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53057879 No.53057879 [Reply] [Original]

Danish police has started to use force against crypto users.

In Denmark you have to pay 60% tax on all profits made on each crypto trade.
But you only get 20% deducted if you lose money on a trade.

Danish public school teacher Rune Christiansen became a so called “crypto millionaire” while the market was booming. Unfortunately, he lost everything when the market crashed.

Denmark introduced a so called “retroactive” tax law, so all trades made in the past are subject to 60% taxation even though there was no law at the time of them being done.

Due to these taxation rules Rune now owes the Danish government 2.8 million DKK which he can’t pay as he has nothing. As a consequence he is currently owing an annual interest to the government of approximately 300k DKK for missing payment, and the government is now using brute force to strip his home and family of any possessions.

Rune Christiansen lost his job as a School Teacher due to depression, but this does not seem to weaken the will of the Danish prosecution:

>The Danish crown will have what is owed to it, in one way or another, if not by monetary means the crypto criminals will pay lengthy times in jail and be left with the debt for life. The head of the Danish prosecution says

The Danish police force is right now collaborating with crypto exchanges such as Binance to subpena personal data on all Danish trades as far back as they can, and apply the 60% taxation on all profits, but only 20 % deduction on all losses as the law is retroactive

>It may take some time, but eventually we will get most of them. Whether it is today, a week from now, or ten years from now, the state always gets what is owed to it. If they ever used their real name or document on any exchange, we will get them. It is just a matter of time. Says the head of the Danish prosecution


>> No.53057900

I bet women made these laws

>> No.53057903

That's fucking ridiculous. Doing retroactive taxes is dumb enough, but to not even let people offset 100% of losses on any retroactive trades so they don't get rugged by the government for no reason is insane, and to then demand annual interest jesus.

>> No.53057907

Who gives a shit about yuropoors

>> No.53057911

kys burger

>> No.53057914

Where is this prosecutor larp? It's not in the article

>> No.53057917

Denmark is a democracy. If you don't like a law that is on the books, then call up or email your representative and tell them to remove it.
You can also run for office yourself and get rid of the law. Most people support the law, that is why it was made. If they didn't support it, then the lawmakers would be voted out of office.

>> No.53057939

idk why these people don't react with violence. abduct one of these shabbos goy police officers, dismember and decapitate him, and distribute a short and anonymous manifesto to the media.

>> No.53057943

Denmark is a zionist colony. If you don't like a law that is on the books, then call up or email your jew and tell them to remove it.
You can also run for office yourself if you are jewish. Most people hate the law, that is why it was made. If they didn't support it, then the jews would be sent to the gas chambers

>> No.53057949

democracy does mean right fair or good
it just means, we will larp as you goy, obey

>> No.53057954
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>The Danish crown will have what is owed to it, in one way or another
Those ciggies don't pay for themselves peasant!

>> No.53057970

Good. This should be the norm everywhere. Its time for crypto shitbags to pay their fair share. Crypto is a scam. Those who trade it scam others deserve rape. Paying high taxes is similar to rape I'm fine with these policies.
Pay your debts crybaby.

>> No.53057978
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>there are 3 of us
>two of us vote to beat you up and take your money
>better luck next time, just vote in the next election, goy!

>> No.53057985

I would support anyone in his situation to shoot the enforcers

>> No.53057986

yey democracy

>> No.53057991

I hate taxes and I don’t like the tax authority either but knowing Scandinavian taxmen they would never speak in the way OP is describing. Most of them are just autistic rule-followers who think they are doing good in the world and in 9/10 times you can get away with a slap on the wrist if you speak to them honestly (just don’t pay lol).

>t. swede

>> No.53057995

This is what happens when a country gives up its guns.

>> No.53058003

Good. They should drag out cryptotards from their homes and curb stomp them in the streets.

>> No.53058104

>The Danish crown will have what is owed to it, in one way or another, if not by monetary means the crypto criminals will pay lengthy times in jail and be left with the debt for life

Top kek. Imagine having your life ruined so hard that your government basically enslaved you. Might as well become a terrorist and attack the "crown" lol

>> No.53058134

NATOfags deserve this for trying to institute a unipolar world order.

>> No.53058151

europoors deserve everything thats coming.

>> No.53058188

it's honestly pretty based
cryptards should pay for all the ponzi advertising on this board

>> No.53058268

Scandinavians are so great at ruining their countries with brown folk and retarded laws it's hilarious. I can't believe they thought getting rid of the Viking way of life was a good thing. Literally worse Christ cucks than Americans.

>> No.53058725

>60% tax


>> No.53058757


i'm safe then

>> No.53058822

Also,i don't think you understand how taxation works. Nobody can tax you on crypto,they tax the fiat you exchange to. If that article is correctly translated then th journalist that wrote it is a drooling retard and you should not be paid attention to his words. By his logic,every danish human that had any crypto ever,now needs to pay whatever the price was at ATH. which is retarded.

ps,stop sucking dick

>> No.53058884

I can understand taxing profits but how the fuck can they tax losses? It's just clear they want any excuse to get your money. The government might as well be the mafia; they certainly behave like one.

If those were the laws then I'd just cash out in USDC or XMR and leave. Or never sell.

>> No.53058944

Danes are cattle, over 80% vaxx rate.

