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File: 616 KB, 1920x1280, 20200702-2_17-1920x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53007063 No.53007063 [Reply] [Original]

How much does it even cost to rent or buy a condo unit in one of those six storied buildings that are all over Paris? They sure look like they'd be fun to live in

>> No.53007198

Paris is a niggerfied shit hole now.

>> No.53007209


Expensive as fuck because you're in a "scenic, major city"

Also, Paris is a shithole these days, similar to S Francisco, NY, Miami, etc,

Trust me, it sucks balls.

>> No.53007214
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you re like 30Y too late bro. I left Paris for Texas (another shithole not able to bury pipe in ground for winter). Go to Paris for like 2 months in May June. enjoy it and then left ASAP. Pic related is french president in case you don t trust a fren

>> No.53007216
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Get off this board and go back to plebbit

>> No.53007242


>> No.53007268

That's Jane Goodall you fucking racists

>> No.53007929
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dis nigga gay

>> No.53007955

It's always fascinating seeing buildings that we could but refuse to build now adays. Now we have to build 30 story shitholes made out of paper and plastic

>> No.53008994
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>> No.53009247

>How much does it even cost to rent or buy a condo unit in one of those six storied buildings that are all over Paris? They sure look like they'd be fun to live in
several millions

>> No.53009301

I've been to every major city in europe in the past 2 years. Paris was by far the most disappointing one. The whole city is filled with disgusting ass homeless people and it doesn't feel safe at all and I'm a big guy, I can't imagine what it's like for women or the tiny faggots on this board. Some places were nice sure but overpriced and crowded af. I even went back a second time because people kept saying how nice it is but I just don't see it. Shithole.

>> No.53009338

You have to understand that France was riddled with communists and socialists in all layers of society (especially the higher layers) .
Even now France is ruled by socialists.
France has still not recovered from a century of socialism, and miterrand totally destroyed any skills the Bureaucrats may had... A french bureaucrat is a subhuman piece of shit .

All the old politicians nowadays were the young champagne leftist assholes who embarked into politics in the miterrand era and they turned france to shit in less than 40 years by refusing to do anything for the country, but pushing for more muslims and that's it.
All the problems France has right now stems from those scumbags.

>> No.53009436

I've been there twice in recent years and that wasn't my experience at all. It was just like many other touristy cities. Pricier than out-of-town but once more I read to total bs by someone (you) who I suspect has never even been. Take these things with a pinch of salt, anon. There are people who come on here and outright lie constantly. Paris is just like any other city. Good parts and bad. This faggot trying to paint this awful pic if it is just an armchair expert that has likely never left shitsville, Idaho

>> No.53009508
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>> No.53009510
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>Even now France is ruled by jews.

>> No.53009537

Ngmi if you fall for Paris meme

>> No.53009574
File: 58 KB, 800x534, paris metro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the 13th arrondissement since 15 years and everything he said is true. You are the lying one here. Paris is by far the most violent, disgusting, niggers' riddled, scammy, trashy, urine's stained, bureaucratically congested capitale in the entirety of Europe.
Shitskins are a vast majority, everything is insanely expensive. Especially the parking lots. You have riots and manifestations literally every weekend. Gangs of roaming arabes and stoned nogs coming from the banlieue dictating their laws. Begging, shit incrusted, AIDS covered, heroinfag hobos everywhere in the subway and main entrances. Gypsies and their shitty bucket full of spits at every red light trying to coerce you into giving them a bux.

Everything is so fucking inhuman and grim. Everybody is constantly in never-relax mode. Nobody can trust anyone in this ultimate experiment of (((diversity is our strength))). No more social or racial cohesion. This is peak jewish dystopia.
Not later than yesterday you had gangs of kurdes and turks killing each others in the streets, burning down cars and bars. This city is completely balkanized, where every single community is at war to protect their own interests. Every single one but the whites, as always.

>> No.53009583
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They're fun for a year but then you should move on to the next city or neighborhood if you want a non /biz/ answer

>> No.53009585
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>living among niggers

>> No.53009607

Huh, so Paris is just like CB2077 but with fancy, old world looking buildings instead of neon lit skyscrapers?

>> No.53009643

Pretty much. With the delorean style cyberpunk cars replaced with velibs too.

>> No.53009663
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Christmas in Paris

>> No.53009666

is miami really that bad?
seems like the only decent "made it" city in the states
>great weather
>gorgeous coastline
>10/10 women out the wazoo
>not filled with libtards
>a functional police force

>> No.53009859

Never understood the shit talk about Paris on 4chan. I went there expecting a complete shithole but I absolutely loved it. Some of the best museums and architecture I've ever seen. I could have spent an entire week just looking at buildings and paintings. The city center is very big and quite varied between the neighborhoods. I barely saw any homeless either and walked around 10km out of the city towards southern direction for my hotel quite late at night every day and had no issues and never felt unsafe. If I could afford it, I'd absolutely buy a flat in Paris city center. Tb h it absolutely helped I went with my ex who speaks decent French, and I avoided all tourist traps. To answer your question, it's probably a few million minimum.

>> No.53009883

Yes, the graffiti does warm the heart. So reminiscent of Lagos, Nigeria

>> No.53010672

I bet your wife's son also really liked it

>> No.53010698


>> No.53010726

why do you come on here and lie like that anon? is it the reddit in you or the homosexuality?

