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53005996 No.53005996 [Reply] [Original]

I have smoked weed every day for the last 4 years.

>> No.53006009

I have for the past 13
What's your point?

>> No.53006024


>> No.53006034

THC is illegal in my country. What a joke...

>> No.53006039

What's stopping you from buying from a dealer or a friend?

>> No.53006043

Sucks that you are forced to live with a cop.

>> No.53006058

good luck quitting phaggots. and even if you do your brain will be fucked.

>> No.53006066

Stop doing drugs its expensive.

>> No.53006086

>THC is illegal in my country

>> No.53006089

i smoked weed habitually for fifteen years, its not worth it, i would rather go back and like have done something with my life then just smoked weed all the time.

>> No.53006093

Weed, hoggar nights and melatonin allow me to fall asleep on command. It works like magic and I see no reason to stop. However if you smoke weed every day in order to get high I fail to see the point? I don't really get much enjoyment anymore but it still makes me sleepy and thats what matters.

>> No.53006104

Sadly I am someone with too much to lose. The marginal benefit from doing illegal substances is not worth it to me.

>> No.53006116

I have smoked weed every day for the last 15 or 16 years.

>> No.53006119

i bet you also pay all the taxes

>> No.53006168

Have you ever thought about the day where you will cross the threshold of having spent the majority of your life high?

>> No.53006208

you are losing money and brain cells for no reason

weed is to be tried once for the experience, learned from, and move on.
Instead you've chosen to turn yourself into a human plant. Quit that shit.

>> No.53006209

The paradox for me is I probably wouldn't have made it this far without weed. But I probably won't make it much further with weed.
If I'm honest I think it's all the childhood bullying that I'm trying to escape still. Idk.

>> No.53006216

same here bro
I spent from 18-29 smoking essentially all day every day. Ive accomplished a good amount, but something tells me I could've done more had I not had that urge to smoke all the fucking time.

>> No.53006223

weed is jewish poison now
>t. oldfag

>> No.53006225

Ive smoked weed everyday for the last 30 years. Who gives a fuck?

>> No.53006226

Your gums and teeth.

>> No.53006239

Your grandmother.

>> No.53006272

Smoked weed every day since age 15. I'm 39. I was homeless once. I'm a multimillionaire now. Started today with a joint in Mexico. Nochebuena is tonight. Brain is still firmly intact despite heroic doses of hallucinogenics and requent trips to altered states of consciousness. Not good for me, I know, but it's fun and breaks the monotony of life. It's just my nature, and I feel cozy. Merry Christmas fellow dopers.

>> No.53006283

I have been smoking for the last 8 years and I don't see a single reason to stop.

>> No.53006301

Weed is ridiculously cheap in America, you could smoke daily for less than $20/mo if you're using concentrates

>> No.53006495

The last time i smoked weed was about 8 years ago. It was skunk and i got amazingly paranoid at a BBQ and had to leave

>> No.53006580
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>> No.53006626

>It was skunk
absolut poisonous garbage.

>> No.53006658

Weed unironically fucks with my undiagnosed schizo brain. Plus my eyes get so red it hurts. I never understood how people can smoke weed. Makes me paranoid as fuck. Microdoses of LSD on the other hand makes my life great

>> No.53006700

I agree. I can't do weed. My brain works in overdrive and I get beyond paranoid to the point I feel my brains electric impulses being sent to my heart and I feel like I can stop my own heart from thinking about it.
Fuck that. It's like endless paranoia.
I DO like Delta 8 gummies tho. Those are mad chill and you get comfy without the paranoia feeling

>> No.53006730

same, CB1 receptor is the culprit in us. i can handle incredibly low doses, but not every day.

>> No.53006735

My roommate is 32 and does this. I think he's gross.

>> No.53006745

I have been smoking weed daily for the past 11 years. I started at 23 after I graduated and started working, I'm 34 now. I would say my use has increased over the years, although recently I cut back a bit. I also moved from smoking to vaping (actual herb) 2 years ago, and that removed all the downsides from combustion (I don't smoke tobacco). I'm an overachiever, top performer in my field and a multimillionaire from crypto. I'm thinking of trying out a weed detox in 2023, but I'm honestly a bit scared to do it.

