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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52996204 No.52996204 [Reply] [Original]

Prove me wrong.

>> No.52996218

Why’d you post a picture of a turtle?

>> No.52996271

Albert Einstein

>> No.52996291

Da Vinci

>> No.52996304

statistically speaking the smartest man ever born was probably sometime in pre-historic hunter gatherer times

>> No.52996311

God damn he's so based. I hope he stays alive for another 5-10 years to make Cryptofags seethe more

>> No.52996335

He invested in Alibaba and lost like, $6B or some shit.

>> No.52996357

He doesn't care. He hopes stocks go down so he can buy more. He's looking out 10 years from now, not 1 year.

>> No.52996360

He is smart but he doesnt understands crypto and the dorm industries

>> No.52996368

I’m the smartest person to ever exist, money is just a stupid measurement. Sorry faggot, next question

>> No.52996374

He really designed the slum housing for the college and thought it was cool

>> No.52996379

Bitcoin has outperformed Berkshire by 10000+% in the last 10 years...the only ones seething are him and you tranny

>> No.52996392

i would like to gouge his eyes out just stick my thumbs in his fuckin eyes and grab that smart brain out of there

>> No.52996398

And yet you aren't a billionaire. What went wrong?

>> No.52996405


>> No.52996424

Because it's called an idiot boom. It's going to crash just like all the other dumb over inflated crypto ""innovations"""

>> No.52996455

"Your life would be a lot more pleasant if for the next few weeks you were on heroin, but in the long run it would completely destroy you"
-Chad Munger

>> No.52996508

Charlie munger networth is 2.2 billion USD
Warren Buffett networth is 107 billion USD

Imagine being friends with Buffett your whole life and you are not even worth his 50% despite buffett giving 40 billion+ to charity. LMAO. He is a stubborn asshole who probably missed out on didnt understand internet/tech boom in 90's

>> No.52996542

You think he hasnt seen bubbles before? You can understand something and know it's shit but it may go up anyway.

>> No.52996611

Nobody said he's the greatest investor alive. He's the smartest man alive.

>> No.52996632
File: 290 KB, 720x959, tate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What colour is your billion?

>> No.52996641

Internet/tech stocks also crashed and most went to 0 after the 90s. Having a new technology doesn't mean blindly buying in with no fundamentals will make you rich.

>> No.52996652

>This asshole is ONLY worth a couple billion+!!

>> No.52996655

>Smartest man who ever lived
>Spends his time hawking coca cola and McDonalds, even into his 90s
Genuinely sad if so

>> No.52997092
File: 108 KB, 1080x741, Screenshot_2022-05-01-09-31-43-273_com.vivaldi.browser.snapshot~02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52997106

No it’s Bruce Wayne

>> No.52997240

>Derivatives are heckin evil and should be banned! Stock options are just gambling!
Has Berkshire Hathaway ever used FDs or Options?
>ummm ummmm only the rich should be allowed access to advanced financial markets they are not for you peasants.
Hes a Faggot.

>> No.52997245

i hope the old fart dies a horrible, painful death and shits himself in front of many people. after his death he goes straight to hell, because he is a lousy, money grabbing rat that never helped anyone. imagine having billions and not helping schools, hospitals or families in need.

>> No.52997317

Could you fucking imagine how hollow of a person you would have to be to be his age, as wealthy as him and still have nothing you'd rather do than drone on and on about markets and numbers?

>when I'm worth $10B then my REAL life can start

>> No.52997340

>Bought BABA at $250

Nuff said

>> No.52997357

The smartest man who ever lived was Carlo Michelstaedter.

>> No.52997429

Wrong, Euler is, next question.

>> No.52997443

you really think so?

>> No.52997842
