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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 418 KB, 668x776, free_money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53027048 No.53027048 [Reply] [Original]


List of states doing stimmy:
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
South Carolina

>> No.53027063

>new stimulus checks to combat sky-high inflation
uh, won't that just make inflation worse?

>> No.53027071
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>> No.53027077

Who cares, I can buy a new ps5

>> No.53027095

It's fucking clown world baby
>uh, won't that just make inflation worse?
Doesnt matter, what you need to know is bitcoin gonggo up

>> No.53027100

The west has fallen

>> No.53027131
File: 116 KB, 885x885, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still getting free money

>> No.53027191

It's incredible. I feel like the general population is well aware what inflation is, and still want the free money

>> No.53027197

where does this printed money come from since fed isn't buying treasuries?

>> No.53027211

What I want to know is how the fuck did the money not get paid out 2 years ago. The government is so shit.

>> No.53027228

Not my state :(
Who cares? The government prints trillions for corporations, jews, and niggers. It's about goddamn time my taxes did something for me.

>> No.53027266

>63% of americans
Niggle me this- how the fuck is stimulus so popular but orange nigger somehow lost?

>> No.53027271

>not washington
What the absolute fuck

>> No.53027279

Of course my shithole liberal state is the one place not doing it

>> No.53027287

I clicked link and your image has nothing to do with the article. You fucking tricked me

>> No.53027295

Orange nigger didn't give more stimulus like he should've. It was supposed to be a monthly thing FOREVER. The dreamed of NEET state was so near our hands and the orange jew let it go to hell along with the rest of the demons in congress.

>> No.53027320

I clicked the link and lost all my link

>> No.53027331

Your taxes still aren’t doing anything for you. They’re just taxing your future wages with inflation to give you 1000 dollars. You get 1200 dollars and in return you get your cost of living doubled lol

>> No.53027352

That's all ready happening regardless, my nigga, but with stimmy's at least I have an extra $1000 in my pocket.

>> No.53027382

And by next year your rent will be up 25 percent and eggs will be 7 dollars a dozen so reality is you’ll have less money in your pocket soon enough

>> No.53027409

Yes, and?
With the way the government spends, next year my rent is going to be up 24.5% and eggs will be $6.75 a dozen without the stimmy checks, so big fucking deal. That's my point.
Both ways I'm fucked, but at least in one scenario I'd get a $1000

>> No.53027425

It’s because of retards like you that go oooo muh gibmedats that they are even able to get away with doing all of this in the first place. You’re part of the problem - the type of retard that goes “oooo I’m finally gettin muh reparations for being ass raped by taxes!!” In a country with normal functioning brains and testosterone levels, the 1000 dollar stimulus check should be taken as an insult because that’s exactly what it is

>> No.53027447

>you guys if we just enact fiscally responsible policies, I'm sure we can turn this sinking ship around!
You're angry at the wrong people, anon. I'm just trying to grab all I can get before the other shoe drops.

>> No.53027468

i live in california and these niggers never give me shit. i'm still waiting on the original stimmy money.

>> No.53027476

You’re not getting shit is my point. They’re still ass fucking you and the ship isn’t sinking. I assure you two decades from now the same people that are figuratively ass raping you now will still be ass raping you. You are LARPing. You think you’re a revolutionary looting what you can before a massive change in paradigm but the reality is you’re just getting little treats for being a good little boy and you’re even bragging about it

>> No.53027498
File: 821 KB, 843x1499, 0h6qevbi75p81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chud states on suicide watch

>> No.53027499

>the ship isn't sinking
delusional, many such cases

>> No.53027515

im gonna buy a 2nd anime milf statue then i jack my penis until i shoot semen in two anime ladies!!!

>> No.53027523

>florida is somehow not south of georgia

>> No.53027555
File: 569 KB, 767x1461, 4FCC87C7-1371-410C-8D39-99D921B50934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im taking that stimmy money and handing it to chinese toy companies and stimulate china's economy UWU!!!

>> No.53027559
File: 435 KB, 559x802, ri0nv0gyp66a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you from? It's a common saying that "Florida is the only place you need to go north to get to the south" south Carolina is more egregious, birthdayplace of the confederacy. Is obviously a bait picture though

>> No.53027583

honestly that fat retard should make this a card looks better than the miga shit

>> No.53027629

I wish

>> No.53027648

How do I get money?

>> No.53027669

suck penis and swallow for a tip

>> No.53027686

Black in California are soon going to get $300k Reparation stimulus.

