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53034730 No.53034730 [Reply] [Original]

Every nigger from here to Timbukto keeps saying what makes AVAX special are the subnets. But what about the parachains in Polkadot? Aren't they effectively the same thing?

>> No.53034836

Subnet and validator amount on Avalanche can be unlimited, while Pedodot is capped to a pretty low number. Avalanche is vastly superior to all multi/appchains solutions right now (like Cosmos)

>> No.53034845

Forgot to add that subnets are also not VM-bound, you can have anything like EVM, Rust, CosmWasm etc.

>> No.53036878

avalanche is better than polkadot is every conceivable way

>> No.53037966
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>Aren't they effectively the same thing?
no, but DOT and ATOM have similar designs since they all scale horizontally. The main difference here is that AVAX subnets can grow to any size because there is no limit in concurrent participating validators unlike Nakamoto and Classic consensus which is limited to around 100.

>> No.53037998

When is it going to flip Solana? I am tired of waiting.

>> No.53038164
File: 34 KB, 1533x653, wtfusdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When solana's wormhole went down and people actually had to use the ethereum chain

>> No.53038220

Oh yes, AVAX scales to infinity guys! AVAX has a tps of 7 but two more weeks- don’t believe this faggot shill retard.

>> No.53038255
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Scales to infinity! 23 tps hemorrhaging daily users
>ItS A bEaR MaRKet guys!
AVAX fags are the literal worst, the most insincere lying scum on the planet

>> No.53038291

t. Polyjeet retard struggling with 120+ blocks reorgs

>> No.53038389
File: 405 KB, 1284x1009, FD27DBAA-5F76-40F1-B4AE-52AB527A7189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it’s much worse for you faggots than you think. The Icp chads have descended into your shit threads again.

>> No.53038523

still no DeFi, zero TVL, no users and didnt deliver anything of value

>> No.53038724
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watch dot threads here and see how they're very organically shilled by obviously ESL sers.
shitchain that spawns more shitchains.

>> No.53038740
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bought both at peak. still holdings both and buying more. wish me luck subnet fren

>> No.53038788

There’s more than tvl to talk about when your chain can do more than move coins around (slowly) on a centralized server. You short sighted dim witted faggot

>> No.53038839

won't matter once the mantle network launches, bringing innovation to web3 through its high performance modular eth layer 2 network

>> No.53038844

can you explain to me ICP tokenomics?

>> No.53038892
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an icypisser talking about other projects being centralized.. holy fucking shit my sides

>> No.53038919

NOBODY is using polka dot.

>> No.53038952
File: 101 KB, 1066x1392, 574D2D0F-93D9-4073-9B33-75E604D4044C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fuck both of these ghost chains
Polygon beats them in every single possible metric

>> No.53038964
File: 456 KB, 1976x1130, 20D36CA9-02B0-43F1-A4C5-680E399C68CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polygon has more daily active users

>> No.53038970
File: 289 KB, 1125x2000, ABCD24A8-B8BD-46F9-A7A9-F3EA5EDC28D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polygon has more daily transactions

>> No.53038981
File: 451 KB, 1972x1130, C9CC5626-7C80-4445-8B50-167F3F0498AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polygon has more revenue on average and that difference keeps getting bigger and bigger

>> No.53039002
File: 103 KB, 1124x1021, 841B00AE-4778-4A54-98E7-A0FAA9698B13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polygon has more DeFi TVL
>TVL on Polygon: $1 billion
>TVL on Avalanche: $780 million
>TVL on Polkadot: zero

>> No.53039072

no one gives a single fuck about your pajeet chain
polygon is a scam. avalanche is legit

>> No.53039089
File: 191 KB, 574x795, 1B38E758-5230-4AA7-B060-C866EC65A7BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Avalanche is legit
Didnt Emin get caught red handed stealing tech through dirty legal practices? kek

Polygon is 100% legit. they develop/acquire their tech fair and Square

>> No.53039093

funny you should mention stealing
didnt Polygon steal subnets from Avalanche and change it "supernets"?

>> No.53039102
File: 61 KB, 867x838, 278E353B-E0D4-4715-AFD6-9285B0D9F36A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really. its a completely different concept except that supernets is better. subnets is dog shit

>> No.53039126
File: 93 KB, 800x450, jeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOOOOOOL okay anon
subnets are the unrivaled in this mareket
c-chain is the most complex and well thought out chain to have ever existed so far. nothing can reach its superiority along with the other subnets

>> No.53039130
File: 100 KB, 630x837, 5CC8FB3A-BCFD-4C27-8C49-CE0B77FD2EF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>c-chain is the most complex and well thought out chain to have ever existed so far. nothing can reach its superiority

>> No.53039417

>125+ block reorgs
oh no no no

>> No.53039518

inb4 muh permissioned IBFT poolyjeet v125 reply kek

>> No.53039586
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>A total of 9076 forked blocks found
>Page 1 of 364

>> No.53039670
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6 double digit reorgs in the past 3 days lmao

polyjeets truly will never recover

>> No.53039729

this isn't real right? the head of the polygon chain didn't literally just do the "SIRSIR" to EGS right?

