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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 640x852, Andrew_Tate_on_'Anything_Goes_With_James_English'_in_2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53050060 No.53050060 [Reply] [Original]

I don't believe his claims about camgirls or casinos. Did he just pull a 1000x on a shitcoin?

>> No.53050077

He scammed his followers in to buying his "university" on discord.

Literally every "influencer" farms money off their followers, its the name of the game.

These are the worst parasite's the human race has ever produced.

>> No.53050088

He’s unironically a world champion kick-boxer.

>> No.53050097

He doesn't actually have that much money. People live lavish lifestyles while pretending to have money all the time. The attitude gets you what you want.

>> No.53050102
File: 71 KB, 720x709, 1671346056136127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His father was a cia mossad glownigger who owned a casino in malaysia. He larps as growing up poor to cover this up.

>> No.53050111
File: 28 KB, 220x300, worthit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did he make his money
sucking dicks, i assumed

>> No.53050113


he's an enforcer for romanian mafia. he goes around new real estate projects and threatens the owner to sell to him for very cheap prices or else things catch on fire.

>> No.53050161

Nobody heard of him before social media. I doubt he made much off that

>> No.53050172

I find it weird how he lives in Romania. Literally the gypsy capital of Europe.

>> No.53050290

If you don't know how he made his money, retired his mom and couldn't wait to move to romania with his brother and cousin, You're all newfaggots.

That is 100% true, but that's not how he made his money.

>> No.53050318

t. someone who has no idea either

>> No.53050330

You forgot the ">" newfaggot

>> No.53050382

Didn't he get his ass slammed by fucking Greta?


>> No.53050408
File: 151 KB, 1033x798, 1518892607864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brand deals
sub fees
ad revenue from website you have no idea were his. Dud has whole media team who makes tiktoks and yt videos. It's like factory of .... content.

at the right time he bagged all in and pulled pumps on few shitcoins (my theory, he will never admit it, issa no good)
he does brag about billion now, but it's not, he's now probably making more from brand deals and it only helps to get more from brands
He now plays popularity game, you know how it goes.
Dud knows how to talk, good for him.
Am i jealous of him and his cash stacks? Of course I am!
Who wouldn't?
I'm not the one of those who goes around screams 'scammer'. I enjoy his antics, dud plays this game in top tear league.
I would call him bender of chaos, he certainly can manage his businesses.
This is all my knowledge I got watching videos on these holidays, just because it was fun to research on him. Dude is a genius.
I'm yet to find out what he teaches in those universities.

>> No.53050415

These two insinuations nearly triggered me, as he's one of the very few out there with genuine good intentions towards his fellow humans.

Are his methods questionable? Sure
Does that change the endgame? No

If you would take the time and actually observe what he's doing, you'd see what I mean.
It's either this, or you're a pair of glowies working for the Evil of this world.

>> No.53050416

you're the newfaggot. there is no >

>> No.53050432

Or maybe not everyone is a faggot simp

>> No.53050450
File: 482 KB, 387x473, Fuckingshills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a jewish fuckboy, he took it up the ass by rabbis for decades, then when he said he would blow the whistle he got his platform
Now you're following a cumguzzling kike who has drank more semen than the average human consumes in milk.

>> No.53050454

that idiot takes everything tate says at face value

>> No.53050475

Tate pisses off 4chan incels more than any other group.

>> No.53050494

You're the type of retard that belives a scammer when he says something.

>> No.53050495


>> No.53050498

God damn you disgusting fucking faggot go suck the gypsy dick of that slimy conman and his whole gypsy band/“family” and never come back. Nobody wants to hear your faggy poems about how much you love slobbering over gypsy dick.

>> No.53050522
File: 386 KB, 1200x675, 1592745842_greta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides

>> No.53050565

You are playing his game, dummy.
He only wins in this situation.
man is a genius

>> No.53050583

>be me
>voice thoughts on a vietnamese basket weaving forum about someone who's made it and trying to stop others from becoming literal slaves to the new world order
>autist incels and glowies immediately start feeling personally attacked and start frothing from the mouth

Do you really


>> No.53050598

It's called punching upward, his likely net worth is less than 2m
But gullible faggot trannies like yourself will buy anything, he will be irrelevant within two months, only reason he's discussed here is because he pays faggots per post to bring him up.

