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53065834 No.53065834 [Reply] [Original]

Funny how dog bat has a better chance of creating a new ATH than chain smell

Wagmi bat bros

>> No.53066137


>> No.53066143
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>> No.53066281

Where buy? I have saved up tons of capital over the past months. Thinking of dropping 1k in dogebat

>> No.53066401

You are all retarded baggies who are holding the bags I dumped last November after buying in October. Seethe, cope, dilate, whatever the fuck you people do just stop shitting the boards up with your garbage. No one cares, no post you make will ever budge your market cap

>> No.53066411
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>> No.53066415

A fool and his money lmao. You honestly looked at that chart and thought golly gee I'm going to drop 1k on that garbage. Go fuck yourself

>> No.53066416

I'm in it for the tech, not the money.

>> No.53066442

What fucking tech, a copy paste of Safemoon's script? Any of you real people? The fuck

>> No.53066457

Every time I see a dog bat thread that's crystal fucking clear indication that the bottom is not in

>> No.53066505

Aw shit this schizo is back

>> No.53066559

Yeah this schizo dumped more than you will ever make off this shit. Stay mad, loser retard, thanks for playing

>> No.53066562

The bottom will never come then as I intend to dogbat post forever

>> No.53066574

LP is too fat. It'll take billions of dollars to even get past ATH at this point.

>> No.53066586

Good, you are doing God's work

>> No.53067069

fuck your scam coin faggot

>> No.53067088

Dogbat has had zero exchange listings. All we need is get a big one like coinbase or binance and we will hit that easily.

>> No.53067108

Yeah sure you did baggie. More like you lost your life savings buying the top and selling the bottom, now you're traumatized and deranged.

>> No.53067109
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it's performing better than everything else

>> No.53067141
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I mean, go ahead and check, retard. Why the fuck you going after me?

>> No.53067391

The coin won't go anywhere until you autistic retards make it easier to buy. You need normies to swoop in and pump your bags. This won't happen until it is easier for them to purchase. All the bullshit it takes to get these coins is retarded. Get them set up for easy purchase already.

>> No.53067478


Price is determined by what people are willing to buy and sell it for, not the size of the LP. The large LP prevents wild swings in prices from relatively small changes in volume.

>> No.53067713

Can i mme this on my mores miner?

>> No.53067725



>> No.53068226
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kek, that's the guy with his filthy music "studio" in his mother's basement
>he is still here seething

>> No.53068239
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we like the BAT

>> No.53068515

I didn't look at no chart bucko. I dont even know how much 1 token is. I just follow my gut. God guides my hand, either I make solid financial gains, or a learn a lesson I was meant to learn. Bless you

>> No.53068651
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why in the fuck is this literal dogshit coin allowed to have endless threads over and over yet anything else from uniswap or bsc gets shoa'd instantly.

>> No.53068715

This nigga lost his life savings on chainpoop. Lmao!
Incredibly based.

>> No.53068878
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>> No.53069111

almost paid off my debts boys ready to drop another k or 2 for the next bullrun

>> No.53069136

Agreed. It's a fucking joke.

>> No.53069138

Because jannies are in on it.

>> No.53070469

>assmad over a doggycoin

>> No.53070686

this. d*b0niggers are insufferable subhumans

>> No.53071768

Yeah jannies are in on it, that's why the coin name is still banned and threads are STILL getting pruned on a regular, absolute smoothbrains.
>fat LP is now considered fud

>> No.53071891

Yeah, that's precisely what I did an entire year ago and 1000x'd my money. I guess God gave you the retard gene

>> No.53071928

Seriously, where were all of you degenerate sub-human gamblers a year ago when dog bat was relevant? Were you all hiding under a retarded rock? Why shill it an entire year later when the market cap is, *chokes back laughter*, 3 million... you honestly think your dumbass shilling will do anything, especially after an entire year of downtrending? Oh muh bear market, oh muh market cycles, oh muh liquidity pool. Go fuck yourself you scamming retards, none of you have a clue

>> No.53072007
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d0b0 niggers will win in the end

>> No.53072016

We couldve had it on an exchange but the retarded kids who originally pumped it spent all their marketing money on fucking billboards instead of lobbying exchanges
Now the market is in a bear zero exchanges want to be adding new doggy shitcoins

>> No.53072537

12 months and still you persist in this lie

>> No.53072561


Wait, the marketcap of this shitcoin is still in the millions after a year of bear market? Should I buy some?

>> No.53072745

Fuck that, newfag. Everyone knows nothing will reach its ATH anytime soon. Not in this market. Maybe the safest bet is stablecoins. Been hearing jeets here mentioned some defi middlewares like SpoolFi or bEarn Fi to stake them on

>> No.53072903

I want to suck Amy's feminine penis

>> No.53072930

this has been up for over 12 hours
this board is ded

>> No.53074737
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KEK keep seething.
I dropped a bnb as well into daughbaugh, it's worth a shot.

>> No.53074756
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>Funny how dog bat has a better chance of creating a new ATH than chain smell

>Wagmi bat bros

>> No.53074842
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>in it for the tech
Good one anon, I had a real good chuckle from that.

>> No.53075635

DAC is the best option for all. Defi gives even better passive income from staking on ATOM and JUNO on keplr. ORE/ETH liquidity pool also gives a decent APY.

>> No.53077874

I don't know anon, putting money in shitcoins leads to losses more often than not. I'd rather put my money in alts with utility like Fil and Sylo for decentralized data storage and data privacy.

>> No.53078225
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pancakeswap just get on the website of the same name as the coin dot com to add the contract

We killed so many huge whales, all of them had 10% burned and redistributed. No way ATH isn't a joke next round

Yep. And since the contract is legit locked, it will work as safemoon was intended. Burns and reflections for everyone. Safer than safemoon

That's what Ghostbro says as cope to everyone. Shows he knows shit. Whales want liquidity, and the liquidity is in BNB which is down right now. when BNB hits back around its ATH we will probably be much higher than last time. Billions of dollars? for a 250m ATH? Nigga please.


brother is that you?

>> No.53078257


>> No.53078276

Funny how a banned shitcoin still gets spam threads daily. guess the world world poojeets REALLY wanna scam everyone and dump their bags since they refuse to accept this shitcoin is banned and still spam multiple threads daily and spam their banned shitcoin in any thread they can showing everyone its a low class low value shitcoin. anyone dumb enough to defend this rightly banned shitcoin is outting themselves as having a tiny pp, being a virgin that has and will never pleasure a female irl, and has no sould and is the color of poop, also works in call centers and rips off old grandma's and thinks they arent the worlds shitters

>> No.53078384

I love the 4d chess fud this coin got its genius