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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53007757 No.53007757 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz/, if a lottery has a 1:5.5MIL chance of winning the jackpot, would it be extremely autistic to keep a spreadsheet over previous winning numbers and then play based on these numbers? There's 7 numbers and they can't be repeated, it may sound retarded, but it would heighten my chances right? I would figure out which numbers were in the winning draw repeatedly and play based on that. If I lost money I would atleast be losing with style

>> No.53008134

bogo is also the best search algorithm

>> No.53008161

If indeed a lottery is truly random in the drawing of numbers, then for each draw you will have the same odds for working out correctly the numbers to be drawn from the past lotto results as the exact same numbers being drawn twice in a row. Past results do not dictate future.

>> No.53008794
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But do you think a lottery is truly random? Ofcourse it is correct that any given number gives you as much of a chance as any random ticket in the same lottery, but I think there is a slight bias to numbers. Say a number has been picked 50 times before wouldnt it be smarter to have that number in your ticket instead of picking any random number besides that one? Based on the previous results you would be more likely to get that number no? Even tho from the get-go its all random, it just doesnt seem random if 3-4 numbers start showing up over and over again?
-OP was phoneposting when I made the thread

>> No.53008803

The lottery is rigged.

>> No.53008822
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cheers, all I needed to know, im off to the lottery now, I finished my spreadsheet

>> No.53008831

I mean it isn't random. They can literally just pick the numbers.

>> No.53008911

Not sure at all if lottery is rigged or completely to random. I would lean towards rigged, as there are large jackpots yearly too often with a rush to tickets when they occur leading to thoughts of rigging; in saying that you have 0.01% chance of finding a winning pattern from past performance. How far back does your spreadsheet go?

>> No.53009066
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Currently 15 weeks ( draws ) the minimum payout is 5 dollars for 4 correct numbers, but I will keep adding on to my spreadsheet + im putting anything together to see if I can find a pattern. I can put 100 tickets down for 50 dollars, so even if I dont get the jackpot I could easily get my money back if I score on some tickets. So it goes from 1:5.5Mill to 100:5.5Mill though I prefer putting it as 1:55k

>> No.53009079

Past results influence which numbers are popular. The popularity of your choice affects payout, as multiple winners must split the pot, therefore the past influences expected value.

Past winners are popular choices. Therefore, playing the lottery optimally involves avoiding all past winners.

>> No.53009087

For me that means Id find 50 combinations of the "popular" numbers and 50 combinations that would be the opposite.