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53029463 No.53029463 [Reply] [Original]

>donate blood
>get $25 and a free meal
>maximize blood gains by donating 6 times/year
>do something good for society
>earn $150 blood bucks to spend on shitcoins
Why aren't you taking the blood donation pill anon?

>> No.53029474
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contempt for the medical establishment and their complicity in crimes against humanity

>t o negative former blood donor will never donate again

>> No.53029490

25 per pop doesn't really sound worth it
Retard alert

>> No.53029505
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Here blood donations are exclusively handled by (((the red cross))) and they don't pay you a fucking cent for your blood

>> No.53029511

You will spend more money on food replenishing your lost vitality. Literal vampirism. Haven't donated blood since high school.

>> No.53029516

I am AB-, the Jew of blood types. I could donate plasma for a good bit of cash but I don't feel like sitting around wearing a mask for 2 hours.

>> No.53029521

I would be insane selling my unvaxxed blood or any fluid this cheap

>> No.53029523

so? just do it faggot. ultra triple double faggot. do it. faggotto
you don't lose anything and everyFUCKINGbody KNOWS it's good for you. i know a 60y old grangrsn who does it like 6/a year like this gaylord OP.
you can only help

>> No.53029567

> Start donating because I want to know blood type
> Have O negative
> Been donating for close to 9 years
> Haven’t received a single cent since my country doesn’t allow payment for donations

>> No.53029607

at least we have little "presents"
1 a little light
2 desinfectant on a chain
5 bag
10 etc
20 etc

>> No.53029616

My unvaxxed AB blood is worth infinite money, there's no way I'm giving it away for pennies, much less FREE.

>> No.53029636


>> No.53029648

not giving blood to clotfags, for oppressing me.

>> No.53029651
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I‘m unvaxxed, dont drink, dont smoke, dont take any drugs or medications and I‘m not obese.
My Blood is probably worth millions.

>> No.53029669

why not donate it?

>> No.53029683

The default is me not donating so until someone compels me to do the opposite I will continue to never donate. Plus my blood is so valuable giving it away would be casting pearls before swine.

>> No.53029691

Its valuable, and you dumb niggers will pay for the luxury of collecting it.
>dont like that proposition?
Not my fucking problem.

>> No.53029712
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I didnt get rich by giving away things for free. My Sperm is also unvaxxed and also valuable and soon Woman and Hospitals will beg me for my Blood and Cum.

>> No.53029737

>ONLY getting a free meal and $25 when you need multiple meals to replenish the nutrients they took.
Who is the retard here again?
>contempt for the medical establishment and their complicity in crimes against humanity
This. Maybe if they hadn't taken my foreskin I'd consider it. But as of now they've already harvested enough money from me.

>> No.53029753

The city live in is literally dominated by a massive medical nonprofit. The only place to donate blood here is there center and they don't pay you. Otherwise I'd have to drive 90 minutes to the nearest place. Was thinking about being a sperm donor too for some extra cash but that's the same situation

>> No.53029771

>do something good for society
the only good anyone can do for this society is to summon asteroids to smash into the planet for the next 100 years

>> No.53029773

you can live healthier and save lifes. isnt that a win win?

>> No.53029787

>save lifes
I wouldnt mind donating if I could choose who's life is saved

>> No.53029807

would i save yours, if i knew everything about you?

>> No.53029820

I’d rather my blood go to some child or good parent and not some brown person on their 3rd GSW of the year.

>> No.53029824

>save lives
Yeah no, I’m not donating so some fat nigger can stay alive longer.
Blood letting is retard tier. Blood retention is based.
>appeals to emotion
No. Fuck niggers and jews. Gas thyneselves, faggots.

>> No.53029831

answer my question please

>> No.53029839

After the COVID nonsense my B negative blood will be staying in my body.

>> No.53029851
File: 40 KB, 409x409, A0A01E3B-99CF-436C-9DF6-2080EAF353BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can sell you my Blood.
100ml = $400k minimum
I sell to the highest bidder.

You want to live you go and get that moneybag Nigga

>> No.53029859

25 isn't worth it

You can get like $100 for first time plasma donation. Then $30 for the rest.
I did it once

>> No.53029868

No you wouldn’t. But that’s your choice. The same way I choose to not give my blood to coons that shoot each other.

>> No.53029869

Think about your biological children being raped and groomed by trannies then think again before thinking about sperm donations in clown world. It would be preferrable to fly to South East Asia and impregnate some women instead.

