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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52992496 No.52992496 [Reply] [Original]

Which project today could actually be used for money transferring?

>> No.52992511

Fiat currency

>> No.52992574

You're not going to be satisfied by any answers. Your main objections will be

1. It doesn't offer nearly unlimited throughput. No blockchain can provide this so you win automatically with this alone, but you're going to keep this as your hidden trap card until the end.

2. It's too hard to use, or not mainstream and accepted enough. You can make this argument for most non-obvious suggestions, so this is a pretty strong card. But you don't want to play this first either, you need to string people along for a bit so..

3. It takes too long to confirm, so it's not "instant" enough for you. Of course there is no such thing as an "instant" transfer, only more or less fast ones, but this alone will disqualify most suggestions.

How am I doing OP? Pretty accurate?

>> No.52992593


>> No.52992599

btc over lightning network

>> No.52992639
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>> No.52994842
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>> No.52994883

What is the Hedera Hashgraph?
3-5 sec finality
aBFT security
Cmon now man

>> No.52995018

Xrp, xlm, and bsv
Those are the only real current options for 'cryptocurrency'

How well can bsv handle smart contracts and tokenization of assets? That's the only other market for blockchain tech that I care about.

>> No.52995157


>> No.52995205

>Spend $20 to open a channel with a centralized hub
>Wait four hours for confirmation
>Send $5 to your local merchant for anal lube
>Spend another $20 and four hours to close channel
>Act smug on the internet pretending you're an early adopter of the future of finance

>> No.52995270



>> No.52995545

>How well can bsv handle smart contracts and tokenization of assets?
Both very easily.

This is a smart contract
A Brokerless ON-CHAIN Exchange - Where you can buy Stocks, Commodities and Crypto

>> No.52995813

>one fucking miner
>a wifi pineapple

>> No.52995854




>> No.52996295

The fact that people still don’t get this with all the FTX and Binance shit is truly astounding.

>> No.52996470
File: 85 KB, 591x894, BSV Privacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin could be 100% private.
If Bitcoin was BSV
Which it is

>> No.52996553


>> No.52996564
File: 170 KB, 1487x808, Bitcoin-Scaling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52996965

>massive storage demand which exponentially increases due to absurd block size
>subsequently the least decentralized of all crypto settlement coins
>founder is a compulsive liar
Noone is touching BSV. Not now, not ever

>> No.52997101


>> No.52997428

big dicks, hairy asshole

>> No.52997457


in that order. all other answers are wrong

>> No.52997458

suit jackets really weren't made to be worn while sitting down apparently.
his monkey suit looks ridiculous in that position

>> No.52998619

1. xrp almost fee-less, 3s transaction time
2. nano, fee-less, 1s transaction time

>> No.52999273

Xrp is an illegal security.

>> No.53000518
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>payments between users
>in-dApp payments
>real-world purchases.

>> No.53000549

BSV pajeets out in full force, paid by the post I'm sure. These posts make me happy because it's literally just Calvin getting poorer.

>> No.53001393


>> No.53001428

Got to be BSV. Blown away by how fast I can transfer and receive, compared to garbage like BTC, ETH etc

>> No.53001549
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BSV maxist spotted. This is not the first time we are hearing this sh*t here. If Bitcoin and Ethereum are garbage, then every other chain remains garbage. In terms of chain, they spearheads, boboso.

>> No.53001615

they are garbage, every time the price booms the fees skyrocket to ath and then the price drops
do you enjoy paying $50 fees on btc or the absolutely insane $600 fees on eth
they are completely worthless fundamentally and overvalued shit even now

>> No.53001680

But the so-called chain you mentioned can't stand the test of time. So many claimed but never fulfilled as proposed.

No doubt, I like the awkward comparison with chain, but that's not found in payment systems like Xpress, Okse, Fuse, and others. Kek. 4chan plebs can be hilarious with their extreme dumb sentiment at times.

>> No.53001685

The quality of the comments on tabs post really makes me wonder as to why I’m spending time on this godforsaken website.

OP the answer is L2s on ETH like zkSync etc. Can’t believe no one has mentioned this yet.

>t. crypto developer and OG

>> No.53001761

what are you talking about? bsv is the transaction pumper
it's pushed more than 30 million transactions on live chain testing in a 24 hour period while eth and xrp only do 1-2m per day and btc at best 320k
on the test net they have achieved fitting 13m tx into a single block
absolutely destroying all the competition

>> No.53001805


This problem was solved decades ago by banks. It remains the cheapest method for legal activities.

>> No.53001919

>hebrew cashgrab

>> No.53002022

This was how the likes of Sol and other ethical killers started, and there are basically nowhere close. If this is not yet on the mainnet, then why the extreme shill pleb? I'm knowledgeable enough to know where the big bags are, and I doubt it's anywhere close to this BS.

>> No.53002023

iota is instantaneous

>> No.53002162

Problem with l2s is that they are insecure and unlawful. Eth is a security anyway. You might be an OG, but you will be a poor OG if you stick with unlawful securities.

>> No.53002170

Iota is horse excrement

>> No.53002233

i said the 30m tx per day were on live chain while the 13m block was on testnet, the block contained 33 bsv. wouldn't that be something for miners to get 33 bitcoins in a block in fees. btc wouldn't have any miners
when teranode launches this year, it will be capable of up to 50k transactions per second or higher depending on the miners set up.
i don't care where the big bags are, i think the smart bags are in bsv, the rest of the market is dumb money investing in hopes and promises
bsv has record breaking achievements

>> No.53002235

Hedera or Harmony.