>> No.53050612

stop shilling your coworker you piece of shit glownigger

>> No.53050631

>he pays faggots per post to bring him up.
dud, guy with blue ID does it for free.

>> No.53050632

Its crazy right? Starting a Tate thread is the easiest way to spark outrage on 4chan right now.

>> No.53050637

How is he winning? He got BTFO'd by a little 19 year old Swede girl. What a fucking joke.

Dicklets, when will they learn?

>> No.53050656

The promotion he had a belt through is an unknown to most in kickboxing tho.

>> No.53050660

>dud plays this game in top tear league.
>top tear
Why is it always ESL pajeets who fall in line to worship social media grifters like cucks
>I'm yet to find out what he teaches in those universities.
Just "genius" business advice that's illegal. Like "sell a product you have no stock of, take the customer's money, then figure out how to acquire the product to ship it to them. in the mean time just give them a bullshit excuse about why it's coming late"

>> No.53050707

he made a fortune by convincing people that he made a fortune.

>> No.53050722

He mentioned and his Nelk boys interview, as well as here and there in other videos, that the majority of his profits come from his cam girl business during the pre OnlyFans era. Personally, I have no doubts that old lonely men would pay enough for him to earn his initial millions, especially with how his experience with women shows in his mannerisms too.

>> No.53050772

You don't get it. He just promoted himself to thousands if not millions.

>> No.53050834
File: 57 KB, 350x310, 1382250956170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre onlyfans
I believe he runs onlyfans management company too, watching his videos I've seen girls running around in bikinis taking pictures. yeah you can say it's just instagram models wanting free booze and to be around him. I bet it's were majority of his earning are today. Girls don't get 300k/month alone on onlyfans, they do have crews.
anyway, when you think about it, he does make money off porn addicts, one way or another.

>> No.53050894

He is liging on credit like every other scammer

>> No.53050910

On jewtube somebody uploaded Hustler's University for free. Basically he sold products he didn't have

>> No.53051006

he's a fed you dumbfuck

>> No.53051020

Did quite a lot of research on this dude because I'm autistic and he's nowhere near 1B$. He made six figures or so from kickboxing. Basically relatively unknown promotors. He was never in K1 or Glory. He used that capital to move to eastern europe shitholes, seduce hot girls and run cam businesses for them. Later he switched to exclusive onlyfans management. Basically e-pimping and being the English proxy for eastern europeans who can't speak English. Back in the day, Kickboxing in Europe was basically an outlet for mobs and maffia and shady money. That's how he got his connections to wealthy people and capital. He did some security for those people because he actually can kick your average joe's asa. He's amazing at selling and capturing attention. Got several investments in Dubai basically before Dubai became what it is now. Look up real estate prices to see what they did the last decade or so.

He got into his first casino and snowballed it from there. Lots of money laundering via those casinos.

He was always into courses and selling them. The prices you see listed for the courses are just the beginning. The people gullible enough to get in get re-targeted for extra courses, private groups and titles and what not. He also has some """exclusive""" groups with low 4 figure entries. With his reach and amount of people "believing" what he has to say, he's easily netting a few million in recurring course revenue.

That plus all his investments, puts him somewhere in the 8 to maybe 9 figures. Most of his cars are leased or rentals. He has maybe a few cars he outright owns (like the bugatti), rest is just show. Dead giveaway he's not a billionaire is that he still pays for private jet service yet pretends it's his yet. If he was actually that rich he would have had a jet by now. He's basically mister fake it till you make it and he made it. With him there's 100s if not 1000s of others who didn't reach critical mass.

>> No.53051036

why do you people simp for millionaires whose wealth depends on you being broke and retarded

>> No.53051068

imagine following people like that
there is absolutely nothing to learn, no alpha at all

>> No.53051080

I've never actually given him a penny.

>> No.53051139

Is this guy the small dick energy psyop? He looks a bit retarded, why are we discussing this latest fraud?

>> No.53051138

I’ve never heard of a shop getting sued for running out of stock, on the other hand I know many cases where people lost money by incurring huge unnecessary costs trying to spin up a biz

>> No.53051169

Oh shut the fuck up faggot. This peanut head mutt cant even name the jew.

By the way his negroid ass does not belong in Europe either. Glad he fucked off to Dubai to pimp their sluts instead. Get fucked fanboy.

