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53063689 No.53063689 [Reply] [Original]

Are we in a recession?

>> No.53063692


>> No.53063742

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53063756

just marry a girl from asia. not a flip tho. better to be a race traitor than a genetic dead-end.

>> No.53063766
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hows this even possible? i mean what the fuck

>> No.53063769

Wrong, you condemn you blood line for eternity of mutthood if you race mix.

>> No.53063789

pretty easy actually, just go with the "dude chill don't worry it will happen" meme and guess what, nothing ever happened

>> No.53063793

I think sex is overrated. I've been cheated, spermjacked, and cucked. It's pointless to place any value in relationships.

>> No.53063802

>better to be a race traitor than a genetic dead-end
What's the difference?

>> No.53063803

>dude chill don't worry it will happen

this doesn't mean don't TRY and make it happen. have you just been sitting in your room for the last 10 years?

>> No.53063814

my new gf is turkish.

>> No.53063842
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>> No.53063887
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>scared to talk to women
>thinks hes capable of fighting a war

why are they like this?

>> No.53063911

>blue eyes
kek nazi cope is always so ridiculous

>> No.53063928

>have you just been sitting in your room for the last 10 years?
are you saying its a bad way to meet girls?

>> No.53063933

No. I'm not even sure that it's possible to have a recession anymore, due to the labor shortage.

>> No.53063940

i see you've come to the wrong conclusion on multiple accounts.

First being, your assumption because i recognize the danger, i must be an incel. Wrong.

Second, that incels wont shoot up a school, workplace etc, they evidently do. And its only going to get worse.

>> No.53063947

>have you just been sitting in your room for the last 10 years?
Nope, for the most part I live the same standard life like everyone else.
Have some friends, go out/travel with them here and there, finished college, work in a group oriented office company, go to drinks after work with coworkers here and there, go to the gym, pursue some hobbies/interests on the side etc. All fairly basic stuff, just minus the relationship/intimacy part whatsoever basically. That part missed me completely.

>> No.53063973

Title 42 ends.
>wanna bet?

>> No.53064003

Very wrong approach
The inevitable endpoint of this mess is akin to Muslim nations where a few men have harems others strong families that arrange marriage and besides them armies of malcontents
It's a hotbed of unending violence where you can be killed simply crossing the street, it's no way to live and there is no escape

>> No.53064014

have you tried asking a girl out? when was the last time?

have you tried a dating app?

i wasn't talking about (You) directly, rather the person that typed up that post and the people that unironically think like that

and while i agree that there are plenty of more potential Elliot Rodgers out there, this wont lead to any faggy "beta uprising" considering that most of you will be too busy arguing about whether it was another psyop or not

>> No.53064029

bro just go out and talk to women, its literally that easy

>> No.53064033

that sounds awesome

>> No.53064048

>have you tried asking a girl out? when was the last time?
Won't pretend like I'm some cold approach PUA fag though who approaches dozens of women every day, but yes did ask a fair share. Last time it was probably two months ago at one smaller house party thing from a friend.
>have you tried a dating app?
Yep. With no results obviously.

>> No.53064058

we’re already there Kek. When I was single I had 4-5 girls I’d see throughout the week, who I knew for an absolute fact weren’t seeing/dating/fucking anyone else but me

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.53064066

I can talk to pretty much anyone easily women included, the problem is getting anywhere past mere talking

>> No.53064089

what exactly are you asking them out to? there's a very big difference between "hey lets get a drink sometime" and "would you like to go out to dinner"

>> No.53064095
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Cuz pic related happened.

>> No.53064124

>i refuse to better myself
>im entitled to someone as boring and ugly as me


>> No.53064138

>whore that just want to be a disposable cum bucket.