>> No.53006746
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this is my first joint in over 8 months and it's awesome on crimus. moderation bro's!

>> No.53006777

you could do bucketloads of lsd, of varying strength, mostly without issue. Unless Syd Barret, and drinking water spiked with the shit.
BUT weed is probably the ONLY drug oldfags complain is 'too strong' now. Think about that for a second. Its no longer chill.

>> No.53006962

Just cut back, try supplementing NAC about 2 weeks before you cut back. It'll make it easier, check out the 5HT2B receptor and how it affects perception of dopamine.

>> No.53006995
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Weeds a medicine and aohrodesis

>> No.53007015

t. saw weed once
weed is expensive doesn't matter the presentation

>> No.53007020

After awhile you don't really get that high. If I smoke a joint it probably relaxes me as much as a tea would relax a normal person.

>> No.53007025

I think doing this has destroyed my memory and dropped my iq

>> No.53007070
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>> No.53007089

If you can't function like a normal human while doing drugs, you are a weak faggot and ngmi

>> No.53007104

weed made me a gay sissy

>> No.53007144
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>and even if you do your brain will be fucked.
It's worse than that, you actually become more retarded after having stopped. No more mental stimulation, perma numb and thin veil of brain foggyness. Emotionless too. A bit like a zombie. I forget more stuff now than i ever did while i was downing 20 bongs a day. Everything is boring too and you feel constantly miserable. A bit like forced normieness.
I regret stopping weed every minute of my existence. It's like my soul left my body back then.

t. smoked everyday from 15 to 30 and stopped cold turkey 4 years ago

>> No.53007166

I smoked weed every day for 13 years except for a few breaks, once for a month, once for 5 weeks and once for 4 months.
I'm a month and 4 days sober atm. Hoping I can turn my back on it forever. Quitting weed is harder than quitting anything else for me.

>> No.53007190

>Quitting weed is harder than quitting anything else for me.
Wait until you have to quit opioids. That's when the nightmare begins. Unlike weed it's not because you crave it once sober, it's because your soberness is killing you.

>> No.53007199

Is there anyway to reset the brain like with the dopamine fast meme.
I've experimented with many psychedelics, weed, mdma and most recently cocaine. But never had any addiction, it was a few times and then done.

My addictions were porn and masturbation which I've mainly stopped. But I think that, and four/five years of Dota 2 on and off destroyed my brain. Have many of the same symptoms. I can't watch a movie nor tv or listen to music. I just browse twitter, overthink and post on 4chan.

>> No.53007207

>alcohol / opioid dependency withdrawal
I know of it, but I don't understand how it works.

>> No.53007219

Yeah I will never, ever try opoids because I know I would absolutely love them and become instantly hooked.

>> No.53007220

Can't help you on this one fren, my serotonin receptors are completely fried from a decade of 500mg tramadol/day. I'm a literal zombie.

>> No.53007222

I don't like this frog.

>> No.53007223

try heroin for 10 yrs pussy

>> No.53007227

>try heroin for 10 yrs
kek no chance >>53007219
maybe if i was on my deathbed with 100% certainty of dying within the next couple hours and someone offered me it

>> No.53007244


>> No.53007261
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Me neither. Actually, i didn't even know i was hooked this badly. I had my "revelation" after a weekend where i didn't take my doses. Not even purposefully, i was drunk and simply forgot. After 24h i was feeling terrible. At first i thought i caught a bad virus as i was experiencing cold fever, tremors, muscular stiffness and sharting my guts out. Then i took a pill and all the effects disappeared after 30 minutes. That's when i understood what was happening kek.

