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53040498 No.53040498 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53040578

Earth. Shattering. Stuff. This.
stop posting rt links, no one can read that shit.

>> No.53040593


>> No.53040598

Ivan looking out for their own.

>> No.53040602

rt is more accurate than us msm unironically

>> No.53040605

>eat sum of that kremlin propaganda
ya thanks I'll pass

>> No.53040608

yeah, especially in matters of 'Ongoing Speshiul Operations & Sucesses Of'

>> No.53040613


>> No.53040619

Why is RT is biased propaganda why does that detract from a post where they quote somebody with no commentary of their own?

>> No.53040622

Tesla is tanking because it's a speculative bubble propped up on Elon's rapidly crumbling cult of personality. The writing was on the wall last year and you're likely underwater.

>> No.53040631

>Why is
*Even if

>> No.53040640

Wouldn't surprise me. Tesla not ESG kosher so institutional investors gotta drop it.
Musk should flout the FAA and launch a starship full of tungsten rods for a little respect.

>> No.53040701

RT's ACTUAL most valuable contribution to journalism, it would fund reporters to show up at riots and habbenings, mostly Europe eg Paris, and just livestream them walking around sans comment. But thats also probably their only contribution. This shit with Elon, they are fronting some propganda bullshit number thats fallen so flat on its arse, no-ones even bothering to try and figure what, exactly, for Putin BS they are trying to sell now, nevermind start believing it.

>> No.53040870

so elon never said it?

>> No.53040916

It is, as said, all bullshit - that 'US federal agancies occasionally demand removal of shit on social media platforms' - this is hardly a shocking fucking revelation now, is it? At least when Burgers have a fucking War and invade some poor bastard minding their own business, they have the decency to call a spade a spade.
The only minor point of interest in this endless Twitter bullshit and why Elon is half-arsedly prodding it forwards - who (exactly) is pushing this retardness, who is misguided enough to think that anyone would give a fuck, and why, in the face of such obvious absolute disinterst, does it continue?

>> No.53041031

Yeah, it is pretty blatant

>> No.53041082

there are literally millions of npcs who dont think about it until the msm news brings it up

>> No.53041109

Why does TikTok deliver dancing and jiggling teens to US viewers but math and history to its own Chinese viewers? Are the US government based pedophiles?

>> No.53041407

lad save some for the rest of us.

>> No.53041436

>'US federal agancies occasionally demand removal of shit on social media platforms' - this is hardly a shocking fucking revelation now, is it?
It is to me. I thought they were private companies? What happened to free speech?

>> No.53041491

>At least when Burgers have a fucking War and invade some poor bastard minding their own business, they have the decency to call a spade a spade.
>The US invaded a country over a terrorist attack they had nothing to do with, just because fighting the real terrorists would be too inconvenient. At least with Ukraine Russia was in legitimate danger.

>> No.53041502

Free speech in the jewnited states :D

>> No.53041514

>5/20 posts are by this id damage controlling and derailing thread
Imagine loving to suck mutilated kike dick for free. Trannies such as you are the most disgusting creatures to ever exist.

>> No.53041533

>At least with Ukraine Russia was in legitimate danger
That's, just, like your opinion Vladimir.
And if the 'Speshiul Operation' was indeed to prevent NATO encroaching too near your Borders, well.. that worked out well, didn't it?

>> No.53041553

No-one pays me tho - maybe, you could just call me a trannie and jew again? because that will surely win both this and every other argument you are losing in your flailing massacre of a neighboring country.

>> No.53041572

>And if the 'Speshiul Operation' was indeed to prevent NATO encroaching too near your Borders, well.. that worked out well, didn't it?
Of course it didn't work well, Russia has always been a joke compared to the US, but Putin's choice was either to let the US destroy Russia or go down fighting.

>> No.53041574

Based kek

>> No.53041588

You would have been called a "consiacy theoriest" for such a claim not long ago.

Now it doesnt matter? I smell a rat
>gay take on ukraine
Yeh rat confirmed.
We all know the US soros backed 2014 coup and bombing their own people in the donbas region led to Russias intervention

>> No.53041598

>i specifically make fun of the non being paid thing
>n-n-nobody pa-pays m-me heh
Not only a trannie but also a flat-brained retard kek.

>> No.53041601

Shabbat Shalom

>> No.53041617

Is it 1 kek = 1 kopek in troll gulags these days, or are you just trying (too hard) to fit in?

