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53035933 No.53035933 [Reply] [Original]

Blue collar or university?

>> No.53037356

Kalle Grabowski <3

>> No.53037359

suck dick

>> No.53037370

all that matters is connections. you cannot get a good blue collar job unless you know someone. you cannot get a good job out of uni unless you know someone. look for cheap college programs that offer some kind of placement in the field. uni can technically get you some lame underpaid corporate or government job, but you will be swimming in debt.

>> No.53037945

University. Not that 9-5s are great but doing shift work for thirty years really kills you.

>> No.53040064


I'm 19 making great money in a unionized construction job and I can tell you the job is not as fun as it seems. Toxic work culture, bullies high stress are all very prevalent.

Its really only for losers. If you are not mentally ill and you possess some type of discipline you should go to university, more money over time and higher status, plus now there's less men so the competition is weaker.

>> No.53040080
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how about vidya

>> No.53040116

Shit take from a shit kid. That attitude of yours will follow regardless where you land. Be ready to be considered the baby at your workplace for years to come as the fledgling teen. This probably has more to do why you're having a bad time and not the job itself. Definitely not limited to blue collar work.

>> No.53040139

Depends on your longterm goals. I know plenty of losers that went to college, and rich people that never went to college and their business just kept succeeding.

You're probably blind to your own status since you're asking this question. You're an American that can afford to go to college, decently well off, and don't think education matters. And in a way, it doesn't.

But, if you ever grow some balls and leave America, you're realize how upper class you are, and if you're upper class but uneducated, you end up looking like the King's youngest son who's a piece of shit and no one respects. Everyone will still work for you, but it really looks pathetic.
Get properly educated, be the King's oldest son who people can look up to, and fuck a lot of Asian pussy. If you are American, the whole world will work for you and you can make bank, but it's nice to have respect at the same time.
Plus, it helps when you meet another American and you also went to university, gives you stupid shit to talk about when you get drunk and then you get their business

>> No.53040165

Its more of I don't smoke drink do drugs womanize, I dont live the stereotypical construction worker lifestyle. Where do you work bud

>> No.53040171

I know how you feel. Where I work people look down on you if you don't smoke or drink and the worst part is smoking helps you build connections

>> No.53040202

It's unfortunate but I don't let it get to me. I already got a raise and everyone that I've met says I'm of of the best workers they've seen, so im appreciated as a worker its just I don't really connect with the guys on a social level.

I still show up everyday and try my best, hoping that my work pays off one of these days. End of 2023 I should have 100k saved up

>> No.53040213

I'm conflicted since construction is where my rich uncle started but eventually went to just become an "independent foreman" and just collects checks by knowing specialized workers to send work out to and taking a cut.

Blue collar work is generally just a meme

>> No.53040229

Nice. how did you manage to save so much? I'm at about half your savings despite being 2 years older

>> No.53040257

Im an incel basically, living at home 0 major expenses, no gf no friends so i dont go out. Plus I make almost 50 bucks an hour

>> No.53040271

Nice bro. I'm living the same lifestyle but paying for living expenses of course. Starting to think I'd rather have a wfh home job where I can save less but don't have to deal with that kind of workplace culture that boomers and self aggrandizing tradies

>> No.53040303

FUCK boomers I tried to sell one of my gold coins today and he offered me a fuck all deal prick

You can make reliable cash off the internet it seems like everyone is doing it now, tiktok youtube it just takes that first step.

>> No.53040330

You're either mentally retarded or an out of touch boomer if you think
A) Being an American instantly makes you top social status anywhere in the world without other qualifications
B) Intelligence and Charisma has any relation whatsoever with accreditation
Try pulling your head out of your ass sometime.

>> No.53040349

I'm going to take it seriously now if I'm to ever get out of my current predicament. I couldn't study for shit because of long working hours and insomnia from preventing me from remembering or studying anything. Got some goypills that actually let me sleep and feel normal. I have a week to figure something out.

>> No.53040361
File: 718 KB, 1242x999, 66E63978-BAAD-44C3-B487-D24F6F999075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did blue collar. Wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy. Just become some k-12 teacher. Easy as shit. I wish I did that

>> No.53040378

Working blue collar once you’re older than early twenties crushes your soul.

>> No.53040386

Praying for you brother WAGMI

Teacher is #ez

In demand, schooling not insanely long, difficult or competitive, unionized with great pay and lots of time off

>> No.53040405

Thanks bro. Unironically gonna pray for you tonight right after I take my goypill for insomnia. WAGMI

>> No.53040422

You're a stupid fuck. Construction is shit