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53047980 No.53047980 [Reply] [Original]

It’s fucking over

>> No.53048048

It's a lie anon.....

>> No.53048068

since rap exist is more about asses

>> No.53048089

I cant even cum with an a-cup.

>> No.53048092

Don't know if that's fake or not but it's inevitable it will disappear/rebrand anyway.

A restaurant/bar based on the premise of having big boobed attractive waitresses belongs in the previous century.

>> No.53048101

rebrand to whooties plox

>> No.53048109

t. millennial faggot

>> No.53048131
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better rebrand into shemales with fat fucking cocks otherwise those roasties can get the ROPE

>> No.53048132
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Ez just switch to asses, then to tummies, then legs, then boobs again every 5-10 years or so.

>> No.53048141
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Twin peaks is superior anyway

>> No.53048147

I used to go to Hooters with my friend.
What's even the fucking point of it?
The employees were never friendly to anyone.
Some of the employees didn't even have good boobs it was all a meme.
Hooters provided neither the efficient service and friendliness of a normal bar/restaurant nor the suggestive appeal of a strip club
Completely useless

>> No.53048179
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>money laundering
>money laundering
one or all of the above

>> No.53048183

Basically this. Hooters is just staring at mid level chicks who hate you while paying $20 for a shitty burger. It’s a dumb old boomer fad that won’t survive the next 5 years.

>> No.53048184

Agreed, it's a really stupid premise for a restaurant, but I can't even see what they'd rebrand to? Asses incorporated or something? Whatever they turn into it's gonna be some generic 21st century Chipotle-fied restaurant.

>> No.53048187

How was the food in these places? I like boobs an stuff but its not worth if the food is shit? May as well get fast food and go to a strip club.

>> No.53048196


Call me when they rebrand to Fembooters with cute femboys that have tight little bps.

>> No.53048202
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A chain based on that premise and serving shitty pre-cooked and reheated food deserves to fail
Local restaurants serving decent food where the owners consciously hire hot high school and college girls are a treasure and a treat that should be preserved

>> No.53048205


Unironically the best fish and chips I ever had was at a Twin Peaks

>> No.53048225

This about sums it up. Hooters girls 20 years ago were friendly and fun. Now they think they’re better than the “loser” customers and it shows

>> No.53048229

Rebranding as Femboy Hooters in densly populated urban areas would unironically make them bank. They'd just have to make locations a bit more discreet (for the "straight" guys).

>> No.53048231

I know a girl who works there. She's a tatted up degenerate but I'd bet she's fun

>> No.53048247

Goth gfs

>> No.53048263


>> No.53048272

I'm not gay, it's just the entire concept is the definition of 'it was a different time'. You would get laughed out of every meeting if you tried to pitch a restaurant chain based on this premise to investors today.

>> No.53048293 [DELETED] 

>millennials aren't that into boobs
slow the fuck down, who ever said I didn't like boobs? just cause I like cute tits doesn't mean I don't like boobs, hooters is just a trashy place for trashy people who like trashy food

>> No.53048294
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Wtf? Are Femboy Hooters and Tomboy Outback memes real?

>> No.53048305

>belongs in the previous century.
you mean, sovl

>> No.53048309

Junkers with femboys is what they should rebrand as.

>> No.53048337
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actually its only just beginning

>> No.53048355

I don't even have to check to see if this is real because men over 40 definitely are still into boobs, and I'm sure they make up a decent percentage of Hooters' customer base

>> No.53048379

i too follow sh0eOnHead

>> No.53048386

ive definitely noticed a trend in guys saying they hate fake tits, outside of reddit I mean

>> No.53048387
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 1611428407498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Society getting gayer and more effeminate trends with youth liking butts more than boobs
Titty chads were always the true heterosexuals.

>> No.53048419

Feet are the new tits I guess.

>> No.53048426

Hot girls just start their own Instagram and become an influencer or if they're not beautiful enough to get noticed from an advertising agency and they're really insecure and greedy they start an OnlyFans. It's been a while since I've seen a hot girl working at a restaurant or coffee shop.

>> No.53048432

Don't imply anything about my wife lyn you flaming faggot

>> No.53048454


>> No.53048503

Oh wow, basic bitches with push up bras and flat asses aren't the draw it was for sexually repressed boomers and gen xers! Who would have seen this coming!

