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53050601 No.53050601 [Reply] [Original]

>Ridiculously low cost of living
>Beautiful weather and beaches
What are you waiting for?

>> No.53050638

I don't wanna live in a mexican country

>> No.53050658

That's a man
I'd let him brap on my face

>> No.53050680

>live in shithole

>> No.53050684

>"Take the Latin America Pill"
>Posts a whit man
What did OP mean by this?

>> No.53050699


>What are you waiting for?

i live in eastern yurop which is the same but without the cartel decapitations

>> No.53050765
File: 6 KB, 225x225, redditsilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the late 90's I moved to Panama for a bit, then spent some time in Belize and it wasn't that bad. Met alot of expats and most were nice and helpful though quite a few were the coomer type. Most decent places to live weren't a phenomenal bargain per se, but were 'ok' compared to US prices. Thing that drove me back to the states at the time was work and the fact it wasn't 85 degrees and thunderstormy every friggin day. Thought about going back but not sure with all this Covid bullshit all around.

>> No.53050770

You can live in a literal resort for like $1,000 a month.
Just don't steal from them or join a rival cartel and you won't get decapitated. Simple as.

>> No.53050786

Extreme racism will prevent the majority of /biz/ from achieving this but I've taken the argentinian pill already

>> No.53050805

How is it?
Is it as white as they say it is?

>> No.53050851

>thinks picrel looks like a man
Low T

>> No.53050885

Isn't Argentina awful for taxes?

>> No.53050886

That's Wednesday Addams and I heard she has a really clean and shaved pussy

>> No.53050893

Yes it is but its kind of a cucked country, hyperinflation and they freeze bank accounts in Argentina for moving more than 500 usd per month due to regulations aml triggers becoming lower and lower. Weather, food and girls are great though.

>> No.53050903
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 402730F1-FE11-47A5-A512-191B54E93D27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Jenna Ortega pilled

>> No.53050915

>Latin America is so great that they all come here
I’m typing this from work while the staff is playing reggaton btw. Looks like I don’t need to move I’m already there and it’s sucks

>> No.53051179

Do you work there? If so what profession?

>> No.53051557

I would rather live in greenland and grow my own cocaine

>> No.53051734
File: 29 KB, 561x730, 21937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no latina goth gf
It hurts so much bros.

>> No.53051748

Latinas are HOT.
Espacially Anglo Latinas.

>> No.53051757

its NEVER over.

>> No.53051764
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I refuse to live anywhere that is hot as shit

>> No.53051779
File: 2.90 MB, 720x1280, latinaqueen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53051790

a race-baiting, white-hating kike-spick made this. Just because your last name is Marquez doesn't make you special, fuck you KIKE.

>> No.53051808

>could have been a 10/10 wife
>turned herself into internet whore
what a waste.

>> No.53051846

>she has a clean pussy
Not anymore after that slimebag Davidson went near her.

>> No.53051883

anon i have nothing tying me to the states. no friends, no family, no home, no career. how hard is it to find employment as a Spanish speaking foreign national in Latin America?

>> No.53051907

In a country like Brazil cost of living isn't low. The difference is that you have the option to live in a slum. Every product that you have in USA is 2x more expensive in Brazil. But you can have a maid, they are cheap. If you want to live in a place with some resemblance of the Western quality of life, you will pay more. Have the same safety as in the first world? Millions of dollars.

>> No.53052146

How did you do the move? where is your income coming from?

>> No.53052188
File: 190 KB, 1080x1350, 8305E2D3-9CE3-4375-9534-EFF47CC4A00E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck Latin America
>high levels of crime
>awful tropical weather
>STD infestation

im moving over to Thailand.
you can live more than a decent life with $4k a month. currently making $2k from staking ETH and BIT. just a few more years and i’ll be heading here
>even more exotic and beautiful women
>countryside is amazing
>close to every country in the world
>everything is available at extremely cheap prices

>> No.53052201

>>awful tropical weather
>>STD infestation
>im moving over to Thailand.

somehow these dont apply to thailand

>> No.53052208

Terribly, we have like 160 different taxes

>> No.53052218

latinas objectively have the best feet

>> No.53052265

He says and posts no proof.