>> No.53064161

ask them if they want the good old lickaroo

>> No.53064164

It's not like I have some generic bot type of question I repeat every time, it always depends on the conversation and situation.
In any case I would never ever ask something like "would you like to go out to dinner", that's far too formal and official in a way, I try to go with the casual route. It doesn't work though obviously lol

>> No.53064201

Anon may be able to up his stats, but its not going to fix the problem.
We're talking about a social cultural problem, where through the assistance of apps, relationships has trivialized to looks and instant gratification.
you really dont need to be a rocket scientist to see how this will fucked up society and women, and lead to a lot of single mothers, and their fucked up fatherless children.
A lot of the current generation of "incels" is because they dont have fathers.
Whore culture has been a disaster for humanity.
And even to women end up depressed and medicated.
Its lose lose for men & women, except for maybe a few hugh hefner types.

>> No.53064463

You Dont get it
Its not talk to woman blabla its because you look better and think its that easy
Its called civilization

>> No.53064493

I am 99 years old billionair and I have never even had a girl breath my air

>> No.53064549

You're memeing, I am 100% sincere in my post.

>> No.53064616

> talks to women
> thinks he can win the war

>> No.53064654
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I’m 21yo, 6’4”, athletic with a sixpack, shower everyday and get haircuts regularly, take care of my teeth and skin. I have never held hands with a woman romantically let alone kissed or had sex.

I have no problems talking with women and know a lot through work and friends, just none have ever been attracted to me.

>> No.53064675

men gave women the option to date/sleep up and then got mad that they took advantage of it

>> No.53064680

happy birthday!

>> No.53064687

You're like 7 months late but thanks

>> No.53064701

lol @ this cope

>> No.53064710

>better to be a race traitor than a genetic dead-end
your sons will be ultra dead ends and will go ER on you. its immoral to have hapa sons

>> No.53064776

You have to chill NEAR WOMEN

>> No.53064787

do you know what website you're on?

>> No.53064802


>> No.53065123

You are an illiterate nigger. His sentence is correct it would be
>you are on.

>> No.53065133

tf is ER? emergency room? erectile roofing? emerging region?

as a hapa, I have done all of those. I guess even Keanu Reeves doesn't have children.

but I've never been an incel, despite the gloating you huwite incels like to do. had teenage love and several lt relationships, all with huwite womens. desu never understood why you incels felt the need to punch down on asians/hapas. Is it because of BBC memes?

>> No.53065173

what labor shortage? companies just don't want to pay the market wage

>> No.53065186

imagine doing either of these just ask her back to your place simp

>> No.53065190

Lmfao and filipinos are literally the most stuck up mother fuckers ever once they come to America. They must worship expats like gods back home to come here and think they are gods. Seriously. Fucking flips are so cringe and pathetic and always so poor as well but still think they are better than the other races lololol can't wait for the world to starve and have flip women in nyc sucking dick for an eggroll

>> No.53065199

tired of this meme. We've had a gorillion school shooters since elliot and they're all either white or brown. Hapas don't shoot up schools and are far less likely to be incels.

>> No.53065283

>my new gf is turkish.

>> No.53065503


>that infograph is 8 years old

god damn it was bad even then

>> No.53065504

Right, like you are on heroin if you think you are not a retard

>> No.53065599
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>what is technology

>> No.53065601

If your stats are true you literally just need to go out. Go out to a club get a couple of drinks in you, have a good time, don’t be a creep, wait until a girl makes eye contact with you and try to dance with her, and try not to start spouting off about jews. If you don’t have clubs near you then travel if you’re just looking to get laid. For me even when I don’t get lucky there, getting to be around women being on the edge of being openly sexual pushes me to get better.
If you’re one of those autists who doesn’t like fun then idk what to tell you lol.

>> No.53065726
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Don't you normie wannabees ever get tired of gaslighting?

>> No.53065812

The incel situation can be boiled down very easily.
Girls are very open to leave their respective family unit and become liberal and atomized.
Through natural occurring peer pressure, males followed their path.
Incels think they are the righteous ones and will be awarded some time day with the "you didn’t gave in“ medal

Lol, I was speaking with a female relative 2 days ago. And I mentioned how work currently fucks up my eating and gym regimen and she was very condescending and brushed me off as problematic lol
How I am not "enjoying my life“ and how I am basically right wing for having this priorities

Holy Jesus fuck I never though we would reach that levels of hostility for just speaking your mind Jesus
Fucking ill

>> No.53065886
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hitler was a vegetarian, didn't drink, basically orbited his love interest till he died, was a homeless bum in venice at one point, played games with his maids consisting of sneaking around in the kitchen for snacks in hopes of them catching up in the middle of the night, and was the greatest leader to ever exist and one of the powerful men in existence.

the fact that midwits think masculinity indicates any sort of capacity for waging a war let alone violence just shows how far out of touch you sadfrog faggots are.

