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File: 55 KB, 768x432, angry-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5301631 No.5301631 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you giving your coins to women?


>"There’s pervasive gender bias that’s in tech in general and that’s transferred over to Bitcoin."
>cryptocurrency bodes so much opportunity that women’s role in it can’t be ignored.
>The answer to the question some Bitcoin aficionados are asking—“Why do we care?”—is simple: Without women investing and innovating in this new technology, not only will they miss out on its billions of dollars in potential returns, but the rest of us may miss out on a female perspective on how to apply it.

>> No.5301693

>female perspective

What do femeinist mean by this?

>> No.5301734

Too bad women in general are risk averse and very rarely do speculative investing.

I think this is a fault of society not the women themselves because we raise them to be weak and uninterested in more intellectual subjects like STEM.

But this is kind of a trite article, since there's not like a gender barrier to buy bitcoin.

>> No.5301737

I take money from women ,I don't give them any

>> No.5301749

What the fuck are they on about this time?

Step one - Sign up to a few fucking exchanges.

Step fucking two - Fucking deposit some fiat into the currency

Step fucking three - Buy BTC, and then fucking buy some other alt coins.

Step fucking four - Anyone can do it.

Compare the gaming world of the 90s/early 2000s to the Crypto world of today. Both are male dominant for a fucking reason. Females will come into the Crypto world later.

>> No.5301758

>Into the currency
I mean in your account

>> No.5301759

sorry guys i couldnt buy bitcoin from an ATM because it has a gender bias towards women

>> No.5301762

Not bad, I am ready for more dumb money filling my pockets

>> No.5301790

Imagine 5 years from now when everyone on /biz/ is a crypto millionaire and the board gets flooded with nocoiner liberals like /v/ was with libs who hate video games.

>> No.5301864


My mom bought crypto long before you did hahaha... no, really. It is real.
Only little dick men who can't talk to women think women have not invested in crypto.

Awww how sad ... and that in "fortune.com" ... lol sounds like a magazine for small dicks

>> No.5301880

Let me tell you how this will go down. Women always get into everything late. Gaming, the Fitness industry (Look at Instagram), and other shit.

8 years ago in the fitness industry, women were very, very scarce, but today, they're at the forefront. Gaming industry is the same.

2018 will be the year of the #investor on Social Media, and it won't be done by males, because males don't give a shit, they just make money quietly, women on the other hand will boast about it like never before. You want that Green Tea that heaps you lose weight? They'll sell that shit in Bitcoin. What about the new make up? It'll be part of the fucking blockchain or some shit, whatever stupid things they'll come up with.

I know I'm ranting on, but Jesus, who wouldn't?

>> No.5301881

Women complain about everything, it’s our fault for letting them get away with it. Treat women like children.

>> No.5301882

Liberals don't hate video games.
Dumb fuck.
Liberal means letting other people live their lives, as long as it doesn't hurt another one.

Go back to school, degenerate

>> No.5301923

Are you guys underaged or what?
Man this board is filled with children...

here, it's for you >>5301864
If you are afraid of women, just say so

>> No.5301949



Just do a girls fork and call it SHEBTC

>> No.5301952

Fuck off roastie women ruin everything they touch. Men being in charge is the natural order.

>> No.5301954

We need more redistribution of our coins and create coin refugee camps.

>> No.5302021
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>Roastie spotted
>Classical Liberalism =/= Modern Day Liberalism.

LARPing for Communism and Socialism is counterintuitive and an oxymoron.

>> No.5302038

Will it... Will that happen?

>> No.5302052

>I think this is a fault of society not the women themselves
you're fucking retarded

>> No.5302104

LOL mother complex detected!
Did she hit you too hard?
Or is your mother so stupid you think there are no intelligent women? loool get help

>> No.5302107

You're clearly very uneducated.

>> No.5302114

>be attractive woman
>spend all my high school years making fun of the nerds
>get knocked up by Chad the quarterback
>his footsie-ball career doesn't work out and he leaves
>struggling as a single mother, the nerds I made fun of in high school are becoming rich by going into tech, streaming video games, and investing in cryptocurrency

Imagine this happened to you. You'd be pretty pissed too.

