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529987 No.529987 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious if any /biz/raelites have obtained their position using a fake degree.

My friend just recently purchased a fake degree with transcripts and such and used it to obtain a job at a small, penetration testing company.

>> No.529990

please tell me which security company was tricked by a fake degree so i never hire them

>> No.530057
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Based on my understanding it's fairly easy to get a job using a fake degree as many employers just don't verify the authenticity with the university.

>> No.530097



This is the problem. This works for your entry level or shitty job. Maybe. If it isn't a big company, yeah. Chances are you are going to have an employer attempt to verify it. There are many systems that can be used to do this without directly contacting the university.

Source: I had a fairly good looking resume come across my desk for a new employee last week. I ran the college, and it was fake. Went into the circular file.

>> No.530203

>get a job with fake degree
>rise through ranks/promotions
>someone does a check on you
>find out you're a fraud
>everyone now shuns you and you lose jobs and any chance of being hired anywhere decent


>> No.530210

True. But it shows how retarded this whole sham of a system is. Turns out some monkey with a GED can skate by in the corporate world unnoticed unless someone verifies that he has a piece of paper.

>> No.530211

Is this illegal

>> No.530229
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No, it's just unethical.

>> No.530231

Then im doin it

>> No.530233

If a man can become CEO of a Fortune 500 company with a fake degree, anyone can pull this off.

>> No.530234

It's a sham but you need to play into it.

A lot of the people making decent salaries are more retarded than I am yet they're employed and I'm a neet.

>> No.530237

Do you not see the part where he was booted?

>> No.530243

Yeah because he was CEO OF A FORTUNE 500 COMPANY.

if you're just some programmer in small to mid sized company the risk runs far lesser.

>> No.530244

>pentesting company
>no background check

they wont be around long

>> No.530246

Risks the same, Either way if you get find out (and you will get find out) your reputation is completely tarnished no matter how good you are. It's far better to get into a company with no degree with your skills alone than fake your way in.

>> No.530250

I agree with you there I'm just saying someone could pull it off. If anything its not illegal and will just result in termination and no reference.

I'm sure a lot of people could play on those odds.

>> No.530256

Your life man, i'd just rather be myself than pretend to be something im not.

>> No.530257
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> Either way if you get find out (and you will get find out) your reputation is completely tarnished no matter how good you are.

Why? Couldn't someone then just apply at another company and fill in the time-gap with another fake degree? kek.

>> No.530260

He's better off getting a real degree from a shit-tear univeristy via a correspondence course. It really isn't difficult to get a bad degree, which is at least better than a fake one.

>> No.530263

He got a golden parachute.

>> No.530264


Yes this , I've been thinking about just faking everything. Most people really don't check this shit out. I'm very tempted to apply to a company using a fake degree and transcript, getting fake references is easy as fuck

>> No.530272

That's only going to work as long as you're willing to work entry-level jobs for the rest of your life.

>> No.530283

I'm not even planning on doing that...

I'm just discussing the topic of the thread not discussing whether I'd do something personally.

>> No.530294
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I was going to say, top tier jobs definitely check up on that.

>> No.530299

He didn't have a fake degree. He has a real degree in accounting, but instead embellished it to a degree in accounting and computer science.

>> No.530302

Indeed, and those background check companies are fucking thorough. They will call up the cornershop that you delivered papers for when you were 13 to confirm that you worked there, if you put it on your CV.

>> No.530319

What about for low-tier jobs in the $30-$40k a year bracket?

>> No.530325

you can get jobs that pay more than that just by telling the truth that you dont have a degree or hell I know some people that didnt even graduate HS and make more than that... just might not be in an office position for the 1st few years.

>> No.530329

if your job is so low-tier that you wouldn't need a degree to get them, then there's no point faking onw.

>> No.530346

get out

>> No.530351

Yeah and they have to work 10x harder to get that job without a degree.

I don't get why you wouldn't atleast attend community college unless you're genius level.

Seriously bars you from applying at a lot of places and you have to work much harder to prove yourself to employers than some guy who went to college on daddies dime and kinda got some experience and knows his shit.

>> No.530423

Does anyone know where I can find the full list?

