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53013997 No.53013997 [Reply] [Original]

You are all a figment in my imagination, only I exist for real. At best you are subconscious characters I created to make my world feel real. I am probably already dead, I exist in between life and death.

>> No.53014007

For real for real?

>> No.53014014
File: 356 KB, 2047x2042, OirwEAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm high on ambien

>> No.53014016
File: 642 KB, 777x679, 963042094724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, YOU are all a figment in my imagination, only I exist for real. At best you are subconscious characters I created to make my world feel real. I am probably already dead, I exist in between life and death.

>> No.53014036

>I am probably already dead, I exist in between life and death
Just a hangover lads, you'll be better tomorrow.
C ya then!

>> No.53014040

cool story bro take meds lol

>> No.53014053
File: 19 KB, 269x283, 1647715022013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true anon, can you make BTC go up in your imagination, growing really impatient here.

>> No.53014080

If only you existed, and were imagining your external world, you would have have to posit that you have vast neural machinery used for the purpose of simulating an external world, even if you stipulate that the external world is generated with only the necessary amount of detail to trick you. It's not impossible, but you have no evidentiary basis for assuming it.
What is a perfectly ordinary statement, in contrast, is that the external world does not have your subjectivity, e.g. if someone is shot into the head in front of you, you do not die, or if someone in a different country wins the lottery, you do not also get rich, or feel excitement at being rich. This gives you basically the same metaphysics, but you can "offload" the implied computation burden of running an external world onto an actual external world instead of having to say that you're simulating it through unknown means. The world does exist, but you are looking at only part of it.

>> No.53014085
File: 549 KB, 728x720, 1668937600260586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine me as a rich Chad with a virgin qt girlfriend please? Thanks senpai

>> No.53014106

The world being a mental simulation by OP does not imply that he can change it in ways that are inconsistent with the laws of physics. A computer program cannot arbitrarily rewrite the state of a a different program because "they're both on a computer". Likewise, "the mind can rewrite the external world" is not proven even if the external world is supposed to be run by the mind.

>> No.53014145

Can you create me a big tifdy goth gf?

>> No.53014164

I know something you don't know. Therefore I cannot be you. Else you would know what I know.

>> No.53014184

Hello Rene'. You're close, but essentially you have it a bit backwards. It's more like "we think therefore you are"

>> No.53014189

if we live in a simulation why don't you simulate some bitches

>> No.53014258

Inspecting and controlling something you do is extra effort, it's not a "free" capability you just have. Computer programs are not inherently debuggable, for instance. You need to attach a debugger, otherwise you can't look under the hood to see what the program does, even if you run it. Unless OP has some additional mental facility for bitch-simulation, I'm afraid he won't be able to introduce new bitches into it at will.

>> No.53014270

Couldn't you dream something better than a sino-indonese haberdasher esl forum?

>> No.53014290
File: 127 KB, 1095x847, birds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got news for you. There is no profit in this.

>> No.53014327

Bros how do you live a fulfilling life? We all know we are going to die eventually, but in the morning i forget all about that

>> No.53014342

And there's not much a man can do in his lifetime, 30 years of productive years is nothing when we sleep 8 hours a day

>> No.53014376

Sometimes I think we are all fucked, there will be no space travel, no help from anywhere. Humanity will cease to exist after some next big global catastrophe. We ngmi as a species. I'm bearish on humanity

>> No.53014406

A man can change the world with 8 hours of directed effort.

>> No.53015159

>only I exist for real.
>I am probably already dead
this bot is broken bros

>> No.53016480

Yes, yes you are unique, just like everyone else.