>> No.53065908

this can scientifically be proven false

>> No.53065921
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>what is natural selection

>> No.53065933

Damn that recession is really reflecting that no wealth no pussy correlation theory, huh?

>> No.53065945

We see headlines and meme things like "Fitness and White Supremacy, The Most Iconic Duo" but there's actually people who ARE influenced by ridiculous propaganda like this and it's part of the reason why more and more things are getting polarized

>> No.53065966

Clubs/bars are fucking gay and for faggots
It's a Jewish scam designed to separate you from your money

>> No.53065992

Me neither. Same age and all. You’ve posted this for years, lol.

>> No.53066026

the avax shiller?

>> No.53066099
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as a former loser who managed to turn it around later in life
>get a good job
>have hobbies that don't involve a fucking screen
>find a way to meet new people often(hobby or job or whatever)
>tell the women you meet they're pretty and you're attracted to them
yeah at first you'll suck
and eventually you'll get laid
it is that simple

>> No.53066119

Ok but what if they are just more gays now

>> No.53066176

White erasure is a dead end.

>> No.53066204

The men of the boomer generation all thought sexual liberation of women meant they’d get more sex so they went along with it, little did they realize they doomed their grandsons into becoming incels and their granddaughters into becoming hypergamous whores

>> No.53066999


>> No.53067030

what happened to the top woman?

>> No.53067064

Men just assume she either has a BF or will turn them down because she's so attractive, so ironically the perfect 10 female is actually an incel like a 1/10 male

>> No.53067167

The top female is either a volcel when she doesnt want to settle for anything less than a 11/10 or settles down with a solid 8-9/10 or whores herself in some fashion (whether physically or digitally, to a single ultra high net worth guy or plenty of moderately rich guys)

>> No.53067206

does she only take it in the ass

>> No.53067261

im 5'6

>> No.53067281

most muslim women outside of arabia and west africa don't practice polygamy. women are crazy, they will poison your drink in those countries if you take another wife. in those countries its hard to get married if you're broke though

>> No.53068011
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>he doesnt know

>> No.53068243

Most super hot women I know are low bodycount, since men tend to try and lock them down for a relationship. Slightly below average women tend to have far higher bodycounts due to needing validation by men, who are mostly not interested in a relationship.

>> No.53068260

why do you pretend like you have any fucking idea?

>> No.53068355

Also 28, I kissed a girl I met in college when I was 20 and then got to second base with her. It went no further than that because I was in my parent's house. She was autistic and said I would need to hound her if I wanted to hang out because she was super reclusive, but it made me self conscious because I felt like she didn't like me, so I never tried and she never texted back. I think about her all the time

>> No.53068751

>fighting a war
If that's the take you get out of that you are a literal midwit.
Losers have gone on schoolshooting rampages before.

>> No.53068765

>have you just been sitting in your room for the last 10 years?
8 years.

>> No.53068774
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>have 3 GFs

>> No.53068807

>>what is natural selection
>what is dysgenics

>> No.53068962

Think 29 and a half is too 'later in life'? I got laid in college but it's been 6-7 years

>> No.53069005

Social, economic, and otherwise encouraged de-population.

Less white males and less people altogether helps the Jewish agenda.

>> No.53069190

>virgin needs validation
>tell him i need him
>give him positive reinforcement
>tell him exactly what to do
>he will obey me or risk losing what he craves
>he will fight and die for my cause because i gave him something to live for

>> No.53069288

So? Just put them in jail or have a swat team shoot them and condemn them in the media. It's worked so far. We just need to ban guns and that will be gone entirely in the next 10-20 years from now.

