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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53052586 No.53052586 [Reply] [Original]

>What are the FX implications of this /biz/?

Dollar priced lower on labor concerns despite promising slowing of inflation.

>> No.53055039

Brainded crypto nigger brainlets can't compute apparently.

>> No.53055706

If inflation falls because of macroeconomic fear of recession causing people to spend less money, is that a good thing?

>> No.53055773

Jerome keeps saying that unemployment is too low, lets pump those jobless numbers! The fed thinks rising wages is what's causing inflation. Only sensible way to increase unemployment is to engineer a recession. We aint in a recession yet, the rate hikes didn't work. More rate increases incoming until burger flippers are making sub $15 an hour again. American labor about to be disciplined like its the 1970s. The fed only has one button to press and its going to smash the shit out of it. 5.5 to 7.5% end of 2023. There will be blood.

>> No.53055810

I hope someone shoots these cocksuckers in the video called Minecraft.

>> No.53055841
File: 791 KB, 1038x598, clolwn circus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unemployment down -> markets crater
Unemployment up -> markets moon
I want out of this circus

>> No.53055962

The system requires surplus labor to function properly. Unless people are doing unskilled labor under $15 we cant have nice things. The machine requires blood to grease the cogs. Comprehensive immigration reform could do it, get a bunch of immigrants to come and do everything for basically nothing and make sure they have no legal rights. You know, Qatar style. But if we dont do that we need to increase wealth inequality and treat the american poor like cattle. Only way to do that is for like 20% of fast casual restaurants to go out of business and have workers be desperate for a job. Also, doordash and all that type shit probably needs to be run out of business too. The service industry is all the slack in the job market. There are way too many dumbass jobs making $18+ an hour right now. Some QSR investors about to take a bath real soon.

>> No.53057516


In your context, Probably not.

>> No.53057570


Would be very happy if skill-less scum started making <15/Hr again.

>> No.53058555
File: 90 KB, 751x499, rpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anybody else think that forcing people to lose their jobs as their 'strategy' for fixing inflation is really fucked up? Like how is making middle - poor income families poorer the only course of action we can take and everyone just accepts this? Everyday i struggle to understand why their building isnt burnt down and all the people who work within it are marched out in the street and executed (in minecraft of course) for ruining all our lives. Am i missing something here?

>> No.53058640

The only thing creating inflation is the fed. It’s getting to the point where it’s the Soviet maxim you pretend to pay me I’ll pretend to work for most people.

>> No.53059066


Because being poor and the helpless poor people is a victim demoralization altruism.

>> No.53059098

Couldn't they smash it to 15% in one go and get it over with, lessening the amount of inflation at the end of it all? Oh, but that would destroy securities along with main street jobs, can't have that.

>> No.53059258

Even if it is a temporary pivot I feel as though there will have to be a short term pivot with the way things are going.