>> No.53027692
File: 176 KB, 1080x810, 6ujj6m2bbo7a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irish are eligible too

>> No.53027715

They are literally accelerating it. Buy crypto like eth or even btc and dont have to worry about your niggerment going insolvency.

>> No.53027752

Ikr, we're literally 4th in the nation for cuckedness (ca > or > ny > WA) and no stimmy?
Didnt know I could hate inslee even more than I do now

>> No.53028237
File: 42 KB, 754x232, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably not getting shit, I could really use it right now and good things don't happen. Wish I didn't see this thread.

>> No.53028248

>35b to Israel
>XXXbs for foreign wars he didnt end
>600b to niggers

>stimmy for whites
>ended israels wars

Remind me why we hate Biden again?

>> No.53028259

Can't tell me we aren't going full CBDC accelaration lmao. The retards will eat it up after the paper boys are fucked haha

>> No.53028262

Surprised that Nevada isn't doing stimmies

>> No.53028589
File: 296 KB, 540x670, 1669373503271081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark brandon is putting an end to commie influence in Europe
I'm not sure he'll be fit for a 2nd term but there are worse options.

>> No.53028624

Hello fellow redditor, just wanted to chip in to let you know that according to the expert authorities this has been fact checked as FALSE. There are dozens of factors that influence rising prices, but money printing is not one of them. Money printing is actually a good thing. CNN said so. Now accept your stimmies like good boy and remember to vote democrats for giving you free money.

>> No.53028721

It should only be a problem if it's very regular... as in ongoing monthly etc payments. Most of the money is controlled through interest rates on fractional reserve lending. Since interest rates are high, the stimmy checks are only a few drops in the bucket.
This is just meaningless local political plays.

They aren't doing much for you at all, they are just refunding you what you've already paid. Unless you don't pay tax then you're up.

Basically tax refunds or cutting spending from elsewhere in the discretionary budget.

>> No.53028764


>> No.53028772

They only care about meeting their short term needs, even if it loots prosperity from the future. We have raised generations of low iq cattle

>> No.53028773

You’re grasping at the concept that America could be saved, or is even worth saving.

>> No.53028814

$1000 is greater than $0 so I'll take it.

>> No.53028893
File: 49 KB, 1760x470, rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uh, won't that just make inflation worse?
Yes, we've entered a new mega cycle of rising interest rates to combat inflation.
Crypto will not do well over the next decade or more. Bitcoin bull market cancelled.

>> No.53028904
File: 680 KB, 675x657, trumpcard1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honestly that fat retard should make this a card looks better than the miga shit

>> No.53028909
File: 1.64 MB, 498x206, 04088B7F-3BEB-40A0-A5DE-81AD793FFA6F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53029160

I am thinking doge and shiba will pump, zoomers are too brain dead from overdosing on tide pods.

>> No.53029699

Talking about inflation now distracts you from the devaluing of the dollar for five decades because the wealthy keep getting stimulus checks through taxpayer money.

>> No.53030018

>You are the reason the candidates backed by mainstream media/corporate lobbying behave badly within our economic system.

Yes, its the self aware citizens fault.

>> No.53030099

Wtf, all my money is in USD and I don't get any stimmy. You fucking niggers are stealing from me

>> No.53030384

YES! Pump my bags AWOOOOOOOO

>> No.53030442

What are the main factors causing inflation then?
Is it mostly the effects of covid lockdowns and logistics being backed-up around the world?

>> No.53030458

Darn, would have bought a tube of American Silver Eagles if I got it

>> No.53031103

Rates cannot go that high without the government going bankrupt.

>> No.53031156
File: 8 KB, 140x197, 5ea9dfaeec63bacf6e5ea79df23b3be2-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't already, Read The Sovereign Individual, which was already great, but was recommended by the mysterious moon man of /biz/.

>> No.53031667

This. Inflation is here to stay. No cheapies for you, only 50 year mortgages in your future.

>> No.53031697

>stimulus checks
>money printing
Pick one, mongoloid.

>> No.53031780

You're forgetting how Biden started to give billions to Ukraine after ending the Afghanistan war. And it's just a coincidence his crackhead son is on the board of a Ukraine energy company too.

>> No.53032925

>he thinks the government can go bankrupt when it owes most of its money to itself

>> No.53032953

Don't be antisemitic

>> No.53033534

Buying Donald Trump NFTs as we speak