>> No.53048516

I dont understand the point of these places or strip clubs. I would rather have the homely flat chested dweeby girl throating my cock then waste time looking at or god forbid talking to these women.

>> No.53048537

Still plenty of qt pa2ts working in restaurants and shops where I live bro, even grocery stockers are getting hotter and got a number from a qt walgreens tomboy a few weeks ago (and some road head and sexo from her a few days later).
Even if they have a 'gram or OF, recession's here which means the value of pussy is deflating

>> No.53048551

I'm into small titties

>> No.53048563

Local restaurants serve reheated food too, look at any local place Gordon Ramsay has ever visited. They all just use microwaves half the time.

>> No.53048598

99% of girls on onlyfans make crumbs
99.99% of girls on instagram make nothing

>> No.53048633


>> No.53048643

Wait until they find out zoomers are unironically into femboy hooters

>> No.53048651
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>(Alpha male)

>> No.53048652

I mean... what's the point?
Look at them? I can do that on pornhub.

>> No.53048702


>> No.53048722
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>eating goyslop at a gimmick restaurant chain for coomers is "traditional American values"

lmao he's actually being serious

>> No.53048734
File: 394 KB, 1750x2500, womens-fawn-costume-alt-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The novelty of big tiddy women has kind of worn off now that an infinite pornucopia is delivered directly into your eyeballs instantly as soon as you think of it. I would much rather have some kind of performance met with this. My idea:
>Hunter lodge that serves whiskey l, game meat, and steak
>Before dinner, go hunting in a prefab arena
>You're equipped with paintball guns
>You are hunting hot girls dressed as animals
>you've got limited time
>whoever tags the most hotties gets a free drink and a picture with the girl in a pose of his choice, maybe on the hood of his car or something
>then dinner
Anyone into that or am I a total psycho?

>> No.53048747

I remember this study from like 5 years ago
nothing happened then

>> No.53048795

>qt pa2ts
>value of pussy is deflating

>> No.53048835

is it femboy Hooters or femboy Booty?

>> No.53048847

You can’t understand why men like looking at attractive women?

>> No.53048848

What do you think they're rebranding into

>> No.53048862

Strip club food is better too.

>> No.53048875

Makes sense, non-whites prefer ass

>> No.53048909

this sounds like something you came up with when you were high (if you're into that), but I like it kek

>> No.53048935
File: 1010 KB, 2953x3300, 796362_secretaccount80_angelyne-hooters-commission-by-oigresd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that the youth likes asses more.
It's just that there is absolutely zero appeal to women these day in general

No. I'm not a fag
I just really hate women

I promise you, if you replaced every hooters waitress with a robot with tits, it would be one of the biggest food joints in town
Even with the shitty food.

>> No.53048938

this is unironically worse than brining your child to a drag shoq

>> No.53048992

kek that makes for a pretty hilarious headline, but that's clearly a dub.
Restaurants like Hooters are incredibly beta. Shit food, bad service, and the girls tend to be just above average.. if you want titties and some food, go get a steak at a strip club. Simple as.

>> No.53049036
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>No. I'm not a fag
>I just really hate women

>> No.53049035

There's nothing wrong with using technology to serve food. Were people angry when they started using gas stoves instead of wood furnaces hundreds of years ago?

>> No.53049037

Whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.53049058

>doe costume
Why is the world so retarded?

>> No.53049100

Ive been saying this since middle school. nigger culture is gay. men and women both have asses. men cannot have tits. if you like asses you are gay.

>> No.53049131

You need to flush your dopamine receptors, the jews of fried your neurons. Please, don't go on the internet for at least 2 months

>> No.53049132
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zoomers are immune to boobs

>> No.53049153

why are millennials so repressed? low testosterone? or are they domesticated by feminists?

>> No.53049183

Fat Cock Shemales...... I'd visit that place

>> No.53049185
File: 1.13 MB, 1363x907, gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was 12 I went on my first date
I held her hand through the whole movie and I thought she was the girl of my dreams
Than on the next day she put her head on some other guys lap

When I was 15 I spent an entire year with a girl befriending her
I came to realize that she only wanted me to hang out with her autistic brother so she could go to parties and let go of her responsibilities to her family

When I was 18 I finally felt like I had a real connection with a girl
My mom told me she set that girl up for me so that she could get a Visa

At 20 I had a second date
The girl kept trying to kiss me
I got herpes on my mouth by next week

I have never had a single good experience with a women in 26 years of life

>> No.53049221

Go talk to someone. This isn't an insult, this isn't about the internet fight or whatever, go outside and have a conversation.

