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File: 1.07 MB, 1125x1137, 9548B4AF-CFE2-4230-B122-372B6187C47F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53020501 No.53020501 [Reply] [Original]

This retard has Chainlink

Is he just a bizanon?

>> No.53020512

You bet brokie ;)

>> No.53020514

That guy has top network, deal with it tranny

>> No.53020549

Every time this guy opens his mouth (or worse one of his stupid fucking fanboys) I feel myself physically recoiling.

Almost like you instinctively know you are listening to a deranged and sick mind. It was the same sensation I got every time I heard SBF speak.

The guy is absolutely an insecure piece of shit that successfully hijacked the meta to make teen boys and incels worship him like a religion.

It’s all so pathetic, and putting up with his nonsense is about the least manly thing I can imagine.

>> No.53020564

He looks like a homosexual
I bet he's hiv+

>> No.53020571

What color is your Bugatti

>> No.53020574

No (You) for you by the way go beg for it somewhere else

>> No.53020602
File: 66 KB, 717x808, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably also holds XOR, AVAX, stuff like that. Pure, unadulterated utility. Zero useless piece of shit shitcoins to be seen in a folio from a guy like Tate.
Defi innovation ground, bridges, atomic swaps.
Most based SC platform out there bar none.

I don't agree with many things the guy says but he *is* based and I'd like to know what the people in his little gay DIscord server recommend, I bet it's at least interesting.

>> No.53020603
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 54657869647578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Tate is a confirmed PREDATOR. He does not need a "wife" or a "wagie job". He is literally the modern version of Gengis Khan. He managed to escape the matrix and controls his own destiny. He gets to fuck whoever he wants and spends his money however he pleases.

>> No.53020614

I'm sorry you grew up with no father figure, Anons. Stay strong. Hope you didn't turn into complete trannies at least.

>> No.53020627
File: 54 KB, 600x600, 1667079482383742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Tate is a confirmed PREDATOR. He does not need a "wife" or a "wagie job". He is literally the modern version of Gengis Khan. He managed to escape the matrix and controls his own destiny. He gets to fuck whoever he wants and spends his money however he pleases.

>> No.53020629

stop sucking "men" that feel the need to hide their thoughts behind "im just exaggerating! its a persona! i think like this but its exaggerated for entertainment!!!". pussy behavior. if it wasnt because of his brother's internet brothel he'd probably be doing meth and sucking dick for change.

>> No.53020640
File: 76 KB, 719x672, 1641593105288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His discord is definitely pure garbage exit liquidity scams nigga. They probably tell their sheep subs that it's their fault for being dunked on because they haven't been paying attention when they do get rugged.

>> No.53020649

why did you not list ethereum, anon...?

>> No.53020653

imagine writing this kinda shit fantasizing and empowering some dude online lol

get a hold of your fucking life you cockroach

>> No.53020739

Finally...effective fud

>> No.53020758

Andrew Tate is a pussy

>> No.53020761
File: 763 KB, 728x710, 439826423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Tate is a confirmed PREDATOR. He does not need a "wife" or a "wagie job". He is literally the modern version of Gengis Khan. He managed to escape the matrix and controls his own destiny. He gets to fuck whoever he wants and spends his money however he pleases.

>> No.53020782

>Most based SC platform out there bar none.
you're holding a dead shitcoin retard. check the chain burn stats and redpill yourself

>> No.53020795

CIA glownigger family. Run

>> No.53020829

Bump. His entire persona can be boiled down to a couple of interactions. You know who he is based on these clips alone

>> No.53020993

Tate is connected to the CIA through his Father. He's your typical pied piper asset running a pyramid scheme to distract the aimless, disenfranchised youth.

>> No.53021028
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>> No.53021060
File: 482 KB, 387x473, Fuckingshills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish chinlet.

>> No.53021075

That says he is president apperently

>> No.53021086

Oh you read Hebrew rabbi?
What religion is your Bugatti.

>> No.53021118

The fug is this

>> No.53021192
File: 96 KB, 627x680, FkCEQdtagAE00oO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that Tate's Hustlers University was a great find on YouTube. You can watch the whole thing. And he is right, the thing that you need the most is speed!

>> No.53021304
File: 9 KB, 130x200, 130153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that nigger lipped faggot paying you brown hands to shill his shit? Furthermore, how much is he paying? I mean if it's in a comfortable ballpark then I'll say Tate got me laid and lambo.

>> No.53021312

This. Imagine making some bald guy on TV says

>> No.53021334

interesting how incels, troons and roasties always insult tate for the chin and literally nothing else

>> No.53021353
File: 197 KB, 1284x1238, FZwRr6sXgAAWHEp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What chin?

>> No.53021376

He takes it across the chin well

>> No.53021388

I'm a 6'4 American who's naturally stronger better looking and with a better jaw than this jewish faggot.

>> No.53021410

We could say he’s a /b/tard who did not read the disclaimer. The difference is that people on /b/ willingly chill in the sewers, this seems like a false flag to disenfranchise young ppl even more and start another culture war. The confrontationalism of him, Jordan Peterson (who got MKUltra’d) and (((Ben Shapiro))) glows. It’s a puppet show both on the right and obviously on the left, and you’re either a retard or a newfag to not see it

>> No.53021478
File: 46 KB, 680x383, 7ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. He's literally the same gayop as Jack Donovan, only difference is this faggot hasn't openly said "I fuck dudes like women." yet.

My guess is they need to reroute the narrative because the system is losing legitimacy. It's why they're pushing conservative Christianity so hard now as the only way to fix it. Issue is, (and this is coming from a Christian), the political Christian movement is extremely fake and gay. The oldfags back in 2012 were right when they said we should have just let it die instead of keeping it afloat. The system is rigged zoomers, learn to scam the game like (((them))) or don't play and get innawoods. That's the only way we win.

>> No.53021481

Does he actually hold Chainlink? That's some pretty good fud

>> No.53021493

He doesn't fuck dudes, he is a bottom bitchboy he was fucked by jews for years before one finally had to give him some power or risk of being blackmailed.
It's what jews do best, fuck little boys then eventually get them a platform.
99% of personalities have been someones fuck toy for years.

>> No.53021579

>political Christian movement is extremely fake and gay
Thanks for admitting this. Christian politics is essentially "vote no on abortion." Single issue bullshit so they don't have to actually think. Not that the 2 party system matters anyways. Modern Christians are harmless and castrated. They don't have the balls of the Muslims or the ethnocentrism of the Jews; just cattle tier pacifism.


>> No.53021630

I know that’s such a standard response of his, but it comes off so childish and bratty. It’s like what a fucking third grader would say.

Do you fucking nerds actually listen to this weasel? God damn I should just fleece some incels, would be so much easier than trying to catch a 1000x

>> No.53021847

>The confrontationalism of him, Jordan Peterson (who got MKUltra’d) and (((Ben Shapiro))) glows. It’s a puppet show both on the right and obviously on the left, and you’re either a retard or a newfag to not see it
I don't care about any of those people

>> No.53021891

>It’s all so pathetic, and putting up with his nonsense is about the least manly thing I can imagine.
Its good filter though. You know where the insecure idiots are

>> No.53021925

Based Tate making the incel autist sperg

>> No.53021950

Does he really own link?
I only heard him mention btc and eth

>> No.53022736

Yes but he seldom mentions it. Tate brothers without a doubt lurk here.

>> No.53022765

Dis nigga playin chess while nolinkers playin checkers.