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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 169 KB, 905x299, zoomers3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53003223 No.53003223 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they called Zoomers if they have the inability to zoom out?

>> No.53003241

I think its Gen Z + the oomer postfix

>> No.53003278

Can you keep the unfunny shit on Reddit please?

>> No.53003329
File: 189 KB, 929x638, zoomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53003336
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>> No.53003353
File: 111 KB, 1017x301, zoomers4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53003371
File: 66 KB, 515x329, zoomers5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53003383

The absolute state of these retards!!!!

>> No.53003388
File: 42 KB, 568x210, zoomers6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53003393
File: 180 KB, 750x793, 916FB3B8-68A3-4CE4-88C1-FF9B0BDF86F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomed out, looks like absolute shit. Looks like it was a fad and is now just a thing foe the history books.

>> No.53003397
File: 63 KB, 481x298, zoomers7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53003411

Amazing, you figured out how to zoom yet still only looked far enough to confirm your own belief.
I guess you didn't read a single image I posted?

>> No.53003422


>> No.53003429

BTC confirmed 200k this cycle

>> No.53003442

I won't be the one to call a value for the top but I'm targeting more like $150k. $200k might be possible if we don't get another exchange artificially shorting it like FTX was.

>> No.53003444

They aren’t wrong.
You had years to cash out and yet you’re here complaining. It’s not going up, the institutions are completely dug in at this point.

What’s your personal projection for the next year? I’m hanging my hat on 8k.

>> No.53003456

holy shit bros. this looks so suspicious like a bot campaign. they want to suppress btc

>> No.53003550

You're missing the entire point. The point is everyone says exactly what you're saying at this point in every cycle. Notice the images I posted? They all come from the exact same point last cycle.
>the institutions are completely dug in at this point
I even used to hear this exact point last cycle too

>> No.53003577
File: 79 KB, 500x662, 1671205017440559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no where to be seen after 5 years
>zoom out
lol Bitcoin is dead

>> No.53003587

Don't know why you bother, just let them stay poor. I do think its going lower, but when I see shit like "crypto is dead for real this time", I just think its funny. They never learn.

>> No.53003603
File: 265 KB, 1360x594, 67824343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay poor
>-25% lower than the 2017 ATH
yeah that's what happens when you buy Bitcoin

Imagine still regurgitating 2013 catchphrases LMFAO

>> No.53003658


There isn’t a cycle. You act like this is some tried and true historical process that has been occurring since 1850.
I think you’re forgetting about the heavy bags that are waiting to sell just to break even. It’s a lost cause, bro.

>> No.53003677

Why would anyone buy at 30k or 45k again knowing it's going to just tank?

Btc has shown a pattern of pumping and dumping. The whales aren't going to foolishly pump it again.

>> No.53003777

>using the rainbow chart
Only retards ever believed this

>> No.53003786

Name one asset with lows constantly higher than previous highs, I'll wait. Fucking retard

>> No.53003824
File: 700 KB, 708x598, 342786342342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you retard, Bitcoin NEVER existed during a recession or tightening monetary policy by the FED. It only pumped because of unlimited QE

You speak as if Bitcoin existed since the early 1900 and every single cycle is set in stone

>> No.53003832

These retards will come back when shitcoin szn is roaring once again. I don't take these "people" seriously

>> No.53003856
File: 157 KB, 1080x1291, S2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think no one had heavy bags after 2017? Think of all the buyers between 10k-20k. Yet we had no trouble touching $69k twice, even against the FTX sell pressure. Not sure why you choose 175 years (44 cycles) as the arbitrary threshold for a reliable indicator. It's happened 4/4 times now but that's not enough for you.
When normies see it go from $15k-45k in 2024, they'll fomo. Even if you think existing investors that capitulated this past cycle won't, just imagine the four years of new investors that see the reliable cycle model and want to throw in their hard-earned paychecks. I'm sure in December of 2018 you were the guy saying
>Why would anyone buy at 12k or 15k again knowing it's going to just tank?

Honestly I'm glad you idiots are all so predictable so the cycle stage can be indicated purely by your normie sentiment

>> No.53003873

so the 2020 recession never happened?

>> No.53003903

Again with the century long reliability threshold. Okay no problem buddy. I'll let you wait until 2130 before you start buying in. You're a zoomer so there's a chance you'll see that year. Yes obviously tightening will add sell pressure. But if you think QE was solely responsible for BTC's 10000000x you're delusional.

