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53036429 No.53036429 [Reply] [Original]

Avraham Eisenberg charged for rigging Mango Markets crypto exchange, stealing $110 million

>U.S. prosecutors have filed criminal charges of commodities fraud and manipulation against a man accused of trying to steal about $110 million in October by rigging the Mango Markets cryptocurrency exchange.

>According to a complaint made public on Tuesday in Manhattan federal court, Avraham Eisenberg’s trades in futures related to Mango’s crypto token MNGO enabled him to withdraw $110 million in cryptocurrencies from other investors’ deposits, with no apparent intention to repay the funds.


>> No.53036470

>when you dont even have to read the "early life section"

>> No.53036521


>> No.53036568

The rat phenotype strikes again

>> No.53036664

On the one hand I'm glad thieves are caught. On the other I'm sad because it's clear now that the US government has total control over these markets (not a surprise though).

>> No.53036698
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>> No.53036734
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>yes goy its all risk free just give me your shekels

>> No.53036852

Thanks, saved!

>> No.53036865

lol imagine losing all your money shorting curve and then going to jail. at least im not him.

>> No.53036868

thats cool but who will cash out the tokens

>> No.53037057

Not my problem.

>> No.53037451

did he lose on the curve trade? I didn't see the outcome of it. Also is he the same as that avi felman guy or whatever?

>> No.53037907

Damn it’s crazy how Hitler just banned all these people for literally no reason

>> No.53037940

>be named Avraham Eisenberg
>look like that
>steal $110 million through rigging
this guy is a der sturmer caricature

>> No.53038018

He is already in Israel.

>> No.53038071

Despite the fact that his face speaks for itself, if a platform allows certain trading behavior and a user uses that platform in a way that drains it, that's the platform designer's fault, not the user's.

>> No.53038693
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>> No.53038967
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>how do you do fellow frogs

>> No.53038996

Claiming a security bug bounty should not be a crime.

>> No.53039009

SOURCE DOCUMENT: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.591629/gov.uscourts.nysd.591629.1.0.pdf

>> No.53039034

Right ? They just hated jews for no reason. Must have not really enjoyed rye bread and hated the way menorahs look.

>> No.53039049

((())) he'll get away

>> No.53039214

>highly profitable trading strategies are illegal now
guess crypto really is dead

>> No.53040063

>October 12, 2022 – the day after the Market Manipulation Scheme – AVRAHAM EISENBERG, the defendant, flew from the United States to Israel. Based on the timing of the flight, the travel appears to have been an effort to avoid apprehension by law enforcement in the immediate aftermath of the Market Manipulation Scheme.


>> No.53040074

Christ jews, take a break.

>> No.53040134

the bank rightfully should get shit on for being irresponsible but it's still theft to steal from an open bank vault

>> No.53040190
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Kleros enforcers we’re dispatched after his failed manipulation of the courts.

>> No.53040617

This guy genuinely believes code is law. He's kind of hilarious, just executing trades and using smart contracts with market inefficiencies. Wonder how that "code is law" defense will hold up under the actual law. But seeing as he's a jew, he'll probably get away with it. He's going to be extradited?

>> No.53040629

>Puerto Rico
>Extradited to the U.S.
Anon… I

>> No.53040638
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>> No.53040722

>Clever Jew figures out money printing loophole
>Goys who made high-risk volatile investments using leaky technology they didn't understand lose their investments
>Goys chimp out
Truly a tale as old as time.

>> No.53040749


>> No.53040767

he literally did nothing wrong.
he sused LINK oracles to do the run, people are just jealous they aren't smart like he is.

>> No.53040801


>> No.53040834

What did he actually do that was wrong?

>> No.53040873

Oh nevermind I thought it was a country like Mexico or Panama something. Anyway another fun fact about this guy he once sued the state he was living in because he slipped on ice

>> No.53040888

Market manipulation and some other things. Read the pdfs. Even though the smart contracts allowed it, doesn't mean it's legal to manipulate markets.
He will probably actually defend with that he used the markets as made by the creator even though they didn't anticipate the consequences. In the case of mango he actually had them sign papers they couldn't prosecute them if he returned some of the money. Going to be an interesting legal battle

>> No.53040894

Got me thinking about that one smart contract that forgot to change from LUNA to LUNC. I wonder if the person who exchanged his LUNC into stables got away with it

>> No.53040950

He stole $10m from his own project fortress DAO. That same $10m was evidently used for the mango exploit later
He's worse than sifu the scammer