>> No.53010727

Par Isis
City of Isis.
Masonic gay town. No wonder the 'enlightenment' started there.

Ever since, historians have suggested numerous interpretations for the origins of the name Paris, one of them based on the Trojan War's hero Paris. Another suggestion was based on the fact that the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis was worshipped in Paris, and might have given her name to the city.

>> No.53010750
File: 49 KB, 430x323, 59B4F5DD-1EF5-4165-A9F3-B46DCA8880EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was just like many other touristy cities.
Because you only went to the touristy parts retard
>Paris is just like any other city. Good parts and bad.
You’re onto something in that they are doing this to all formerly white cities, but Paris is getting hit especially hard. Pic related, guess the country

>> No.53010772

If you have to ask, you can't afford it.

>> No.53010784

Probably not, the southern parts of the city are often quite wealthy (place d’italie for example), and the ethnic enclaves there are mostly turks and stuff, maybe not your first choice but not really known for violent robberies and assaults either

>> No.53010819

>They sure look like they'd be fun to live in
Moldy, noisy, coldy

>> No.53010828

lived there for 20 years
Paris is hell to live in day-to-day
It's also a great place for leisure/holidays

>> No.53010841

Fuck the shithole city South of France Villa near Monaco with 20 meter yacht fuck i need to buy more chainlink.

>> No.53010857
File: 355 KB, 721x681, paris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't Google OP?

>> No.53010862

Short answer: 10,000 EUR per 1m2

A 50 m2 apartment is 500K EUR
For mutts: a 500 square foot apartment is 600K USD

Cheaper than Manhattan, but ultra expensive nonetheless.

>> No.53011279

>towards southern direction
there we have it

>> No.53011296

>muh say it
>muh niggers
>I'm unhappy because of niggers
enjoy wasting your time while I thrive.

>> No.53011297

There are worse things but bros, these values that went into this formerly great city (like pre-1910's) don't speak to me at all. Look at the ends of things. All the talk of equality and etc led to this being turned into a dump. It's an elevated hive.

>> No.53011677

ITT alabama cletus butthurt

>> No.53011862

There's a metro station where i shit u not, it's almost 100% liberia tier niggers everywhere. A hellhole of hooting and hollering, crime and general nastiness. Avoid Paris like the plague.

>> No.53012103

The duality of /biz/

>> No.53012127

$2000/mo for a small unit
Legitimately a fucking fortune. Nobody sells prime city real estate in France, you either inherit it or rent.

>> No.53012190
File: 51 KB, 300x300, 7736794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not exactly a student of history are you
go ahead and give me a percentage estimate, in the entire of history of Paris, how long has the city been NOT exactly as you have described in your post

go on
tell us all about the centuries in which Paris has been good

>> No.53012232

Please tell me all about the Africans in Paris from 1950-1980

>> No.53012546

I like to visit Paris for the shopping. Prices on designer shit is often cheaper than the US plus I get tax refund around 12% with my US passport.

There were way less homeless than the west coast US. Didn’t go into any ghetto areas but there was still a lot of blacks in the city center.

>> No.53012719
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Try Riga or something

>> No.53013525

You're projecting hard, IRL I can stand my nuts on your forehead and you wouldn't utter a word, you weasel.
Just my experience. Nowhere was it overrun by homeless or dirty. Maybe summer is a different experience when it's full of tourists and all the locals fuck off. I had a great time and I can't wait to go back.

Maybe it's a manlet thing to be threatened by some cashier or whatever the fuck you didn't like.
I was walking all over the city center and the areas, the stuff that the average tourist would see if they're very throughout (so not even most), and I didn't have any of the issues that people usually moan about here. Maybe it's because I'm not a pussy and grew up in a way more dangerous place than anything in Paris or France could ever be.
>waah waah le homelerisino in a major city, oh my god im losing my mind
My biggest takeaway was that the city is full of hot women, maybe if you homos weren't gay you'd notice the things that matter.

>> No.53014724

paris is full of sandniggers now. good luck anon, times have changed.

>> No.53014736

Perfect, no need to deal with conservative assholes.

>> No.53014744

>Posing with Madonna's dancers
I see no issue here.

>> No.53014748 [DELETED] 


Quintessentially Francais

>> No.53014757

>Push poor, ethnic minorities out of the city center
>They have to commute in
>Everyone else is biking or driving

>> No.53014760

I stayed in the one in that picture with my family and I believe it cost 12k for two weeks. 2014 prices so I'm sure more by now.

>> No.53014771

Cyberpunk has always been "white people afraid they'll be treated like black people in the future."

>> No.53014786

That must be on the cheaper end, you won't buy a 60m^2 appartment for half a mil in an inner Vienna district (where I'm in)

>> No.53014809

dude wtf you're on

>> No.53014823

well anon,
maybe it says more about you that you pick a very specific 30 year window of the city, than it does the fucking city, you absolute fucking chud

>> No.53014872

Pretty good song desu. Not really cyberpunk though, more solarpunk.

>> No.53015308

This nigga knows what's up. 153 panes of glass in each side of the Louvre Pyramids.