You all may not understand the tech but the cycles happen every 4 years. It's part of the BTC protocol called halvings. The amount of BTC minted is divided in half every 4 years. It lowers the supply, lowering potential sell pressure. Mining pool out-flows and their drop offs are directly correlated with the opening stages of every bull cycle. Learn it or stay poor.

>> No.53003922

And this is another great point.
I can't count how many people said
>Bitcoin NEVER existed during a recession
claiming there'd be no bull run after covid. Followed by the exact cycle behavior

>> No.53003926

Rates dropped in 2020. They were a little over 2% for basically two years before covid dropped them, and tons more money printing started. I believe in Bitcoin in the long run, have held Bitcoin for over ten years personally. Don't expect it to pump during QT however, unless some black swan event like Russia adopting it occurs. Who knows, America may eventually hoard some and use it to stabilize Bitcoin prices in some strange future. Screencap this if you feel so inclined.

>> No.53003940

Maybe you don't realize this but rates were hiked in 2015-2018 and that didn't hinder that entire cycle

>> No.53003975

>When normies see it go from $15k-45k in 2024, they'll fomo
This. Its always this no matter how badly someone got fucked during last run.

>> No.53004077

Those digits

>> No.53004088

Rates didn't go up by that much, and not for long. And there weren't fucks overleveraged into Bitcoin anywhere like it is now. Now it is profitable to squeeze them out.

>> No.53004170

There were most certainly fucks overleveraged after the 2017 bust. You don't realize that that one was even worse as the bust happened right at the turn of the year, meaning anyone who made more than 4 trades in one week of 2017 needed to pay taxes on holdings, not only on trades. So if you were holding $100k in BTC on Dec 31st, by the time that was worth $60k you were asked to pay taxes on the $100k. Oh yes people got absolutely fucked during that cycle far beyond this one.

I'll agree the rate hikes were less but then the question is what level of rate hikes is enough to kill a cycle? Certainly the difference between 2.5% and 4.5% or whatever it is shouldn't be a big enough difference. And not only that, but
these rate hikes will be long done by the start of the next bull run which is another probably 18 months out.

>> No.53004180

I have a fuck load of Bitcoin I'll never let go of, I also am ready for shit to crash and Saylor to get liquidated. Can you say the same, anon? Pump or dump, I don't care.

>> No.53004204

I wouldn't say a fuck load as much as I wish I could convince my wife to let me put a large portion of our savings in. I won't mind a dump as it'll mean cheap buy ins. I don't want Saylor to get liquidated because
1. I wouldn't want his liquidation have any effect on an exchange that I use
2. I don't wish that kind of misfortune on anyone
But I do know BTC's primary direction long-term is up

>> No.53004214

tl;dr, anon. I wish you a merry Christmas and the best of luck in your adventure. We're on the same side. I want you to have even more Bitcoin than you've ever dreamed you could have to be completely honest.

>> No.53004228

Likewise fellow

>> No.53004232

Lol, soon to be ex wife, she knows what a stupid gambler you are, wanting to reverse mortgage the house to buy internet money. You fuckin moron! HAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA!

Merry Christmas, loser.

>> No.53004285

Ahh the bitter nocoiner screech
Thanks for the bump

>> No.53004296

zoom zoom are unironically brainlet

>> No.53004701

>I think you’re forgetting about the heavy bags that are waiting to sell just to break even. It’s a lost cause, bro.
exact same shit was said in 2019
panic sellers already sold at loss and guess what during the previous bullrun there was no noticeable sell pressure at the 15-20k level where you would expect heavy concentration of bagholders

>> No.53004725


>> No.53005325

Bought in 2017 and thoroughly studied the tech and the BTC cycles. It's eerie how predictable this whole cycle has been. The moonboys, the scamcoins, the euphoria, the depression, the bear talk, everything.

>> No.53005448

Most of the timing predictable yes but can you say the double top was predictable? Without the FTX suppression the second top and its preceding bottom should have been much higher. And without knowing about that, I'm not sure it was predictable.

>> No.53005961

Sure there are always some surprises to be had. But it was fairly easy to gauge the hype and normie sentiment. You cannot predict local movements, but you can pick out the various phases of a bear/bull cycle.

>> No.53006072

everything since may was abnormal and the result of massive manipulation using fractional reserve exchanging in both directions
this cycle was very atypical