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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53050928 No.53050928 [Reply] [Original]

Would you say this a good investment, financially speaking?

>> No.53050949

Im so sick of propaganda infesting every aspect of my vision bros

>> No.53050955

No one here has eggs to freeze, hombre.

>> No.53050999

Greetings from Kazakhstan

>> No.53051089

Didn't read but doesn't freezing eggs only buy a few more years in the best case? Maybe more if you have to use a surrogate?

>> No.53051102

she could've just deleted the app

>> No.53051103


>can pick from literally thousands of men
>doesn't pick one
>I'm the victim

woman moment

>> No.53051222


Also, the majority of women who freeze their eggs are in their 30s, by which time it is too late and their eggs have virtually no chance of successfully being fertilised after defrosting

>> No.53051268

trips of truth.
Women are truly the niggers of gender

>> No.53051306
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Lol. Lmao

>> No.53051317
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>> No.53051352

>putting off having kids as late as possible just so you can give birth to an autistic child because your bodies too old to support a normal pregnancy
i love clownworld

>> No.53051455

>at least 150 in 7 years
Good fucking god

>> No.53051564

>as her 40s approached
>until she meets someone
Wtf? Lol

>> No.53051579

its expensive copium in most cases

>> No.53051585

She understands her worth and will not settle. Cope and seethe harder losers

>> No.53051605

Millions of western women have been psyopped into thinking their shitty 90k a year (if that) soulless wagie office job is more important than having a family

As bad as you may have it, it doesn't get worse than this

>> No.53051685

not my problem

>> No.53051694
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Lmao the amount of coping this hag does is staggering.

>> No.53051826

women make for such excellent serfs ngl, 1984 had the right idea

>> No.53052323
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Ton arrière-arrière-grand-mère, elle a eu quatorze enfants
Ton arrière-grand-mère en a eu quasiment autant
Et pis ta grand-mère en a eu trois, c'tait suffisant
Pis ta mère en voulait pas, toé t'étais un accident

Et pis toé, ma p'tite fille, tu changes de partenaire tout l'temps
Quand tu fais des conneries, tu t'en sauves en avortant
Mais y a des matins, tu te réveilles en pleurant
Quand tu rêves la nuit d'une grande table entourée d'enfants

>> No.53052920


You're assuming men would want to settle for a woman that is that entitled. You would be a fool to do so.

>> No.53053028
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>> No.53053062

Men are disposable, women are of higher value. Women will always be in high demand. Cry harder incel

>> No.53053127

Kids conceived from frozen gametes come out as that guy who drove into the acid tank in Robocop. Prove me wrong.

>> No.53053330

>Has tens of thousands of dollars of CREDIT CARD DEBT
>Won't date men who show "financial precarity"
This bitch deserves to be heartbroken and alone

>> No.53053342

sexually, probably yeah (and even that is a broad generalization). In terms of jobs that require intelligence/skill, its an equal playing field.

When people start losing money because of incompetence regardless of gender, the hammer drops.

>> No.53053424

If she's dated 150 men in the past 5 years... that's more than 21 dates a year on average... which is almost a new date every 2 and a half weeks... Jesus christ...

>> No.53053453


Came here for this. Just when I think western women can't get anymore retarded, a new trend comes along. And then I'm reminded that the little credit I give women, they don't even deserve that because they are more retarded than children.

At least a child can be led.

>> No.53053475

We have to keep this board up and running so this isn’t a bad thing

>> No.53053512

>goes to where the propaganda is
>gets mad
Touch grass, unironically

>> No.53053590

Freezing + thawing + IVF has got to be over $100,000 in expenses. With fresh eggs, IVF works roughly half the time. So, with frozen eggs that might not thaw properly, she will likely need to try more than once. Settling for one of the guys who was nice to you in your 20s but didn't drive a Mercedes would, in comparison, have been a bargain.

>> No.53053661

These stories are so satisfying.

>I dated 150 men
>Deemed none of them worthy
>Now I need a man rich enough to pay my debts while meeting my other standards
>As a feminist
>But I'm paying 10s of thousands to freeze eggs in case James Bond takes me, the used-up hag, over the prime age pussy he's swimming in.

Love it. Love watching them wallow in the filth they created for themselves by not being nice to men.

>> No.53053678

>touch grass
>get itchy
>go to CVS for a cure
>see more propaganda

>> No.53053711

are these real people?

