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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53033189 No.53033189 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>only worked for my family up to this point
>decide to get my life together
>get post-bac certification in IT
>apply to 600+ jobs
>get a job offer
>small company
> paid is shit but... at least someone hired me
>commute is shit but... at least I am employed
> 1 year goes by
> no raise
> no chance of WFH
> apply to other jobs
>get better paying offer and fully remote
>boss is mad at me to the extreme
>says I betrayed him
>says he thought of me as "family"
>says I will never find a better group of people than at his company
>says most job places are toxic and I let a good opportunity go by leaving his company
>says I will regret ever leaving

I feel so bad /biz...did I fuck up?

>> No.53033257

Don't have enough empathy left to even read your sob story, but good luck I guess. God bless us NEETS, the beautiful ones, the Chosen ones.

>> No.53033299

Your boss is just butthurt. A decent boss would understand you found a better opportunity for yourself and wish you well

>> No.53033320

TLDR: I quit my first job where everyone treated me great for more money and no commute. My boss says other jobs are hell, and I fucked up big time by leaving his comfy company.

>> No.53033330

go learn what gaslighting is

>> No.53033346

Tell him you need to do a full 360 and leave, also that you're grateful but he sounds like a woman on full estrogens

>> No.53033389

No, OP. It's obviously a cultish mentality your old boss wants to push into your brain. He obviously will do the same with everyone else. He'll continue to pay all the people that stayed peanuts like he did with you and the moment anyone wants to leave for the shitty conditions he suddenly will act like he cares. Probably acted like he cared from the very beginning. It's all an act.

Besides any job that wants to pretend like it has a "family work culture" in it is a huge red flag but since you are starting out (good for you by the way) working and shit it's ok. Just avoid that kind of thing once you have a good sum of experience these workplaces are always the worst long term.

Posts like these should get you banned for contributing nothing to any conversation. You are a literal bot.

>> No.53033399

assuming you moved on to a bigger company, it is a good choice. they are more likely to give you raises and a bonus each year as a standard practice. they are less likely to guilt you and take advantage.

>> No.53033401

>did I fuck up?

>> No.53033408

did he offer to match your offer? if not he's full of shit and just upset he can't exploit your work for low wages anymore

>> No.53033410

Simple, give him the chance to raise your pay to the other offer if he really wants you

>> No.53033419

what he said

>> No.53033442

First boss loved having a low paid employee and is trying to gaslight you back in. Fuck him.

>> No.53033994

Did not match salary but he offered to transition me into being fully remote. He gave me until the end of this week to accept. I am just trying to reject his offer politely

>> No.53034488

just means you could have been fully remote the entire time. if he's not matching salary there's no real reason to stay beyond "loyalty" to him, is this "loyalty" worth the cash equivalent in pay difference to you?

>> No.53034516

>says I betrayed him
>says he thought of me as "family"
>says I will never find a better group of people than at his company
>says most job places are toxic and I let a good opportunity go by leaving his company
>says I will regret ever leaving
you were his slave, he tried to hold you and got you stockholm syndromed
if he valued you he would give you a raise
in reality he is a nigger and you should tell him that

>> No.53034647

Reminds me of a job I had for like three months. I worked for some boomeresses tiny accounting firm because I was desperate for a job. Pay was absolute dogshit and she kept saying I was doing everything wrong so I got another job and she started seething

>> No.53034664

Don't feel bad for leaving, they will replace you in a minute.
If your boss reacted that way when he found out you were leaving, it was a toxic workplace. He's just pissed that he has to find someone else to underpay

>> No.53034666

this... he's trying to guilt you for being taken advantage of and trying to make you feel like shit for bettering yourself when he gave you no chance to better. HE is the villian not you anon. dont let him and his filthy manipulative lies trick you.

>> No.53034690
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Why the fuck didn't you ask for a counteroffer? If he could match the pay and do WFH?

>> No.53034693

>He's just pissed that he has to find someone else to underpay
he probably has an ear to the market and knows he won't be able to get away with underpaying anymore. unless the pay difference is really substantial and he truly can't match he's screwed himself by not paying OP more

>> No.53034746

>get better paying offer and fully remote
>says most job places are toxic
that alone kinda balance itself out there now doesnt it

anyways this is just easy peasy gaslighting to keep underpaying you, you would have to be a totally conflict avoiding npc to fall for it

>> No.53034747

>I feel so bad /biz
Why? If your boss flips his shit like that he's obviously mentally ill or a bad person trying to manipulate you. All the more reason for you to get offended and tell him to fuck off forever and never contact you again

>> No.53034748
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And then if he matched it, I would have still taken the job and just ghosted that faggot.

>t. sociopath anon

>> No.53035040

Your boss' son is a faggot fuck-up failure so he pretends that your his surrogate son to cope emotionally while still treating you like a disposable generic wageslave in practical matters:
>Work harder for your raise!
>Remote work is for lazy people with no work ethic!

Its sad but he's a sad faggot boomer and its not your problem. Politely thank him for everything he did for you just to clear your conscious despite him raging, and then move on.

>> No.53035182

This story is similar to my own situation. The difference is I told my first boss I'm working part time once I got a better job. He was fine with it because I got good enough at my job that my workload did not decrease. After a few months, I wanted a month off to go hunting. He didn't want to lose me for a month so I walked out.
Don't feel bad OP.

>> No.53035186

when a business pushes the whole "family" meme its a very big red flag usually.

a buisiness can operate with people being nice and caring about eachother, but a business is a business.

when ever they push the whole "We're a family" meme, notice its only ever when it works out in their favour when it comes to obligations you have to them, when it comes to the types of obligations they might have to you in a family, such as caring about your well being enough that they might support and provide for you more, or understand that you need to go where there is oppurtunity, then suddenly its not a family any more.

the word "family" just means what ever they want it to mean to guilt trip you and never confront why they might be having difficulties with their employees.

>> No.53035224


exactly this, he didn't offer you wfh until you were leaving, but him then offering it to you means he could have given it to you all the time.

like i said, business's that push the "family" meme want all the privelege of the "family" meme and non of the responsibility. "family" should go both ways and honestly should be stacked in the childrens (employees) favour.

the idea of "family" to a boss is like the idea of "family" to a boomer where the kid gets made to pay rent at like fifteen and like pay for his own college and shit like that.