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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 828x810, A6EE0F7E-ACC6-427B-8FC7-F820126859BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53059794 No.53059794 [Reply] [Original]

Some people lives really have been destroyed by VC scam projects dumping on naive retail. Fathers trying to make it for their kids to have a good life etc. Some San Francisco VC makes a billion dollars while some investors lose all their life savings. feels bad.

>> No.53059935

will j-dawg really just forgive people just like that? like u aint even gotta do none?

>> No.53059955
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>Some people lives really have been destroyed by VC scam projects dumping on naive retail. Fathers trying to make it for their kids to have a good life etc. Some San Francisco VC makes a billion dollars while some investors lose all their life savings.
Holy based I hope this happens again.

>> No.53059988

Oh no those poor guys, they were only trying to buy something to sell it to someone else at a higher price... then it happened to themselves...

>> No.53060032
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It's true brother. Jesus completed the work for our atonement on Calvary and declared it is accomplished from upon the cross.

>> No.53060085

Bullshit. Atonement wasn’t complete on the cross. You still have to follow the law (sabbath, dietary, etc…) to be saved.

>> No.53060140
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>> No.53060186

>Some San Francisco VC makes a billion dollars while some investors lose all their life savings. feels bad.
Why does it feel bad? Are you some sort of communist?

>> No.53060188
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Based brother


That’s actually unbiblical and blasphemous. It means you believe you can save yourself. Even Catholics don’t believe that anymore.

>> No.53060203

I guarantee you are some rich little fucker living with his parents with no history of hardships. Having empathy is not the same as being a commie you dumb fuck.

>> No.53060269
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Remember what Paul wrote to the Galatians:

>It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Mark my words!

Christians live by Father's grace through faith in the retribution the Son suffered on the cross. Even the thief crucified with Jesus, a sinner under the law, went with Him to paradise.

>> No.53060372

Nice fairy tale, nutbar.

>> No.53060374
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>you must repent goyim because you are filthy goys that will burn in hell for eternity for not giving your soul to rabbi yeshua repent
Christcucks are not human because they're literally jewish.

>> No.53060480

Jesus knows. That greatest sin of humanity is that we are only capable of being what we are. He forgives.

>> No.53060483
File: 77 KB, 703x1440, 2B929A41-DB9A-4AB0-B9E8-11B9A7ADBB96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the Jewish anti Christian psyop on /pol.

>> No.53060516
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Pontius Pilate's order as Roman prelate of Judea to crucify Yeshua Ben Yosef, a charismatic rabbi, in Jerusalem during the first century is a historical fact.

>> No.53060706

He was a prefect not a prelate, so no.

>> No.53060768
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>> No.53060814

Right, don't let facts get in your way.

>> No.53060834

The fact that our species needs such manipulative programming in order to not act like a bunch of antisocial shitheads is horrific. It's really not surprising how fucked the world is.

>> No.53060872
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True or false: Pontius Pilate exercised Roman authority while governing Jerusalem to crucify a famous rabbi named Yeshua.

>> No.53061241

He certainly killed a lot of Jews. Very based guy.

>> No.53061952

Catholics do not believe in Sola Fide. Sola Fide is a solely evangelical invention and its spread has coincided with both social ruination and secularization.

>> No.53061995
File: 405 KB, 1233x803, 0B52AC3F-A660-4357-8604-5D5C95961100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post makes the k*kes seethe. They are nothing but edom*tes and god hates them lmao.

>> No.53062069

j*ws are stuck in a catch 22. If Jesus was j*wish (he wasn’t according to the Bible) then that legitimizes his claims against the j*ws. They claimed that he hadn’t followed the laws and was therefore not j*wish and allowed to be killed under Talmudic (pharisaic) law. That’s a big kek on those edom*te pedophiles.
However, if they claim he wasn’t j*wish, it exposes their false religion because according to the standards they use to determine j*wry, they are not j*wish either. They do not follow the laws of the old testament which is why god abandoned them to begin with.
k*kes can’t stop seething about this. 2,000 years of seething pedophilia going on in those temples.

>> No.53062397

Jesus is not God. There is only 1 God and a man who does shit and piss can't be God.