>> No.53049249

>Goob ID

>> No.53049298

i face fucked and made out with a girl with HSV1 for 2 years and never got anything because i didn't try to kiss her when had a lip sore. how the fuck you get it from a single date?

>> No.53049299

The next step in this forced evolution will be "Trooners". All means will be served by a severely mentally ill man in a G-string.

>> No.53049324

Why do these twitter fags always post fake news?

>> No.53049389

crazy but have you ever tought you are the problem?

>> No.53049409

It's the only restaurant where I didn't finish my meal and asked for a refund. All they have is young female waitresses but every restaurant has those.

>> No.53049491

>Go to the gym
>Girls everywhere wearing leggings and sports bras for free

>> No.53049531

Are millenials gay or something

>> No.53049551


>> No.53049613

We eat ass and get footjobs from under the table by goth girls now grandpa. Times have changed.

>> No.53049614

>homely flat chested dweeby girl
not necessarily a better person to be around or smarter etc

false dichotomy

>> No.53049637

This guy baits twitter libs like few others can

>> No.53049660

Zoomers mog the shit out of millennials

>> No.53049718

I'm 31 and at least 80% of zoomers look just as old as I do. I don't know why but those fuckers got accelerated aging hard.

>> No.53049720

You can definitely have sex with strip teasers if you're rich enough, so there's that.

>> No.53049739
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>> No.53049790

Zoomers and late millennials are absolutely OBSESSED with asses and eating ass. Even of prostitutes.
I have no idea what happened but it is beyond disgusting.

>> No.53049791

Probably a combination of lack of exercise, bad diet, stress, and trauma lol. But yeah millennials in their 30s either look 25 and healthy or 40+ and balding and pudgy as fuck. No in between

>> No.53049832

America can't let go of their Puritanical roots.

>> No.53049856

Fuck off moshe

>> No.53049883

Hooters is failing because they werent willing to go far enough. Twin peaks has bikini and lingerie weeks, girls literally walking around in thongs and see through tops with pasties. Hooters outfits are tame and boring.

The other breasturants competing are willing to go almost to the edge of a strip club attire so why would anyone go to hooters.

>> No.53049888

zoomers are just a even gayer version of millennials. 30% of millienals are woke and leftists while 90% of zoomers are

>> No.53050065

>I'm not gay
suuuuure, buddy.

>> No.53050096

ayy lmao

>> No.53050178

>You guys wanna go to Booters?

>> No.53050200

im a millenial and my girlfriends DD or possibly bigger titties make me coom. im not into hooters because strip clubs are better im not there to eat

>> No.53050234


Stealing this idea. Thanks.

>> No.53050504

Yeah we like them big booties now

Big ass > big tits

>> No.53050556

Wtf does this even mean? What os he supposed to do?

>> No.53050562

A womans fertility is reflected by her hips and waist. Not breasts. Boobfags are all attracted to caricatures of women.

>> No.53050597

omg this so much this

thank you!!!!11

>> No.53050616

he's not wrong.

>> No.53050629

t. low test basedboy

>> No.53050675

why not a place where you can let your date run around before you chase her down, catch her, gag her, tie her up and rape her brutally? oh wait that's called "the park"

>> No.53050689

>t. formula fag

>> No.53050693

If the left takes away my monthly trip for wings, beers and cute girls in orange shorts, I will start writing a manifesto in a video game.

>> No.53050694

Not surprised. In the era of ubiquitous internet porn hooters isnt racey anymore

>> No.53050721

When the boob can’t stick out past the belly, it’s time to shut down

>> No.53050854


>> No.53050914


>> No.53050930

>Millennials are faggots
Whats the news here?

>> No.53051320
File: 37 KB, 282x420, C39EFFD9-619A-4D23-ABFA-E3B529088CB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooters can try rebranding without changing the name. Not true for everyone.

>> No.53051361

millenials are the faggiest generation ever.

>> No.53051383


>> No.53051393

Firstly it's probably fake information everything about this screams jewish deception and millenniels aren't into not boobs but aren't into this boobers which makes all this thing a lazy excuse to make something out of nothing and thirdly they are probably targetting gay woke liberals like this person here>>53048092

>> No.53051409

childs intelligence is affected by breastmilk, hencer blacks are stupid because they chase ass. prob makes em shit colored too. kek.