>> No.5302130

>just like computers are racists.

>> No.5302132
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Decentralization my fellow anon.
I could put all my shit into crypto and divorce my wife and she will not be able to claim gibz.

>> No.5302141

>Muh modern liberals totally don't force their bullshit on others
What you've described is 'libertarianism' - i.e. classical liberalism.

Modern 'liberals' are completely illiberal and only describe themselves as such because socialist/communist rightly carry repulsive overtones and historically leftists were too dishonest to admit what they were so they appropriated a more appealing term.

>> No.5302163

>gender isnt real
go back to your women study soyboy

>> No.5302168
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>”anyone can do crypto”
I can’t wait for some of you to sell your bags for a non-aryan male shitcoin, and a black woman gets rich off them with liberal normie investor money while you’re still a wagecuck living on /pol

>> No.5302174

Society develops around the people in it. Gender roles and inclinations are formed around biological and psychological nature of genders.

In the modern society women are encouraged financially and socially to enter into stem programs and jobs with diversity quotas and scholarships and even after 50 years of these programs women still prefer non stem careers.

Yes I know there are exceptions, so don't tell us about some girl you met on reddit who fucking loves science.

>> No.5302189

Hey, we all know here that real liberals do not exist in the US.

But you can't just change the meaning of a word because your surrounding is fucked up.
Libertarian means what it means. If your neighbors can't leave you alone, it's your problem.

>> No.5302235

Reading this obvious bait makes me hate women.

>> No.5302239
File: 154 KB, 500x500, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much me right now, in addition to joining the mil forcing me to get /fit/. Seen some 10's who burned the coal and paid the toll.

Feels good lads.

>> No.5302240

I agree, but these psychological conditions can change over time. Like even though only a few go into STEM, the numbers are improving.

This is at least what I have gathered from studying evolutionary psychology.

Idk, personally I prefer a world where women try to be smart and productive rather than focusing on the majority of their time to be fucked.

>> No.5302245

Straight white males ruled the world for milleniums and we're still at the top by a large margin.
Minorities are too focused on whining to change their situation, except a few camwhores and patreon sluts none of them is making profit from sjw.

They'll get their first crypto when it's government backed and pegged to the national currency.

>> No.5302271

Ok YES! This is a good description.
Fake fashists took on the term "liberals"... Do you think it's worldwide like this? Or just the US?
Because I hate it so much when fascists call themselves "Liberals"... dammn brotha

>> No.5302286
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>crypto was an entirely new thing made 5 or so years ago
>everyone had an equal opportunity to buy into it
>men, having superior leadership qualities, and not risk-averse retards saw this opportunity
>women, as usual, moan afterwards because everything wasn't handed to them on a silver platter

>> No.5302299

Not sure your flag but in the US, libertarianism is associated to conservatism and liberalism is associated to the nu-wave socialism.

The Saul Alinsky disciples who are now professors, govt officials etc managed to brainwash my generation. But that's another story that belongs in >>/pol/

>> No.5302307
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>> No.5302325

I'm a man mind you.
I don't get along with many women.
But also not many men.
I know there are some strong motherfucking women out there. Also intelligent.
I also know there are some weak ass pussy men out there, who hate women for their own insecurities


>> No.5302341

>Too bad women in general are risk averse
>I think this is a fault of society not the women themselves because we raise them to be weak and uninterested in more intellectual subjects like STEM.

Fuck this. You just answered yourself. Women on average tend to be more risk averse and less inclined to play along with things that pose a real threat to their mental, physical and material wellbeing. That's just the way women are. It's not the fault of society, it's not even a fault, it's just women being women and they themselves have given themselves this very image.

Obviously there are exceptions, as there is to everything. The exception here is the ~5% women in crypto. They are doing good, they dared, they did and they conquered.

Nobody is stopping women from looking up information on the internet. Nobody is stopping them from investing and buying coins. Nobody is holding women back. The butthurt feminist journalists who keep telling masses of women how oppressed they think women are are the ones holding them back.