>> No.53069311

A lot of men were told to 'just study and love would find you' and it turns out boomers are either willfully giving out bad advice to fuck you over or their hippy dippy bullshit was just really bad considering college and your 20s are the best time to find random strange if you're looking for it. Either way it only fucked a lot of people over because that's not how shit works at all- you have to chase if you're a man, because american women are awful worthless cowards and they're fatter and uglier than ever.

>> No.53069336

>>get a good job
What big brain advice. "just get a high paying job and you, too, can fuck 30 year old tatted up whores".

>> No.53069442

So that's the point the tweet is trying to make.
Are you lost or something?

>> No.53069472

>You Dont get it
>Its not talk to woman blabla its because you look better and think its that easy
Sounds like the likely answer.
If you've got right bone structure, a woman will make the world's biggest giga autist looks like the smoothest PUA you've ever seen (I've witnessed it; women absolutely loathe what comes out of his mouth, so he's best in the club lmao)

If you look like me, 30-50% of time women will ignore; another 35% of the time you might get a line or two back before they look for an exit or a friend "saves them", 10% brutal btfo, <= 5% something good happens

The main thing to note is that soemthing near 8/10 times, a bad looking guy is going to sniff "talking to women" less than half the time and mostly get completely frozen out; zero chance for any useful debrief or experience building

>> No.53069629

I do muay thai and have consistently done 2x/week calisthetnics, but haven't just "lifted" as my exercise in a long time
>>get a good job
$250k/year, but barely any interaction with humans and definitely none with women (software eng)
>>have hobbies that don't involve a fucking screen
better phrased as having hobbies that women do/are AT.
>>find a way to meet new people often(hobby or job or whatever)
>>tell the women you meet they're pretty and you're attracted to them
I should do this more

>> No.53069650

>A lot of men were told to 'just study and love would find you' and it turns out boomers are either willfully giving out bad advice to fuck you over or their hippy dippy bullshit was just really bad considering college and your 20s are the best time to find random strange if you're looking for it.
Ya this advice hard countered me in life.
Some female figures growing up will allude to women "flocking" to you if you're smart.

Well, lady, turns out women have plenty plenty plenty of ways to earn a buck, especially since they're OK with relatively lower earnings and savings.

Men shouldn't work too much until their dating is working, unless they can pull off some grand escape. My $250k/year remote job let me SEAmax; I'd probably rope if it were not for flip pussy on tap.

>> No.53069862

incels refuse to have sex

>> No.53069906

im 30. only one sex partner since my mid 20's that im still "dating" a mom with kids from different dads. shes leeching off her parents and still living with them at 30. they are praying for the day i buy a house to cohabitate with them. at this point i want a younger woman to plant her my first seed and start my own family. dont date single moms for the long term its not worth it , maybe if you are older and there's no possibility of hope for a younger female in your future, then perhaps that's your best option if sex is that important to you but the consequences are greater

>> No.53069912

Autist here what's the implication of these that's so different?

>> No.53070010


"lets get a drink" = the alluding and expectation of sex afterwards

"lets get dinner" = this gives woman more power in their decision to have or not have sex with a dude because the expectation isn't there. it all depends if she says "do you want to come inside my place" then you know you are successful. otherwise it is a gamble. she gets a free dinner on your dime and you ultimately get nothing in return except wasting your time with empty pointless conversation that leads to no pleasure on your end

>> No.53070022

Okay that makes sense. I thought it'll was something like this but I wasn't sure.
Man I hope when I get my wizard powers at least the feelings of wanting sex will go away kek

>> No.53070080

Yeah, opinions will vary, but I believe no woman will knowingly drink and get wasted alongside a man she has no sexual interest for.

a dinner with a woman is much different. decent communication skills are necessary because a stale conversation won't lead to any success and these days you can't count on the woman to keep a conversation going as they lack the brainpower to think about any interesting subject of conversation. the effort is entirely on the man to come up with conversation topics.

"lets go see a movie" is a better alternative. there is less brainwork needed and all you have to do is talk about the movie and the food afterwards and hit it off from there.

>> No.53070106
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>t. Turkish mutt

>> No.53070114

This is good stuff thanks anon. I'll screenshot it and look at it if I ever decide to try and get laid in the future (highly unlikely nut fugg it)

>> No.53070132

Haha I didn't realize that until you said it but it's true.