>> No.53053876

she's going to hit the wall and those eggs are as good as dead. seethe harder roastie, i spit on you

>> No.53053945

> In a TV ad for Extend Fertility, the most popular egg-freezing clinic in America, two pink cartoon eggs with heavy eye make-up chat to each other. “You shouldn’t have to settle for the wrong guy just to start a family,” says one to her friend. In another scene an egg lounges in a hammock, musing: “If you freeze your eggs all your fertility worries are over...easy.” There is a disconnect between this ad and what it’s selling: an expensive, intrusive medical procedure with a surprisingly small chance of success.

> The marketing of egg-freezing has stepped up several gears since I first investigated the procedure for myself. Venture-capital and private-equity firms have bought into the sector, encouraging providers to be more ambitious. They now peddle hope directly to the consumer. As soon as women enter their mid-to-late 20s they begin to see ads for egg-freezing on social media (clinics market the procedure as an act of empowerment rather than a last resort). One clinic sent a van to the streets of New York to offer free fertility check-ups for passers-by.

> Before the pandemic, American millennials were encouraged to attend “egg-freezing parties” at fertility clinics: events with drinks and snacks where women watch a presentation then get to ask questions. I went to a few of these as a reporter in 2018. The presentations, usually delivered by a clinic’s lead doctor, ranged from slick, monotonously narrated PowerPoints to high-octane spiels that wouldn’t have sounded out of place at a used-car salesroom.

> Most questions from the audience were about success rates. It was hard for the clinics to give clear, reassuring answers. A decade into “social” egg-freezing, so few women have reclaimed their genetic material that there isn’t enough data to draw clear conclusions.

How the fuck is this shit legal?

>> No.53053947

hard to believe, isn't it?

>> No.53053968


>> No.53053981

>Dr. Klein, the chief clinical officer at Extend Fertility
>Klein Name Meaning German Flemish and Jewish (Ashkenazic); Dutch (also De Klein): from Middle High German German Dutch klein ‘small’ or Yiddish kleyn.

>> No.53054055

>propaganda exists in the first place IN ENGLISH
-_- jews should be illegal outside of Israel. We should take all the jews and put them in one place.

>> No.53054064

This reminds me of that article where the woman froze her eggs to focus on her career and then she tried unfreezing them years later and they all failed.
And she threw a tantrum and then became totally destroyed when she realized she could never have kids.
That's pretty much fate of modern career women today.

>> No.53054098

>start with million eggs
>at age 20 drops to 370k
>"20s to 30s are the best time to have kids"
Uh, the slide just told a different story.

>> No.53054129

Of course her equivalent in male terms (some random 40 yr old fat guy) has less value than her.
However, the Chad she wants won't settle for a 40 yr old hag like her when he can snag 8/10s and higher easily.

>> No.53054138

>father dies
>lesson: "can't rely on a man's income"
this has to be satire

>> No.53054335

Why does /biz/ despise women so much? I don't get it.

>> No.53054451
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blackpilled again

>> No.53054483

they are financial black holes it only makes sense

>> No.53054598


>> No.53054618

Resentment. Pay no mind.

>> No.53054637



>> No.53054658
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Consider Chad who rips bongs and plays CoD while his gf works all day and supports him. We can't get women so we hoard wealth instead.

>> No.53054673

because women despise us

>> No.53054705

i read tha tarticle too, you got a link for old time sake? i feel like laughing

>> No.53054707

not my problem

>> No.53054759

>propaganda infesting every aspect of my vision bros
Says the faggot ALLOWING propaganda to infest every aspect of his vision

>> No.53054781

Ive been fucked over TOO many times by women as a way to seem funny and cool. I feel you on that

>> No.53054799

speak english you stupid waffle eater

>> No.53054825

I love my woman a lot, but I did it right and married a virgin

>> No.53054867

Kek I remember that one. Tried finding it but there are too many results, even just in British tabloid sites.

>> No.53054977

nvm found it:

>> No.53055169

>In an unfortunate and unfair twist of nature, men are believed to replenish their sperm at a rate of 1,500 a second through most of their lives; there are documented cases of men remaining fertile into their 90s. Age also affects the quality of sperm, according to numerous studies. But the effect on fertility is markedly less dramatic than in women.

I suddenly feel grateful that I'm not a woman.

>> No.53055537

>story STARTS with a woman over 30

Unironically over and idgaf

>> No.53055622


>> No.53055653
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>How the fuck is this shit legal?
roasties would rather have a failed egg freezing and hope for Chad than settle for an average to above average guy.

it's insane

>> No.53055736

noone needs kids to be happy
>but the human race!
i dont care