All of the websites that have this article just link to the original source, and apparently didn't mirror it. Fucking idiots.


>> No.530425

Link corrected:

Hundreds of people working in the military, government and education are on a list of almost 10,000 people who spent $7.3 million buying phony and counterfeit high school and college degrees from a Spokane diploma mill.

The list includes NASA employee Timothy Francis Gorman, who bought an electrical engineering degree using his e-mail account at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to correspond with the diploma mill, and U.S. Department of Health oncology expert Frank S. Govern, who purchased a doctorate in health care administration.

National Security Agency employees David W. Barden and Barry A. Hester both bought degrees. Hester, who was a computer Web trainer and designer for the NSA with top-secret clearance, paid $1,187 for an information systems and technology degree, the list shows.

Eric Gregory Cole, who was a contract employee for the Central Intelligence Agency, paid $3,801 for a degree in information systems management. His top-secret clearance at the CIA was revoked late last year, months after his name was forwarded to the Office of Inspector General, according to one source.


>> No.530427

Only one buyer – former deputy U.S. marshal David F. Brodhagen, who was forced into early retirement – has been charged criminally as an outgrowth of the case.

At least one other deputy U.S. marshal, Michael Cameron, is on the list showing he bought a criminal justice degree from the Spokane diploma mill.

Also on the list are William R. Church, a senior military adviser working in the White House, and George Michael Navadel, a U.S. State Department computer systems negotiator, who paid $5,400 for a doctorate in network engineering.

Duwayne Huss, an employee of Nuclear Management Co., operator of two nuclear plants in Minnesota, bought degrees in nuclear engineering and accounting.


>> No.530432

Author Bonita E. Broyles, who has written a series of books about prescription dosages and nursing care, bought a doctorate in education for $2,225, the list shows.

Richard J. Caverly, of Colbert, paid $236 for a degree in construction management before getting a job in May 2006 as a building inspector with the city of Spokane. He worked as a temporary building inspector before getting a job in December 2006 as a project employee, tracking down construction under way without a permit, said city spokeswoman Marlene Feist.

Caverly was “released” from that job in December, according to Feist, who couldn’t provide specifics.

Brett C. Jarmin paid $1,041 for a bachelor of science degree in criminology and criminal justice. Jarmin had worked as chief of police in Edgemont, S.D.

Jarmin was fired in October 2000 after helping his department to unionize. He later sued Edgemont city officials, settling out of court in 2006.

His telephone number has been disconnected.

Michael J. Hoilien, who worked for the Air Force in Fayetteville, N.C., bought a medical degree. His current employment status couldn’t be immediately confirmed.

Alan P. Hernandez, a police officer in San Antonio, paid $2,630 for a bachelor’s and a Ph.D. in criminal justice, then went to work as an adviser and counselor for one of the Randocks’ bogus online universities.


>> No.530434

Some numbers gleaned from the list of 9,612 names of people who bought counterfeit or bogus degrees and certificates from Spokane-based diploma mills:


>> No.530537


what career do you want that you think you can just Google everything?

>> No.530659

Most of them.

>> No.530672

any job where you sit at a computer all day (most of them)

>> No.530830 [DELETED] 

These doubles have given me a new lease on life

>> No.531093

Is this doable in Sweden?

>> No.531112

Are there any actually legit good diploma mills? Ones that can be "verified" by any employer... or do they all just do what I could easily do myself in Photoshop?

>> No.531114

Also, when my girlfriend got her entry level office job, they called her university and verified it. The system hadn't updated that she had her degree yet, so her employer was very skeptical. It took some convincing and a little bit of time for the university to update their records to persuade the employer that it wasn't a fake degree.

Entry level too... 40k/year data entry basically.

So it seems like a hit or miss

>> No.531117


>> No.531276

Where can I get fast online bachelor degree that will not be from diploma mill? BA degree preferably.

>> No.531277

>penetration testing company
Tell me more. This sounds right up my alley (pun intended).

>> No.531753

> This is the problem. This works for your entry level or shitty job. Maybe.

This. It will work when you are a glorified secretary in a cubicle doing spreadsheet data entry. It will not work when you apply for a big-boy job and get asked detailed questions that only someone with the education and experience you claim to have will be able to answer.