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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53011014 No.53011014 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any fellow Bobos who quit above 40k? I stabeled @ 58k and man.. the shit I have had to hear from niggers all the way down.

>"we bottomed out"
>"they won't raise the rates because they CANT"

Where are you faggots now? To all my bobros who were smart enough to get out and stay strong on the way down. You are the elite, they are not and they never will be.

Cheers, brothers.

>> No.53011022

I sold @ $40k. I was so stressed out the weeks leading up to it. I was bringing my laptop with me everywhere in case I needed to sell. It was driving me crazy. I felt so much better when I sold, unironically. That was about a year ago from today

>> No.53011027

I sold as soon as I heard Elon would be on SNL in april 2021 and never bought back in

>> No.53011041

Mega based

>> No.53011044

Smartest decision ever made, the second normie retards who have never invested a day in their life start talking like they're "crypto investment experts" is the second you know we've topped and it's time to GTFO. I love hearing all the piggies getting slaughtered from 60k downward, god bless my white brain.

>> No.53011065

Based. They called it "adoption".

>> No.53011126
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Based bobros. What are your predictions and goals for 2023?

>> No.53011150

I'll start to buy back in Q2 2023. I believe the next move will be a rally for the halving in 2024. But I'll buy the rumor and sell the news, I don't believe it will be an actual bullrun, it's still too soon

>> No.53011219

I’m still just observing. There is an unfilled CME gap at around 9500-9700 so I’ve got my eye on that.
Currently though we are a long way from there. The market doesn’t look like it’s bottomed though based on anything except sentiment. Sentiment is pretty shit and that’s the only thing that gives me any pause.
In 2023 I’m going to keep doing what I did in 2022 which is to watch levels and look for some bottoming signs and scale in once I’m comfortable that risk to the downside has largely diminished.
I’m planning to put about $200k into crypto. Probably mostly in ETH and BTC to start and then scale out of those and into alts as things stabilize.
Another goal is to increase my income. I’m at a little over $140k/yr and I’d like to get that to $200k or more somehow. I just have to figure out how without picking up another job.

>> No.53011240
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I've been in stables since dogmania march 2021, I'm so bored

>> No.53011241

i sold a lot of eth above 4k and 3k

didnt even touch my bitcoin. i dont plan on selling btc ever. i would only take loans against it

>> No.53011255

Didn’t all the companies who offer loans against bitcoin go bankrupt?

>> No.53011308

sold at 43k, bought back at 15.7k

not great not terrible
better than most I guess

>> No.53011332
File: 372 KB, 1936x1772, 1621607180703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto goes to $0.00 November 2023
Project Cedar is Federal Reserve's crypto so "crypto" has no reason to exist anymore.

Screencap and enjoy the show Bobros, the roping and wojacks will be glorious by Nov 2023

>> No.53011345

go back to pol, retard

>> No.53011389

>everything I don't like is pol
At what point did I mention anything political?
I'll enjoy your rope posting in a year and so will my fellow Bobros.

For anyone else reading this, look up Project Cedar, its on the Reserves official website, essentially nullifying Cryptos existence.
Its still in testing but its finally here. Cryptos days are numbered

>> No.53011478

I shouldn't have to tell you people that Federal Reserve are the Silent Kings of America, while the entire Government are simple middle managers.
You're old enough to know this

>> No.53011756
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>I'll buy the rumor and sell the news, I don't believe it will be an actual bullrun, it's still too soon
>There is an unfilled CME gap at around 9500-9700 so I’ve got my eye on that.
That would be the falling knife i think. Still based
Based schizo