>> No.53007299

I began smoking weed 1986 while I was living in ft.lauderdale . I was 15 yrs old.
I’ve probably smoked everyday since.
Todays weed is 10x stronger IMO.
Life was beyond stressful as a teen. It helped me zone out for a few minutes to forget about shit.
My parents was trash. At 15 I had work to make sure my 2 younger siblings had lunch $ for school and a sick grandma that my mom fucking hated. I have no idea why she held so much anger towards that sweet little ole lady,
I won’t go into that but
I found a way to be successful while smoking weed. Wake and bake, after lunch hits, after dinner hits with my coffee. Every fucking day.
I retired 5 yrs ago . Ive been bored as fuck lately. I smoked a 1/2 ounce yesterday doin nothing. I get those days where I just sit in my couch and load bowl after bowl watching YT videos. Im a fucking grown adult and have no life but can smoke weed with the best of em,
Merry Christmas you fucking stoners.

>> No.53007306
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This is me. Without a crutch I am dead inside. Now it's nicotine salts again. Going to quit in new year with bromantane nasal spray, ALCAR and fish oil with regular cardio.

After gonna try NSI-189, TAK-653, Tropisetron, agmatine sulfate, fasoracetam, microdosing shrooms, mr happy stack, semax/selank, cerebrolysin/cortexin IM stack combined with hyperbaric oxygen chamber and a strict cardio regiment on the bike and MORE.

The weed jew took everything from me. I will not go down without a fight.

>> No.53007425

hope you and your siblings are all well anon, God bless

>> No.53007521

I feel like this when I don't smoke weed, like a zombie or NPC, as you say.

And before someone says it's the withdrawal effect, I used to feel like this as a teenager even before trying weed. Some people don't create enough dopamine in the brain, naturally.

>> No.53007592
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I quit weed like four months ago desu. Five years wasted on that shit. Now I just drink coffee and tea. Feels good honestly, can remember things easier, have better composer too. The best part is laughing at weedfags since it's become legal where I live. Most can't hold their own for shit, and look like opioid zombies kek

>> No.53007618
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You must have Gynecomastia. Weed smokers get it from all the estrogen

>> No.53007648

you get that if you have shit genetics and dont work out. i vape weed and then i go to the gym, not all stoners are couch potatoes
fuck u in fact.

>> No.53007663

I’ll stop doing weed nice you stop drinking

>> No.53007686

yea man, having a dope life is way better then getting high.

its like eating mcdonalds instead of having a dope chad body and getting laid and feeling awesome. its really important to stop and be like "is this all that i want out of life?"

congrats on quitting

>> No.53007699

Lol fatty is triggered

>> No.53007702

All stoners are couch potatoes and fat fucks

>> No.53007709

>I can leave it whenever I want bro

>> No.53007733


For all those people smoking tons of weed.

Take a 30 day break from weed. If you can't then the weed is in control, not you. After the break you will have a new perspective on life and on weed.

>> No.53007882

I've already cut back recently, do you suggest that I keep cutting back and wean off? I was thinking of going cold turkey starting January, although it's likely I will fail. Never heard of NAC before, was reading up on it now, thanks for the tip. Will look into the 5HT2B receptor stuff, I'm pretty sure my dopamine receptors are all fucked by now (there are other symptoms besides the weed dependence).

>> No.53007895

You and every other anon in here need to stop blaming weed for your problems.YOU are the problem.

>> No.53007917

CBGa and CBDa taken together blocks covid/sars/flu variants.

>> No.53007959

I used to smoke heavily until 5 years ago and haven't had any since. What I am in for if I did it now?

>> No.53008059

Sounds like me. Been using daily for over a decade aside from a few breaks. Felt like weed was what was fucking up my life cuz all I wanted to do was get high. But after stopping two weeks ago I feel way worse. Totally depressed unmotivated, joyless, more brain fogged, more tired, less able to focus. Everything has gotten worse in every possible way. Kinda wondering if I should just go back to using. Feel like weed was keeping me trapped but I feel worse off now than before. Maybe just need to give sobriety more of a chance and let my body adjust. Was using every single day after all. But not sure how much more of this I can take

>> No.53008082

Merry Christmas, agent Johnson

>> No.53008435

Smoke 7 or more strains back to back next time you have off. Bonus points if you can pack each strain into a different piece. Trust me you will not regret and realize THE FUCKING TRUTH. Just.

