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File: 2.01 MB, 720x900, 1672005940475409.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53014196 No.53014196 [Reply] [Original]

>are you checking your bitcoins again silly? You’re on a date anon, focus!
What’s the correct move here

>> No.53014199

you're brown lmao

>> No.53014201

>You're right, I should be focusing on my date. Thanks

>> No.53014220

DCA. The move is always dollar cost averaging.

>> No.53014242

>I don't want want to spend this bitcoin on you tonight

>> No.53014245
File: 36 KB, 218x232, 1667202262754747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.53014247

That is a man

>> No.53014249

>Turn around again, let me take nice pic of you

>> No.53014256

I look like that and I do say that

>> No.53014264

who goes on a date on xmas day? you gonna stuff your face with turkey while you impress her with your scuba-diving adventures?

>> No.53014275

I can't suspense my disbelief far enough to even pretend I can go on a date with a girl like this

>> No.53014283

Stop posting this bitch, the phenotype is trash

>> No.53014329

i don't want to see another webm of french resting bitch face camille ever again

>> No.53014335

T. Seething kike

>> No.53014389

My phone wouldnt come out my pocket on a date with her

>> No.53014423

She's got a manly chin

>> No.53014432

Taking your meds

>> No.53014513


>> No.53014520

i hate french women so much its unreal

>> No.53014596

show her the $5 million dollar portfolio by accident.

>> No.53014630

bitshit is for dumbfuck boomers

>> No.53014647

I want to crack her skull open with a pipe wrench

>> No.53014777
File: 2.44 MB, 480x600, perfect burger gf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know you demonic kike freaks are hating everything of beauty, and only are having a boner to disgusting, ugly things. But we -humans with a soul- still have a deep connexion with/appreciation of beautiful things. And you know why? Because contrary to you evil spawns of the demiurge, we still are God's creation.

I can't think of a worse curse than being a jew. Imagine your only role in life is to be a parasite, an agent of chaos incapable of creating beauty and doomed to only destroy, pervert and taint. I deeply pity you.

>> No.53014989

This kek. Even in my literal dreams it doesn't happen. There's a better chance that I wake up transformed into a dragon or something.

>> No.53016030

Cool it with the antisemitism, trip fren

>> No.53016088
File: 88 KB, 1024x702, 1642802034134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pull your pants down I'm gonna rape you now
This is what I would say.

>> No.53016219

Very cool

>> No.53016245

Is it true white women are incels?

>> No.53016321

It's not possible for women to be incels.

>> No.53016334
File: 84 KB, 500x482, 13246781633361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls stop posting Camille she makes me want to kms

>> No.53016338
File: 157 KB, 926x1632, broomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are young women. Send me your "roasties", Daddy is hungry!

>> No.53016617

"Wait am I in Yurop right now? Oh god oh no please I don't want to be poor I don't want to be murdered by brown people please get me the fuck out of here aaaaaaa-ACK"

>> No.53016808

that top looks super itchy

>> No.53016833

you are a gay

>> No.53017055

Stab this bitch and then flee the scene.

>> No.53017082

>French flags in the background

>> No.53018009

Its something I'm a bit interested in
I do realize it's a bit rude but now I have showed you one of my 100 interests. Ohhh nice Beaux Arts architecture behind you. I like 19th century architecture, it's opulent and artisan and looks timeless unlike that Corbusier bullshit that looks good only on on the white paper with black ink and like crap as soon as you see it "finished "... Because its not finished and only detail and patina you see on it later will be dust, grime, water stains on the walls, below window benches. It's trash for bug people. What's your favorite architectural style?

Yes, I can babble on for hours and hours. I'm interested in bunch of stuff so it comes easy. Oh and I am an extrovert

>> No.53018040

>lower phone whilst staring at her
>slap her
>grab her face and hold her mouth open roughly
>spit in it
>slap her again
>maintain eye contact a few seconds more then shift back to the phone
She'll already be damp before you get back to your phone. And respect you for it.

>> No.53018812

oh so this is a date?
kiss her

>> No.53018834


>> No.53018850

you sound incredibly based, and possibly redpilled. do you have other insights for the rest of us?

>> No.53018853

Check myself into a mental institution because the delusions are coming back

>> No.53018868

Take my meds

>> No.53019463

All I have to do is DCA into MATIC, ETH, ORE and METIS.

>> No.53019580

Literally perfect. You must be a seething tranny

>> No.53019593