>> No.53041672

>jfk files unsealed
>comes to light it was the cia who did it and the boomer schizos were right all along
>outside of a a few has been right wing grifters screeching on twitter nobody cares
>got forgotten the day after

>> No.53041939

This is true
But reddit loses so im split

>> No.53042699

No duh Sherlock

>> No.53042706

Bottom is in.

>> No.53042985

There is a shit fest because unlike facebook or other social media networks, twitter is a "headline" social media platform, it's literally made as to be quick news clips.

This was the main internet platform for all MSM and politicians and now it's been taken over by someone they do not find to be a friend.


>> No.53043008
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>> No.53043021



>> No.53043271
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lol nigger

>> No.53043299

>US federal agancies occasionally demand removal of shit on social media platforms' - this is hardly a shocking fucking revelation now
Without a judge signing it, it is. Shut the fuck up glowie

>> No.53043308

I'm a 40 y-o white man from Canada
RT is better than any american msm
Have you ever watched RT? I used to watch it every no and then from 2017 up until the russian invasion, after which my gay country blocked it
Tell me though, what media do you watch?

>> No.53043321

>t. seething chud

>> No.53043339
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>We share a board with this kind of people.

>> No.53043397
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>I'm a 40 y-o white man from Canada RT is better than any american msm Have you ever watched RT? I used to watch it every no and then from 2017 up until the russian invasion, after which my gay country blocked itTell me though, what media do you watch?
>>t. seething chud

lol nigger

>> No.53043459

Eat shit trannie anf kys

>> No.53043492

You didnt answer the question nigger; which news medias do you watch?

>> No.53043567
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None because in the west no-one force's you to sit down in your own home to watch propaganda, but you would know that if you actually lived in the west ivan.

>> No.53043578

Just because your federal building's IT blocks it doesn't mean nobody else can ready it.

>> No.53043611
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Again I am from Canada dipshit. Here's your last (you), and stop expressing your opinion on stuff you have no experience with, it makes you appear as a very stupid man

>> No.53043650

>No no TSLA was not overvalued by a 100 times
>(((they))) are against him all of the sudden
>Russian propaganda says so, therefore it has to be true

>> No.53043691

We've got the closest thing in the world to it.

>> No.53043700

>Again I am from Canada
No (you)'s for vatnicks.

>> No.53043704

You're a retard. It is expect from a north american at this point.
RT is total garbage. Then again, you probably have no idea what is actually going on in the world so how could you even know. You amerisharts are considered dumb for a reason.
RT is a literal joke. They even accused Finland of holocausting innocent Russians in Karelia, and kept displaying some freshly found "mass graves" of innocent poor soviet defenders, who were in reality victims of Stalins purges.

>> No.53043742
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>Russian propaganda
I was with you until you said this.

>> No.53043782

This board is no exception. It is flooded with government agents thought policing and controlling the narrative. Most of pol is nonsensical social issues and endless amounts of threads seeking to divide middleclass and poor people while very little discussion is had regarding real issues like class inequalities or how the rich are fucking you over every day

>> No.53043859
File: 331 KB, 708x703, 457A8FA1-4D68-41B8-9F8A-DEE02E15EB05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.53043934

Glowing green ID, really poetic.

>> No.53043949

Hi Elon

>> No.53044321

bigfoot is more real than american media so you have to understand this

>> No.53046452

*GRABS YOU and smokes your way* you little shit once I get my hands on you you're dead meat, you hear me? YOU'RE DEAD MEAT.
And don't think I'll start with the brain to offer you an easy death. I'll leave you handicapped for life *SPITS* thank me you little shit. Thank me for even wasting my saliva on your ugly curly ass. Fitting that your ID glows like shit.
*Grabs you by the balls and pulls you up and throws you on the floor*
Jews like you deserve the entire planet to grab you and put you in a matrix of your own making. Jews like you should be killed not by a SWAT team, but kidnapped by a bunch of pajeets and forced to eat their literal shit. Jews should be sentenced to live in Venezuela. You disgust me.
What's worse than a gen-zer? a CIA gen-zer. You idiots blew your cover so badly that the previous CIA fags would have rather put 90s forum moderators in charge of the CIA than you pathetic gen-zers.

>> No.53046868
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>> No.53047063

No, Musk is tanking TSLA. He's been dumping his shares all year.

>> No.53047875

He didn't need to add the social part, all US and the majority of Western media works with the US government.
We live in a kleptocracy.

>> No.53048941

oh wow what everyone with a IQ over luke warm water has known for the past 100 years...nothing ever happens