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File: 76 KB, 2048x1152, oh no no noooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53023692 No.53023692 [Reply] [Original]

imagine your 2 most valuable NFT projects moving to Polygon
give me 1 (one) reason why you still didnt sell

>> No.53023701
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degods are also moving

>> No.53023711
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unironically going to zero

>> No.53023780
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me right now

>> No.53023788

this isnt bullish. solana projects/devs are utter shit. id keep them as far away as possible from polygon

>> No.53023810

normally i would agree with you but might be the only bullish project on Solana. you cant deny that they made some impressive numbers

>> No.53023848

holy fuck Frank actually did it

>> No.53023858
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so long

>> No.53023867

why does he look like this?

>> No.53024052
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>> No.53024067
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fake news
but thanks jeets for the nice laugh

>> No.53024078
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Frank was literally on live on Twitter spaces with Sandeep like 20 minutes ago

>> No.53024216

How did Solana manage to fall back so fast? What happened?
Im not a stan but I genuinely saw some potential in Solana

>> No.53024314

it wasnt one thing in particular. it was a combination of internal and external factors

internally, devs weren’t really happy, the chain kept experiencing downtime, and more importantly the VCs had their way with the coin and eventually dumped it

bad management and marketing were also major contributors.
when the founder of Solana jokes about how he doesnt care that VCs pumped and dumped his coin, this won’t reflect well on the integrity of the project and trust in it

And finally, external factors in the form of competition.
although the market is very bearish, some chains (namely Polygon) kept on grinding and have taken potential resources in the form of devs and funds from Solana. not only that but as we’re seeing right now, Polygon is taking the resources that Solana already has

>> No.53024319

imagine buying this jeet scam
>oh nooo yoots moved to polygon
literally no one cares

>> No.53024326

Polyjeetmatic payed like $5m just to get these worthless dogshit NFTs off Söylana, fucking cringe

>> No.53024346
File: 10 KB, 274x274, KILL YOURSELF NIGGER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its because of niggers like you that i lost so much money in this solana scam pump
>matic is a scam
>thems are jeets
its because of you that i have to watch as all the solana projects move over to these "jeets" that you taught us to hate so much

NOW i know what they meant when they said that niggers like you are paid to say shit like this
a completely rational person would not be saying the shit you're saying right now

>> No.53024352

no no wait
give me a factual source for that

>> No.53024353
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honestly anon, I'd be more surprised that it went as high as it did for as long as it did, and not that it inevitably cratered in no time. I know it's really easy to be smug looking back on stuff like this but Solana was a scam of enormous, insultingly large proportions.

The fact that it endured for so long that they were pitching things like "Solana phone" and Anatoli was giving interviews on Bankless strung out on morphine is really astounding

>> No.53024363


>> No.53024371

the absolute state of this faggot
get your facts straight
Frank was initially asking for $5 million FROM Solana in return for him not moving to Ethereum/Polygon

Solana (being insolvent) did not oblige and so Frank moved his projects

>> No.53024405

there were chains offering us 5x to 6x what Polygon was offering us but we went with Polygon because we believe its a good strategic move to make"

so whats your point here?

>> No.53024435

frank was simply not happy on solana and found a better choice
seethe harder

>> No.53024450

The fact that Frank (the creator of the top 2 NFTs projects on Solana) left for only $5 million shows the dire situation that Solana is in right now
Bullish for Polygon
Sell signal for Solana

>> No.53024532
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based Sandeep
based Frank

>> No.53025379 [DELETED] 


>> No.53025415


>> No.53025426


>> No.53025487
File: 52 KB, 464x577, 20EFF50F-FD92-423E-8BC8-0DFA815FF4BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re looking to start making NFT’s, would MATIC be the chain to sell them on? I know damn well Solana is shit if only for the fact SBF was balls deep in this weasel, but I’m drawing the biggest conclusion being an affordability positive for a potential customer.

>> No.53025528

Ohh wow, I had not even thought about Solana in months. I just checked, haha it snot even in the top 10 anymore.
I remember this and Avax was the next Eth killers.
I bought more Eth and Polygone instead.

>> No.53025665
File: 408 KB, 1346x1327, 4E01C4E7-ACF4-4E2B-B42B-7BE9DDDA6BDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every major NFT project launching on the market is doing so on Polygon
they came a long way from where they started, especially this year

>> No.53027157

Solana is gay, it has been down way too many times and some other exchange I use- ORE has not been down in over 4 years. What a shame to the Solana team

>> No.53027359

>no mention of FTX