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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53059152 No.53059152 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53059178

I hold ADA because I believe in math, not Charles.
Although he is charismatic as fuck, and it helps tremendously with the future growth

>> No.53059188

Wise beyond his years.
One of the only legitimate people left in this space.

>> No.53059288

Well he’s a criminal but at least he doesn’t steal everything on his way out the door. He leaves a little leftover to keep the ponzi going

>> No.53059386

homeless man shilling a project witch is just another asshole from which more shitcoins will surely spring.

>> No.53059410

the DAPPS charles

>> No.53059437

Anybody has any idea who the woman are he fucked in the past?

>> No.53059439

The only non-scammer in the crypto space.

He's charismatic and wise.

>> No.53059704
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Started as a genuine project but it was over hyped by a professional advertisement company hired by Charles. Also Charles hired a bunch of low quality cargo cult programmers who combined the worst qualities of bitcoin and ethereum so we've got a super slow unusable garbage chain. I was a big Cardano believer but I luckily woke up when ADA was still 2.5$ and I sold my whole stack and made 50x profit. It was a good ride but I am somewhat disappointed. I hoped it will be THE THING.

>> No.53059776

Sergtoshi Butkinson

>> No.53059866

Certified faggot

>> No.53060164

Charles has a bigger dick than you

>> No.53060185

One of the most charismatic and attractive people in the crypto space.

Biztards are seething because they ended up missing a huge bullrun with ADA in 2020-2021

>> No.53060634

His enemies just keep falling - Solana in the dumpster, Luna, SBF, Richard Heart soon to fall.

It's just Vitalik and Charles who are going to end up not being the posers in crypto. I hope cardano catches up with ethereum. Vitalik is too much of a libtard for my taste.

>> No.53060662

Many claims of charisma and wisdom, yet no evidence or working product. Hmmm….

>> No.53060682

Cardano is a functioning product. Try it yourself.

>> No.53061172
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>> No.53061217

That post is from a pajeet scammer that doesn't know how to code in Haskell and is over a year old

>> No.53061244
File: 168 KB, 2328x362, its_over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what part of it is wrong, exactly?

>> No.53061629

You sound like a person who has all his boosters.

>> No.53061706
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He's the Steve Jobs of crypto

>> No.53061726

He gets more pussy than all of biz

>> No.53061730

I think he looks like a dork.

>> No.53062122

Lol, lmao even. Cult of personality is real. For next bull run I am just following what normies do.

>> No.53062189
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Cardano is going to explode next bull market.

Community is huge, plus the tokenomics are golden.

>> No.53062201

That's that concurrency horseshit going back to 2021. Sorry, that FUD didn't work out. Those issues are solved. Find a different FUD angle

>> No.53062211

His smart contracts are amazing, I use them every day.

>> No.53062763

oh really? Good to know! How did they solve it?

>> No.53062858
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Typical ADA turbo cope. Keep saying it's wrong but can't say why. hahahahahahahaa

>> No.53063078

well DOGE flipped him. MATIC will eventually flip ADA. at that point, I wouldn't expect much turn on your investment on Charles unless he really steps up his game by that point and loosen up about the whole 100% decentralized meme

>> No.53063517

I really do not agree to that, ORE will rather flip both MATIC and ADA instead, I'm still holding on to my stake though

>> No.53063534

>What does /biz/ think about this guy?
at least hes not in prison right now whew

>> No.53063535

>invented Bitcoin
>invented Ethereum
>invented Cardano
pretty fucking cool guy in my book

>> No.53063611

lines coded in 2022: 0
parties attended in 2022: XXX
ADA performance in 2022: -80%
He would be fired in my job

>> No.53063644
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>> No.53063790
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This shit can't be fucking true
It just can't

>> No.53063841

In what crypto are the majority of holders above water?

>> No.53063915

The brilliant programmers at Cardax solved it with a streaming merge. Jeet programmers need not apply.

>> No.53063974

Charlatan at best, criminal at worst

>> No.53063999

basedboy and mentally ill

>> No.53065541

still not released yet after over a year and if it ever is the solution is centralized.

>> No.53065604

Looks Jewish

>> No.53065822
File: 392 KB, 828x681, 12F9FF85-1EB4-4266-9ABB-5E6F209319F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember ADA shills working overtime in 2020/21
It’s good to see they’re still alive

>> No.53065848
File: 135 KB, 726x966, 6B5F5DD3-DA5B-4F5B-8949-B39C1F285F41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be patient. Only two more weeks.

>> No.53066504
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>> No.53066573

a guy that likes to hear himself talk too much. has problems telling the truth, charisma of a charlatan

>> No.53066582
File: 836 KB, 743x679, IMG_0528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes he is...

>> No.53066745


>> No.53066763

The DAPPS charles...

>> No.53067252
File: 12 KB, 205x245, 1670910074485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it have to be fucking basedbeans?

>> No.53067256

i just had to read that

>> No.53068041

What made you think ORE will flip MATIC & ADA pajeet?

>> No.53068065

You’re a legitimate cringe ass faggot if you didn’t laugh while you posted this

>> No.53068125

He must be a joker anon

>> No.53068177

Are you kidding me? Don't you know what Ore ID does? It helps bring web2 and web3 closer together by giving users a safe, decentralized identity on the blockchain. Come on, wake up and get with the times! Stay informed about these kinds of things, okay

>> No.53069954

just checked the volume from 7:20-7:25 am yesterday. LMAO at your bags

>> No.53070423

dog fucker

>> No.53070505

Appeared out of nowhere to insure that utxo based logic systems will not threaten evm usury. His vaporware is useless, that's why no one uses it.

>> No.53071227

kek, this guy got everything wrong.

>> No.53071244

Posting 2021 cope. hahaha

1. https://www.wingriders.com/
2. https://muesliswap.com/
3. https://minswap.org/
4. https://www.optim.finance/#
5. https://app.indigoprotocol.io/

Off chain, open source bot batchers was the answer, which any body can run.

Now cope.

>> No.53071286
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Concurrency wasn't a blockchain issue, it was a protocol and developer issue.

Offchain batchers fixed the concurrency "problem". ETH retards like in screenshot thought Cardano blockchain worked exactly like Ethereum and literally thought there was no solution or ability to have concurrency because he's literally a know nothing retard.

The first solution to the concurrency issue was offchain batching, but that proved to be too centralized, as the batchers themselves could decide to not process transactions.

The new decentralized solution adds another vertical where UTXOs are not batched off-chain but ordered virtually in a "first-come-first-served" manner. The transaction chain functions publicly and visibly in a decentralized way. The chain can be accessed by anyone without the limitation on who can consume which UTXO.

The person in the screenshot fudding Cardano is too retarded to code in Haskell and thought they could get away with programming spaghetti low level code like on Ethereum.

>> No.53071467
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top fucking kek, enjoy poverty simps

>> No.53072880
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kek, seethe more, 8th post.