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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52998731 No.52998731 [Reply] [Original]

Can charisma be learned or is it genetic?
How do I leverage the skills from this book in the business world to be successful ? Ethics?

>> No.52998751


>> No.52998774

I think its mostly genetic, some people are introverted so it's harder but it's easy to fake it with practise. That's literally all I do fake it. I hate socialising so much.

>> No.52998793
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Kek no. You have to actually go out and have conversations with normies first. After you fail a few times you get what works, and what doesn't. Afterwards you come back to this lifestyle magazine read, laugh at the absurdity of such retards who read such goyslop, including your faggot father

>> No.52998826

Learned. Being charismatic is profitable

>> No.52998832

he's trying to tell you ur autistic

>> No.52998842

If anybody legitimately wants to get better at socializing and becoming more charismatic, I recommend waiting tables or becoming a bartender. You can make pretty good money too if you get good enough, Biz hates jobs though so this will get shat on.

>> No.52998892

I did that and manage a restaurant. I’m more antisocial than I was when I started 15 years ago

>> No.52998906

What if I enjoy being uncharismatic? I like to watch people's skin crawl when I talk to them. It gives me a little jolt.

>> No.52998915

That’s pretty based then we need people like you in the world I find that being silent does the trick just fine

>> No.52998931

>how to make friends and influence people
it works. idk what i did but im a magnet now. weirdos and strangers just come up and start talking to me.

>> No.52998983

How to win friends and influence people is the real deal.
Other books don't even compare.
That book transformed me from introverted pos to a person people call at parties.
You have to practice each chapter though, just reading won't help

>> No.52999396

>You cannot learn from the experiences of other people!
You are retarded.

>> No.53000687
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>> No.53000812

>You have to practice each chapter though, just reading won't help
This. All self help books are like cookbooks or manuals, they are useful only if you do and follow what it says 1:1. They dont build understanding of topic as much. You can choose a theoretical knowledge but you need to pick real psychology material. Instead of faster, this makes you more aware and understanding and still you need practice but it's easier

>> No.53000840

the best way to learn charisma is disciplined use of mdma. key word disciplined

>> No.53000874
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>92 little tracks

>> No.53000889
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My heirloom book is guaranteed to give me an interesting life.

>> No.53000904

Was everybody on /biz/ homeschooled or something? High schools ARE FILLED WITH FUCKING PEOPLE. If you don't learn to function there, well, better make good friends with Mom. It's trading foot rubs for tendies, bruh

>> No.53001007

Have you ever been in a school retard?

>> No.53002669

>Was everybody on /biz/ homeschooled or something?
I was.

>> No.53002688

>Can charisma be learned or is it genetic?
Neither, you fucking sperg.
Why aren't you normal? Why do you need a fucking book?

>> No.53002698

>You actually have to go out and talk to people.
You're retarded.

>> No.53002700

aren't they all glued to their phones

>> No.53002704

why dont you OWN the restaurant?

>> No.53002713

>Have you ever been in a school? retard.
Fixed that for you Mister public education system.
>>Was everybody on /biz/ homeschooled or something?
>I was
You homeschooling kids are very basic.

>> No.53003257

what is charisma anyway i never really got what it is

>> No.53003271

everything is genetic

>> No.53004490

Many things are environmental, environmental factors are required to express genes.

>> No.53004529

>Can charisma be learned or is it genetic?
It can be learned. But it is relative to status.

My highest-level charisma came when I held a public-facing position at a Fortune 50 company. I was "charismatic" and people laughed at my jokes, invited to tons of exclusive places, speaking engagements etc. When I left for a more interesting, but lower-profile job, I was less "charismatic."

Since being on /fit/ and reducing body fat greatly, with more muscle, I am again more "charismatic."

Get it yet? The best thing to do regardless, is practice talking to people, anyone. Start with old ladies in the supermarket and work your way up to C-Suite/hot women. Get your conversational reps in- that's all it is.

>> No.53004554

If you are autistic you need to do shrooms to reset your brain

>> No.53004655

just fry your brain goyim

>> No.53004671

Learned. Find the most charasmatic people you know. The ones who make you feel good talking to them and deconstruct their body language. Imitate until it feels natural. If you have high extroverted feeling then this comes naturally.

>> No.53004822

>Have you ever been to school, retard?
You homeskies should’ve spent less time fantasizing about fucking mommy and more time studying.

>> No.53004838

Can you give us a few samples of these 92 little tricks?

>> No.53004873

probably all stuff like "smile" and "be nice"

>> No.53005219

>Get it yet? The best thing to do regardless, is practice talking to people, anyone.
yeah, I'm trying to improve my social skills, airport bars are great since everyone knows there's no future commitment. had a good time, talked to alot of people, and got some drinks in.

>> No.53005244

alright. here's my shill for what got me out of a social rut.

^hypnosis for social anxiety

this track changed me overnight, first time. but I really wanted to get something out of it and tried to do the exercise as best I could. it'll change your life I promise

>> No.53005365

do not mansplain to me on how I can be beautiful

>> No.53005608

>airport bars are great
Nice. Keep it going and you'll be ok. Forgot to mention, the trick that helped me as a more introspective type was to learn to take internal thoughts ("That's an interesting watch') and constantly project them outward ("Hey that's a cool watch, where did you get it?").

>> No.53005643
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>mfw $10 saved

>> No.53005650

yeah, noticing things isn't my strong suit but getting better at it from learning to read people. Two of the best tools I learned was from

>Never Split the Difference

Open ended questions to get them to elaborate at length, and mirroring, repeating their body language and repeating the words they say to get more elaboration. Those were the most practical ones at least, and immediately applicable