Just fucking reach out and touch new things. Ask and ye shall receive. Just don't ask for tips and donations for beign a girl and you're golden.

>> No.5302345


Jesus fuck the chan crowd becomes younger and younger each year

>> No.5302353

What if I told you it’s actually liberal white people in their ivory towers who convinced minorities to whine, because it feeds their white savior complex?

As soon as a minority meets someone higher on the totem pole who actually has something to help them progress, they’ll listen

>> No.5302355

Woman are risk averse on the most fundamental level for one simple reason: to protect the womb.

>> No.5302426

Women's role in crypto will be as end users who use whatever crypto products come out on top, are easy to use and have no risk involved.

Basically, wait 5 years which is when crypto will have penetrated every last niche of society and all the big gains were already made (hopefully by you if you're in crypto right now).
Of course, much bitching will be done because they will have missed every last moon rocket.

>> No.5302437

Define "uneducated". You people love to throw this shit around but it's a nebulous term that doesn't prove anything.

>> No.5302459

I'M SAVING THIS for later for research...
libertarianism VS liberalism ???

I specifically know what being a "libertarian" means, by definition.
But this whole juggolow of words and meanings makes things complicated.
I'm not a native english speaker. But it seems now that politics and wannabe-politicians are screwing with the meaning of words.

Thanks for the info and such.
We shouldn't call fascist fags liberals in the future.

>> No.5302474

>(((liberal white people)))

>> No.5302491

Only statistics matters.
Not individual cases.

>> No.5302505

That is true and major reason why they do the things they do. However, I think environmental influences can help change that.

This is an anecdotal example but my gf was raised like a guy cause her parents wanted a boy. Because of this though, she is incredibly interested in science and uses reason rather than emotions.

When I say uneducated, I mean people that name call rather than provide reasons to refute my statement.

>> No.5302575

So what you're saying is, your gf is a boy?

(Someone had to do this joke here...)

>> No.5302592

>Liberal means letting other people live their lives, as long as it doesn't hurt another one.

Exactly the opposite of the truth.

>> No.5302601

>Without women investing and innovating in this new technology
Why would rich and tech capable woman need us? I mean, you are accepting they would invest and innovate, clearly they have money and tech knowledge or else they couldnt do that. So why do they need man?

>> No.5302641

lol pretty much man, it's a lot better than having some hormone raging harpy that uses feels rather than logic to make decision.

It's like a bro that I can fuck

>> No.5302685
File: 19 KB, 495x362, 912ba6ba74786f5fcfe767ab2fd65669562139eb1fab6a295354d88a3f237dc9_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Now leave and never come back you fucking sperglord

>> No.5302716

Thats libertarianism dumb roastie fuck

>> No.5302726

Nailed it

>> No.5302740

>id is "tip woman"

>> No.5302756

I'll do some research about the current meaning in US culture.

Meanwhile, read:

"uphold liberty as a core principle"
"Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power"
"think that a minimal centralized government is necessary"

Come on, you can't just repeat every assfucker. Words have meanings.
Liberals and Libertarians are all bout "Liberty"... to be free to do what you want, if it doesn't hurt others.
It's about autonomy, not being dependent on others - yes, because of that many liberals are sceptical of capitalism, where many depend on the few rich.
But it's mainly about liberty... You americans should know that best, all the philosophy and writings about liberty????

>> No.5302781

Anyone who hasn't swallowed the "women" redpill by now is a fucking moron.

These cunts are inherently worthless when it coems to anything other than creating babies and looking after a family. And even modern ones fuck that up.

The nature of women sometimes makes me wish I was a faggot. No joke. I can't stand 99.9% of these cunts. Where as with men, it's like 85% who are worthless cunts.

>> No.5302799

;D ;D xD
Now I envy you... ah, you know. It's all right. Emotions too. At least we're not fucking a cold fish.

>> No.5302850

Anon you did see the news right...