>> No.53051176

imagine following people

>> No.53051196

he's a mossad asset, he has a slush fund

>> No.53051212

He's promoting his tiny little dick, only that

>> No.53051280

It's not "running out of stock". It's false advertising of a product you don't have and haven't even considered how to produce/acquire yet, while taking the customer's money on false premises.
How do you even compare a shop running out of stock to that situation? Are you a simp for Taint? kek
>I know many cases where people lost money by incurring huge unnecessary costs trying to spin up a biz
This is the only part about his faggot lectures that I agree with, I just don't condone illegal business activities that will get you fucked. Also, some businesses have high startup costs that you can't get around due to need certain tools/machinery.

>> No.53051291

Romanians are basically niggers anyway

>> No.53051316

yeah but he's israeli

>> No.53051577

>Unironically simping for a grifter.
Go back and stay there you raging faggot

>> No.53051655


Hustlers university is earning me mid 5 sigits in india where the median income is 3 digits

>> No.53051667

Hes a CIA glownigger asset

>> No.53051978

You're all missing it. If you buy Bitcoin and the price goes from 10,000 to 50,000, then you are 5 times as rich. Do the math. 80% of his success is purely from buying Bitcoin. Why are you not buying at these prices?

>> No.53051986

Funded by JIDF

>> No.53052008

What do they even teach at this hustler academy?

>> No.53052066

Jake tran just made a video on this exact thing you are asking. Go find it yourself faggot.

>> No.53052079

side hustling like dropshipping

if its being "taught" in their discord server then its way too late

>> No.53052140

The best estimates is that he is around $100M. Their are estimates of $200M to $350M

> Dead giveaway he's not a billionaire is that he still pays for private jet service yet pretends it's his yet.

A lot of ultra high networth people use Netjets or something similar. From what I gather he has a Embraer 300E which is well within his budget range. For longer flights he uses a private jet service.

T. Private jet pilot.

>> No.53052196

>fast car gas vroom
>small penis xD
Wow owned! Haha!

>> No.53052251

World champion of a shitty league with like 10 fighters prob. If you are in the MMA/kickboxing community, you would know that he used to posts a lot on the Sherdog forums long ago when he was competing in kickboxing. He wasn't that great at all. Also, he was a massive forum troll on Sherdog for years and then disappeared for a little while. Some say that he found a girl and tried settling down for a few years. Then out of the blue, he popped up in social media with this whole new character that he is now.

>> No.53052261
File: 32 KB, 243x328, BCFC3008-2881-4A16-A9CC-983FD3A0B0E3_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the low end HU is pulling in 5mil a month. His casinos and ca shit is probably around the same. He's 9 figures minimum. Last year he went around saying he was worth between 100 - 300 mil. Recently he started saying he's a billionaire. Truth is probably somewhere in the middle but trending towards billionaire for sure.

>> No.53052270

If i had to guess theres also CIA money

Dude is being pushed anf the reason why is to descredit the things he talks about in the minds of normies because he comes off as a douchbag. This sort of thing is old hat for the glowies

>> No.53052320 [DELETED] 

confirmed piece of shit

> https://youtu.be/n7g6T6HNymo

who the fuck takes hie "girlfriends" and turns them into whores!!!

>> No.53052342

>>53050060 (OP)
confirmed piece of shit

> https://youtu.be/n7g6T6HNymo [Embed]

who the fuck takes his "girlfriends" and turns them into whores!!!

>> No.53052358

He thinks he is rich enough there that he is 'free' from government.

>> No.53052365

>CIA money
i dont see anything promoted by tate that aligns with a CIA interest?
His actually telling a lot of truths that the elites wouldnt want common knowledge

>> No.53052397

>i dont see anything promoted by tate that aligns with a CIA interest?
Except it has been said multiple times in thread already that his father was cia glowie. Not a joke. Not a meme. It is actually true.

>> No.53052425


>> No.53052520

>i dont see anything promoted by tate that aligns with a CIA interest?

>Except it has been said multiple times in thread already that his father was cia glowie.

You didn't answer the question. What is Tate promoting that aligns with CIA interests?

>> No.53052529
File: 2.01 MB, 1080x1298, Screenshot_20221225-131529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not illegal. Half the sites selling shit on the internet have no stock at all when you place and order on them they simultaneously place an order with a chink merchant for less than you spent and pocket the difference.

>> No.53052532

I hate how poojeets are constantly shilling this bald dicklet. Fuck India.

