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53006341 No.53006341 [Reply] [Original]

I'm anxious about starting an IG music account for my music because I have no friends so itll start off with an extremely low follower count. This fact depresses me and makes me want to throw in the towel.

Any advice? I don't want to buy an account with followers since I don't want to get my account to get flagged in the future.

>> No.53006367

its pretty common knowledge that strangers help you in your ventures more than friends. start from scratch do it ethically.

>> No.53006368

Who cares if you don’t have followers? If your music is good you will gather a following, if it’s shit, well then git gud

The most important part anyway is that you enjoy making music or whatever it is, not to gather followers

>> No.53006534
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great responses
I have a low-mid six figure business which just I only just made an IG account for. It has 4 followers.
Just start off and post quality content,and you can always do the follow-for-follow quest, where you simply follow other pages in a similar niche and I found on a different account I probably got 60-70% re-follows, so you can build your audience from that angle as well.
All the best, I would be very happy to scout your music, fellow /mu/sician here.

>> No.53006679

Its not that simple anons. Promoting and expanding your reach is essential and can be a real bitch for a producer. Saturation is huuge - just being good at this is no longer a guarantee. Dissapointing as shit but thats how it is rn. Still - git gud is a must so keep banging oiut these tracks untill you know thats it. All other things can be arranged - your skill cant. bless and keep at it

>> No.53006696

>Search tag relevant to your Instagram
>Like and comment every photo
>Do this until spam limit every day
You'll have 1k+ followers in a month using this method. I've done it several times for several niche genres.

>> No.53006783

nothing is guaranteed. you try or don't always

>> No.53006850

You should post your shit on soundcloud or bandcamp or whatever before making an insta, get some fans first

>> No.53006866

you could post some of your music here in this exact thread too, maybe some anons will like it
Who knows

>> No.53006930

That's how it is today OP; even if you got the best music possible if you aren't good with social media you basically don't exist. And even if you get some following you must post relentlessly regularly in order to stay seen, otherwise you're dead again. And even when you post regularly and gain following then the algorithm suddenly nukes your reach in order to get you to pay for ads just to get the same amount of reach you got before. It's never ending, basically constant whoring yourself online just to get for someone to hit play on your music and possibly go to your gig.

It's retarded yes, but that's just how it is. Adapt or die.

>> No.53006951


>> No.53007441
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honestly anons, im aware its going to be an uphill battle, it's just a bit embarrassing for me, especially because so many artists have a good base atleast 100 followers just from base level friends they know. i have nothing and will look lame for the first few months to a year. i want to be high art in the music world and starting off like a loser like this just doesn't feel high art if that makes sense. i probably need to get over myself,. thanks for commenting bros, this gets to me most days for whatever reason. i really fell out of touch with all of my friends after college. good new is that i have gotten gud or atleast I think so, really excited to start to get things out there.

>> No.53007707
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Great art speaks for itself and these days the best is always underground. There hasn't been a great tune in popular music since Jethro Tull or ELP heydays, so if either just do it, or forever dwell on if's and coulda woulda shoulda

All the best, anon.

>> No.53007742

Just take the first step. Think how exciting it will be to check everyday and see your self growing. Just fuckimg do it faggot.

>> No.53009275

Bedroom producer here.

Stop overthinking.
Make a soundcloud.

Join some music-focused discords that have channels dedicated to giving feedback on other people's track and in return, people will critique your work as well. This is a REALLY good way to learn how to produce, mix and master, because not only are you receiving feedback, but you are also tuning yourself as a producer to take notice of the mistakes/improvements/details/elements others put in their own work.

I myself started producing almost 4 years ago and if I'm being honest, it was complete garbage for around 2 years, mostly due to me being a novice but also me not taking it seriously and just fucking around once or twice a month. Still, it did not stop me from creating a soundcloud from 0. Only people who'd give some listens are people from aforementioned discord channels. There's also plenty of small (below 1K viewers) music streamers that also listen to your works and give critique, which is a good way to gain exposure.

