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53061566 No.53061566 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, I want to get into the Kindle-sphere and self-publish some ebooks. Mainly self-help books and intense capeshit inspired erotica. Anyone have experience doing this? I feel like charging a buck for 75 pages of cheesy self-help material is easy money easy life. "Romance"-wise, is it worth to set up a Patreon and offer like member exclusive content and such?

>> No.53062333

publish with anyone BUT gaymazon
they will take your money and you'll be swamped, not even by the sheer amount of trash, but by their fucktarded algorithms

>> No.53062950
File: 247 KB, 775x849, 27915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and what other options are there?

>> No.53063045
File: 116 KB, 1858x907, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell public domain books on Amazon, currently making about 500 GBP a month. Pic related is this month's earnings. Two years ago it was making a grand a month, but it's dropped off pretty badly.

>> No.53063683

How do you sell public domain when they're free? Lmfao

>> No.53063810

If youre serious, join the 20booksto50k facebook page and see what self pu authors are doing right now. They just had a convention last month and all the panels are free on their channel.
They even have a video on running a patreon.
Yeah just avoid the largest retailer on the market kek.

>> No.53063832

Hes selling books dumbass.

>> No.53064349

Public domain books are free you moron hahahaha

>> No.53064489

You clearly don't understand how Amazon works. The first seller of a public domain ebook on Amazon gets the exclusive right to sell that ebook on Amazon.

>> No.53065461

You gave me a great idea. No clue if it'll make money though.

>> No.53065592

Wait just realized public domain begins at the 20's. I hate the american government so much bros. At least if I can find the rights holders to these books I should be able to buy it off of them cheaply.

>> No.53065597
File: 130 KB, 1280x960, 7652559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy infinite jest but always get bored after 100 pages. will finish one day I guess

>> No.53065612

Please visit your local bookstore and ask for some free books you concussed retard.

>> No.53065622

sort of working as intended

>> No.53065656

My go to life meme is no one has finished the copy of Infinite Jest sitting on their bookshelf, myself included. I love the prose but there is no way I have the mana to get through that thing. I know people who claim they have, reading the footnotes with two bookmarks or what have you, but I remain skeptical... clearly they are just prying at my ego or are actual aliens

>> No.53065675

just skip the tennis court thermonuclear war simulation. gets better after that

>> No.53065717

true in my experience. i once sat next to david james duncan at a bar and he said he never finished it despite knowing dfw using the same editor kek

>> No.53065897

Any book sellers want to advise how to get my conversions up? It's the doomer to bloomer ads on the r9k board.

I actually think it's valuable to 4chan types

>> No.53067282

Yeah me too. I lie about having read it, but will actually finish it one day.

>> No.53067352

i finished it. ending was a letdown. no closure on anything. my favorite chapters were the ones which summarized Himself's movies. Blood Sister: One Tough Nun and Bye-Bye to the Bureaucrat were my favorites

>> No.53067377

Quit prying at my ego you alien!

>> No.53068170

can't do that. it's a fun chapter to read and you need to now and consider the injuries for the ending to make sense.
it's a puzzle. reread the entire book, but mostly the conversation w himself's ghost and late-book wheelchair assassin passages.