>> No.53051523


>> No.53051548

the point of it is the fried pickles

>> No.53051588

yeah, a more based one.

>> No.53051592

Wholesome and trad. Maybe dress like Amish. You get to physically strike them with an open hand if they fuck up or show any hint of disrespect toward you.

>> No.53051597

just make hooters where the waitresses weigh under 100 pounds without the weight of their boobs and ass

>> No.53051670


>> No.53051789

she is 10x cuter than 10 hooters sluts

>> No.53051791
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The amount of seethe you generate makes by existing makes me jealous
T. Genx

So how many businesses have failed and are blaming millennials for it this year?
>Golf courses
>Another motorbike brand
>Superheroe genre moives/comicbooks

>> No.53051796

Park, playground, daycare, newborn nurseries, whatever man. All the same shit

>> No.53051821

what a fucking joke the usa is
two-faced faggots

>> No.53051877

There's one near me that I've been meaning to try but its like a fucking $50 uber/$28 train ride + $15 uber to get there and I don't know if its worth it to drink stupid cold beer and stare at tits

>> No.53051939

I’ve always liked petite treadmill bunnies with nothing bigger than a B cup.

>> No.53051956

b cup based cup

>> No.53051989

That's all fucking men.

>> No.53052026
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>Ez just switch to asses
and call it "Brappers"

>> No.53052089

every skanky millennial bitch walks around in skimpy outfit nowadays.

you need an overpriced restaurant with shitty food extra for that you can brand virgin on your balding forehead already

>> No.53052228

Like Harley?

>> No.53052248

>eat at Trannys

>> No.53052281

they should do futa hooters, except use real girls and have them stuff their pants to look like they are packing

>> No.53052353

Well uh go to WMT and just sit on a bench or in the subway and kill time. You'll see humanity of all types and it won't cost you a thing.

>> No.53052442
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, 1591819550615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive never been to hooters, i dont get the point. why would i want tits with my food. i can only attention to one or the other. plus i cant even touch the tits. now i just have a burger and a hardon. whats the fucking point?
itd be like going to a brotel and banging some beautiful broad whilst within smelling range of a passionate latino grandmother making a lavish mexican feast. how the fuck am i supposed to concentrate. now im starving

>> No.53052507


>> No.53052541

If you unironically get sexually aroused by children you are mentally ill and deserve to get shot in the head. Seriously mentally ill

>> No.53052543

I don't understand the point if I can't suck on the titties tbqh

>> No.53052615

>itd be like going to a brotel and banging some beautiful broad whilst within smelling range of a passionate latino grandmother making a lavish mexican feast
now THAT is a business idea

>> No.53052635

Before the internet you didn't have infinite free access to hot women.

>> No.53052682
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Rebranding as Cooters or Booties

>> No.53052685

How many of them work at strip clubs?

>> No.53052724
File: 59 KB, 640x360, (m=qO2Y02VbeaAaGwObaaaa)(mh=h2Zkzhc7tjNSpcKR)0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about bussy now. Gen Z are a buncha fags.

>> No.53052728

The real reason is that none of the waitresses even have boobs, or look remotely close to picrel. Wings are trash too. Not overpaying to see flat mids turned down by the strip club

>> No.53052968
File: 955 KB, 640x360, 1652769977635.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your average zoomer:

>> No.53053174

That experience is gonna cost ya

>> No.53053194

millennials like the bulge on the skirt.

>> No.53053340

zoomers are tall but skinny af and definitely lower in test. so many of them are literal faggots now its literally the norm among their gen to be a faggot.

>> No.53053371


You footfag pedophiles are gonna pay!

>> No.53053377

Call it bussy or cakes and the degenerates will pile in.

>> No.53053400

men and women both have faces and legs too, does it mean youre gay if you like womens faces and legs?

>> No.53053423
File: 74 KB, 770x630, ZOOMERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek no

>> No.53053483

Wait, wtf?
Why does gen z have so many faggots?

>> No.53053495

do they hire Niggers? I dont want to go to Hooters and get a nigger waiter

>> No.53053524

Go watch the interview with Yuri Bezmenov where he talks about how it takes roughly 3 generations to subvert a population. Zoomers are the 3rd gen after boomers. It's been basically 60 years of rampant Jewish propaganda shoved in our faces and the results are now prevalent to see.