>> No.5302866

I’m sIck and tired of mainstream media telling me what I need, oh I need migrants to work jobs but never mind I can’t find a place to live, I need women in tech but never mind every tech class has fewer and fewer women because they can’t cut it, I need minorities because they have different perspectives, you know what fuck you guys if it was needed you wouldn’t have to propogandize it every two weeks just leave me with my Coins and stop fucking everything up

>> No.5302878

According to the US terms libertarian is Hayek, Mises, Rothbard etc, liberal are lefties who are afraid of calling themselves socialists.

In the EU liberal means what libertarian means in the US.

>> No.5302897

LOOOOOL... haha
I'm out!

>>5302781 This faggot is the next one.
> Hate every women
> Something is wrong with them, not me

>> No.5302966

thx, very interesting indeed.
Will look them up

>> No.5302967

If you say so faggot

I don't hate all women as my post just said, only 99.9% of them.
If you're a man and you don't in 2017, then you're a fucking faggot.

>Hurr durr give me free shit cos i'm a woman
Get fucked cunt. Women are only good at one thing, and that is laying on their back
The entire purpose of a woman's existence is to lay on her back and get FUCKED by a man

Lmao I'd fucking an hero if i was a chick and I'm 23 and fucked over 50 of them

>> No.5302981

Feminists are too busy being anti-capitalists to invest in this gold rush. I ran into one who ignorantly said crypto was a Ponzi scheme.

I'll be laughing at her from the moon.

>> No.5303049

Really the US should tax all gains on crypto and distribute this money evenly to women. It is literally not fair for them to not make money because they are systematically discouraged from entering the STEM field or being smart.

>> No.5303061

>The entire purpose of a man's existence is to lay on her and FUCK her

If you want to be reductionist, we can be reductionist.

>> No.5303145

Welcome to /pol/

>> No.5303165
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They always play the line between "Women are not different than men in any way" and "Women have a valuable different perspective" depending on what is more useful in that immediate moment.

It's frustrating but meh, I'm going to have all my money in monero so their gibmes can fuck off.

>> No.5303215

Looking so forward to this desu. Gonna be great, because they can't take crypto from us, all they can do is start stupid terrible projects that will fail.

>> No.5303279

How the fuck would it?

>> No.5303340

The problem with women is they don't like to do things, they like to complain. That's why instead of making an account on coinbase, they write an article

>> No.5303355
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1492021879590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking damn I fucking hate feminists. If you want us to see your fucking perspective then introduce or improve the technology. Women just want to leech onto an existing team and pretend they know fuck all what they're doing. THERE'S A REASON THERE'S NO WOMEN CEOS FUCK WOMEN
>Inb4 I'm mgtow, I'm not, except toward feminism

>> No.5303394

Dontchya know that Coinbase asks your gender and if you select F as your gender it bans you from the website

Also threads like this need to stop we're only fueling this stupidity with our attention

>> No.5303409
File: 62 KB, 720x400, Pablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean cryptothots anon

>> No.5303527

Not really though, is it? Men build. Men explore. Men create.

Name one fucking female inventor, scientist, writer, musician, actor, philosopher, engineer, ANYTHING who can compete against the "great" men in their field.

Just fucking ONE!

>> No.5303684
File: 1.63 MB, 2592x3564, hewson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female CEOs are the future. Just wait 10 years most CEOs will be women. It is huge for the company image.

>> No.5303729

>completely 100% digital
>totally unbiased to race, gender, culture
>hurrr why dont wimmins like it, this no fair!

fuck me

>> No.5303751

>unironically whiteknighting on 4chan

>> No.5303763

If your success in crypto is determined by whether you can trick racist white men into buying your coin, then your value proposition isn't compelling enough and it is indeed a shitcoin.

I think Vitalik has questionable political opinions, but Ethereum is a solid enough project. Few people refuse to use a "good" product on moral grounds. Most /pol/acks have google as their main search engine and use android phones, for example.

>> No.5304345
File: 40 KB, 496x287, OnlyMenPayTaxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, the governement is here to take our money and give it to steong independant wymyn.