>> No.53070150

See what she's up to now you fuckin pussy

>> No.53070163

This is why you will never get laid

>> No.53070180

I mean you're right but bars and clubs are a jip. There's gotta be a better place to go that's not a totoal ripoff for your money.

>> No.53070191
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The majority of men are viewed as below average in the eyes of modern, social-media-addled women. Social media selects the most attractive people and portrays them as the average, warping the perspective of women and inflating their own egos. Women are, of course, massively impressionable and this trick of modernity has left most of them unsalvageable.

>> No.53070201

>>tell the women you meet they're pretty and you're attracted to them
Congrats, modern legal standards will hold you as a criminal for this

>> No.53070215
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This is unironically true. On OkCupid, their data shows that men are less likely to message the most attractive women vs just highly attractive women

>> No.53070248

>Social media selects the most attractive people and portrays them as the average, warping
Yup. Just look at what happens to "local talents". Believe it or not kids before the internet it wasn't uncommon to have people be well known in your area for being mediocre to good at something and people going to that person's location to see them do it. This is similar to what's happened to dating pools. There used to be local "top dogs" that kind of controlled a certain area to a degree because women didn't have the option to pinpoint and drive to whoever she wanted whenever she wanted and just had to make do with who was around.

>> No.53070260

My infantry platoon is a good mix of people. From troopers to ncos to me, various walks of life, all conscripts, all early twenties, all virgins. Some considered fucking hookers. Such is life in Singapore

>> No.53070264

Nigger that never happens. In reality she'll probably laugh at you because women are totally shamless now and act like men. She'll blast you on social media as some buzzword and you'll be degraded and called all sorts of things. Probbaly something like: "yo this dude is deadass going up to bitches and calling them pretty like it's the 50s, this nigga has no rizz lmao"

>> No.53070297

It probably was like that in the 2000s too, it was less socially acceptable to admit it. Also pre internet social bonds were done within the community so the same principle applied but in more restricted pools (10 people vs 100) which meant that 2-3 out of 5 men had it instead of the current 10 out of 100 (it goes with the square root cause I say so)

>> No.53070359

I disagree. I lived through it. Before 2005, it was easier to find sex as a man. Women were secluded to choices within their community pools, as you stated, so there was less competition and a peacocking that a man had to do to get sex.

Now? women's choices have grown exponential. Unlimited even. There are well-known male celebrities exclusively seeking young women on instagram with a small following. flying them out where ever, paying their tabs, etc. it's easy mode for women now more than ever. this will only get worse for young men and eventually all men in the future because women aren't going to settle for men of poor genetic makeups.

>> No.53070371

I wonder how many men would exist now if their moms had the options modern women do today

>> No.53071160

That's a good question. a consequence of this is the growing inceldom in young men. i fear the next generation of younger men in their teens will start to realize how much the odds are against them when their female peers in high school have waves of simps waiting for them to be freshly graduated and introduce them to their inevitable hypergamy lifestyle and further fuel the incel crisis

>> No.53072577
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The problem is test. The average 20 year old man today has the test levels of a 60 year old in the year 2000. There are very few "men" (in the colloquial sense of the word) out there.

>> No.53072741

Good for you to stand up for yourself. Clubs are fuckin atrocious and you will only attract severely damaged good with multiple stds.
Check out dance groups instead, and I mean proper traditional normal dancing with normal people attending.
Everyone loves traditional dancing and you don't even have to talk (or at least not so much). Yeah, it's old fashioned according to all these niggas here but it is a proven strategy. Plus, you'll learn something actually useful.
Once you are comfortable, you could even try asking someone out for practice

Jesus christ this fuckin hellhole of a shithole always thinking you need to be either stoned or drunk to get a modicum of pussy. Good luck bro

>> No.53073183

no dad or dad who fills the female gender role like in my case. took me a lot of hours studying psychology to realize that.

>> No.53073208

You need to crawl before you can run. It’s not for people who have addiction issues or are bad drunks but drinking has helped me be better around women sober. Who knows though, maybe our friend would do better waltzing.