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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52993951 No.52993951 [Reply] [Original]

He wasn't exaggerating. Hope you have a decade to wait. Enterprise abstraction is delayed, CCIP is delayed, DECO is delayed

>> No.52994249

I'll give you a couple of answers I've filtered over the years to be true, from the few times I've gotten a fudder in a rare moment of clarity:

1) Turbo autists who figured out the need for externally connected smart contracts very quickly, and who now seethe at the entire world for failing to understand it like they do. Chainlink is sort of like a metaphor for their general inability to integrate with society, where they are rational and right and it's the world's fault it's so irrational and dumb..
These people fud because in their mind the world should have figured out LINK in 2019 at the absolute latest, but failed to, and so they'll seethe and rage at everyone and everything as a way to express this frustration.

2) People who had LINK stacks but lost them swinging, or gambling, or in a CeFi collapse, or who simply got fudded out of LINK back in 2018 and have been furious ever since. They will never buy LINK because they can't buy it at $0.30 like they had the chance to back then, and then basically rage at people continuing to hold because "if I can't make it then neither can you".

3) People who try to profit off taking an oppositional position to LINK. Usually grifters like the CLCG/Honeycomb/API3 guys, or NEXO, who are charlatan fraudsters and basically parasitic animals to Chainlink just like there are many fraudster teams that are parasitic animals to ETH. They fud because muddying the waters about Chainlink lets them shill themselves, it doesn't go much deeper than that.

4) The seriously mentally ill, like Michael, who also fits in category 2) but has now made a large part of his online identity "being a link fudder" and can't really distance themselves from that because it's the only way they can consistently get attention online, which they crave..

>> No.52994310

Layerzero came and in and provides a 'good enough' cross-chain messaging protocol with Chainlink oracles to boot.
Way to go Sergey.
To fat to code wasn't a meme after all. And that's now literaly a billion, probably multiple billions in mc that will go to 'not Chainlink but free loads off of our heavily subsidized oracles that we all pay for by being dumped on because the tokennomics are utter dog shit'.
Way to fucking go Chainlink Labs. Putting all our money to good use producing zero results and literally providing a service so others can cuck us out of what was supposed to be our killer app.
Btw by staking rewards on 7k almost...just almost covered last nights Uber Eats. Maybe if I had used a coupon or not tipped I could have said that the meal was powered by Chainlink...but no...almost 2023 and max staking rewards of almost a month now can't cover a bunch of sub par Indian deliver from a shithole joint.
#livingthelife #staking #chainlink #financialfreedom #paypig

>> No.52994420


>> No.52995134

Ever since I started fudding Chainlink I felt my soul slowly leave my body. I'm like a person who is no longer sapient, nothing more than a collection of meat and preprogrammed directives. I'm no longer capable of making decisions, it's strange.. and it's like it comes from somewhere else. For example: the shills say something and I just FUD, I no longer think what's "right" or "wrong". Interestingly, I don't even believe in right or wrong anymore only worse and more worse.

It's like what happened to Phineas Gage. Possibly part of my prefrontal cortex has been irreparably damaged from FUD. My entire personality has changed since fudding Link and becoming a Fudlord. I am no longer the same person, my hopes, dreams, and wishes have all vanished. Now I only care about destroying Chainlink and financially exterminating the marines.

I have nobody to blame but myself, although I'm no longer capable of blame as I can no longer think for myself. And the worst part? I actually like it...

>> No.52995452

I'll give you a couple of answers I've filtered over the years to be true, from the few times I've gotten a fudder in a rare moment of clarity:

1) Turbo autists who figured out the need for externally connected smart contracts very quickly, and who now seethe at the entire world for failing to understand it like they do. Chainlink is sort of like a metaphor for their general inability to integrate with society, where they are rational and right and it's the world's fault it's so irrational and dumb..
These people fud because in their mind the world should have figured out LINK in 2019 at the absolute latest, but failed to, and so they'll seethe and rage at everyone and everything as a way to express this frustration.

2) People who had LINK stacks but lost them swinging, or gambling, or in a CeFi collapse, or who simply got fudded out of LINK back in 2018 and have been furious ever since. They will never buy LINK because they can't buy it at $0.30 like they had the chance to back then, and then basically rage at people continuing to hold because "if I can't make it then neither can you".

3) People who try to profit off taking an oppositional position to LINK. Usually grifters like the CLCG/Honeycomb/API3 guys, or NEXO, who are charlatan fraudsters and basically parasitic animals to Chainlink just like there are many fraudster teams that are parasitic animals to ETH. They fud because muddying the waters about Chainlink lets them shill themselves, it doesn't go much deeper than that.

4) The seriously mentally ill, like Michael, who also fits in category 2) but has now made a large part of his online identity "being a link fudder" and can't really distance themselves from that because it's the only way they can consistently get attention online, which they crave..