>> No.53008460

i ask myself.. how can i profit from from this?

can i be your dealer?

>> No.53008484

I've smoked literally everyday since high school senior year with a single t break when i went over seas for ten days. Not proud of it op. Also it sucks that i have my life for Mary Jane and now everybody and their moms is smoking weed cuz it's legal. Fucking posers. I remember when the police would molest you for smoking weed. I grew up telling myself i would quit when i moved on to bigger and better things. I said this in highschool and college looking at all the bullshit in front of me. I was so naive thinking the real world was any better. I'll be getting high till i die.

>> No.53008506

stop being a little bitch, you are gonna make it

>> No.53008539

Thanks Fren

>> No.53008669

Look up prices, work out doses, and do the math, it's actually very affordable if you go for the cheapest options and aren't doing huge amounts.

Try skipping a few days in a row on a regular basis, it's really worth it. IMO weed starts really sucking if you do it more than a couple days in a row, it's not even tolerance it's mental patterns and dream quality.

>> No.53008684

Has it given you spiritual insights into the nature of Clown World?

>> No.53008685
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Do you even tweeze brah?

>> No.53008702

>What's stopping you from buying from a dealer or a friend
Become the grow Chad

>i smoked weed habitually for fifteen years, its not worth it, i would rather go back and like have done something with my life then just smoked weed all the time.
There's not a whole lot else to do. Unless you mean waging. Which I won't do anymore than the minimum of. I like to go for walks though. That's nice.

>> No.53008712

Do you guys notice any difference in yourself before/after you smoked? Do you think you damaged your brain?

>> No.53008714

>still makes me sleepy and thats what matters.
Yeah I tend to just drink but I suspect weed is actually the safer option. I've had really bad insomnia since I was about 9.

>> No.53008784

>Merry Christmas fellow dopers.
Merry spliffmas rider of higher cerebral planes anon

>> No.53008830

I get a little high once or twice a month, if that
How the fuck are you so weak you get addicted to weed of all things?

>> No.53008860

I took an IQ test because I was a bit worried it effected my brain and I was becoming retarded. I was stoned when I did it and got 138. I maybe would have gotten 140s but either way I figured I'm good.

>> No.53008869

>Do you guys notice any difference in yourself before/after you smoked? Do you think you damaged your brain?
I've taken fairly monumental amounts of drugs and I doubt anyone could actually tell unless I start coming out with stereotypical drug related jokes etc. I also have a better memory than quite a few people I've met and far, far better problem solving / spatial awareness than my brother, who has never really touched them.

>> No.53008884

if i really want to get things done then im not going to do it stoned out of my mind. i just want to chill and relax. as i have got older i have seriously questioned the amount of people that have be wired on cocaine every day. some people are just giving 150% for 12+ hours a day. how do they have so much energy?

>> No.53008899

I pray I grow to be this based one day

>> No.53008977

Bro, listen to me. I smoked for 12 years +. Let me ask youWhy do you think you smoke? I will tell you that I smoked because I had a form of adhd that i did not realize and somehow smoking helped it. And I was addicted because it allowed me work and do shit because doing shit high was "fun".

Does this sound similar?

>> No.53009005
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merry xmas bro, you sound based and i wish you the best

>> No.53009094


>> No.53009755

Yes that's me.

>> No.53009879


>> No.53010014

you are still in withdrawal after 2 weeks.

according to research it takes multiple (account for 3) months for your dopamine receptors to reset to their "normal" level.

Try finding more healthy pasttimes to replace it with.

>> No.53010028

Do not expect your life to be great afterwards but in my case it just was counterproductive to all goals I set for myself. Youll end up healthier, save cash and you can spend time on fixing your crooked yellow stained teeth.

Personally felt nothing but shame looking at my crackhead like teeth looking in the mirror.

