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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53042514 No.53042514 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw didn't go to university

>> No.53042518



>> No.53042542

Tradies will do this then look you in the eye and say they still don’t regret not continuing school.

>> No.53042612

I worked for a plumber for a year and there was very little dirty work involved, did both home repairs and industrial plumbing, my boss was clearing mid 6 figures easily, cope and seethe

>> No.53042650

My dad didn't graduate high school. Was self employed tradie for many decades. Had a huge home on a lake, no debt, bunch of toys, tons of money. And he's not a woke faggot.

>> No.53042685

>makes $100 an hour

>> No.53042687

>holocausting Turks for free
Dudes living the dream

>> No.53042751

ngl biz i would freak the fuck out as soon as it touched my neck

>> No.53042818

how come u can see so much of the skin on his head

>> No.53042834

I ended up homeless and living in a crack den after covid hit and and roaches actually bite you, I used to wake up covered in little red sores that I initially thought were bed bug bites until I woke up and a roach the size of my thumb was on top of my thigh eating away at me. Disgusting creatures and I say that as a Christian who has love for all people and things

>> No.53042846

sorry to hear that bro, hope its going well now. im from a country that doesnt have roaches (north scotland) and moved to japan and cant believe how fast and fearless these fuckers are. i had to flip my bed in summer and take a broom to one because my gf wouldnt sleep till i killed it, i missed and it started to fly around. i ended up putting a hole in the wall and getting charged 500 bucks

>> No.53042847

not really but tradies WILL downplay how much physical labor is involved. Blah blah yeah good for your body sure but most of us arent built like that and are nerds it wouldnt work. If you're fit to do a trade then by all means but tradies forget that like college trades arent for everyone either.

>> No.53042876

Men like this keep the world moving when shit hits the fan you in your cuck apartments in the city you will be dead weight

>> No.53042894

>tfw didn't apply for a gender studies degree.

>> No.53042911

thats true of any boomer. boomers who went to college are millionaires multiple times over.

>> No.53042920

Alright, how much money would it take for you to get in there and do that?
I wouldn't do it for less than 10k.

>> No.53042930

to perform it like him, with no protective gear? no amount of money. he's spraying dog shit and hepatitis water into his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. in addition to having a shit job the guy is a complete retard.

>> No.53042991
File: 824 KB, 1152x698, me vs you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dumb
>work trade
>be smart
>work smart job
>man with dementia is President
>fat people are health advisors
>SBF was so dumb CZ just had to dump tokens to destroy his house of cards.

Clearly all these people like SBF should have just been involved in a trade, and all the fat slobs too, because you act as though being frail and pathetic is exclusive to smart people, and that there aren't people clogging up everywhere like you did on a jobsite miss.

Pic related, me on right you on left. NIGGER.

>> No.53043044

this. no PPE doing a job like that is absolute retardation.

>> No.53043097

>my boss was clearing mid 6 figures easily
That's why he's the boss and you waged for him, wagie. it's not because of trades or not.

>> No.53043119

I went to college and couldn’t graduate. So I open tickets at a helpdesk position and commute 4 hrs per day

>> No.53043133
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I know someone that started a drain unblocking business, not sure how much it cost to set up initially (vehicle, equipment and 2/3 staff were only costs), few years later the business basically runs itself. There's money there for people who want to do the dirty work, he lives in a warm, insignificant country now away from the nonsense while wagie washes out the fryers and thinks about how much he regrets paying however the fuck much burgers pay for college these days for his degree in whatever nonsense passes for education now.

>> No.53043156

I tried tradie jobs twice once with an automotive job and once with a welding job. Both were just messes ruined by environment.
Coworkers would intentionally tell me the wrong information because they thought it was funny. On slow days I'd be yelled at for not looking busy. I leaned against a wall while the computer man punched in the customer's information it takes about 5 minutes and there's literally nothing for me to do. The want to be assistant manager came over and barked at me for it. Said I can't lean because I need to "look ready to work" ridiculous petty things.
Anyway the low class people ruined both jobs for me.