>> No.53058957

The redditors here is disgusting

>> No.53059013
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>> No.53059074

Because they want to avoid retards getting scammed into get rich quick schemes by discouraging what eventually happens.

>> No.53059148

>Dear diary, today, OP wasn't a faggot
>pic of uncle joe.jpeg

You're doing us a mitzvah by posting about this, anon. We all need to keep track of which countries to avoid when we make it and try to find freedom. Now we know we can put Denmark on the bottom rung with places like USA, mainland China, and Bakhmut.

>> No.53059158


They aren't taxing losses, you misread it. They have to pay 60% of any gains made on each trade, but only get to write off 20% of any losses made each trade.

>> No.53059182

>crypto is a meme going nowhere
>btw don't forget to pay crypto specific taxes even though the gov doesn't have anything to do with the infrastructure that makes it work OR even offers any kind of security or defense about it :)
People will act surprised when this guy shoots up a school or something at some point in the future, no doubt.

>> No.53059227

what a sick society, no wonder depression is high

I would bail the country but then again I'd never live in Denmark in the first place.

>> No.53059389
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>Citizens sign petition on ban of circumsicion of infants
>Every party except ruling partiy in coalition in parliament is for
>Sudden rule of veto from PM. First time ever in history
>No one openly wonders why and questions this in MSM
>Corona hits
>New election
>New, first time ever, almost 3-month hiatus before official coalition is accepted before re-instatement of same PM

It's no democracy. It took them so long to keep the chairs because they had to put every opposing politician or traitorous collaborator on their nice and naughty list by process, gunpoint or bribe. There's no other reason to why it took that long, and even the ballot counting process isn't fully disclosed as far I know, by proxy. Not open source software and no official list of representatives to the extend my my knowledge.

>> No.53059473

I'd offer to bring down my fellow swedish nobles to take over and bring order to your shitty nation, but then I remembered we're even more cucked on immigration. Crypto legislation can be fixed, but a broken demographic is forever.

>> No.53059553

>lives in the usa, a literal brown developing nation with violent nigger ghettos in every town
>calls the dutch, one of the richest and most aryan people on earth poor
burgers are stupid but i really hope this irony is not escaping you

>> No.53059717

Danes rise up!

>> No.53059796

>retrospective law
>taxes on unrealised profits
What the fuck is this clownworld? lol people just accept this now?

>> No.53059860

He deserves it for not selling when he was a millionaire. They should beat him to death with a baseball bat.

>> No.53059940



>> No.53059974
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>"what monero officer?"
>"well if you want to see my transactions just look at the blockchain"
>"transactions cant be tracked? well thats a bummer because I lost my wallet with a list of all transactions during a boating accident."
>"I should tell you how much I bought and sold? well, I bought one monero and never sold :). here are 20€ plus 3€ tip, have a nice day officer!"

>> No.53060026

There is a retroactive law on crypto here in austria too.
I never paid any taxes on crypto and never will.
All of my crypto is off cex and I have the keys memorized
Lol have fun taking shit from me you assholes. BTW I own nothing and have nothing.

>> No.53060076

Isnt this exactly what the XMR schizos warned us of?

>> No.53060193
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>there are no laws specific for crypto so a decrepit 100 year old one is used
>the article is entirely negative about the impact on said school teacher
>politicians are saying laws need to change
>no talk about police at all
Lol fucking nigger. Post nose and/or hands

>> No.53060237

denmark is the most antimigrant/muslim though
>Nobody can tax you on crypto,they tax the fiat you exchange to
wrong. crypto to crypto is a taxable event, as if you sold for fiat. also in some countries you're taxed on your wealth, and crypto counts as your wealth

>> No.53060335
File: 373 KB, 929x802, Dutchtikkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dutch are jewish animals. I bet he recieved a tikkie message to pay up with interest

>> No.53060338

This is why XMR needs to turn mainstream.

>> No.53060353
File: 121 KB, 900x600, czsbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek daily reminder CZ will sell you out to your govt if it can earn him an ounce of credibility

>> No.53060498

dutch != danish, amerilard

>> No.53060507

show me the proof,what kind of liberalistic neo-marxist shithole allows that? just to avoid it.

>> No.53060771

crypto to crypto being a taxable event is nearly everywhere, usa included. you swap an erc20 to eth? it's as if you sold it for usd and bought a new coin.
with the wealth tax, switzerland, but it depends on the cantons and your net worth. it can vary from 0.1-1%. so if you live in geneva and have 1M in crypto without any income, you'll have to pay 0.65%. other countries are the same but i dont remember which oned

>> No.53060896

>nearly everywhere
>proceeds to name one country

yeah i know muricans are retarded greedy shaloms with their tax laws,but you will not find that autismo almost anywere else in the modern world.

>> No.53061080

Crypto-to-crypto is taxable in a lot of countries. It's also taxable here in Estonia.

>> No.53061191

great, now i know to avoid it. Any other country?

>> No.53061452

Friendly reminder to harvest your losses before the year end.

If you don't want to deal with slippage, you can always wrap and unwrap your tokens.

>> No.53061614

jews did, and they got women to support it with emotional appeal

>> No.53061722

>60% tax on all profits
>“retroactive” tax law
The only right response to this is a shoot in the head. Period.