>> No.53010042

I've smoked for most of my life and haven't been able to for half a year now. It sucks and my singular only goal anymore is to make enough money to afford to move somewhere it's legal, at which point I will take whatever McJob I can find that pays just enough for me to not starve to death and stay higher than giraffe pussy until the day I die. Fuck everything else, the world sucks, people suck, so all of it can suck my balls. Maybe after a decade straight of being blitzed to the nines I'll try being sober out again but holy fuck is this shit for the birds.

I don't even give a fuck if it's bad for me. Putting a bullet through my brain would be worse.

>> No.53010061

So what do you do instead now, cry alone in your room all day? Go find a dealer if you do not want to do anything else.

>> No.53010069

Yeah I mostly just cry by myself to get the stress out, usually in my car so I know nobody can hear me. I live in a state where they'll happily take your kids and shovel you into prison for possession so I'd rather not risk it. The delta shit that's made from cbd is quasi-legal but it's just not the same and several times more expensive. I'd rather just struggle until I can get to a place that isn't completely fucking retarded.

>> No.53010217

old school weed was fine low THC, not this weaponized chemical filled kike made strains to keep you docile and a "weed dude" white man

>> No.53010223

At least they can spell composure and don’t post faggot anime jpgs

>> No.53010228
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Going through this right now. Just trying to hold out until I get a better job then it’s back to bliss. Alcohol just doesn’t cut it. Sobriety is a meme if you’re not upper middle class+ with loving family and friends.

>> No.53010278

mein bruter
god i hate my teeth so fucking much

what bullshit k2 street schwag are you smoking
once you smoke +20% you just adapt to it
same thing with concentrates

>> No.53010358

I mean if you live in a legal state you don't HAVE to buy 30% thc weed. Sure if you buy from dealers you don't have a choice I get that

I actually have found I like the lower 17% - 20% strains because they are far more balanced. I agree that a lot of weed is stronger nowadays, and there's pros and cons, that weaker stuff really hones in on some of the other aspects of smoking like tunnel vision levels of focus on a singular task.
I smoke every morning before the bell rings in tradFi and I don't plan on stopping any time soon.
I'm skeptical of those who call weed "smokable jew", because not that long ago the world leaders wanted to completely wipe this stuff off the face of the earth. The contrarian in me insists that there must be more to this. I genuinely believe they are only making it legal because they can't stop it and figure they should profit off of it if it's gonna exist in (((their))) world.

>> No.53010399

I'm almost a year clean because smoking during war feels bad. I'll start again next year, not sure what's your point. Weed isn't addictive, even vape pens are harder to quit.

>> No.53010462

Is it a bad sign that lsd makes me feel more "normal"? I love going out and socializing while I'm tripping. Never had anyone notice, either. Most times people are shocked and impressed because they couldn't tell at all.

>> No.53010531

Smoked that shit once and instantly knew it's an useless nigger drug. CBD is alright I guess. Did dexamph once and instantly knew it's the white mans drug. Next up are psychedelics. Already tried shrooms. Was pretty mid experience because I dosed too low. Might try LSD next. Goverment sponsored. Those who know, know. Also thinking about trying microdosing.

>> No.53010562

>I'm a multimillionaire now

>> No.53010573

>multimillionaire from crypto.
any advice?

>> No.53010582

What are your favourite strains anon?

>> No.53010607

anon caannabis used to be like 5-10% strength max since its existence up until the last 40 years now it is a synthetic chemical basically, it had its uses for medicine but now it is basically a negro street strength drug, same as tobacco i would only consume natural versions

>> No.53010741

OHHH YOU'RE SO COOL! Rookie numbers, kiddo. Also, try crack.

>> No.53010830

Go see a psychiatrist for that ADHD and see how intense that ADHD is and get proper meds.

The moment I got meds for my exact ADHD was the exact moment I did not care for weed anymore.

A lot of successful people use this to be productive. And if you are scared to be on stimulants, they have non stimulant options.

This route will get you off mj affection for a long time which will be needed to obtain that clarity again.

