.82 MB, 540x304, DesertedCostlyBluebreastedkookaburra-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as easy as playing youtube vids

>> No.53068497

>the la casa.
>the the home

Please don't use spanish ser it doesn't work like that

>> No.53068509
File: 184 KB, 810x1507, EohVcxqW4AAF1vk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>53068469. I see. did you just 'take-on the armor' what keep you safe now?
flood the universe with more of this, and then you get suicided


Right, amen

>> No.53069588

holy shit is everyone in this thread a bot???

>> No.53069640

kek, 30th post best post /thread ggnore.