>> No.53052628
File: 2.97 MB, 650x364, andrewtate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53052646

What mystery meat phenotype is this?

>> No.53052674
File: 94 KB, 1033x935, andrewtate2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

95% are gonna find him repulsive regardless of what he says. if he gets more press coverage, then the size of the 1% of the remaining 5% who would pay his money for his stupid crap increases. it's not that fucking hard

>> No.53052691

>I don't believe his claims about camgirls or casinos.

Why not?

>> No.53052711

Literally every tabloid wrote an article on it, so much free publicity

>> No.53052753
File: 766 KB, 1242x1218, 07D49DFF-5D83-46EE-9251-CF89D6879D45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me 2, sers. My bastard university bitch making me 5 rupees a year too

>> No.53052774

The average fatass here could probably kick his ass, kek

>> No.53052847

> filename
you sonnuva bitch

>> No.53052868

fossil fuels, private property, luxury goods

>> No.53052882

addendum: he's a douche and these things are bad
greta the joke is now based
they're both puppets

>> No.53053104

he unironically wasn't. he's never fought versus anyone known, and he lost all of his matches (maybe won 1) versus even semi known fighters. he'd consistently larp about winning k1 championships despite never even fought in k1. he lies about everything. that's the game

>> No.53053168

Only smart person in this thread

>> No.53053231

>look i posted the full version which proves its real
yeah, a real photoshop that got printed out, you low IQ faggot

>> No.53053241

>fossil fuels, private property, luxury goods
That's what you come up with. Wow, You faggots are like the finance version of /r9k/

>> No.53053262

You got proof to back up your claims?

>> No.53053267

When's this guys time gonna be done? When's it gonna be MY time? Allow me to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Ethan Primer, I'm 24, and I know a lot about life. I'm going to be rich and I want to make you rich too. How's that ?

>> No.53053416

I challenge you to a kickboxing fight if I lose I'll be your slave forever tate and sign over my lineage.

If you lose I get to finish the job.

>> No.53053434
File: 58 KB, 622x615, 1670720829210584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hit me with your best shot

>> No.53053445

> If you don't follow this bald cunt you're a newfaggot

Found new newfag

>> No.53053458
File: 356 KB, 448x282, Now This is a photoshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a Photoshop moran.

>> No.53053587
File: 395 KB, 475x288, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this real?!?

>> No.53053640

Fucking kek, seeing tryhards clowning each others will never get old

>> No.53053644

>Top G
Masonic bigger detected

>> No.53053663

I like Grant Cardone the best of all the social media “alpha millionaire” types.

>> No.53053781
File: 1.15 MB, 817x1227, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rich parents, he admitted it on big brother in the UK like 20 years ago, the guy just needs to come out, its 2022 - no one cares if you like cock

>> No.53053908

I think my pic must be real then.

>> No.53053915

>e-celeb starts popping off everywhere from absolutely nowhere
>shilled and spammed everywhere online


now you know

>inb4 schizo
they have the money to do this kind of shit
the NSA was exposed doing shit
CIA has a worse track record
anyone that just dismisses shit as conspiracy are fucking retarded

>> No.53053940

he's from a rich cia family, tate used his family money to start a camgirl site that would swindle millions of dollars from men. he then invested his gains into bitcoin, and the rest is history.

also all the money in the world didn't stop his cia nigger dad from getting beat up by a pack of wild spics.

>> No.53053950

He got in bed with Romania's underground. It's not a secret, they talk about it all the time. After he made a good source of cash, he bought several casinos and started that cam whore business and it went off. "Being rich" is not hard, it just requires an initial investment, and he did sketchy shit to get his.

>> No.53053964

This, keep sucking eceleb cock brainlets.

Beyond some motivational nonsense faggots like this guy will never do anything for you.

>> No.53053986
File: 451 KB, 220x220, sad-cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some dude, who most likely has an average or big dick, acts in a way a woman disaproves
>in response, she insults men with small dicks
What the fuck did we do to these people? Everytime some douchebag does something they come after us.

>> No.53054008

Isn't he being investigated for Human Trafficking?

>> No.53054018

don't jump into the retard fight,
FAS Jew vs EuroMulatto

>> No.53054047

they're dick craving demons, pure evil

>> No.53054075

This or his casino ventures will fuck him up when he will soon or later fuck up or when his handler will decide he's not useful anymore.