>> No.53052272

Good luck knowing if your taking home a man or a women, kek

>> No.53052305
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do it really matter ?

>> No.53052350

Latinas are a highly depreciating asset though, generally not wife material.

>> No.53052576

which latin american country has white or mostly white people where a 30 year old could have an 18 year old gf. preferably a harem of them

>> No.53053138

The more I hear about Argentina, the more it sounds like a dystopian prison country like the US or UK or EU.

>> No.53053170
File: 405 KB, 537x642, 2265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, I needed that.

>> No.53053199

guys who post these threads dont live there because if they did they wouldnt be posting about it

>> No.53053350
File: 25 KB, 400x400, gato-juanito_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fucking come here, i implore you, wherever you are stay there or go somewhere nicer. Don't ruin the financial future of your bloodline coming over here. Our politicians are financially illiterate niggers and the population isn't that different, don't fall for the "white" countries myth because white people here in South America are as brutish and retarded as Detroit black folk, you should see how the football hooligans are here.

People here want to live like the scandinavian myth but doing what fucking african shitholes, and Argentina do as economic policy, their politicians act accordingly and if their country is growing economically at the moment it will turn to shit and people suffer.

Don't come here, please.

>> No.53053490

what about Chile? I'm hoping to survive the nuclear holocaust you see.

>> No.53053584
File: 567 KB, 677x676, George Greggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Chilean, i'm specifically describing my country and their insufferable midwit politicians, we almost had our constitution changed for one written by the most retarded communists and leftwingers you'll meet, it was so bad even the center left rejected it.

We're politically better off than a couple of years ago but we're now living through the consequences of all the retarded things people and politicians did ever since (high inflation, crime, rampant migration, incompetent elected officials, validation of antifa), people seem to have big regrets about it.

But if you still want to come here, it's in your interest to go to Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia, it's far, and you can hide there, and our current government handled by college faggots without political experience are so incompentent and without any support there will be no major changes at least in the next three years, the Congress is heavily divided .

>> No.53053771

are you guys at least not woke? are age gaps normal or demonized there?

>> No.53053943
File: 140 KB, 500x704, demiurge btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like all western nations, the woke degeneracy trickles down from the fucking upper classes, college intellectuals and media down to the rest of the mortals,

However, a good deal of the country resist them and even ridicule them (the rejected constitution was awfuly woke, plus the forced indigenist shit, the main reasons it was rejected), don't enter Santiago unless for the Airport and you'll be quite away from all that shit, and this includes Valparaiso.

As for the age gaps, i really don't know by my inmediate experience, but if you are ungodly loaded with money or you're famous, nobody will look you bad.



Lately it was known some pedo wrote his final thesis paper about normalizing pedophilia, Now they're shitting all over the most prestigious college in the country for allowing it to pass several years ago)

>> No.53054175

>Born in Costa Rica
Sometimes the Latin American Pill chooses you.

>> No.53054213

I'd like to jenna her ortega if you catch my meaning

>> No.53054264

>You can live in a literal resort for like $1,000 a month.
gib examples

>> No.53054362

The United States of America

>> No.53054748

depends if you can get away with cheating without getting stabbed
if she gets fat and ugly she has to stay loyal out of necessity

>> No.53054820

LatAm is a shithole for expats. No property rights. You could spend years and most of your savings building your paradise compound in the jungle or near some secluded beach or whatever, and as soon as you leave town to travel or whatever, squatters will invade your property and make it theirs, the government will not evict them. Also, every gang in the area will know a rich foreigner lives nearby and will constantly rob or extort you. Sure, you could pay some locals to be your bodyguards/personal army, but they will inevitably betray you and steal your shit. Most 4chan losers will get ground into the mud by the harsh reality of living in a basically lawless society that just views white men as piñatas waiting to be smashed for loot.

>> No.53054853

Heh it's gonna be worse than you expect. Grass is always greener the other side, dumb anon.

>> No.53054978

They age terribly bad.

>> No.53055001

I love Venezuelan women
too bad its a socialist shithole

>> No.53055024

imagine living in any of these countries as anything but a tourist

>> No.53055028

Could you imagine dating your GF and she comes home with a fucking aluminum corset?
Something she never saw anywhere before, nor was this advertised to her. She went to some store in New York, saw it, and bought it JUST BECAUSE IT WAS THERE.
Holy shit women are stupid.