>> No.53039736

I always hear you retards say this. What makes them better?

>> No.53039766

They’re gonna fork the whole shit chain soon to get parallel processing. Now they will at a minimum 2x the number of forked blocks!

>> No.53039792

I did the needful, sir!


>> No.53039795

so much this. avax:
>has infinitely scaling subnets that act as a single blockchain
>can integrate natively with btc
>crosschain communication with no bridges
>has oracles running on chain
>can make https outcalls that communicate with web2

or is that icp i'm getting confused which one does these things and will consume all chains

>> No.53039818

Let’s get this out of the way. It can’t handle unlimited validators. That wouldn’t be possible. It can sure as fuck handle more than any other network though. Thousands or possibly millions with optimizations.

>> No.53039988

>infinite subnets acting as a single blockchain
this isn't how ICP works but typical midwit shill statement kek
>"native integration"
BTC secured by the IC network: 0
BTC secured by the avalanche network: 4441.84

meanwhile my ledger has been natively integrated with BTC since before ICP was a brainshart in Dom's little bachelor's of computer science holder head.
>Oracles on chain
Chainlink has been integrated with avalanche since July 2021
>Webhosting on blockchain

>> No.53040025

>Let’s get this out of the way. It can’t handle unlimited validators. That wouldn’t be possible.

First: Denial.

>> No.53040125

>this isn't how ICP works but typical midwit shill statement kek
sure it is - hows it work then

>> No.53040284

I mean the team (even Emin) themselves say this, but you go and prove them wrong.

>> No.53040427

>He needs me to explain his chain to him
Each subnet on ICP is its own blockchain. That's a loose usage of the term though because IC doesn't really preserve historical state.

Meanwhile the primary network on avalanche actually sort of does work how you're describing in that every single validator of every single subnet also validates X C and P chains which are singular block chains. Avalanche subnets also can send arbitrary messages to any other subnet, including network wide anycast type messages.

>> No.53040449

Icp sounds pretty advanced - how does it serve web content? Is that true it does that?

>> No.53040471

>Avalanche subnets also can send arbitrary messages to any other subnet
ICP has this from the start https://internetcomputer.org/how-it-works/message-routing/

>> No.53040527

let him go I’m having him explain icp superiority while he’s paid by emin

>> No.53040718

I could see how you'd think that as a midwit but really it's heavily throughput bottlenecked and can't host anything resembling the usage that actual popular web applications see. Also nodes are entirely permissioned and there's no way for anyone to verify for themselves that the state is correct. It's a party trick to suck in gullible retail so VC insiders can dump tokens they acquired for pennies.
>>53040527 It's tiring to constantly have to keep explaining your own chain to you shills though lmao.

It's been in avalanche's design since day 1 too, it's the whole point of subnets that they are interoperable. Avalanche went from whitepaper to mainnet in about 2 years and an additional couple years to fully build out the architecture, all while securing more ETH and BTC on the network than ICP ever will. It took dfinity what 4-5 years just to get to mainnet? And there's still only a quarter million dollars of TVL after almost 2 years and that's being generous kek.

>> No.53041424

>Whitepaper: November 2016
>ICO: October 2017
>Mainnet: July 2020
>TPS: 1500 TPS per parachain
>Finality: 12-60 seconds, more between parachains, more between external blockchains
>Scalability: Limited to 100 parachains and ~1000 relay validators

>Whitepaper: June 2019
>ICO: July 2020
>Mainnet: September 2020
>TPS: 4500 TPS+ per subnet
>Finality: sub-second
>Scalability: Unlimited validators, unlimited sub-nets

>> No.53041439

polygon wins on
>slow finality
>number of multi-sigs securing the entire TVL [1]

>> No.53041450
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>only counting one blockchain on the avalanche network
lol try harder ranjeesh

>> No.53042235
File: 98 KB, 1400x1050, 67D0DDE7-43BE-4C64-8D53-3A4FF058A3EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itt: paid shills arguing who’s running the best centralized scam. Meanwhile DOT is actually building a blockchain that will survive The Gensler.

>> No.53042268

>Another thread ruined by shitskin Polyjeets