>> No.53010931
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cannabis: good in moderation
alcohol: ambivalent
tobacco: pure evil

>> No.53011119

same here (undiagnosed, unlikely to have adhd)
but smoking helps me bear what is necessary (ie work)

>> No.53011323

A simple form of the Buddha’s teaching is found in the Four Noble Truths. The first of these is the doctrine of dukkha: there is suffering. The Three Marks of Existence provide a deeper understanding of what is meant by dukkha. These three characteristics of existence are accepted by all schools of Buddhism.

The first mark is anicca, or Impermanence. All things in reality change and that change is constant. There is no permanent state because all things are dependent on other constantly changing things. This is also known as conditioned existence because all things are conditioned by what they are dependent upon. Even our mental states are constantly changing from one moment to the next. It is important to accept this concept so we can adjust to the reality of life and ease the anxiousness we feel in response to changing circumstances.

The second mark is anatta, or Insubstantiality. A person is not a distinct identity that is fixed. Each person exists as a process of changing aspects of being that are called skandhas. When these skandhas are put together they give the sense of an individual. However, this individual is insubstantial because the skandhas are impermanent, interdependent and constantly changing. The five skandhas are rupa, the physical material of the universe; vendana, sensations that come from interaction with the rupa; sanna, the perception of matter and thought through sensations; sankhara, deliberate mental formation of a response to that perception; and vinnana, the state of mind resulting from a pattern of mental formations, or consciousness. Each skandha is dependent on the other, and none can exist if even one is removed. This changing process we identify as a person can continue in rebirth, as a plant continues the process of the plant from which it originates.

>> No.53011331

The third mark of existence is dukkha, or Suffering. This mark can be understood in three ways. Suffering itself is understood in our direct experience of pain or uneasiness, but this is not our entire experience of life in general. We also experience dukkha in frustration when pleasant experiences end, and we long for more. The third means of understanding dukkha is the experience of not being completely satisfied when expectations are unfulfilled. This results in dissatisfaction or a feeling that life is meaningless.

>> No.53011405
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weed is evil

>> No.53011524

so much this
I've had the best and worst experiences of my life while high on weed. Worst one including rull blown paranoia induced panic attack and calling 911.

>> No.53013162

>t. smoked everyday from 15 to 30
Gee I wonder why you feel this

>> No.53013572

I feel like it damaged my discomfort tolerance and my focus and motivation and mood regulation. i get very easily discouraged and i feel like i get compelled to take breaks from tasks much more quickly.

Weed makes you soft and its a problem that i can't deny any more.

i used to totally on board with believing that weed was some sort of super plant that just makes everything better but it just fucking doesn't.

it has made me over all a much more anxious, depressed, unconfident, easily discouraged, unfocused man.

since quitting i feel alot better, alot more emotionally stable, alot more ambitious, but i still feel like i have a journey to get to a competent level of mental strength.

>> No.53013618

Every day since 2003 get on my level nigger.

>> No.53013622

Oh shit it's been 20 years. Time to get high to celebrate getting high for two decades. Life is good frens.

>> No.53013726

Based as fuck.
Weed is the best.

>> No.53013767

>However if you smoke weed every day in order to get high, I fail to see the point?
Fixed that for you.
Also I get high every day because I like getting high, fucking nerds.

>> No.53013773

Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.53014005

>straw man
You know you don't have to smoke it right? In the wake of commercialization safer methods have been popularized. Edibles, concentrates and tinctures have massively reduced the risks and they're collectively far more popular if you're under 50.
>Verification not required.

>> No.53014013

Why did the mods leave this thread up?

>> No.53014052

Hiroshimoot gave them the holiday off

>> No.53014543

>>I'm a multimillionaire now
I'm a lawyer. Self employed. And I put 10k into btc in 2015.

>> No.53014601

Past 11 here

>> No.53014695

i smoke daily but in small amounts, usually after work. It hasn't inhibited me in any way from being successful in my career and staying committed to a lifting regime while maintaining social relationships. If you're a total loser smoking weed you'd probably be a loser regardless, it's not the weed's fault

>> No.53014837

Drunkenness is a sin meaning your ability to distinguish right from wrong. Abusing a drugs is also a sin.