Like imagine seeing that in real life and not in a single photo.
It would be on her for minutes. Entire minutes. And you'd be looking at her and at it. You would wonder why, then how much and why again even if it was under $500.
If you asked her what she was going to do with it you wouldn't even get an answer. It doesn't have an answer. There's nothing you can do with it. It serves no purpose.

>> No.53055029

>What are you waiting for?
the bullet to pierce my skull

>> No.53055159

Depends on where you go and your expectations.

A few years ago I started living off/on in latam so I could learn spanish and live like a king for cheap. in my experience…
>there isn’t a single place in latam that’s truly first world
>most places aren’t that dangerous unless you’re a retard
>women are way better there
>corruption levels are so hopeless it’s funny
>lots of inconveniences compared to the us
>beautiful nature
>warm weather most places

it’s not perfect, but if youre a white dude with an income in USD and like a bit of adventure it’s pretty great. I’m generally happiest in latam desu. sometimes I feel caged in the us

>> No.53055223

she will be a man one day if she isnt already.

>> No.53055567

FOS. I lived with a roomie in a townhouse in middle class Monterrey for 1.2k/mth (included bills and water). When I lived in Cancun it was 2k with roomie not incl bills or water and the electricity bill was like 500+ mth.

3-4k month = godmode
2-3k month = cushy/comfy
1-2k month = content
1k month = ghetto poorfag

>> No.53055577

Where can I find these clips?

>> No.53055686

I fucked her dopple 100% and it wasn't fully shaved but I really enjoyed it. It was so tight I almost blew instantly. Luckily I got to keep fucking her almost daily for nearly a month

>> No.53056156

it's a welfare state but more fucked and patched than in europe

>> No.53056387

Thailand is truly the goat of third world, very safe and girls jump on white cock like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.53056420

Look at real estate prices in Tulum
They were better 5 years ago since all the hipster faggots moved in with their French bulldogs but this place is amazing.

>> No.53056454

Just got back from Thailand for 6 months
I had planned on living there for 2 years initially but it's not what I expected. It turned into unproductive repeat cycle of partying, drinking, getting scammed by girls (often lady boys), tourist traps, overpriced food, broken ac or no ac, shoddy internet, stolen phone and laptop. I finally just said enough.

>> No.53056471

Tulum also sucks. If you plan on never leaving your home then it's great. As soon as you try to go somewhere be ready to sit in traffic. Roads are made for a small town not a hipster Instagram tourist trap.

>> No.53056495

I biked everywhere when I was there
It’s pretty nice but yeah all of the third world is like that:
Shiny new buildings next to literal hovels

>> No.53056553

How do we stop this nigga. He is literally, and I mean literally, smashing every sex icon of this generation.

>> No.53056580

I'm not mad at him! But what is the formula? Look and act like a loser who doesn't shower but somehow is successful? Is that the ultimate pussy magnet?

>> No.53056597

That plus sleazecore, confidence and having a big dick

>> No.53056610

Chicks always say that don't care about a big cock as long as it's not a small cock

I think it's just more about pissing off dad

>> No.53056653

You're not moving anywhere in the next few years,.you're a fiverr pajeet shilling a shitcoin called BIT and you'll stay in your shoebox

>> No.53056717

Big cock. He’s tall. He has a wide mouth. His eyes are not conventionally handsome but still a good normie level. Then the rest seems to be just a case of the rich getting richer, or in this case, the more girls he scores, his reputation of being a chad spreads to the next girl.

I hate him and I’m seething because he’s so talentless

>> No.53056740

Wide mouth??

Don't hate the player anon

>> No.53056884

Wide mouths are masculine traits, small mouths are feminine traits

If you ask a bitch what is most attractive about him, they’ll list his eyes, his height, and probably his lower third - which is his jaw and mouth

Don’t hate the game, then. This is biology

>> No.53056903

s e x

>> No.53056908

it do

>> No.53056944



>> No.53056954

You’re sadly an autist if you haven’t gotten her shilled to you yet, she’s the next Hollywood push