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53050395 No.53050395 [Reply] [Original]

europoors are unironically freezing to death rn

>> No.53050407
File: 386 KB, 1390x794, Schermata 2022-12-28 alle 22.42.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans are freezing
>comfy climate in EVROPA
feels good

>> No.53050412

they've got two months, they can make it

>> No.53050425

>be me
>live in forest
>have a boiler in basement heats all water for house/radiators
>fill it with wood
>live in forest
feels warm and toasty bros

>> No.53050426

It's ok because they have le free healthcare so they can get their frostbitten limbs removed for free after a 6 month wait.

>> No.53050438

>muttland is getting swallowed by a snow storm and people are freezing to death left and right
>europoors are freezing to death
uhh no im comfy

>> No.53050452

They’ll probably just crawl underground like the subterranean scum they are. Lotta warmth in the earth’s outer mantle.

>> No.53050478

Europoors unironically don't have frost.

>> No.53050481
File: 87 KB, 500x583, yuropoorsguns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but they're cutting down their old growth forest to heat their homes KEK

How do I long yuropoor wood stocks?

>> No.53050501

I turned the dial on my bedroom radiator to 3 and its too warm.
I had to take a blankie off my bed.
Night night burgers. I’m sleeping extra comfy tonight.

>> No.53050512

Can confirm, I am literally freezing to death. I leave my computer on 24/7 so I can use the heat to warm my body.

>> No.53050518

Pretty hot winter in Italy this year
Usually my small village gets covered by 2 meters of snow and we have a wonderful sun
Chimney and a bit of wood is more than enough
Cost: zero, it's my own forest

>> No.53050527

are these russians or are americans really dumb enough to believe that europeans have any sort of trouble right now?

>> No.53050534
File: 37 KB, 703x386, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Rome is almost summer lmao, get fucked OP.
Sup fellow Italianon.

>> No.53050535

The Flame of Democracy keeps us warm putinbot.

>> No.53050538

You’re just jealous of our hybrid vigor. We’ve got interesting culture and superior physical traits (except for fatties but there’s a reason our athletes are superior).

>> No.53050560

looking forward to watch the world cup in 2026 in one of your drag queen stadiums with a kids trans opening ceremony. i hope you understand you have nothing to be proud about as an amerimutt

>> No.53050568
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>> No.53050678


That's just a russian talking point no one cares about that stuff, even (neo)liberals i hang out with, cope more

>> No.53050708

how are those TTF bags doing, anon?