>> No.53043186

i worked at a factory and the alcoholic retard wagie team leaders would yell at us to "look busy" when the machinery crashed and went offline and there was literally nothing to do. usually this involved picking up a broom and sweeping dust, even if it was 3rd shift and all the salary niggerfaggot managers were at home asleep. i liked to turn it around and pester them with retarded questions "hey how much longer do you think we're down for? do you think i'll have time to do (retarded task)?"

>> No.53043192
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>Coworkers would intentionally tell me the wrong information because they thought it was funny

>> No.53043210

Working for a good manufacturing company isn't bad at all. It's chill and not even boring once you get some experience and seniority and can pick and choose what you want to do each day. There's always the option of begging for an office job there if you can't crack it in the shop. Doing shit like OP's webm isn't for me though. I don't like le kaka poo poo.

>> No.53043219

This is why we need to replace most of the jobs with the proper tech. Working class families suffer everyday.

>> No.53043319

It really did feel like that. I don't understand it either because just came back on them.
I reported everything they did and I saw and lots of them got in trouble. The manager and want to be assistant managers got fired because they were using a weed vape on the job which I reported. The manager was going to become regional too it was already set up.
I just can't understand the mind set. I work at a bank now. Much better. Better people too.

>> No.53043333

Lol this

>> No.53043336

The looking busy mind set is ridiculous. It feels like a slave mentality desu it's just taking a power trip from a manager.

>> No.53043365
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It works though. I got promoted to manager at a bar I worked at when I was 19 by pretending to work. It's really easy if you know what you're doing. I did basically nothing, and gave myself Friday / Saturday night shifts so I could pick up women. A few people figured out what was going on but what were they going to do, report it to me?

>> No.53043373
File: 2.88 MB, 392x720, Dressing bossing lead box gutter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather work in a ditch than an office.

>> No.53043394

Checked and correct
That dude makes excellent money for the hardest dumb guy job
Yes it is a dumb guy job, but would you do it?
No. That's why they pay him. Because he'll get it done.
That man in that hole is a man of results. He is the kinda guy who gets paid the most on a team like that.
None of you soft hand soft mentality faggots would know anything about being the top dog.

>> No.53043415

If as a burger you can’t get most or all of your college paid by scholarships, then go do a trade (too dumb, or too lazy in the context of non-physical labor)
Otherwise, go to college and laugh at loancels. Bonus points if it’s not a community college

>> No.53043455

Uneducated people are generally shit. Yeah college is easy and pointless, but that's why you're that much of a bigger idiot for never going.

>> No.53043488 [DELETED] 

the guy in the video doesn't make $100/hour. imagine being proud and living vicariously through a fat middle aged retard spraying hepatitis and dogshit water >>53042930 into his mouth with zero protective gear. if you had any self awareness, you'd immediately recognize yourself as the victim of a niggerbrained culture war.

>> No.53043493

that guy comes home covered in pesticide but he feels clean - because he IS clean
his accomplishments speak for themselves, can you say the same?

>> No.53043498

I worked in the oilfield for a year. They think they are hard for working without PPE. They heckled me for wearing my respirator in silica dust clouds. They all have silicosis now and I don't. They all worked there because it was the only way they could pay for credit cards, truck financing and chewing tobacco. Not people you should take life advice from.

>> No.53043532

>why commas matter: the post

>> No.53043536

I really don't think people understand how much money jobs like this pay

>> No.53043584
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$15-20/hour because only an alcoholic retard with literally no other options in life would volunteer to do unskilled labor in filthy conditions with no protective equipment. imagine falling for these /pol/ memes. you're idolizing the man doing the first world equivalent of pic related.
the owner of the company might be charging $100/hour but he's sure as fuck not wading in piss and shit himself.

