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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5301357 No.5301357 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5301372

wtf, it was literally two seconds ago 0.39

>> No.5301375

lmao CMC replaced the btc graph with eth

>> No.5301433

there was a fake 13 btc sell wall some fucky whale had up to accumulate. I was fucking around trying to manipulate his manipulation and all in all lost 800 of my 32k link REEEE

>> No.5301457

is there any news or is this just a random pump and dump?

>> No.5301476

Don't take profit now Anons.


>> No.5301509

Looking at the volume, it looks like someone market-bought like 1 million LINK.

>> No.5301516

I expect we're due for a 2-3x. 150 mill for this project is ridic

>> No.5301523


How high before we take profit?


There's no pnd here. it's been a slow upwards grind that represents organic growth. We've had some pnd along the way but the markets been tightening as more and more is taken off the market. The memelines say we're on the way up

>> No.5301554

sold my bags for a profit
cya nerds

>> No.5301624

CMC always collates everything.
All exchanges and all trading pairs.

Nice try though.

>> No.5301646
File: 22 KB, 410x421, 7E7B77F6-0557-4E7E-86F8-29E4C2FFD9DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand its dumping again

>> No.5301653

The thing is, that in this bull market, the only people left holding are the ones with iron hands.
Once Sergey delivers any tangible working product on the table, shits going off the chain.

>> No.5301686


>> No.5301919


If SWITF poc mentions CL in any way never sell again.

If not you have 60 more days to accumualte.


Ok bro Gl staying poor.

>> No.5301971

Not gonna break 2600 eh

>> No.5301986
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>> No.5301993

Probably at least a year from now...they're still hiring devs. Just because they hired one or two, doesn't mean that a working product is in any way close to being done. They haven't even hired a marketing person, despite having a couple months to do so...they're still just accepting resumes. This is a slooooooow moving train, no need to fomo.

>> No.5301995


>> No.5302055
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>This is a slooooooow moving train, no need to fomo.

>> No.5302098
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not listening to cunts like this again, i sold most of my walton at a loss because biz kept saying "lol, this shitcoin isn't going anywhere, no product yet! it'll moon in february if you're lucky!". look at it fucking now, pumped to infinity by koreans.

>> No.5302116

The Ruby implementation already worked. They just have to port it to go. Won't take nearly as long as you think it will. The hard stuff is already done though.

>> No.5302131


A year or two? In probably two months at most they'll have a marketing director who will probably start tweeting day one. We'll keep seeing an accelerating march of other startups at first bigger players later saying they're working with Chainlink using their oracles like we're already seeing, with this Oragami and Ceek shit (questionable but its good to get the name out there) and ZeppelinOS which was huge. First version of the main net in Q1. It will still be going up in a year but things are going to speed up drastically much earlier.

>> No.5302147
File: 85 KB, 640x480, 1001001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We tried to tell you about Chainlink my friend
I'm so sorry my friend
We could of been rich my friend
Maybe next time my friend

>> No.5302207

Also Req is confirmed working with Chainlink (they adjusted their road map to reflect the fact that chainlink weren't ready yet) and once that becomes known and they say shit in their announcement like Zeppelin did that SmartContract and sergey are the most respected players in the decentralized oracle game you'll see the wider crypto world start to take notice. And that is right around the bend. Probably a few weeks away.

>> No.5302232

Good point about REQ

>> No.5302475

fuck WE MOOONING~~~~

>> No.5302771

Traitors Be Damned

>> No.5302827

Please go back down to 15 cents I need to buy back in

>> No.5302977

Zeppelin is already many orders of magnitude more significant than Req.

>> No.5302993

Ycombinator has very aggressive business tactics.

>> No.5303809


I agree after looking into it and the people here sharing the importance of it (thanks) but it's obviously not been the sort of relationship that's moved the needle in the short term like Req probably would unfortunately. I'm sure it will in time though. Zeppelin is going to be part of making chainlink ubiquitous in all the dapps that come out so it's inevtable chainlink will start popping up everywhere even if sergey isn't shilling it himself or if the marketing director focuses exclusively on the b2b side which she probably will.


What do you think that means for the Chainlink-Req connection?

>> No.5304323

REQ and QSP have Ycombinator ties, QSP had a conbase meeting last week who also have Ycomb ties. LINK has been mentioned as being used by REQ. QSP/REQ/LINK are looking solid for 2018. the Triforce of utility tokens. 2018 is the year of the utility tokens, anything with real-world use will replace the current swath of shitcoins populating the top 50 in market cap. We are seeing the rise of real-world use and adoption and the Triforce makes it possible without the need for a centralised blockchain as they have universal applications with the end user needing no interaction with anything but setting up their smart contract. QSP legitimises it, REQ sorts the money, LINK sorts the contract. The end user is happy and goes about their business without having to worry about the ins and outs of blockchain tech. It will mean a seamless smooth transition into decentralised blockchain usage for the majority of current tech businesses without them having to lift a finger.
BAT should be good too.