>> No.5304422

That was very articulate and valid. But how do you explain people on here vocalizing their disgust for a coin as soon as they find out there’s a woman or someone a little too brown on the team? How do you explain people saying they were willing to hold LINK bags until they found out Rory’s stepson was a “nigger”?

Any crypto that has to “trick” its audience is a shitcoin, you’re right. But I feel like a lot of this audience is closed-minded to other people entering the crypto space, no matter how unbiased the technology is

>> No.5304444

oh hey guys look what I found

>peaked 383 sat on September 27
>worth 9 sat now

what does this say about women in crypto

>> No.5304475

It's far more biological than societal.

>> No.5304480

Letting women voting made them nation wreckers, letting women in executive positions will make them company wreckers.

>> No.5304505

i'm a woman i'll take 1 btc tyvm

>> No.5304511

I've seen a lot of faggots on twitter talk about crypto in full Dunning Kruger mode.

>> No.5304530

if u give me 1 btc i won't wreck ur company

>> No.5304544
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>not only will they miss out on its billions of dollars in potential returns

A definite positive

> but the rest of us may miss out on a female perspective on how to apply it.

A definite positive

>> No.5304548

I bet the author doesn’t own any crypto herself. Even though it’s super duper important that women get in on these gains.

>> No.5304608

I hold POWR so I invested in a women driven company.

>> No.5304717

My gf is in to crypto, playing with small money. Consistently sells low even when I tell her to hodl. Good fun. I turned 1000 into 6000 with fuck all trades, she somehow managed to turn 250 into 70. Tbh I probably took some of her money. The more women in crypto the better. They're retarded and panic.

>> No.5304944
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*blocks your thread*

>> No.5304984

>I don't get along with many women.
>But also not many men.

"People seem to dislike me, no matter who they are. But it's not my fault."

^ You

>> No.5305095

>for milleniums

uhhhhhh. you faggots are actually pretty late to the whole civilization game. Plus many of that inventions were created by gay men and incels (might as well be not straight), straight guys were busy getting cucked

>> No.5305226

then let us live our fucking lives, retard.

For fuck sake, every time there is something nice you have to come with bullshit to spoil the fun of everyone.

>> No.5305274

this has to be a fucking joke.
precisely with THAT function.

>> No.5305302

>a female perspective
>on new age currencies
Yeah no thanks

>> No.5305398

would you like some DOOM with that QUAKE?

pretty sure John Carmack is a Multi-Billionaire now...

so remember.....
"ewww omg.. you play doooooom? nerd!"

"awwwwww wow! you hold crypto! hottie!"

fuck em.
pump n dump never ends.

>> No.5305444


what, white boy? don't want to share all that money you created, with women and minorities?
You should be a good goy and once the hard of the work is done let everyone in.
Also, you should feel bad for some reason.Racist! Bigot!

>> No.5305503

somebody is:

>> No.5305507

Also, is a global market, where whites males are 10 % of the population. Yet the rest are the minority.

>> No.5305527

"Omg how many shoes can I buy with my bitcoin?" - Woman.

>> No.5305543

There are and there has been idiots everywhere, everytime.

Fuck them.

>> No.5305617

Find a way to capitalize on this sentiment and you'll be in lamboland very soon.

>> No.5305623

they should focus on raising healthy emotionally adjusted children and providing a stable nurturing home environment you super faggot

>> No.5305681


Findom is possibly the most retarded and dumb fetish to ever exist.

>> No.5305774

I love it. It shows how the super successful multi-millionaires are the biggest cucks of them all.

>> No.5305908
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>a liberal
>using the word degenerate

>> No.5306178

Being against Google I understand, (qwant user here) but what's up with android?

>> No.5306930


>> No.5307325

they want crypto payments to be included in alimoney (allhismoney)

they want men to give them more money because of muh vagina and eggs

>> No.5307374

Roastie detected

>> No.5307443

Jesus Christ you sound like a faggot

>> No.5307457

if you were real men you'd stop caring about what women think and what they post on the internet.

>> No.5307484

if you live in the west, enjoy jail