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File: 179 KB, 2184x1187, btc bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5300781 No.5300781 [Reply] [Original]

Its obvious that BTC is forming a bulltrap atm and resistance is at around 12k. Any clue how far BTC will correct?

>> No.5300805
File: 10 KB, 948x582, NASDAQ_IXIC_-_dot-com_bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and the dotcom bubble resembles BTC right before it popped. Did Bcash and the coinbase fiasco really pop this bubble?

>> No.5300860

23K tonight
screencap this
you'll want to kill yourself if you haven't bough

>> No.5300890

>it's another bubble thread in disguise
Oh you crazy nocoiners

>> No.5300945

Friendly reminder that TA has no advantages over random decision making (scientifically proven). Heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.5300956

Been in the market for 6 months and if you dont see this shit you are actually retarded

>> No.5300992

>resistance is at around 12k.

This fucking pajeet doesn't know the difference between resistance and support. Kys

>> No.5300996

I was okay believing the "adoption is driving price up, so it's not a bubble" mentality while BTC was functional. But it isnt anymore. No one is adopting it anymore. The only buyers are people who think it will go up. It wasn't a bubble, but it definitely is now.

>> No.5301022

Source? The thing about patterns is that they come back. Thats why we get thaught history at school. We can learn from the past mistakes so they dont happen again. If you actually think that patterns are totally random you are an idiot.

>> No.5301046

corecucks are helpless
don't even bother

These are the people who think $30 fees and several hours of waiting for confirmation are normal things

>> No.5301058

Srry fag, i messed up by changing two words, now my whole point is invalid.

>> No.5301068

that being said, it's not going to burst
too much dumb money flowing wanting to be rich

>> No.5301079

You are a fucking moron

>> No.5301099

U sure about that. How higher the price how riskier is becomes. Something really small, like the scamcoin bcash, can lower the consumerconfidence which results in a pop

>> No.5301110

>Been in the market for 6 months
>for 6 months
>6 months

Are you fucking kidding me? You have literally no right to speak about bitcoin corrections

>> No.5301111
File: 145 KB, 1548x791, aaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If 12.5k-13k doesn't hold then at least to 8.5k in my opinion, but who knows.

>> No.5301122


>> No.5301141

Lmao ta fags have claimed bulltraps 12 times in 3 months. Wrong 40 times right 1 times stupid ta fags, will u ever give up

>> No.5301156

Down to 8k, last big stop that wasn't properly retested A 60% retrace isn't too far fetched considering BTC's history

>> No.5301157

The media is shilling this to hard
It might burst sometime later next year but it won't anytime soon
you will see 50k BTC before a burst

>> No.5301165

In august there was a huge correction for 40%. Most people here started in crypto when btc hit 10.000. I can thereby conclude that i have more experience than most fags on biz this day.

>> No.5301169
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1197, image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5301185

>6 months
So you haven't seen any real dip yet.

>> No.5301209

Anything above 10k will be a short term correction, leading to a rally that will hopefully extend this bubble into mid/late next year

If it dips below that, FUD might cause the bubble to pop

>> No.5301221

TA only works occasionally because it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, history only teaches you about events which are incredibly hard to understand how they exactly came into being, even in hindsight. Let alone that you will be able to recognize ‘the patterns’ while you’re living in it. t. History PhD loser

>> No.5301229
File: 2.55 MB, 750x1334, 4403FCF9-BE8D-4ED6-8122-0A872549099B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao shut the fuck up bud, bought in at 8k and the results have made me thousands lmao. Been in crypto since Silk Road lmao, get the fuck outta this thread.

>> No.5301238

Most of the time they were right about bulltrap pattern, but it can also be a fake bulltrap. What you see now is that before it reached ath you see a sell-off by smartmoney following a new ath right after. Now its finishing a bulltrap which can either result in a big correction(crash) or another one. Im betting on the former one.

>> No.5301264

>6 months
big boy

>> No.5301271

Remember august and the chinaban? I didnt really enjoy that altbleed for 2 weeks

>> No.5301287

great chart, also quads. I'm sure the variance would also support the likelihood of this price action.

>> No.5301308

fuck's sake, we were already here in 2013.
6 months is nothing, as far as I'm concerned you're also a normie. Heck even my mom knows about bitcoin way before you did.

>> No.5301310

I don't even know why people would still use TA's especially to predict THE END.

I see like a minimum of 3 threads a day on this board, telling BTC is done. How often do you wanna be wrong? And when you are once right in 1000 times, it doesn't mean you predicted anything.

Disgusting tryhards.

>> No.5301337

>blluuur hurrr I hate making money!!

>> No.5301352

Solid argument, but dont forget the past is what im saying. Most people invested in crypto didnt really experience the dotcom bubble, neither did I. But its important to learn from the past, not repeat it because it would be more profitable

>> No.5301391

That makes sense. Also, I was rude and I am sorry for that

>> No.5301397

Knew it in 2011, only i didnt have the money cuz i was 14 and poorfag lazy cunt. Knowing longer about it doenst make you a smarter man, it makes you dumber because you are biased.

>> No.5301424

Sorry, im just stating the obvious.

>> No.5301465

Nah its fine, we are on 4chan afterall. Atleast you are open for discussion, most of the retards here say you cant be right because i believe in it

>> No.5301742

what if bitcoin crashes

>> No.5301819

Alts will crash with it and it will take time for them to heal.

>> No.5301833

I want to see it dip just to btfo normies who bought ATH

and then i want to see it recover to new highs to BTFO the fud'ing media in the aftermath.

>> No.5301991

> Some 20 yo kid trying to teach people shitty meme technical analysys
Yeah, you can also draw more of these meme lines all over the graph and it will make your point more valid.

>> No.5302246

you are looking at the wrong chart
look at the korean won chart

>> No.5302247

>dotcom bubble
Completely different time frame. Years vs. months.

>> No.5302703

wouldn't it consolidate here for longer?

>> No.5303225

how does that make a difference?