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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53004163 No.53004163 [Reply] [Original]

I’m reviving the /entg/ friends, we’ve had pretty good success with the reselling threads for the past week, let’s keep it rolling.

In this thread, I'm going to compile the best income streams ordered by investment required, including both online and offline options

Little to no Investment($100-$1k), very hands on
>Direct Response Copywriting
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing
>Affiliate Marketing
>Media Buying
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Making Online Courses
>Self publishing Ebook (comprehensive guide: https://kindlepreneur.com/book-marketing-101/))
>Product Arbitrage

Some Investment Required($1k-10k)
>POS Systems
>P2P Lending
>Authoring or Online publishing
>Vending Machines
>Automated News sites or any kind of automated blog
>Automated online Arbitrage with the help of a buy bot

Large Investment Required, but still very passive(10k+)
>Parking Garages or lots
>Batting Cages
>Rental Properties
>Buying Royalty rights on music, media, etc

If you have any comprehensive guides. Post them and we'll add them here.

Feel free to add more and share your knowledge, experience, advice with others, but I think that's a lot of value that you won't find in most threads here.

>> No.53004764

I have been selling FBA for the past 6 months. I’m up to about $2k a month net. Really want to quit my wage slave job, which is WFH customer service (fucking hate it) any thought on how much more I could take in if I go full time

>> No.53004784
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What level of cope is this? Take your meds and remove this worthless shit thread.

>> No.53005858
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I know (((your people))) must be upset someone still wants to cut the slavery chains off of their ankles and work for themselves instead of being goy cattle
The resistance will rise faggot, and there is nothing s o y vegan grass fed little boys like you can do
Go back to your plebbit board and talk about the imaginary 1 million gorillian different genders, let the real Men work

>> No.53006358


>> No.53006408

anon realizing thread is shit

anon frogposting

anon not having a gf to love and share christmas with

>> No.53006429

Does it upset you that I’m reviving one of the best threads on this board in place of another pajeet shitcoin scam you and your mossad (((friends))) hired
Go back to plebbit

>> No.53006460

I can give u a hug bro I can feel you need it dont ya you need a hug son ? tell me the truth you just want to have human conection

>> No.53006476

ITT petty scams and theft general

>> No.53006681

>in a board full of shitcoin scams
>calls a business thread a scam
Tell me you voted for the senile pedophile without telling me

>> No.53006832
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Bumping to kill a memecoin thread

>> No.53006878


Its an excellent reminder to see posts like this because glow niggers and other organizations do post here to demoralize frequent users because (((they))) are afraid. You can't have anti-authoritarians accomplishing sovereignty and self sufficiency.

Great thread OP I've been gaining value out of the Ebay/Amazon threads which are now basically Entrepreneur Generals.

I have some questions for others I'm going to type up here in a minute. I think I found an excellent product but need a little more insight.

>> No.53006910 [DELETED] 

redpill me on p2p lending

>> No.53007440

Thank you
I know there’s still people with eyes and brains like us out there
The demoralization has gotten way too far, contribute as much as you can to this thread brother

>> No.53007491

wewantbitcoins 2trillion$ u fags or anal cNcer for u

>> No.53007511

it's happebing bb

>> No.53007518

noice! tribbbles

>> No.53007749

Agreed. Its off the charts. I've never seen it this bad in about 7 years of using /biz.

Anyway I have questions about shipping and maybe some copyright questions. Am I able to use digital generated pictures of famous still shots from movies for certain products? Its not shirts I want to sell but that would be an example I guess.

Also how do I get shipping down. I found a niche that is growing, high quality, and low unit price but the USPS shipping is insane. I wanted to do Ebay and just offer free shipping on all my items. Maybe Amazon once I have a bit more experience. Based on the weight and USPS zones though as you can see from my breakdown the shipping eats my profits drastically. I can only offer free shipping to 48 and would have to exclude Hawaii and Alaska as it wouldn't be profitable. Also the shipping from Alibaba is still nearly 2.5x the unit cost as well.

Initial capital needed to get this started would be about $5,500

Item-----------------------------------------------------------------------$0.80 per unit
Shipping--Depending on Zone with USPS--Approximately-$14.50 average ($9.50 to $19.50)
Extra large bubble Mailers------------------------------------------$0.56
Shipping from Alibaba------------------------------------------------$2.10 per unit
Ebay Fees---------------------------------------------------------------$4.17-4.82$(12.9% + $0.30)
Labels---------------------------------------------------------------------$.02 (probably less)

I think free shipping is key and a must as it simplifies things for people so I'd be charging some range of $29.99-$34.99.

