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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53004691 No.53004691 [Reply] [Original]

Ordered Pad Thai and paid $27.20. Ate half of it and then ate two mini chocolate chip cookies and a swig of milk. Now I'm sitting here on /biz/. Thinking of having a quick fap so I can clear the mind and be productive for the rest of the day.

How's your Christmas Eve going? My flight was cancelled last night so I'll be spending Xmas on 4channel.

>> No.53004716

Noone cares you pathetic faggot

>> No.53004732

nigger hat

>> No.53004733


>> No.53004753
File: 96 KB, 976x839, 1669029811050337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$27.20 on pad thai. Are you in the JFK airport or something. I had a burger, two margaritas, and something else and it cost me $94

>> No.53004759

is this a pepe or a bobo

>> No.53004770

It’s going all right anon. Why was your flight canceled? Bad weather?
What are you going to Fap to?

>> No.53004775
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I'm asking the questions here

>> No.53004791

Yeah I'm not too sad about it, did want to see my family. And yeah, cancelled because of the shit weather yesterday.

As far as porn, I'm thinking of going mental honestly. I find that my best faps are the mental fantasy ones these days. Porn always blunts my orgasm for whatever reason.

Whats up with you anon?

>> No.53005090
File: 2.04 MB, 828x1208, nowaifuforyou.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you put the other half in the fridge or are you gonna eat it soon???

>> No.53005099

it's a poopoo