MOST IMPORTANTLY. Find your niche. I don't know your experience, but at first it's more than likely you won't know wtf you actually enjoy making, most people tend to just make simple beats, nevertheless, post them SOMEWHERE. Follow OTHER PRODUCERS on Soundcloud, interact with their music by liking, reposting, commenting (only if you genuinly like the track and have something to say, imo). That way, you'll get yourself into the Soundcloud algorithm.

And I believe it's very important to mention that it's OK to look back at your work and delete/private old stuff. Most of my older tracks are privated/deleted because:
A) They're no longer representative of the quality of work I can put out
B) They're no longer representative of the type of music I sympathise with.

In general, best advice I can give you is to just start somewhere. Don't worry about followers on IG or SC or anything like that, it'll come with time

>> No.53009287


The followers don't matter. I had 80k on Twitterand my best song had 500k plays on soundcloud.

It's been 6 years, None of it matters, no body cares any more.

Do it for the right reasons because even if you have great numbers, it's so tough to make it

>> No.53010614

Appreciate the tips. I'm sort of past the "get feedback" phase and past the 2-3 year phase where most of my stuff sucks. I've reached a point where I'm happy with what I"m creating (I produce, write, mix), I just made the grand mistake of not building an audience along the way, although to be frank I'm not sure how useful it would have been since I'm a completely different music maker than who I was back then.

>Follow OTHER PRODUCERS on Soundcloud, interact with their music by liking, reposting, commenting

I appreciate the advice here and I understand what you are getting at, but I'd really like to avoid a spam approach to things (or whatever it is you want to call this). I've worked really hard on my music being the most important part of me and not the network. I understand importance of network, but I think my goals are much different than the typical. My goal is not to make a ton of money or get placements with big artists or to work with corporate sponsors. None of that matters to me. What matters to me is impact. I want to write music that people appreciate and say "that's a classic" (not amongst normies, amongst "music nerds") I understand that regardless of how good it is, it will take time, but I firmly believe, given my personal experience as a listener who is balls deep in music, the best music usually will rise up (given some initial promotion). If I can't have it this way, then this probably isn't for me and I'll move on, but I'd really rather not play this game of "networking by liking other peoples pages and following them". To be clear, my projects are not "lofi beats" or anything close to this. I'm probably going to come off as close minded and stubborn in this post. Sometimes its nice exercise to articulate what I want to do and how I plan to do it. Really don't want to come as unappreciative of advice, because I do appreciate your comment and will def take what I can from it.

>> No.53010620

>In general, best advice I can give you is to just start somewhere. Don't worry about followers on IG or SC or anything like that, it'll come with time

I will say though that this is what I need to hear and need to tell myself more often. Big ups for this one.

>> No.53010632

You actually have to reach out to YouTubers tiktokkers and streamers and ask them to use their music, friends won't to shit for you.

>> No.53010639

Success is non-linear online. You have to post new content on a regular basis over a long period of time. If you are lucky something you post will take off. Or you build a decent audience over time. 99% of people think they should be famous instantly and give up at the first sign of resistance. That is why they are failures. You should be making music because you love it not because you want some faggy followers.

>> No.53010655

Why did people stop caring? Were you just riding the wave of some meme genre? To be clear I don't care about getting a lot of followers, I made this post because I get embarrassed about the initial phase of have no followers, I'll totally be fine with this problem after I get 300 followers or something. There's just something psychologically that screams "shit artist" when you go on someones' page and they have under 100 followers ya know? Might be an ego thing. I'll get it over it. Like I mentioned in my other posts. I dont care about money. I care about impact, my goal is to release an album that people remember 6-10 years later. A "cult classic" so to speak. I know these exist and a few come out every year that I subscribe to.

Out of curiosity, how did you manage to get 80k followers on Twitter? Did you get caught in a viral moment of some kind? Early adopter of a meme genre?

>> No.53010659

>no you should trust that guy who told that there's no downside to breaking the lease
>that guy seemed legit
>you should trust him

>> No.53010673

Yup I'm expecting that if anything does happen, it'll be a hockey stick pattern of growth. I have 4 songs that I plan on investing it. I've allocated around $20k for album art and possibly a music video. I have to see if there is interest first. The ideal situation is if I am able to get one of my songs to 100k plays after which I might fund a cool music video.