>> No.53029871

I will never donate unless I get something. Fuck them they sell the blood anyway why should I supply it to them for free

>> No.53029880

Blood letting is only needed when you're taking a kitchen sink of steroids and your body is creating too much blood. Helps with blood pressure. Bodybuilders do it.

>> No.53029882

here you get free frankfurter (wiener sausage) to eat right there and some sweet stuff
hell you can even get a glass of red wine if you persist, because of all the old people who donate who wants their wine after donating

doing this 4-6 times a year and giving someone some unvaxxed, high test blood
hopefully I never need a transfusion myself

thinking about signing up to donate for a "unvaxxed blood donation" group

>> No.53029902

This. You're just lining Jewish pockets.

>> No.53029907

And apparently when the demand was high they gave out $700 for first timer

I wish I knew back then :(

>> No.53029924

kill yourself you kike
you will never have a single drop of my blood to feed on you jewish cabal subhuman
YOU HEARD THAT YOU FUCKING JEW??? not a single drop of blood for you!

>> No.53030077

I'm not donating blood to people who wanted me poor for not taking a jabberino that is useless, but harmful to me

>> No.53030091

I should probably be donating blood just for the fact that I'm unvaxxed

>> No.53030660

probably not if you're operating from a position that holds 'society' or 'people' in such an unquestionably high esteem that you automatically assume it will be an emotional hook for others then we are not compatible.

>> No.53030970
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>so? just do it faggot. ultra triple double faggot. do it. faggotto
wtf hahahahaha

>> No.53031004
File: 122 KB, 1056x937, 891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donate blood
>buy bit
>make gains
>buy better blood (look up doping).

It's so easy, so simple.

>> No.53032013
File: 325 KB, 713x730, 1639335843449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 USD for full blood is a terrible deal, you will have to consume high value nutritional meals to recover from the blood loss, one meal is not enough.
In my country they give you 40 Euro for full blood and 20 Euro for plasma, which is somewhat okay as food prices are low aswell, but you cannot do that too often anyways.

>> No.53033761

>get $25
>hospital staff sell it at least for $100 and then invest the money on solid projects
Unless you're a good for nothing hobo, why hurt your body for a measly $25? Even in that scenario you'd probably make more money by panhandling while being unconsciuous in liquor stupor and shitting your pants

>> No.53034983

Plasma gets you $75

>> No.53035000
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>donate O- blood
>I get a cookie & t shirt
>hospital sells to insurance for $5000

>> No.53035012

I just gave blood and was entered for a 3k drawing. Quite exciting.

>> No.53035013
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intriguing digits

>> No.53035046

You don't get paid to donate blood in canuckistan. No wonder they're always short lmao.

>> No.53035322

that's a shit deal. i'm already donating plasma twice a week for $130.

>> No.53035351

You will never cure Tay Sachs Disease

>> No.53035365

digits wtf

>> No.53035415

I ain’t donating to no bloodsucking kikes

>> No.53035442

Hospitals make six gorillion dollars per day and healthcare staff rob everyone blind while shilling worthless garbage

I may offer them a drop of blood for $500

>> No.53035449

>Go to sell lifeblood for a pittance
>Lose more in calories than $25 will cover
>Roastie minority nurse has to stab you ten times to hit the vein
>Shekelcorp sells your blood for a 50x
>Donation used to revive a violent murdermonkey
>Monkey shoots you for gibs two months later
>Arrive at hospital, can be saved by transfusion
>Sorry, there's a blood shortage since after Covid
No good deed goes unpunished in clown world

>> No.53035724

I'm unvaxxed and O+. A nurse once tried to guilt trip me into giving but I know the value of my blood and it's way higher than $25, pay fair market value and I'll consider it.

>> No.53035775

>blood letting
Actually pretty based. Every ailment I ever had was solved by lancing. The medical purpose of blood letting is cleaning an infected area out and works better than antibiotics. Do you really think our ancestors were actually dumb?

>> No.53035824
File: 29 KB, 550x550, 1e38beb9607f098979b1f1c134321e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 3.3 billion people with O+ globally
> 31% of the world population is still unvaxxed
> One person doesn't want to sell
> Still well over a billion people left with unvaxxed O+

Oh noooo.

>> No.53035841

>do something good for society
I would rather bleed out on the street than live with the knowledge that my blood donation might have been used to save the life of a non-White person.

>> No.53035859

I will never, ever donate blood that might go to my enemies.