Weight of Item with Bubble Mailer-- Approx 2.2-2.6lbs. Its a little unclear and I need to ask the distributor for better clarity in that regard.

200 Unit order which if I increase my order size more I can lower that to $.50 but its more capital than I want to risk upfront until the item is tested.

>> No.53007783


So if I'm charging $34.99 which might be a little on the high side my average cost per unit sold comes to around $22.23 for a net profit of almost $12.75 per item.

I'd be looking at about 460% margins on my initial investment. What do people mostly target.

I'm basically factoring in shipping costs and just offering free shipping so if its closer to my location I make more and if its farther I make less so I'm just account for averages. I'm in the Midwest so its probably doable.

Idk any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks

>> No.53007791


2000 unit order not 200*

>> No.53007832

>I'm basically factoring in shipping costs and just offering free shipping so if its closer to my location I make more and if its farther I make less so I'm just account for averages. I'm in the Midwest so its probably doable.

I should note a lot of people selling a similar item to me are doing the same just factoring the shipping into an end price. The item is customizable.

>> No.53008024

Bump to help this anon

>> No.53008083
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Nice, what are you selling anon? 2k/month net is honestly pretty impressive.

>a business thread on the business board is a shit thread
kys jew

>> No.53008140
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I'm starting a backup. Were there any valuable links or anything important from the last thread?

>> No.53008314


Thanks. Its is nearly Christmas though so I'll probably try again in a couple days with my questions for a better response.

>> No.53008319

I can respond but gonna be out for a bit

>> No.53008358
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here's the online marketing progression to be a grifter/guru like andrew tate
start a marketing agency where you do everything to go viral for the client (set up landing pages, funnels, social media content)
progress to clients who you provide a game plan for / hold their hand through the process
progress to selling courses on how to do internet marketing

end game you're a guru now

>> No.53008420


Yeah man I'm going to leave the thread open all night so just get back to me when you can.

>> No.53008490

I want to start an ICP crypto startup. I have the ability to build a full stack application but I don't have any ideas and I want some help building it maybe communally. Where to find anons? Or if anyone has any ideas much appreciated. So far the only partial idea I have is an NFT project that utilizes stable diffusion during minting. But I'm still not 100% sold on the idea.

>> No.53008584


>> No.53008592

that's based

>> No.53008868

There was, I’ll make sure to post them when I wake up

>> No.53009297

Ok I am back
>shipping from Alibaba
I import anime figures from Japan and this has been the worst time in history to ship stuff overseas. Boat shipping is supposed to be cheap but that cost has gone up massively just this year alone. Historically boat shipping averages around 30% lower than the current rate (https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/baltic)) so it is likely that cost may go down in the future. Obviously lockdowns in China and fuel invasion due to sanctions have not helped, but a fabled recession next year might.
>USPS shipping
What did you do to calculate that average? It seems way too high. I shipped a 6 pound package in a big box across the country (CA -> MD) and it was ~30 dollars for ground. This is also seasonal so the cost may be lower during the year. I believe you can also get a discount if you're a small enough business, so you should check that out.
>famous still shots from movies
If you fly under the radar enough you might be able to get away with it, otherwise you'd likely have to pay some royalty fee. Avoid anything Tolkein related as they are very thorogh with shutting any operation down. Another thing to be careful of is image sourcing. A certain party might have rights to some image, and if you used that they might go after you. You are best off sourcing the image from your own copy of the source.

>> No.53009364

>What did you do to calculate that average? It seems way too high. I shipped a 6 pound package in a big box across the country (CA -> MD) and it was ~30 dollars for ground. This is also seasonal so the cost may be lower during the year. I believe you can also get a discount if you're a small enough business, so you should check that out.

I used their website and looked at weight and zones pricing. Its possible what I saw was current prices which might have been inflated due to Christmas. I basically HAVE to know the shipping prices for my product before I commit to buying in bulk so I may just order a sample, pack it accordingly and then ask the post office the absolute most I'd be paying to ship the farthest distance.

I may have looked at Priority Mail I think it was. I'm not familiar with shipping I rarely send anything anywhere so I definitely need to inform myself.

