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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 112 KB, 1500x1299, chink_scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53054822 No.53054822 [Reply] [Original]

>Accounting fraud
>Equity fraud (creating his own air token)
>All sorts of credit fraud
>Investor fraud (misrepresenting the equity you sold to the public)
>Issuing himself loans
>Front running
>Insider trading
>Wash trading

How is Binance any different from FTX again?

>> No.53054862

It's not. All centralized kike/bug exchanges will fall & the normies will fuck off until they realize the real value in decentralization, which could be never

>> No.53054890

This same jew faggot has been spamming fud lately. It's the same writing style every single time lmao.

>> No.53054899

I don't care what cz does, he destroyed sam and in my book that makes him a hero.

>> No.53054903

look at his head

look at it

>> No.53054915

Binance retards UNIRONICALLY and LITERALLY have no idea where their money is.

>> No.53054918

this post glows

>> No.53054920

The key difference is that binance hasn't shut down withdrawals yet.

>> No.53054949
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Chinksect hands typed this post.

>> No.53054962

So they have more robust capital reserves than FTX so the game of musical chairs can go on for a little bit longer.
Doesn't make them any less unethical or shitty than FTX.

>> No.53054975
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Based china man
>how is this not another ftx
He's not jewish and doesn't gamble with customer money.
No other posts needed

>> No.53054986

Yep. The faggot keeps comparing binance to FTX. Either a paid shill N****R or a faggot retard that got rugged and ass raped by Sam and wants everyone else to feel their pain. That's what the retard gets for trusting a jew

>> No.53055005 [DELETED] 
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>imagine censoring yourself on 4chan

>> No.53055009

No one gives a fuck because even with the most autistic "bank run" from gay fudders, the biggest hit you retards could muster was 10b which Binance ate like nothing and in bear market lows no less. You retarded fucks did nothing except ADD credibility to Binance LMFAO. Talk about backfiring

>> No.53055013

chinks > kikes. Simple as.

>> No.53055018

Every single time I don't censor, some retarded bitch reports me and some piece of trash jannie bans me

>> No.53055026

>redditor trying to fit in
fuck off

>> No.53055041

You've never done business in China.
Chinks are worse than Jews. There is no direct translation for the word honor in their bug language.

>> No.53055062

Get fucked kikes

>> No.53055071

>Chinks are worse than Jews
jewish hands typed this. Opinion discarded

>> No.53055100
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>> No.53055268
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I've been here longer than you, and 8ch before that, and 4ch before that. Nigger.

>> No.53055290
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>> No.53055372


anyone who doesnt realize how much cz has contributed to the space by giving retail a safe place to trade when theres been dozens of shady exchanges running off with their money is insane.

>> No.53055379
File: 258 KB, 828x751, D38FFFD8-CAA8-4F67-BBFC-B5A2AE9CEB95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is wrong with this nigger?

>> No.53055381
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holy based

>> No.53055410
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>trusting a cex run by a chinese national with no published storefront, and no auditors that will put their word behind it

>> No.53055472

And yet still hasn't been taken down by the jews. Kek
Keep crying, faggot

>> No.53055513

It's cute when Americans pretend they aren't the kikes theyre refering to themselves and a strong China wouldn't go against the US own interests and destroy the country's economy.

It's not even just funny, it's going to happen already.

>> No.53055527

Et tu husbando?

>> No.53055656

Jewish hands typed this post. Gtfo shekelstein

>> No.53055695

all economic systems have an expiration date, since they're unnatural and predatory.

no reason to fear change, we all die anyway

>> No.53055772

it's up to you to prove that they're the same
go on, keep making the same shit thread again and again
I can't use either exchange so I don't really give a fuck

>> No.53055780

no they don't nigger

>> No.53055803

>How is Binance any different from FTX again?
Binance is solvent

>> No.53055858

Binance fudders are happeningcels, their little pea brains can’t handle life without constant happenings so they do this

>> No.53055978

>Binance is solvent

Nobody, but CZ and maybe a few people around him know this for a fact, because they refused to get audited.

>> No.53056004

there's a safu fund
funds are safu
it's a funny way of saying safe
that's how you know he's based

>> No.53056027

I kept watching wondering where it was going but it just ended after he murdered her

>> No.53056093

>refuse to be audited
>automatically makes them insolvent
No dumbass
Cz is probably a slimy businessman
But he’s neither stupid nor a greedy degenerate
FTX’s problem was greed and speed, Icarus flying too close to the sun
Cz has now lasted for almost 2 bear markets, built an exchange, a sidechain, a VC fund, a staking fund, a mining business, a p2p platform, an onramp/offramp …
Binance is literally a hub for so many transactions FTX would never even dream to capture a fraction of, when people want to buy crypto with their credit cards they either think Binance, or Coinbase, nothing else
And you think cz is just going to lose all that for what? Money? Lol

>> No.53058058

he seems based AF NGL

>> No.53058077

it's really damning that every attempt to garner mainstream adoption of crypto (centralized exchanges with normalnigger-friendly interfaces) have terrible customer service and are more or less scams from a finance/accounting perspective. crypto has a lot of potential but it's ruined by unprincipled shekelchasing chinks/kikes/megalomaniacs.

>> No.53058084

They remain solvent. And you best not be throwing the term "air token" around, there are 140,000 of them, kek

>> No.53058121

So is Binance in any actual danger of failing?

>> No.53058359

It's not run by a kike

>> No.53058623

if they are, that would mean they've either been trading more irresponsibly than I have personally, which I find hard to believe

>> No.53058650
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>> No.53058661

i'm a simple man, i see a chinksect, i hate them

>> No.53058763

This is just a reminder that the majority of humans have bald murder ape programming controlling everything they do.

>> No.53058861
File: 37 KB, 1024x547, frogs legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CZ is the champion of Gen X. This status is further solidified the more kikes kvetch about him.

>> No.53058864

This, its incredibly obvious the kikes are seething about CZ's victory over FTX.


>> No.53059390
File: 8 KB, 1000x1000, nyp3ijjygkdk40p1yjxs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delusional, retarded AND poor.
Winning combination.
Just withdrew the rest of my ICP off Binance and into Kraken - the Aryan man's exchange.

>> No.53059914

binance froze USDC retard, that's why it nearly collapsed until chinky begged them to return.

>> No.53060176

I understand why he might have done it... but why was there a camera there?

>> No.53060366

damn what movie is that from

>> No.53060522

CZ haters are (((inorganic))) and pathetic.

>> No.53060540

the difference is binance didnt get run so none of this can be proven. FTX incriminated itself upon bankruptcy.

>> No.53060576

It's totally different until it isn't.

And then all these colossal retards sucking CZ's dick will say they always knew it was a just another fraud

>> No.53060953

>all these colossal retards sucking CZ's dick will say they always knew it was a just another fraud
really, we're colossal retards because we always had a bad feeling about FTX and didn't touch it with a ten feet pole

>> No.53060978

I want to rub his head for good luck

>> No.53061025

to get that specific hairline you have to be living inside a pressure cooker of stress while living relatively well

>> No.53061089

>the Aryan man's exchange
You are the delusional, mutt.

>> No.53063422

no it's fine! i have no money on binance nor did i ever use ftx so i'm not sad at all!


>> No.53063426

She had cameras set up around the house since her ex (the guy doing the stabbing) was stalking / being abusive towards her.

>> No.53063440

roastie btfo

>> No.53064658

Fraud is based.. So yeah based cz

>> No.53064993

uh oh nevermind I won't try to fuck my friend in this new year's eve