>> No.5304357

>could of
it's "could have" pajeet

>> No.5304529

zero reason why this needs to exist

>> No.5304935

There are plenty. Advertisers hate adblock for one and it would mean people are less likely to use ti if tey are paid. You also have issues with ad revenue being paid which this would solve. Then you also have the problems companies are having being associated with advertising on certain videos and things which this goes some way to eliminating as they are a 'middleman' which will allow the company advertising to remove direct association with any product although it may cause bat some problems. Whatever. The fucker behind it created Java and was the CEO of firefox for gods sake and got 'fired' for not being liberal enough. Thats enough for me to buy a few thousand. Plus it has coinbase listing rumours. It is worth a shot. If it gets adopted by youtube/twitch (another ycomb link, it's not what you know it is who you know and ycomb seems to have ties with all 4 of these and coinbase) and the like then it can't really fail. Its a pretty safe bet but won't give you as much gain as the other 3.

>> No.5305005

none of that requires a custom token though. why not use BCC or ETH?

>> No.5305119

It means rapid adoption and growth. Unironically the most obvious moon mission in crypto history.

>> No.5305259

>why not use shitcoins

>> No.5305361

Javascript, not Java

>> No.5305381

The funny thing is, while that was meant to be a fake sell wall to keep the price down, some big boy whale gobbled it up in a 1.4M market buy. Poor smaller whale lost all his link he was accumulating for so long.

>> No.5305425

who do you think made that market buy. just a rich punter?

>> No.5305465

Why don't apple make dishwashers? It is about specialisation. We are moving into an era now where specialist tokens are arriving. It will no longer be good enough to be a jack of all traders. Those tokens will mostly die out. Things like ETH are platforms enabling this Utility token revolution so that is fine. As for what people turn their BAt tokens or whatever into to 'spend' irl that is irrelevant. It is like saying why produce X or Y goods when they all require fiat to buy and sell anyway. It is supply and demand basically. BAT is the product they are selling and it is a game of supply and demand. Converting it to something usable like Btrash is neither here nor there and it would also mean their system was dependant on a supply of said currency. With this system, they have their own supply (within a closed system) and it is a supply that is specifically used for a purpose. It makes no sense to be dependant on an outside medium if that has risks of price fluctuation and supply issues. You cant have a system dependant on say Btrash because what if te supply dries from people holding (unlikely wiht trash and more likely with btc i know but whatever) up or Btrash becomes too expensive to use on a required 1-1 ratio, especially if fiat dies which hopefully it will.
Basically, if you sell oranges you don't start pricing them with apples to get your sheckles.

>> No.5305494

yar yar
║░▒║with this blade
║░▒║i cut those who
║░▒║the sergey

>> No.5305516

Probably since most of the links that were not sold off in the crowd sale are allocated to companies to start their link nodes. If a big company wanted a large amount of links at this point there wouldn't really be a reason for them to buy it off an exchange at this point.

>> No.5305536

>having to create a new shitcoin for this one specific use case because the only non-shitcoin would have fees orders of magnitude greater than transactions

>> No.5305936

plus you need dedicated computing power and node operators supply this. without them then your product is reliant on another chains processing power and look at what happens to them, ETH with kitties and BTC with the btrash con artists switching mining power over to something else. You cant run that kind of risk when you are dealing with end users who require your product works efficiently. Having tokens/nodes works around that.

>> No.5306866
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>sell my link at 2579 sats
>leave home for 4 hours
>come back
>not only it didn't dump it's at 2600 sats

>> No.5306907
File: 21 KB, 580x520, 345634576632.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you doing, little fellow?

>> No.5306936

Aren't token payments processed on the ETH chain all the same?

>> No.5306944

Yeah I got rekt trying to do the same thing last week.

Looks like the easy daytrading days are over.

>> No.5306965
File: 7 KB, 201x251, cdff8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fire rises.

>> No.5307026

>leave home
What are you, a normie?

>> No.5307031
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, haruhi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, why would you sell a coin like Link at 2579 sats? If you weren't gonna hold it why did you buy it in the first place?

>> No.5307144

Does being on multiple exchanges help with this price manipulation crap? I just want to wake up rich tomorrow.

>> No.5307247


>> No.5307762

Every exchange has manipulation but the problem was that Binance wasn't really a high volume exchange to begin with.
But Binance has lately really become a high volume exchange that competes with the big exchanges in the top 5.

>> No.5308106


So what does this mean for a Bittrex listing in the future now that Binance is a bigger alt exchange than Bittrex?

We will finnally get our much hoped for listing, only for it to pump barely a few cents. Feels weird to have Binance become so big now.

>> No.5308327

bittrex is still the normie exchange that all the boomers are trading in

>> No.5308411

Bittrex is still bigger than Binance but it's just that Binance is not the low volume exchange it used to be before. They were listing a lot of new coins and the UI is great so it attracted a lot of people.
Binance becoming big also means that LINK's price is not bottlenecked by it and this is the real price without any manipulations.

But still, it's a chinese exchange and LINK would really benefit from a more established western exchange in the future.
I really hope that the team is planning on a bigger exchange near the mainnet release date and that it would have a USD pair, so I'm really hoping for a Bitfinex listing in the future.