>If you fly under the radar enough you might be able to get away with it, otherwise you'd likely have to pay some royalty fee. Avoid anything Tolkein related as they are very thorogh with shutting any operation down. Another thing to be careful of is image sourcing. A certain party might have rights to some image, and if you used that they might go after you. You are best off sourcing the image from your own copy of the source.

Okay I'll just say the images. I want to use still shots scenes from the Marvel movies that faggots think is "Le Epic" essentially. Is there anyway to do it and get away with it or will I get burnt and then be left with useless inventory? Will Ebay flag something like that or would Marvel?

Any advice at all is appreciated. I've been researching and brainstorming e-commerce ideas for like 5 years I NEED TO FUCKING PULL THE TRIGGER. My inner monologue won't let me rest until I just fucking do it at this point. kek

Alternatively lets say I don't do direct still shot scences from the Marvel movies could I use fan art of the heroes maybe?

>> No.53009374

I used this link.


It would appear that Priority Mail is much faster than ground I guess. I will look up Ground pricing now.

>> No.53009431

"Retail Ground" was what I used. That'll load the package onto a truck/train to take it to its destination (priority uses planes which is why it is pricier). If you want to offer faster shipping you'd have to charge shipping seperately. I remember the zone thing now, it being based on distance. What I can for sure tell you is package dimensions have as big a bearing on size. Some dipshits in Japan will ship me a calendar in a fat ass box because they don't have a tube to ship it in, so it would cost twice as much (I use DHL so I get assraped by shipping no matter what)
You're probably screwed there. Bad enough it is Disney let alone capeshit. You could call it pre-owned merch and try to pass it off as the real thing, but that is 100% frau,d so the consequences would be very very bad.
>fan art
Look to see if etsy has any capeshit selling. Fan art is generally OK for merchandising, but if you don't see anything on etsy then you know they've cracked down on it. Be careful of where you source the art from. If an artist sees you ripping their work they'll for sure report you and make a scene.

>> No.53009450


Okay yeah the dimensions are not great either it basically comes in a box much bigger than it needs to for the item. The distributor might be able to cut down on some of the empty spacing essentially. I'd have to talk with them.

What about random anime? Could I use Attack on Titan characters or any of them. I think Marvel would sell much better obviously though.

I'll check Etsy thanks.

Yes I was surprised to see how bad shipping was internationally.

>> No.53009466
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What is direct response copywriting???

>> No.53009488

Anyone do any affiliate marketing? Used to do it years ago. Would like to get into it again. But don't know where to start in 2022.

>> No.53009494

You could probably get away with anime. The Japanese company wouldn't bother going after you, so your only contender would be Sony (owner of Funimation+Crunchyroll). I see third party anime merch all the time. I think the space is so small there aren't the vast resources to police non-official goods. I'd also check Etsy's guidelines since they are geared for unofficial merch. Even if you don't use their platform their guidelines will likely line up with all the rest of the players. Good luck out there.

>> No.53009523

Anyone trying pic related? Seems dangerously based.

>> No.53009529
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Shit, forgot the pic :)

>> No.53009541

Hilariously based. Probably making $10 in profit per order.

>> No.53009545


It would appear there are fan art items of Marvel products on Etsy and even of the product I'm considering buying wholesale.

It says "Handmade" on the product description and it looks like fan art as well. Its not a direct move still screen shot but just an random artist drawing I guess. So I could either have images designed for me to list and get the ownership of them or just try to rip off obscure fan art maybe and then deal with it if the time comes? I think digital art is the way probably.

Any tips of the best course of action for how to use Marvel images? There is a lot of that on Etsy too it looks like.

What I want to do appears to be in high demand.

>> No.53009549


I remember this. He needed to just not tell anyone what he was doing because one complaint and the DoorDash takes his account away or health inspection etc.

Otherwise just be quiet and make $$$ kek

>> No.53009555

What are some tips for getting into vending machines? Ive been wanting to look into it but it seems like everywhere has a fucking vending machine that id want one, and im not sure what the hell my margins would generally be if I wanted my prices on the lower end etc etc

>> No.53009579

Getting the locations is the hardest part, but generally speaking every grand you put in makes you about 50$ a week.

>> No.53009613

>Anyone trying pic related? Seems dangerously based.

I was wondering at my local grocery stories when something was on sale someone would come in and buy the whole lot. Like all of the pasta sauce was on sale. Eventually realized people were buying on sale items and selling them on Amazon and so on.