>> No.53043605

>$15 an hour
>muh /pol/
Post body with timestamp. I want to see the frail frame that posted this.

>> No.53043646

manual labor doesn't make you physically strong. i've been lifting weights for 5 years and although i'm nowhere near ripped, i'm far stronger now than what i did white nigger factory work. cope and seethe as you're brushing particles of shit out of your nicotine-stained teeth.

>> No.53043648

>technically make that as a STEM grad working 5hrs/week but 40 on paper
>wake up at noon and work in bath robe for 2.5hrs/day

>> No.53043659

Either doing it on his own property or has a ridiculous salary

>> No.53043670

>i've been lifting weights for 5 years and although i'm nowhere near ripped
Then you haven't actually been lifting weights.

>> No.53043677
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I'd gladly wage holocaust on Turks what're you talking about OP. Deus vult

>> No.53043711

>immediately changes the subject by moving the goalposts

>> No.53043718

He’s building up his immune system, you’re just a sissy who will die of a cold, he will never get sick in his life.

>> No.53043719

just passing time for you to btfo me with a pic with timestamp.

>> No.53043739

>Coworkers would intentionally tell me the wrong information because they thought it was funny

Lol u didn't no something nobody told u and u trusted me when I told u haha ur so stupid.

I noticed this too and I hated it. Tradies deserve their chronic back pain.

>> No.53045094
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we are waiting for the pic

>> No.53045143

kek there was literally no need for any of that, just put the plate and the water will go, simple as

>> No.53045209

In the long-term they’re right. White collar wagies are useless eaters with fake jobs that can be replaced by AI, but the elites still needs some poor bastard to unclog the pipes in his toilet

>> No.53045220

Some truckcuck making 50k a year has the balls to come on this board and try and brag about his shitty job
Clean my shit up tradie

>> No.53045239

wtf they fly? i've never really seen a roach, though my house seems to have a silverfish problem

>> No.53045288

Didn’t finish Hs, didn’t go to uni, work two full time devops jobs… chances are the guy spraying my shit off the walls in the sewer system are degree wielding bots

>> No.53045343
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>Keep the world moving
Lmao, serfs and their society is such a parasitical relationship
>Yes I am a slave, but I keep my society moving to perpetuate my slavery
>Without me all of this slavery would fall apart

>> No.53045400

I wonder why he doesn’t spare a grand for a good NBC suit. All that shit particles and pathogens he absorbed can’t be good for his body in the long-term

>> No.53045464

this is what mike rowe is pushing kids to do

>> No.53045485

sounds close to my experience
they either had you doing hard labour all day until it slowed down then you had to sweep the floors and other pointless shit
I'm so glad I'm not there anymore.

>> No.53045496

He’s a masochist and likes being able to tell everyone how hard he works and how much of not a pussy he is. I say the same when I was a dishwasher in high school and nobody would use the rubber gloves to protect from the scolding water and chemicals

>> No.53045507

>that weights is different than this weights

>> No.53045523

Everybody I know with degrees are working minimum wage at Bojangles.

>> No.53045556


>> No.53045649

Some species of roach can fly short distances, yes.

>> No.53045800

>"What do you mean you need a lunch break, wagie? Your lunch is crawling all over you, eat on the job!"

>> No.53045911

Hell yeah they fly. Those big black fuckers with mana bars, they fly. I swear I hear boss music when I see one of them.

>> No.53046047

So enough to keep doing it until you die and no more?

>> No.53046072



>> No.53046092
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>MFW went to university

Huh, I guess I should be grateful for my wagie

>> No.53046129

What did you wagies who went to college get a degree in? I plan on getting one on bioengineering with my gi bill so I can make big bucks workinf for monsanto or cure balding permanently or whatever.

>> No.53046157

Went to the state justice department and applied for their trainee program, they paid me a salary and my tuition while I got a cs degree

>> No.53046158

palmetto bugs, they’re basically giant flying roaches. Their flight is short distance though. They’re not as fast as their smaller cousins.

