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53002887 No.53002887 [Reply] [Original]

Give me a good reason on why society deserves even a penny of what i have in my pocket (in taxes).

>> No.53002904

It doesn’t
>he thinks taxes are for the public

>> No.53002905

Because libertarians live in a fantasy world.

>> No.53002919

Because the current government even with insufficient funding is better than anarchy.

>> No.53002923

as a jewish man you need to stop taking about jews and die already.

>> No.53002926
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>Give me a good reason
The police department.
The hospitals.
The roads.
The rule of law.
Clean drinking water.
Grocery stores where you buy your food.
A military and Government that protects you from radicals that want to pipe bomb Americans.
The military that kills people that want to pipe bomb Ameri fats like you.
The fact you can poop in a toilet that fluses and not in a chamber pot at best or at worse a hole in the ground.

>> No.53002963

because the juice are god's chosen people, just want to point this fact to any chud who will deny it

>> No.53002965

All things private institutions can do.

>> No.53003555

thats cool but they just print money to pay for that and by print money i mean things like drugs and weapon trafficking. all direct taxes on individuals should be abolished.

>> No.53003660

The only reason those extremists hate the US is because of the US military invading their countries and raping their children you tool.

>> No.53003676

This. Taxes are for foreign wars, everything else is deficit spending.

>> No.53003699

i've grown to really hate poor people

>> No.53003724

taxes are a covert tool of monetary policy, fed prints money at will, deflates the supply with interest (fed owned bonds) and taxes

>> No.53003741

Give me a good reason why you deserve the penny in your pocket.

>> No.53003742

Under modern monetary theory all government spending is done by inflation. Taxes only exist to incentivize/disincentive the goyim to behave the way they prefer.
>guns bad, tax 'em
>owning things bad, tax 'em

>> No.53003755


simply because of the social contract. The only thing stopping Joe Biden from ordering the military into your home, declaring you an enemy of the state, and shooting you in the head is your complicit acceptance of the contract that says you must do what the government says

If you feel above the law of the land, the government should have no qualms executing you. In short, it is coercion, but it is a necessary coercion, for the safety and stability of our government and society

>> No.53003762

a gun in the other

>> No.53003770

Ah then we agree that to the mightiest go the spoils!

>> No.53003804
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so they can import even more shitskins into your country and pay them to breed and replace you.
You don't want to be a bigot, do you ?

>> No.53003869

Goverment is a necessary evil
If you privatize everything all you do is change owners, different names same thing, but the state still exists

>> No.53003987
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I work for it, with people who agreed to pay me.

Now it's your turn.

>> No.53004002

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.53004006

>what are neighborhood effects
lol retard

>> No.53004066

So lets say you invent Tax 2.0: You've found a way for each individual to decide exactly where their 'financial contribution' goes. A long but simple list of checkboxes on some universal phone app: Military, Roads, etcetera, all there to choose from. The largest contributors are literally funding the government, so they get to have more 'say' by speaking with their money. The nobodies contribute nothing and have equivalently less impact. This will of course introduce a whole new set of problems that must be engineered away, but it could be seen as superior to handing a blank check to some tard politician with bad intentions and a lower IQ than you. The collective wealth of earth would then take on a sentience of its own, for better or worse. Could you trust this collective to be intelligent? Or is it better to trust a career politician?

>> No.53004191

>neighborhood effects stops people from doing stuff