>> No.53053625

yes basically this.
this one is unironically GMI though. props. in the midst of chaos there is opportunity.

>> No.53053721

no its not faggot

>> No.53053730

girls dont suck cocks at age 12 you disgusting daydream incel

>> No.53053747

Ever been to high school? Remember how many girls were "bisexual" because they got more attention that way?

>> No.53053761


Being apart of the alphabet crew means you're automatically considered stunning and brave.

>> No.53053776

You know how they complain millennials of being soft? Zoomers take it to a whole new level

>> No.53053784

Not into goyslop, simple as

>> No.53053833

So this is a strange nuance with how people "identify" as something versus what they actually are. When they poll Gen Z, 20% of them describe themselves as LGBTQ. When they ask further questions, 99% of those who self identify as LGBTQ
>identify and present themselves as the gender they were born
>exclusively had sexual encounters with members of the opposite sex
So LGBTQ doesn't mean anything. It's why I seriously call myself Super Straight and say that's part of LGBTQ.

>> No.53053841

Based. Ass and thighs are all that matter.

>> No.53053849

I haven't stepped foot in a highschool since I graduated 10 years ago.
When I was in highschool, anyone that called themselves bisexual was called a faggot and made fun of.
How the fuck did everything change so fast?

>> No.53053921
File: 89 KB, 295x229, 1552403893006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is disgusting, liberals are exposing their children to adult shows!

>> No.53054006

once shes had her first period shes no longer a child I know this to be factually and empirically true because mother nature made it so
thinking otherwise is the result of human propaganda designed and peddled by the same people who went to Epstein's Island and go to the newer better island that definitely exists

>> No.53054155

Kek, the zoomer is incapable of realising not everything is libtards vs conservatives. Good goy.

>> No.53054401


they are doing it as a fad. queue popularity of being LBTBQBBQ.

mid white people fail out of life and become gay.

the girls who are 1s 2s and 3s who, prior to 2010, would find some guy to smash, now purport to be TRANS to get ahead and gain social status as a protected minority.

still a shithead, but now my hair is PINK.

source: am GenZ

>> No.53054426

Are zoomers more redpilled than millennials?

>> No.53054440


>> No.53054457

Depends on the country. Generally speaking, the parent is reponsible for the upbringing of the child. Zoomers being fucked is a result of milennials being fucked

>> No.53054505

>men cannot have tits
Sergay would like to speak with you

>> No.53054535

And you belong in a mental institution, tranny.

>> No.53054754

I like their wings

>> No.53054764
File: 50 KB, 435x690, 1558641497964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomies prefer their women with cocks.

>> No.53054805


i am uncommon and alienated from my age bracket. some GEN Z are not tuned in to the culture.

i have millenial cousins who are approaching 40 that act 16 and have "drank the kool-aid"

everyone is unique.

the uggo white girls are the ones who are driving the trans shit.

i can't get my mind wrapped around the drag shows at libraries for kindergarten-age children. this is satanic and we do not understand the impact of this being allowed.

>> No.53054882

we want e-girls who watch anime and play vidya not bimbo who gets fucked by chad behind the dumpster after work

>> No.53054924

>we want e-girls who gets fucked by chad not bimbo who gets fucked by chad
ftfy little zoom zoom

>> No.53054984

Can't wait for dOOmpers

>> No.53055020

>active sperm
hol up

>> No.53055045
File: 100 KB, 692x530, brunt jewing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme restaurant
>as a stripper joint, it ain't one
>as a restaurant, there are many better ones
>as a weird niche thing, maid cafes kinda blow them out the water and there are probably places that have chicks in swimwear or something for better ogling

It's a weird novelty that most people try once and decide it's not good enough to keep going to and spending money on. Hell, some strip joints have food too.

>> No.53055143


Maid cafes feature extreme amounts of CRINGE and women with yellow teeth.

>t. been to Japan

>> No.53055154

all the cafes?

>> No.53055167

are their wings actually better than BWW or not?

>> No.53055241

both they and twin peaks do also you can't choose your waitress

>> No.53055286

instagram is the same thing tho lol

>> No.53055313

Zoomers are into fat, cottage cheese looking asses with flat chests.