>> No.53054208

And behaving in a way that turns off the average person to said opinions thereby making average people have negative feelings about said opinions.

This sort of thing isnt new and the feds do it all the time. Look at that faggot Andrew Spencer as another example.

He did nothing noteworthy to get his e fame and he rose to prominemce very quickly which are two huge red flags.

He is a ticket tacker anon

>> No.53054528
File: 169 KB, 768x562, 1587357940238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are playing his game, dummy.
>He only wins in this situation.

Greta gets great publicity in a whole new demographic for her, big win for her, they should end up partnering and going on a speaking tour at the end of which she ends up pregnant and gives birth to his child, inspiring millions of whining genz wimminz all over the planet to stop aborting and have kids, so Greta single handedly saves the white race from ecoanxiety extinction

>> No.53054575

he's been on like a dozen different reality shows if that gives you an idea of what his motivation is

>> No.53055131

the replies are full of small dicked men cheering this on
pathetic, weird, ridiculous

>> No.53055310

Oooh the discord homonigros are heeeeere. The guy is informed and can talk about Tate while are just virgin simps and future cuckholds, we know about him by watching memes

>> No.53055997

The cope that he is a CIA glowie is just that, cope. The guy's been deplatformed and completely excluded from all big social networks. That's a CIA tactic to minimize his reach. The influence he has - how incel-oriented it may be - is actually hurting the global establishment. It's against the interests of the CIA and American ideology in general to tell people of young fighting age that there is no American dream worth fighting for and you should instead focus on individual goals in a group of like minded people.

Yes his dad was working at the CIA as some data gathering translator but actually dismissed because he had a conflict with his superior about some translation he did. He never admitted fault so he didn't get the government pension or back payments either. His mother actually brought tate and his siblings when they were kids to the UK because they could profit from social housing and other social benefits because they were dirt poor. He didn't inherit wealth whatsoever.

>> No.53056153

>"Being rich" is not hard, it just requires an initial investment,
That's the secret isn't it. Just find away and do it even if its questionable.

>> No.53056419

shit coins aren't the only coins that can make a 1000x. crypto payment solutions like xpress or blockchains like ftm are just as likely to perform as well if the mcap is sufficiently low.

>> No.53056537

You simp faggot go suck a dick

>> No.53056544

Get in early on privacy focused coins, and you're might have a 1000x in your hands as well. Only that they wouldn't be shitcoins in your case.

>> No.53057260

Can easily get rich buying bitcoin and even richer with other altcoins. ORE, ALBT, MATIC can give a 20x in the next bull run.

>> No.53057336

His initial reply was 10x funnier than her so called burn

>> No.53057359

Having a conflict with a single superior doesn't mean that all your ties to the organization are severed. If you've done any time at all in a corpo you would know this.

>> No.53057368

this. In the average normie-leftie's brain he's now a representative of right-wing beliefs and anyone disagreeing with the agenda, plus he just got 'owned' for his small-dick energy by Greta Thunberg. He's a puppet and part of the plan.

>> No.53057427

>generic canned "im a woman so i win" response that isnt clever or funny and has nothing to do with original post

>> No.53057434

He doesnt own a single plane

>> No.53057452

Sherdog is based. Both the sherdog tips dude and the forums.

But i have to admit internet people seem to be a strangers to real life fights and altercations.

Most of these proffesional fighters would die in the street.

>> No.53057474

>Been on /biz/ since it opened
>never once seen Tate until the last few months
>newfag says "if you haven't seen Tate you're a newfag

newfag cancer

>> No.53057481

>has nothing to do with original post
she said he has a small peepee because he posts so much about his cars. It was a generic response but it was relevant to his post.

>> No.53057488

The worst part is that his pyramid scheme gives good boy points for bringing traffic to him. That’s why so many shorts or spam posts are being posted on here and every other social media.

>> No.53057494

hahaha you already know bro pays his $40 a month to work as a shilling pajeet for nothing

>> No.53057550

Is this thread brainlet midwit central?>>53051020
Tate makes you seethe, no matter what he does. You are all fucking normies who gives a fuck what he does its what he says. You are cynical circlejerk retards who can't go outside and see the world or even talk to a normie because you think they are beneath you.
Stop creating a false impression for someone you haven't even researchex you are reaching lemming status faster than you think midiwits.
He is against the new world order and billionaire satanists that is enough for me.