>> No.53035866

Why not just get a real job and make $150 in less than a full working day?

>> No.53035882

That's a tiny population globally let alone where I am. Now figure out how many O+ unvaxxed people in the US give blood. It's not a lot.

>> No.53035998

If you think about it, the average inclination to give blood proxies the base positive bias in people's reward-functions towards others: you're not getting anything for it (except for the token 20-25 dollars for plasma) and you don't see any benefit from it, thus what inclines you to do it is the basic "credit" your extend to people simply for being people. If blood donations drop (without any additional cause), this should reflect a drop in societal trust.
And since we know empirically that trust is inversely correlated with diversity, people should be less inclined to give blood in a diverse society, which is supported by the admittedly small and non-random sample of people in this thread who name the possibility of their blood going to people of other racial groups as their reason to not donate.

>> No.53036068

Checked and insurance-pilled, I kneel

>> No.53036105

I know, which is why the market value keeps going up. That's also why they do shit like this
>“We have heard a lot of concern about unvaccinated people receiving blood of those that are vaccinated, and they may have some preferences to not,” Moulder said. “However, we are governed by the FDA and we have not received any guidance from the FDA around making sure that that doesn’t happen.”

>She says they are not tagging the blood as vaccinated or unvaccinated.
There's a massive shortage but they're just mixing it despite acknowledging that many prefer unvaccinated blood and non whites make up such a tiny percentage of blood donations it's become a problem. If they want to give my primo blood to niggers they need to pay, otherwise I'm out.

>> No.53036136

I've donated blood for free wtf

>> No.53036228

I'm wouldn't donate blood for any amount, but I view it adversarially, not in economic terms: the criminal facilitates every crime through the use of his body, and by providing the means to keep his body functioning, I'm like someone who hands a loaded gun to his family's would-be murderer. Actually, since blood is part of you, donating it is more like sawing off your own arm and giving it to the murderer so he can beat your family to death with it. The example is obviously exaggerated for dramatic effect.
Tyrequius would thank you, were not he not busy employing his newfound health to rob a liquor store.

>> No.53036348

I'd be willing to go mercenary for a price and while I dislike niggers as a whole I'm not at risk from them so I don't care. We've been less than 50% for over a decade so things have slung back and now whites get better treatment even though we can only be hired in certain numbers. If Da'quarius needs my blood to go fuck up other niggers or yuppies I don't actually care but someone needs to pay me for that blood and they need to pay a decent amount relative to what they sell it for. A transfusion can cost over 2k, I want my piece for my materials. Imagine if my supply house let me buy at a price where they were at a jet loss? I'd make millions in profit every fucking month.

>> No.53036756

1l of blood = 3500 calories. Im losing weight and doing something good

>> No.53036947

>brooo you are doing something gud
They make fat stacks off your blood and are ripping you off, there is no argument. The people who get it are NOT getting it for free, they make a large profit over you at the cost of your blood. What they give you does not constitute enough to even recoup what you lost, meaning you are getting ripped off wholesale

>> No.53036972

It’s good to get it done to rid the body of micro plastics and metals only reason really

>> No.53037075

That isn't how micro plastics or metals work retarded shill

>> No.53037128

Have fun getting cancer retard

>> No.53037321

Imma hoard my pureblood, we only get ((lottery tickets)) these days.

Been donating for years before they removed the payment. Get rekt boomers

>> No.53037394

90% of blood donations go to aliens occupying the earth

>> No.53037428

because kikes get first dibs. not even joking the type used to treat taysachs and other rare types are shipped direct to israel even if there are needy people in the US. that and the redcross is ran by juden. take organ donor off your license as well, again juden get first dibs on preemo organs.

>> No.53037434

>doing this 4-6 times a year and giving someone some unvaxxed, high test blood
Reminder that in many states they would have let you die if you needed an organ transplant.
I've stopped donating blood and have removed myself from the donor registry. You're helping them insulate themselves from their heinous sin.

>> No.53037505

lol, lmao, my blood is worth a lot fucking more than $25
the fact that they trick the goyim into giving their literal blood away FOR FREE is a decent microcosm of the current state of the world

>> No.53037517

>Why aren't you taking the blood donation pill anon?

I've never donated blood. I'm extremely squeamish and needles scare me. Taking the vax was hard enough but not this shit. I'll faint if I see blood.

>> No.53037592


I'll donate 1 pint for $100k/yr.