>> No.53055354

they're young and gender experimenting is trendy

>> No.53055359

>they are doing it as a fad. queue popularity of being LBTBQBBQ.
and the boomers are dressing their young daughters as whores because...it's their values? what the fuck are you even talking about anon. stop being a nigger.

>> No.53055363

so roughly doubles with every generation? what comes after genz? whatever it will be, 40% will be fags.

>> No.53055436
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I hate these places man, the girls are usually barely hot, and they're always aloof and cold as fuck.
Same thing with strip clubs but a little less so. It's full-on brothels and hookers or nothing for me bros.

>> No.53055440

showing bulge instead of cleavage

>> No.53055466

Literal fake news. Also, hooters sucks. I went to a hooters in Thailand and was expecting some wild crazy sex shit but I just got a boring waitress that ignored me for an hour. I went across the street to the gogo bars and coomed in a bargirl I picked up from there.

Why would anyone go to a hooters when gogo bars exist. Beats me.

>> No.53055493

Loool no one talk about this enough

>> No.53055519
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Based finance tranny enjoyer

>> No.53055531
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check the 3rd from the top on the left
planned parent aka the eugenicists asked for comments on how to reduce population back in 1967

>> No.53055651

if you've ever seen them naked irl you'd know why. They just look unnatural and shitty. Even the good ones are inferior to small real ones imo. Don't get me wrong some naturals look fucked too but maybe those are the only chicks who should bother with fakes.

>> No.53055792

yeah, only had bigger nattys irl, never fakes just felt fakes through clothes.

>> No.53055800

you're right, they should be naked

>> No.53055848

Weird place to try out Hooters, really.

>> No.53055879

I was scared to eat the local food.

>> No.53056475

I ordered the chocolate dessert thing at twin peaks and the lady asked if it was for her and I said no
Wat did she mean by this

>> No.53056496

Femboy Hooters when?

>> No.53056508

Is my room open right now?

>> No.53056517

this is the biggest fucking cope ever. kys

>> No.53056697

lmao, those useless boomers are dying out, most of them have erectile dysfunction by now anyways lol

>> No.53056780

>a thread about boobs
>200+ replies
>none of them have boobs pics
my disappointment is immeasurable

>> No.53057291

Offici𝗮l sources st𝗮ted th𝗮t this is f𝗮lse 𝗮nd misle𝗮ding

>> No.53057306

Microwaves are fucking gay cancer shit and u need to rope you fat autistic faggot

>> No.53057357

But there's already a sporting goods store called Dick's.

>> No.53058314

She was resting too flirt with you anon

>> No.53058378

>Millennials aren't into boobs any more
Wow. What corpo cope. This ain't it. I know younguns are into femboys now but the market for boobs is still plenty big.

Reality is Hooters a trash. They don't care about quality if your experience because they think we will come in anyways because boobs. As a result their service and food all suck. Worst part is they don't even hire hot girls anymore for the sake of not being offensive. You can go in and find land whales regularly. Unreal cope.

>> No.53058430

It's trendy. Easy victim points without actually having to do or lose anything too.

t. Zoomer

>> No.53058466

I was an incel as a Millennial until you zoomies became of age. I fucked a 17 yo zoomer girl as a 23 year old Millennial to lose my virginity. I've fucked at least 4 zoomie girls since then, so nice cope. i've experienced teenage love, and it's so great. women always prefer older men and ones who aren't faggy enough to dislike tits

>> No.53058625

You're telling me I missed out on twin peaks slut pussy? Used up roast hag vagina? A useless hedonistic whores axe wound?!
It's over

>> No.53059710

Exactly. This is yet another thing Christians AND feminists can agree with.

>> No.53059721

Canada will never be as good as America

>> No.53059789

>False dichotomy
Thanks reddit. If you werent retarded you would know I was saying I would rather get my dick sucked by a 5/10 than hang around 8/10s.

>> No.53059801
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Look a zoomer that can spell!
You're the generation least able to deal with reality.
You're the apex predator at internet scamming but that doesn't keep the lights on or the water flowing. Set your watch (or in your case one of your 50 iphone alarms) for when basic utilities stop working and you all fortnite dance into your graves.

>> No.53059882

make em not dress like animals and the paintballs red and i'm game

>> No.53060020

If only you knew how bad things really are
they do

>> No.53060142
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>> No.53060256
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You are absolutely right.
Time to cash in dem gains and relocate.