>> No.53057576

Good to get in on privacy with ZkPs but 1000x is a joke.

>> No.53057599
File: 68 KB, 816x500, 23942 - SoyBooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been on the internet since it was created
>see people repeat the same shit
>they think they smart
>no me smarter cause more years

>> No.53057616

Didn't he just pick up where Jack Murphy left off?

>> No.53057649

>actually believing the nonsense lie that there is an inverse correlation between dick size and liking, cars/guns/other masculine things

>> No.53057717

Yeah and there are a lot of photos of him hanging out with male Porn stars in Dubai

>> No.53057739

He fought a bunch of nobodies in a local division. Cope.

>> No.53057931

Actually does, with larger dick you tend to fuck everyone and not spend time over "things", it's nature.
I never trust a word from someone who is bald.

>> No.53057948
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, 1672318266427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you for real?

>> No.53058232

humiliated by Greta of all fucking people

>> No.53058236

He's just some faggot stop liking him.

>> No.53058237

Sex trafficking to jews

>> No.53058252

You’re so fucking gay Anon. Just stop.

>> No.53058267

He bought sol early and sold the top. My friend was on his HU and he apparently called sol with a good sell target.

>> No.53058301
File: 61 KB, 1009x400, Screenshot from 2022-12-27 14-25-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of his money comes from the pyramid scheme "The Real Like", previously known as "Hustle Academy".
He charges 50 USD from incels, and for every new member they recruit, they get a small part of his fees.
All he does is record himself saying shit (sometimes he even talks to the wall pretending he is in a podcast), send the videos to a bunch of retards who will make clips and spam it all over the internet with their affiliated links. He doesn't need to move a finger...

>> No.53058309

I've never seen a biz thread this astroturfed and full of glowies from all over the world

>> No.53058322

Kek yes and university is such a better deal paying thousands for the honor of listening to a shitty lecture and paying 1000 bucks for books you can learn online with better lectures.

No university or college has better than openly available lessons

>> No.53058330

Can tell this thread is full of wagie glowies who think the established systems aren't scams too.

>> No.53058337

>He made six figures or so from kickboxing
Not really. He was terribly stupid when he was younger, and signed a terrible deal where most of the prizes went to his agent.
He even said that after taxes, dispenses, the agent and the coach, he barely made blue-collar wage.

>> No.53058355

You can use a real university to get a job. Can you put you are a member of a discord group known as "hustle academy" on your resume?
I wish I could see this interview.

>> No.53058369

Wagie glowies detected. Why are you astroturfing on biz. Tate gives much better advice than any university gives for someone wanting not to end up a wagie.

>> No.53058406
File: 28 KB, 667x459, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tate is a scammer exploiting people looking for a better life

>> No.53058417
File: 365 KB, 1331x786, 8877 - SoyBooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and they only need to watch this video to know its bullshit
/pol has never been wrong /biz has


>> No.53058438

I'm saying zero biz users are in this thread. It's mostly glowies which is bizarre

>> No.53058448

It’s not that weird. You can live in a city with hot thin women and free of niggers for 80 percent of the cost of what you would pay to live in a mongrelized shithole American city full of fat fucks and overpriced rent

>> No.53058465

ask your employer tate about the jews and see how he recoils. hes controlled opposition.

>> No.53058484

Let me guess you simped for Jordan Peterson and Dan Bilzerian too

>> No.53058487
File: 1.41 MB, 822x1120, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53058536

I'll simp for any abusive father figure who shows up on the internet pretending to have it all figured out.

>> No.53058542

whiter than you Muttson-DeFryed Chikawn

>> No.53058553

Look at him, he is a fucking literal gypsy, why wouldn't he want to live there?

>> No.53058607

Take it from someone who knew Tate personally back in the day when he was a kickboxer actively fighting. Tate was/is a drug dealer. He was moving large amounts of class A drugs in and around the Luton area. He eventually got run out of Luton by rival paki gangs and moved up north to Birmingham. He was shotting drugs there too but again got run out by paki gangs in Brum. I don't know what happened to him after that except he went on celeb big brother, but I know he made a lot of money selling drugs and he probably laundered/invested that drug money.

Also he was a shit kickboxer, I've sparred with him multiple times he has no real power. Always been a skinny little yank faggot