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52995596 No.52995596 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52995604
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>trading at $5 after half a decade
Chainshit lol

>> No.52995609

Is it?

>> No.52995621

It's a link board since 2017 anon, you niggerbrained faggot.

>> No.52995636

>Brooooo I’m a long term investor, just hodl for 10 years! Lmao

>> No.52995644

Sergnigger unironically said that at SmartCon, his vision will be accomplished in a decade or more lol

>> No.52995705

Board is so dead only the fud niggers remain.

>> No.52995840

pos faggots love to preach that t hate shit until they find out the ones they claim to hate is behind the token that fills their bags then they get amnesia. Fuck all link cucks

>> No.52995875

Sergey nazarov should join the ethereum foundation

>> No.52995933

I'll give you a couple of answers I've filtered over the years to be true, from the few times I've gotten a fudder in a rare moment of clarity:

1) Turbo autists who figured out the need for externally connected smart contracts very quickly, and who now seethe at the entire world for failing to understand it like they do. Chainlink is sort of like a metaphor for their general inability to integrate with society, where they are rational and right and it's the world's fault it's so irrational and dumb..
These people fud because in their mind the world should have figured out LINK in 2019 at the absolute latest, but failed to, and so they'll seethe and rage at everyone and everything as a way to express this frustration.

2) People who had LINK stacks but lost them swinging, or gambling, or in a CeFi collapse, or who simply got fudded out of LINK back in 2018 and have been furious ever since. They will never buy LINK because they can't buy it at $0.30 like they had the chance to back then, and then basically rage at people continuing to hold because "if I can't make it then neither can you"

3) People who try to profit off taking an oppositional position to LINK. Usually grifters like the CLCG/Honeycomb/API3 guys, or NEXO, who are charlatan fraudsters and basically parasitic animals to Chainlink just like there are many fraudster teams that are parasitic animals to ETH. They fud because muddying the waters about Chainlink lets them shill themselves, it doesn't go much deeper than that.

4) The seriously mentally ill, like Michael, who also fits in category 2) but has now made a large part of his online identity "being a link fudder" and can't really distance themselves from that because it's the only way they can consistently get attention online, which they crave.

>> No.52995998
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Baggie cope
>muh hyper-autist epic mega team
Kys. It was a based anon named assblaster who those giga-autist superteam cult-followed, and were right to do so. What they didnt tell the nufag LINK baggies is that Assblaster also said 200k was the make-it stack, and to sell at $20.