>> No.53060281

The replacement: Tooters

>> No.53060767

Hooters put out shorter shorts for the waitresses then later they got so much shit they had to pulled it out

>> No.53060863

Brazilian and Thai only. and you got yourself a deal anon

>> No.53060881

What the simp cuck fuck is going on here

>> No.53060890

kek vatican city sign in the background hahahahahaha, the irony

>> No.53060909

Femboy Shooters

>> No.53061881

Hooters in Medellin, Colombia is all 10s. I recoomend it, biz bros.

>> No.53062413

I don't think you can really argue that the concept is antiquated when Twin Peaks was founded in 2005 and have exploded in popularity. Every one I drive past is always slammed.

This is a good point. I went to a Twin Peaks around Halloween this year and some of the girls were literally walking around in skimpy underwear with nothing but little devil horns or angel wings as costumes. I felt like I was at a strip club. That aside, I'm sure it helps that their food is actually decent too.

>> No.53062438

>shitty food
>big boobs
>high prices with mega tip expected
Fuck off. If the wings aren’t good I’m not fucking paying for them, even if the chick serving them has GAZOOOOONGAS

>> No.53062468


I always wonder when I see an attractive chick working min wage when she could easily marry a rich guy

>> No.53062484

they go for food (its also a sports bar) the only difference is the waitresses are hot. its literally the same as any other restaurant the philosophy is just that if you're gonna have a server it may as well be a woman with her tits out

>> No.53062562

theres also a big one in pattaya thailand on the main beach promenade. but basically no point in going for the tease from the women there as you could go a few blocks more to walking street or soi bukahao and the women there will actually have sex with you for 20-40$. which is the same price as a meal... kek

>> No.53062855

Fake news

>> No.53063244

>Millennial and zoomer girls are horribly stuck up and lonely
>millennial and zoomer men don't want to deal with them

>> No.53063454

It's not that they're not into boobs. It's the women bubble top

>> No.53064375

Who cares.

>> No.53064958

Wow, end of era. It's pretty true though, why the fuck would anyone spend money on this cheap boomer slop just to look at booba?

Did they finally realize we all have a literally infinite supply of hotter chicks getting railed by Black guys at the click of a button? I literally can't get hard for a 10/10 solo anymore unless there's a scowling dude who looks like George Floyd in the same frame.

>> No.53065010

>Salty trash food
>Women who can't carry a conversation
>Nothing but creepy pedos that live there
>Trash management that doesn't even force the girls to clean
>Trash management that tries to fuck all girls who work there

I'm surprised it lasted this long. Has nothing to do with boobs, but more of trash service.

>> No.53065690

>I'm surprised it lasted this long. Has nothing to do with boobs, but more of trash service.
Sounds accurate. American dining fell off a cliff the past decade

Happens when the only dude willing to take a job making you a sammie is fresh off the boat or has 3 felonies and a pending

>> No.53066693

Bet you'd go to these places or strip clubs if the girls were 13 year olds.

>> No.53067962
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they could rebrand as "Booters" or someshit

>> No.53068000

there are way less retarded simps than when hooters peaked in popularity. men of all generations have all agreed that we must stop giving bitches money for merely existing

>> No.53068024

I went to hooters with my wide, my sister, and my brother in law this year because the girls were interested in it. Obviously me and my brother in law were down to see some big titty girls and my wife and sister were wanting to make us feel uncomfortable by having women flirt with us in front of them; sadly the women were all really cold and distant. Not worth our time at all.

>> No.53068060

smart man

>> No.53068283

Going to a brotel and banging some passionate latino grandmother whilst within smelling range of an overweight roastie's fishy coochie

How about that?

>> No.53068748
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>Paying extra to get served by big tits
Literally worse than simping for an Ewhore.

>> No.53068759

They need to make boipussy restraunt for you faggot millenials

>> No.53068773

I've been to Hooters twice in my life and I've always been disappointed. Mediocre food and women that think wearing tights and showing cleavage is a substitute for friendly service.

>> No.53069604

time to get Gen X matures, then

>> No.53070304

Most women I see in public are walking around in outfits that are more revealing than the hooters uniform because it's "empowering" or something. They would have to make their employees walk around ass naked in order for the franchise to "go far enough"

>> No.53071512

Holy based king God bro

>> No.53071756

>Canadian tourism industry
Nothing of value was lost.