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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53064848 No.53064848 [Reply] [Original]

give me some insider hopium

>> No.53064912
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It's unironically over

>> No.53065041

When you capitulate

>> No.53065160
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it might get better within a year and an half. That's just 500 days. don't give up and keep buying the dip!

>> No.53065392

you fuckers are ruthless

>> No.53065421

Every bear market requires a catalyst to be over. And we don't see anything remotely to it, this will probably go on for a year at least

>> No.53065438

About two more weeks
>t. insider

>> No.53065451

When you sell now hurry the fuck up and do it little bitch

>> No.53065537

The global economy is about to melt down into a global great depression, billions will die, and you are worried about your shitcoins? You will be lucky if you are alive 5 years from now. Or maybe not.

>> No.53065552

Satoshi isn't a man at all, he's a primordial god.
When the number of deaths in his name reach a certain amount the bullrun will be restored, so kill yourself OP, it might be over for you, but maybe your death will trigger the new bullrun.

>> No.53065747

Are you new to crypto ?2020/21? If so you need to realise the markets will take time to heal,this wasn't just any old crash it outside factors crypto had never truly had to worry about before. This is an opportunity for you to stack some money ready to dca towards the end of this year. Workout,check out the other boards on 4chan,vidya or whatever floats your boat you can still check in on /biz/ once a day or however often you feel comfortable but long story whether you enjoy it or not we have atleast another 6 months of bad macro, don't torture yourself