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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53006044 No.53006044 [Reply] [Original]

If you are still on this board right now, you are likely a failure. Everyone that got into the crypto space before December 2020 got extremely rich and made millions of dollars and quit this board, meanwhile you bought LUNA/AVAX/SOL near the top or UST because your favorite youtuber told you about how much money they were making. I bet you even browse /pol/ too. It's over for you.

>> No.53006211

/po/l is a respectable board wtf are you talking about.

>> No.53006253

And yet you're still here posting frogs. Guess you're a failure as well

>> No.53006280


>> No.53006306


>you guys must be failures because I’m a failure, r-r-right?

>> No.53006319
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No we didn't
We made millions then lost it by holding
I been here since 2017
Made 1.4mil
Back to 320k
I'm holding until I get at least 5 mil

>> No.53006525

I dont think you appreciate how caught off guard this entire board was by the dog token insanity. We were here doing insane DD on all the promising tokens coming out, picking our plays carefully...then shiba, doge, etc came in and took the funds that would have pumped the tokens with an actual usecase. If I remember correctly, only 1 person ended up holding shiba through all of the downward movement before the giga pump. After that nothing really made sense and while we made a ton of cash, it wasnt life changing enough to cashout.

>> No.53006541

Free sbf

>> No.53006550

Where can i get a pipe to smoke

>> No.53006571

Don't forget about NFTs, /biz/ missed it entirely, in fact not only missed but willingly ignored it while there were instant x10 profit mints going on every other day.
Anyone who was a "le fundamentals" investor got fucked basically

>> No.53006898

I dunno anon, I spent tens of thousands on NFTs during the craze and have lost more on those than anything else. The point I was making is that the "hype" shit with no utility is what killed momentum. People were saying crypto was a scam, and then they invested their money in literal crypto scams which then made it a self fulfilling prophecy. Those who lost a fuckton of money and were wishywashy about it will never voluntarily return. If money would have pumped into tokens with actual real utility, the money would have been put in the hands of more sophisticated investors who could have helped hold this entire market up.

>> No.53007032

/biz/ was one of the first on NFTs, /biz/ stopped after the first three months due to obvious scams and where it was clearly headed. One anon proved he made half a million with NFTs and then bought a house.