>> No.53046188

these guys make like 150k-200k a year

>> No.53046274

>The manager was going to become regional too it was already set up.
I’d watch my back if I were you. Nothing is scarier than a shit-faced, self-destructive boomer with a grudge.

>> No.53046644
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there's no need for fine architecture. just put a cross ontop of a shipping container and people will go, simple as.

>> No.53046693

doing the needful by getting rid of avax shills. Very honorable work.

>> No.53046730

This tradie took this job for 5x more then what he would normally charge. Probably made like $2k profit that day. Cope and seethe

>> No.53046736
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Get in the roach-pit, wagie.

>> No.53046755

You can't make worse financial decisions than me. I'm in my senior year of an English degree. I'm dropping out of college finally. I also bought a bought 40k brand new car and turned around and sold it for $33k because I don't want to own a car anymore. I'm also renting a $1500 apartment. Oh, and I can't get a job. It's over for me.

>> No.53046778

But you at least have sex right?

>> No.53046797

So underrated holy kek

>> No.53046874


>> No.53046900
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>at least he's making $5/hour more than someone with a masters :^)

>> No.53046916

>my boss.

Key word there, he’s in charge, you’re not. I make 6 figures (243k with a degree in painting) while I’m not in charge. Get back to scooping my poop

>> No.53046922

niggers gonna nig

>> No.53047087

The $180k I paid for my college education was absolutely worth it.

>> No.53047154

you're miserable though so you're loser

>> No.53047177

yea i used to sleep on the floor of a frst house and roaches would cock block me and also bite me

>> No.53047263
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id rather work at home than in a ditch.

>> No.53047266

Is he a first timer that was tricked into entering the manhole? Is he the "company retard" and he's being filmed as a way to mock him?
You can do that shit without going inside.

>> No.53047268

I pray to god you also got a Masters

>> No.53047332

How the fuck is that guy doing that without protective equipment that’s insane

>> No.53047360
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>tfw three time college drop out

>> No.53047365
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toxic masculinity. he would be made fun of by his roughneck mates for wearing goggles or suit so he goes in bagless.

>> No.53047435

I got a doctorate 7.5 years ago. I made just under $193k this year.

>> No.53047453

After 7 years youve made 13k dollars after paying off your loan nice work

>> No.53047520
File: 50 KB, 629x419, F12FA5ED-6811-4CAB-B4A3-17AB4B1D5CF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>family are stone masons going all the way back to Italy
>me, my dad and my grandpa(all didn't finish highschool) used to just sit around and drink while we watched mexicans build walls and occasionally yelling at them
>made like $3,000-$40,000 per job that would take anywhere between a couple days or a month or two
The real redpill is that both trades and university are just ways for jews to steal your money and certify you to do jobs that your Dad could have just taught you

>> No.53047534

Good for you bud.
>After 7 years youve made 13k dollars after paying off your loan nice work
t. wagie in the oil fields contracting 8 different cancers for just over 100k doing 80 hour weeks

>> No.53047548
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clean it up tradie. There is shit in my yard and you will dig it up and replace the pipes. And you smile and be polite about it, or your boss will fire you :)

>> No.53047594

>ITT retards
do what you do
enjoy if you can
make the money
to live your real life
love from kazakhstan
i hate 4chan so much it's unreal

>> No.53047688

you don't own a yard, you don't own anything, all you have is making fun of imaginary people behind a computer screen to try to make yourself feel ok but it doesn't ever work, yet you can't bring yourself to do anything more than that because you're a loser, and deep down you know that you'll always be a loser

>> No.53047744

You attempted to make too many points in a single comment

>> No.53047767
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only dropped out twice here

>> No.53048088

You lack reading comprehension skills. Maybe you should invest in a college education.

>> No.53048233

This. I was a tradie(hvac) for 19 years. His company charges well over $100/hr, but he probably makes somewhere around $35/hr