>> No.52995471
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I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.
Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. /biz/ hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.
'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have reputation, but in real life not on a computer screen.
The fact is, LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Ethereum hit. Happy gambling though anons.

>> No.52995479

the absolute state of link culties

>> No.52997364
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Don’t fall for their scam. The truth is that bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/ back last month during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.52997391

im believing all these pasta fuds. Its always end up being true. FUCK SERGAY

>> No.52997421

10 years will pass anyway so might as well see where this goes

>> No.52997435


>> No.52997492

My bank has a Chainlink sticker on its waiting table. Thought that was funny.

>> No.52997540

Yep. All we need is to see the next 10 years through, the question is what one should do during that time in the pregame lobby.

>> No.52997722

Ccip coming Q1 2023, it had already been five years btw. Terrible shame that Sergey wants to work on chainlink for the long-term too. Terrible.

>> No.52998016

He's already half a billionaire, Sergey is in no rush to deliver anything. It seems like he's hiring people aimlessly because he doesn't want to do the hard work anymore, only give talks and presentations to feel important. That explains the HR army (he doesn't want to face the consequences / do the work that a badly led workforce entails) and the delays (devs don't know how to actually solve the problems he declared solved on power point slides). The whole operation is just his ego trip now.

>> No.52998137


>> No.52998957

Least ego driven founder. Dude doesn't even tweet. He gave many chances to people who did not deserve it, their failures amount to de-risked testing in prod.

I can do this all day.

>> No.52999337


>> No.52999517

>Ethereum and Bitcoin magically scaling to handle the entire worlds data

>> No.52999584

It’s been five

>> No.52999595

he means another 10 starting from now, always be pessimistic when reading his word

>> No.52999962

>larpz ID

OH fuck you lose instantly

>> No.52999975

>Dude doesn't even tweet
>Tweets a bunch of philosophy and obscure psuedo slop
>G-good things take 10 years

>> No.52999998

pee pee poo poo

>> No.53000022

So close

>> No.53000053
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>> No.53000096

Nice digits faggot, do you own Chainlink too? Start your timer, 9 years and 364 days until you make it

>> No.53000109

Why don’t you eat my fucking ass you slob. I’m not a 45 year old diabetic obese fuck like you so I’m happy to wait 10 years. I’ll be dancing on your grave.

>> No.53000123

>I'm not a 45 year old diabetic obese fuck

Like Chainlink's CEO?

>> No.53000126

Sergey is that you?

>> No.53000172
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>> No.53000297 [DELETED] 

this is so true, really
I am really shocked no ne figures chainlink out and we got it in 2018. Having seen dogecoin and shiba mooning it has been really depressinG

>> No.53000313 [DELETED] 

>Turbo autists who figured out the need for externally connected smart contracts very quickly, and who now seethe at the entire world for failing to understand it like they do. Chainlink is sort of like a metaphor for their general inability to integrate with society

>> No.53001153
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>bagholders larping as fudders
2023 should be good, imagine their desperation as they are about to miss another bullrun

>> No.53001517


>> No.53001525
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>another bullrun

>> No.53002137

Yeah I wish he was more like Charles Hoskinson

>> No.53002521

>Uber Eats

>> No.53002531
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>> No.53002533
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Sergey is worth $500 million dollars, why would he give a fuck about a bunch of NEETs on 4channel? He probably hates us too

>> No.53002555

You mean tweet inane garbage all day? He already is doing that, they are very much alike, most crypto people are. It requires narcissism and a total lack of tact, i.e. lack of ability to read a room. That's Sergey, plus both dress like they recently turned 16 and still need to find their style (and nothing is working on their fat bodies).

>> No.53003106

>it's the uber eats that's degenerate and not locking up almost all my money in a shitcoin

>> No.53003159

If you see it as 5 silent 5 muted it goes a lot faster.

>> No.53004227

link to the exact tweet please, it doesnt appear to be recent
i also want to fud like the pros

>> No.53004365

Sergey doesn't engage in twitter dick waving. You won't find a section on Sergey in the Ethereum book because he isn't an insane grifter like Charls who told people he was a secret agent paratrooper and shit.

Chainlink is the only project with transparent ties to SWIFT, multiple banks and Google. AWS node quick launch. This makes people seethe eternally.

>> No.53004702

Checked, I’ve thought about this. He wanted to make this insane technology and immediately all the most insane/racist/autistic people on the planet buy it all up. So he’s stuck at a standstill now and doesn’t know what to do kek.

>> No.53004718
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Love when SWIFT mentions something clearly related to Link on twitter and XRP fags flood the post

>> No.53004747
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being sergey truly is suffering

>> No.53004968

I won't deny that the XRP case with SEC isn't important with implications for the rest of crypto, but yeah the xrp schizo shit about swift is pretty remarkable. I will say the only poorfags who have ever brought up crypto irl to me immediately reveal that they're xrp bots. Feel bad for them but there is nothing I can do about it.